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How old will you be when you "retire" from homeschooling, and what will you do then?

Your age at youngest child's graduation  

  1. 1. Your age at youngest child's graduation

    • 35-39
    • 40-44
    • 45-49
    • 50-54
    • 55-60
    • over 60
    • No thnx. If I told you that, you'd be able to figure out my age now.
    • other

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By retire, I simply mean when your youngest graduates, goes off to college, or whatever. Do you know what you'll do afterward?



(And I'm not suggesting anyone is in a rush. We're enjoying these precious moments too. :001_smile:)

Edited by Blessedfamily
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Well, considering we recently discovered a new enrollment coming this winter, approximately 18 more years. Which will make 21 total years of homeschooling and 30 total years of child rearing. I will be 51 and, ideally, puttering away on my mini-homestead, encouraging some grandchildren to drive their parents crazy.

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Well, considering we recently discovered a new enrollment coming this winter, approximately 18 more years. Which will make 21 total years of homeschooling and 30 total years of child rearing. I will be 51 and, ideally, puttering away on my mini-homestead, encouraging some grandchildren to drive their parents crazy.


Best wishes for an uneventful 9 mos!

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I voted early 50s but that's assuming I will HS these buggers through high school... Even if I stop before then, I really have no idea where life is taking me right now. I might go back to work in a clinic but I would be more likely to teach at the local Community College.

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Well, considering we recently discovered a new enrollment coming this winter, approximately 18 more years. Which will make 21 total years of homeschooling and 30 total years of child rearing. I will be 51 and, ideally, puttering away on my mini-homestead, encouraging some grandchildren to drive their parents crazy.




(Oops. :blushing: I was going to ask if your new enrollee applied for admission or got in through "family contacts", but that might be misconstrued. )

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I will be 57 ish. I have one set of graduates already and two more just starting. I have no idea what I will do when I am done, probably homeschool the grandkids hehe. Or maybe go back to school myself.


When I was facing being done last time, I just had more babies. I don't think that will be the answer next time LOL

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I HOPE that we will be in a place to do some world traveling, but other than that I have no clue. My youngest is almost 3, so I will be 46 when she graduates. Lots of life left to live. Maybe get a part time job, pursue politics more than just as a trustee for my village, do some volunteering. Chase around grandkids? It's so hard to even fathom my kids being grown when I'm in the midst of potty training and teaching my kids how to read.

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(Oops. :blushing: I was going to ask if your new enrollee applied for admission or got in through "family contacts", but that might be misconstrued. )




Oh, this little bugger bypassed the entire admissions procedure AND figured out how to jump the wait list. How can any school deny that kind of ingenuity?

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I'll be in my mid 50's. I just turned 40, now you have me thinking about 50. I'm getting old fast! :tongue_smilie:


Seriously, when my youngest is done I have no idea what I'll do. My first thought is to spend the first few weeks sleeping in. :001_smile: After that, I'll spend a few more weeks deep cleaning my house. It needs it! When that is done I don't know what I'll do. I can think of a few things, but life has a way of changing fast and I have no idea what things will be like then.

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I'll be 45. I am already working but it will be nice to have more choice with my work. I am a nurse so I would really like to travel and do some medical mission type activites.


I will probablily cry for the first year. I will miss my boys so much. But I have been slowly gearing toward what will life be like. My oldest will be 17 this year and planning his life away from me. It just so hard to believe.

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I would be turning 37 and not sure what I would do... If I don't get a chance to go back to college by then I will do that.... or there may be a chance that God blesses us with another little one .... not sure what's in the future.... I may try to write my book that I have been wanting to complete .... We may even try to become foster parents.... no clue ... i would like to travel a bit and watch my future grandkids years after she grads:D


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Assuming we don't have another one, I'll be 46 when the littlest finishes high school. The very very tentative plan is that I'll finish my BS sometime before that (3 classes left), and perhaps do grad school while she's finishing high school and/or right after she graduates. Then I'll go out and find a Real Job, so I can support dh during his retirement. ;)


Either that, or my oldest will want me to homeschool her kids (she's already mentioned this!).

