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Do you wake up with your dh in the morning?

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Yes. My dh has had the same job for 18 yrs. We both get up at 5:15 every morning. I make his breakfast (usually cereal) and then I pack his lunch. This is not something that is expected by him, it is just something that I have always done. He would be fine with it if I stopped doing this today. Sometimes I go back to sleep, but then I have to get back up at 6:15 to take my ds to school (junior in hs). I just feel like I get more done if I get up this early.:)

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Yes. My dh has had the same job for 18 yrs. We both get up at 5:15 every morning. I make his breakfast (usually cereal) and then I pack his lunch. This is not something that is expected by him, it is just something that I have always done. He would be fine with it if I stopped doing this today. Sometimes I go back to sleep, but then I have to get back up at 6:15 to take my ds to school (junior in hs). I just feel like I get more done if I get up this early.:)


I agree! Getting up early sure does make the day seem longer. Getting up at 9AM tends to make me want to go to bed at 1AM the following morning instead of 10:30pm that night!

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I really prefer to take my mornings slow and quiet. Sometimes I am up before him if I can't sleep. And that's fine. Other times I sleep later than he does and get up after he has left in the morning, and that is fine. We neither one like to stumble over each other as we get ready for the day. I am not a talker in the morning, and he is. I don't "do" food in the morning and he's not the kind of guy who wants me to make his breakfast.


I adore my husband - we spend very happy time together in the evenings and at lunch when he comes home. But mornings are sort of more solitary.

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Yes. We get up at 5:30 and I pack his lunch (he doesn't eat breakfast.)


My day goes much smoother and I get more done by getting up early. I am also ready to go to bed when dh does if I get up with him. This also gives me "kid-free" time in the mornings.


I am not particularly a morning person - if left to me, I'll stay up late and sleep later.

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My son goes to PS and I have to get up at 6am to get him up and ready for the bus to come pick him up. DH gets up at 6:30am most mornings. I get dh's breakfast and lunch ready at the same time I'm getting ds's and get them both out the door about the same time. On Saturdays though it is understood that I'm going to sleep in and dh has to get up with the kiddos. On Sunday it's my turn and dh sleeps in. Works for us. :)

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Yes. We get up at 5:30 and I pack his lunch (he doesn't eat breakfast.)


My day goes much smoother and I get more done by getting up early. I am also ready to go to bed when dh does if I get up with him. This also gives me "kid-free" time in the mornings.


I am not particularly a morning person - if left to me, I'll stay up late and sleep later.


The same here ... except I'm a morning person, so I'd get up early anyway. As a matter of fact, dh is headed out of town now, and I'll probably get up at about the same time tomorrow as I did today, even though he's not here.

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I did in the early years. I felt it was supportive. And something about making coffee (a job I have always dearly hated).


Over the years, I quit doing so. With his last job, he got up so incredibly early (for what reason, I can't figure) and it was just ridiculous when I didn't need to get up til about 5.


My mom disagrees. She ALWAYS gets up 15 minutes before my dad. She gets together his coffee and his pills. She lets the dog out. She puts together a lunch for him.


Now that hubby isn't working and I am, I get up before anyone. No one gets up and does anything for me. Sometimes dd will get up in time to make me a green smoothie or print off some stuff for me if I'm running late.

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Not usually.


I think dh got up at 5 today. I don't do 5 unless I have an infant in the house.


If he gets up at a human hour, I'll get up and feed the dogs while he takes them out, but he usually leaves right after.


When work was slower, we'd spend a couple hours chatting while watching the news, surfing the internet, and chugging our coffee. That was nice, but now I'd have to get up at 3 to do that. Not gonna happen, lol!

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DH gets up at 6:30am. I get up at 7:00am. By the time he's done getting ready for work, the coffee is ready and we have a few moments to touch base about our day. Getting up earlier than the kids also gives me a few quiet minutes before the rest of my day starts. I value that time.

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I get up before him, but that is so I can go work out and be home before the kids need to get up. I would make him breakfast, but I he isn't always out of the shower before I leave.


I used to get up with him early in our marriage. Then came kids. Since I was the one getting up in the middle of the night, he let me sleep in. (I had two that didn't sleep well.)

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Dh is usually up first, and wakes me up. Typically we both help ds16 get ready for school. Dh helps him with dressing/brushing teeth while I pack his lunch and snacks. Then the hubby and son wait outside for the bus. We usually get a chance to talk and have some coffee before dh has to head out. Some mornings he has to leave earlier, which means I wake up long enough to give him a kiss and tell him good-bye (before I snooze a little longer on the couch before getting ds ready for school). It's nice to have just a little time in the morning before the children wake up.

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If so, why? Is it to be with him before work, cook breakfast, or are you just a morning person?


It all depends on when I go to bed. He requires less sleep than I do. If we go to bed late, I cannot drag myself out of bed when he gets up (5:45am-he starts work at 7, but needs almost an hour to bike it). Otherwise, I would get up and fix him breakfast while he dressed and make sure he has a lunch to take.

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Yes, because he would not get up otherwise. I get up and make coffee, bug him to wake up, pour coffee, bug him to wake up, bring in his coffee, bug him to wake up, drink my own coffee, do my morning devotions, bug him to get dressed, and from there I become the town crier calling out the time in five minute intervals.


