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Do you take off President's Day?

Do you cancel school for President's Day?  

  1. 1. Do you cancel school for President's Day?

    • Yes we take it off. No school.
    • No we do not take it off. School as usual.
    • I count this as a school day but we do non-routine/fun activities.
    • Other

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We do school on most holidays, but take off for birthdays. We usually have cake and ice cream at lunch, so we make the cake and frosting in the morning, have the birthday party, and the children play in the afternoon, while I prepare to make the birthday dinner. Except on my birthday, which is coming up this week, then I make cheesecake the night before and have it for breakfast on my birthday. I then leave my family to spend my day alone in town having coffee and perusing old bookstores. :)


Love my birthday!

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President's Day never was much of a holiday to me, nor my wife. I never really got into that holiday. I remember in school we'd color pictures of Lincoln or Washington. I guess the greeting card companies couldn't think of a good way to market it, especially since it's so close to Valentine's Day. I think people prefer romance over presidents. :001_smile:

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I answered "other." I forgot it was President's Day. I was planning on getting a little bit done today, but haven't started yet. It's snowing pretty heavily, so I checked to see if the schools are closed today (duh, it's President's Day). They did cancel all other activities because of the snow, though. We still might get a little bit done today, though.

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Just wondering how many don't do school today!


We counted it as school but abandoned our regular studies to do a unit study day - a little Presidents Day, a little leftover St. Valentine's Day, a little Chinese New Year and some Olympics thrown in for good measure. We did do reading and spelling, though, with some Olympic math for good measure :D

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We would have done school, except that last week we were snowed in on days we were supposed to run some errands.


So, we chose to run a gazillion errands today instead and considered this our snow day (since we did school when it was actually snowing)

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This year we took it off, though that is not our usual habit. We are following the local public high school schedule with our exchange student. Both girls were off school, but went to serve as pages at the state house today. That still feels like a school day to me, but I am not telling them. :D

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We took the day off, but it was because dd had a doctor's appt. this morning an hour away from home. Didn't see any point in coming home, turning around, and leaving for swim practice when we could just stay there, have lunch, and shop a bit in between!:001_smile:

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What? Today was President's Day? Hmmm. Well, I guess that explains all the flags. The garbage truck came like always today...I usually only notice it's a holiday if the mail or the garbage truck don't show up. And I misplaced my mailbox key, so I didn't check the mail.


Ha ha. The PS mothers would be shocked, just SHOCKED, that I was teaching my children! Doesn't even know when it's President's Day!


I think being pregnant and incredibly tired is making this more funny to me than it really is...

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