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I'll be in my early 50's if we decide to homeschool both kids all the way through high school. My goal is to expand my business (I'm starting it up part-time right now), write some books, travel lots (with the kids when they have time!) and remodel/redecorate the house (my DC are VERY rough on the house)... ;) This seems so far off, but everyone keeps saying that it goes by fast...

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I'll be 44, at the oldest. I've been thinking about this a lot lately because it seems all I have done for the last 12 years is Them. Everything is Them (that includes dh, too - so Them - Family). It's only 6 big, long years away. I would love to say I'll hire a cleaning lady with the excess curricula money and write stories 'til my hands fall off and my brain goes numb, but I doubt it will work that way. Just a feeling. :)


We are planning a year of travel as a family when they are done with high school. After that, there's only so much gardening and writing I think I can feel useful enough to do to fill a day.


It's a scary prospect, imo. What WILL I do when my family no longer needs me?


I am going to be 42! I will go on doing missionary stuff I hope.


This sounds like a good idea. I've got six years to settle on a cause and a location, and six years to convince my dh that's it's worthy. I need to look in places where the fishing is abundant or I'll end up going solo :001_rolleyes:.

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When my ds leaves the nest in 6 years :seeya:, I'll be 52 and when my season of re-purposing arrives ( I prefer that since I'm not planning on being tired again LOL) I am thinking of going back to school to become an adoption caseworker. If I don't do that I'd really like to get involved in CASA, court appointed state advocacy.

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I voted wrong by a decade. :D I've worked my butt off today and it must have friend some brain cells. ;)


I will be 58 when youngest graduates, should she do so at 18. I've been homeschooling 12 years already, with another 11 to go. I plan to relax, spend more time with my animals, bless my husband more, and just focus on ME, what *I* want to do, etc.


If my energy level is ok, I really want to help out with the Special Olympics and do stuff with handicapped people: physically and mentally handicapped, NOT mentally ill.


I would love to meet friends for lunch at least once per week.

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I'll be in my late 40s and have no clue what I'll do. I was a classroom teacher before the kids came, and I have no desire to teach in a traditional setting in the future. I will probably continue to work as a freelance writer and spend as much time as possible volunteering in the children's department of the library.

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It is a short time away for me since I only have four more years to go. SOme of it depends on what my dh is doing (is he still AD or retired and in a new job). I expect that I will travel more and volunteer a lot more. As someone else mentioned, I would also like to become a CASA volunteer but that really depends on whether my life is still transient or not.

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I'll be 54. My dh is currently teaching public school. If he can survive until then, I might try to teach, too. I have a math degree, but I'm not certified. I might get a master's that would include certification, then try to teach where he is or nearby. I would also consider teaching in a private school. I'd like to have his schedule so we could travel some.

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I could see myself teaching in a private Christian school, possibly be a doula, crochet things for charity and to sell, learn a fun new skill of some kind, read a lot more etc. If I am a grandma by then, I'd love to be as much help as I can in that regard and if my kids homeschool, to help with it if they want my help. :)


Would love to travel with my husband to Europe! We'll see...

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If I hs my youngest all the way through, I will be 42. I really doubt that I will though. I have a feeling that she will attend public highschool. So if my kids only hs through 8th grade, I will be done at 38. BUT.....I think my ds may be the kind of kid who wants to hs all the way through, so that would put me at 40, lol. I will go back to school at some point after my kids enter highschool. I plan on getting my RN. Of course, if we happen to adopt or something like that, these figures fly out the window!

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I will be 57 when my youngest graduates from homeschooling.


I plan to get a small boat and do lots and lots of fishing.


I will also do lots and lots of reading all of those books I never got time to read while homeschooling, but that will be while fishing at the same time.


I can't imagine a better future life, a little umbrella to shade me from the sun, relaxation, reading, a cooler full of food and fishing.


Retirement from homeschooling doesn't get any better then that !:001_smile:

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