It's our system ;)

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No, dh gets up too early. He makes coffee and I try to stumble out of bed before he leaves. He eats breakfast when he gets to work. Ds is usually just waking up. Ds and I are not morning people so conversation is sparse in the morning anyway.


Now we do make sure we stop whatever we are doing and spend a few minutes with him when he gets home in the evening. Hugs, kisses, how was your day, stuff like that.

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No ! No ! No ! Before we had the little ones I did. But not now, I sleep until they won't let me sleep anymore. ( They just got to where no one wakes up in the middle of the night. WHEW ) Sometimes we see him in the mornings. He requires much less sleep than I do !


He gets up at 5:30 and doesn't have to leave until 6:30. He has his little routine. Lunches are usually leftovers, packed the night before. He gets the coffee pot ready for me, but he drinks coffee at work. No breakfast here, occasionally he will stop for a taquito.

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Yes, every morning. We like those few moments we share in the morning before he starts working. One weekends we cook breakfast together. sometimes the kids are up and sometimes they're not. Most days we take a walk together after dinner.

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We are fortunate that he does not need to leave for work until 8:30. So the whole family gets up at 7:00. My sweet husband makes breakfast for the kids and coffee for me so that I can ease into the day. Then when he is showering, I have kitchen clean-up and we all prep. for school to begin at 9:00.

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I used to when we were first married...but then I was the only one working.


Now he's working, I'm sleeping til the last possible moment...which is when the kids crash in on me. I'm exhausted on a normal day, so sleep is a valuable commodity to me! :lol:


When I haven't slept at night, then yeah, I'm up with him. I get his coffee, make his lunch, etc.


When I remember, I make his lunch at night. Its a big deal to him, and makes him feel loved and cared for. Sometimes (yesterday is a great example) I'm barely capable of remembering my name and head off to bed shortly after he gets home, so his lunch doesn't get made.

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No, he gets up 1 1/2 to 2 hours before me.


Sometimes I hear him. He's very quiet though, and I frequently have no recollection of his morning doings.


I have gotten up with him a few times, and it really threw him off! He has a routine, you see; he does exactly the same thing every morning, in exactly the same order. He needs that order. If I get up and start talking to him, or helping him, he gets all out of sorts! He wanders around aimlessly, not sure what he's done, or what needs doing. He does much better if I just stay snuggled up in my soft, warm covers. :D It's tough, but that's the sacrifice I make for my man!

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No, he gets up 1 1/2 to 2 hours before me.


Sometimes I hear him. He's very quiet though, and I frequently have no recollection of his morning doings.


I have gotten up with him a few times, and it really threw him off! He has a routine, you see; he does exactly the same thing every morning, in exactly the same order. He needs that order. If I get up and start talking to him, or helping him, he gets all out of sorts! He wanders around aimlessly, not sure what he's done, or what needs doing. He does much better if I just stay snuggled up in my soft, warm covers. :D It's tough, but that's the sacrifice I make for my man!


That's the other thing! Wolf considers the morning 'his alone time' and gets cranky if I'm up with him, chatting away :lol:

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No, he gets up 1 1/2 to 2 hours before me.


Sometimes I hear him. He's very quiet though, and I frequently have no recollection of his morning doings.


I have gotten up with him a few times, and it really threw him off! He has a routine, you see; he does exactly the same thing every morning, in exactly the same order. He needs that order. If I get up and start talking to him, or helping him, he gets all out of sorts! He wanders around aimlessly, not sure what he's done, or what needs doing. He does much better if I just stay snuggled up in my soft, warm covers. :D It's tough, but that's the sacrifice I make for my man!


:lol: This is my dh, too. He seems to prefer an empty kitchen as he's preparing to go to work. He's usually making his coffee and running back and forth from the sink to his coffee maker, and I just get in the way. (He's the only coffee drinker in the house.)


Also, my dh has no set time for rising. It can be anywhere from 3am to 5am. If I happen to be up at those hours, I just try to stay out of his way. :D

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Nope! My dh gets up at 6am, and I am sooooo not a morning person. He takes care of getting the kids bowls for cereal, but they are old enough to look after themselves now until I get up at 7:30. I am sure he would love for me to get up and make him breakfast, but I don't think he really wants to wake me up and deal with my crabbiness lol.

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No. Dh and I run on very independent schedules. He may get up at 3am when I just went to bed. Or he may work from home getting up at 9am when I got up at 6:30am to drive ds to school. He wakes up and his brain starts going, he wants to have deep, decisive conversations about retirements and insurance policies within minutes of waking. I don't like to really even talk until about an hour of getting up, less a question of 'what would you like for breakfast or in your lunch'.

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If so, why? Is it to be with him before work, cook breakfast, or are you just a morning person?


I get up; visit with him while he shaves and such; I make him breakfast (usually something he can take with him) while he's getting a shower. Sometimes I also put together his lunch but not always.


I don't get up with him if he gets up super-early for a jump or something like that.

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I drag myself out of bed to make him a latte at 7:15 before he leaves at 7:30. I do this for purely practical reasons--it keeps him from stopping at Starbucks and spending $4 on a latte. Otherwise I'd stay in bed until the kids get up. I hate mornings and need to be bugged as little as possible in the first hour after I wake up. I can handle making lattes and getting the kids' breakfasts, but that's about it.

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