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What's Your Favorite Laundry Detergent?

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I tend to stick with Tide, only because it really really works IMO. I've tried some cheaper brands and haven't been as satisfied. I'm really trying to cut my budget wherever possible and this is a fairly big expense for me so I'm wondering if anyone has found something they think really works well. I do have some recipes to make my own, but since I work from home, homeschool, etc., there just never seems time to do this. Thanks for any suggestions!

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All Free and Clear liquid. The big "tap" bottles are frequently on sale at Target. I do boost my detergent frequently with either baking soda, Borax, Oxyclean powder or if it is REALLY bad, Biz.


I wonder if I'm spending the so much on supplemental boosters, though, that a more-expensive, more effective brand would be a better solution...


I've tried "greener" brands (Method, 7th Generation, the Costco environmental friendly brand), and they just haven't gotten the stink out of DH's bike-commute clothing, though. I HAVE to soak his stuff with baking soda or Borax, or the smell lingers.

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I would like to help you save money, but I think Tide is the best. I have tried cheaper brands without success. I never use the recommended amount. Before I purchased our front loader, I used half the recommended amount. Now, I use a small amount for each load.


I like Tide Free - and also don't use the recommended amount (I use less than half for most loads). Even a small box lasts a very long time for me using that much and I'm doing probably 10+ loads a week.

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I also use All Free Clear. My dh has bad allergies and scents can quickly trigger them. The All Free Clear doesn't have a smell and does clean clothes well, plus it's not too expensive.



Ditto with the All Free & Clear. I've used unscented for so long that I can't stand wearing a garment that has been washed in scented soap or softener. I usually stock up big time when the 3X goes on sale and most of the time I use half the recommended amount.


My husband likes scented and is particular about how his laundry is done so he takes care of his own. It really hurt my feelings when we were first married but nowadays I say more power to him. :lol:

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ditto on the Amway products. you only use a quarter cup scoop. They've taken out all of the extra fillers and junk so it is highly concentrated. The stain products will get anything out. Good for the environment too. My favorite by far. Ruby

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The easiest way to boost detergent is to add a small squirt of Dawn. That is by far the BEST stain remover I have found. That you can get for almost free on sale and with coupons.


I agree. I use this in his Steven's work clothes. His clothes are yuck since he works on the drilling rigs and all that yuck breaks down the soap. Now the Dawn doesn't break down and his clothes come out way cleaner this way.

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Tide, it's what my mother used before me. When I left home, I decided that my mother didn't know what she was talking about and had been suckered by advertising so I tried every single product on the market. I went back to Tide. I have repeated the experiement once since then with the same results. My dd did the same thing when she left home as did my brother. My hubby recently asked about the whole Tide worship thing so I bought a couple of small bottles of the leading products and subjected them to chocolate, wine, blood, grass, ink and maybe coffee I think. Tide was the only one that got them all out. I use Tide as a pre-treatment if necessary and sometimes have to rewash an item but it has gotten out just about any stain I have ever run across including chapstick, crayons and W-D 40. I use the smallest recommended amount and it work great. :D

Edited by KidsHappen
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Please tell me more :) It seems like it's a bit more expensive than regular laundry detergent.


It can be a little more upfront, but it lasts a really long time. I use the liquid that comes in a gallon container. You only use 1/8th of a cup per load.


It makes our clothes truly clean. No perfume smells, no residue or soapy feeling, the clothes just smell and feel really clean. It's also great for those with sensitive skin, ds1 has really sensitive skin and this detergent was definitely the best of the various brands we tried.


I don't usually have "love" for household products, but I totally heart Charlie's soap.

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I really like Arm and Hammer with Oxi Clean. Purex is my second choice. Have never tried Tide mainly because of the price but it seems like I need to give it a try. If I need to, I pretreat with Spray and Wash and this works great for me. Love Dawn dish detergent for greasy/oil stains.



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My homemade detergent. Tide makes us all itch. For years I used Gain (love the smell). When I switched to my own detergent, DS cried because it didn't have the Gain smell. So I put just a tad of Gain fabric softener in the rinse cycle for the fragrance. Now everybody is happy.:001_smile:

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