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S/O: What do you call those cold fizzy drinks?

What do you call it?  

  1. 1. What do you call it?

    • Soda
    • Pop
    • Coke
    • Soft drink
    • Other, but you have to tell us what "other" is.

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When I was growing up in the South, everything was a Coke. "Y'all want a coke?" "Sure." "What kind?" "Oh, a Dr Pepper." I never heard anyone call it "soda" until I was almost 20yo.


To me, it's either the specific brand name or it's a soft drink.


So, what do *you* call it?

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I'm from Texas. When I was a kid, all fizzy drinks were Coke. When I worked at the theater, we would ask all the patrons what kind of Coke they'd like.


The whole time I was in school, they were all called Cokes. Some time later, everybody seemed to switch over to calling them sodas. I don't think I've heard them all called Cokes in at least 20 years.

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Oklahoma is weird. If you're in the part of the state I'm at, it's pop. If you go down south, more toward Texas, it's coke. DH had no idea what 'pop' was when he moved here. To him, 'pop' was his late grandfather. He would say soda or drink. He's learned.

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Originally from Iowa, so we called it pop. Moved to PA and still called it pop just to be different. Went back to Iowa for college and started calling it soda just to be different. Live in the south now and still call it soda.


So you're a beverage rebel. :lol:

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When I was growing up in the South, everything was a Coke. "Y'all want a coke?" "Sure." "What kind?" "Oh, a Dr Pepper." I never heard anyone call it "soda" until I was almost 20yo.


To me, it's either the specific brand name or it's a soft drink.


So, what do *you* call it?



Ellie, you crack me up. Your explanation is what I would have said, almost to the same exact words!


I am now a "specific brand namer," too. Or sometimes just "cold drinks."

Edited by AuntieM
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We ostly call it soda, but my grandparents were from the South, so I knew what a pop was. Now it's Soda or refresco here in Mexico.


Soda for those of us who have been to the U.S. or lived near the border and refresco for those from the south. When my SIL and BIL come for visits I have to remember to call it refresco, if you say soda they look at you like :001_huh:



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Ellie, you crack me up. Your explanation is what I would have said, almost to the same exact words!


I am now a "specific brand namer," too. Or sometimes just "cold drinks."



I think I was about 10yo when I figured out that a Pepsi or a Brownie (anyone remember those???) or a Dr Pepper was certainly not a Coke. In my old age, I'm even fussier about what things are called. It's the little things in life that give me pleasure, lol.:D

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Yesterday I was chatting with a new friend at our co-op. She's the study hall monitor, and they have snacks and cokes, etc. for purchase. Her daughter came in at lunchtime, and she asked her daughter, "Do you want a soda pop?" I said, "Soda pop? Where are you from?" She thought it might be an age thing (she's 51, I'm 43). But I think it's regional.


I grew up in Florida, and call all soft drinks "cokes". My New England-born grandparents called them, I think, soda, or even tonic. Definitely not "cokes".



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I grew up down south where everything was "coke". I began calling it soda somehow.


As of 2 years ago I moved to an area where they call it "pop". I'll stick to soda! ;)


OT - but I'm a Coke girl ALL THE WAY!

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Native Texan here. When I was little we called them soda. Soda water to be specific. But then I went to visit my uncle in Dallas. He said to be careful, because if I asked for soda water, I would get something very different. Have called them all cokes ever since.

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If I am asking specifically for a cola drink, I ask for a 'cola' ie Coke, Pepsi.


If I am asking for a list of everything a restaurant serves, I will say 'soda'.


I don't like the word 'pop' for some reason.


I have lived in 6 states from Texas to Washington so I have noticed the regional differences but don't really give in to them.

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I'm from Texas. When I was a kid, all fizzy drinks were Coke. When I worked at the theater, we would ask all the patrons what kind of Coke they'd like.


The whole time I was in school, they were all called Cokes. Some time later, everybody seemed to switch over to calling them sodas. I don't think I've heard them all called Cokes in at least 20 years.


:iagree:I couldn't vote, bc both terms are/were valid here. Except...I know we were still saying "coke" 10yrs ago. Hmmm...maybe it *has* been a little longer than that. :001_huh:

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I have only heard people here in Australia call them SOFT DRINKS.

My kids call it fizzy, they very rarely get any. in fact, my husband bought some organic Cider Vinegar form the health food shop. the shop put it into an recycled Coke bottle, my ds found it in the pantry, and poured himself a glass, he had never tasted coke before and thought it was coke! he said it tasted great!

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