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Made up beds or not?

Do you and your children make their beds daily?  

  1. 1. Do you and your children make their beds daily?

    • Yes, we make our beds.
    • No, we do not make our beds.
    • Other, because things aren't always black and white.

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Since I was a child I like my bed unmade. It drove my mother crazy. To this day she thinks I am crazy.


My son does not like his bed nice and neat. If you make it nice and neat he will just make it a jumble of blankets and sheet.


My daughter leaves her bed messy and then everynight makes it nice and neat before she climbs into bed.

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Another thread mentioned kids making their beds. The only time we make our beds is when we put on clean sheets. A made up bed just isn't important to me, and I feel it's a waste of time. Am I alone in this? :)


Nope ... I find it a useless chore! Why??? If we have guests coming, then yes. Otherwise, when we change sheets on Saturday.

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We do it because my husband was taught as a child that an unmade bed was an invitation for bad luck (or the Hindu equivalent) to come lay down in your house. He is positively paranoid about the beds being made! That and making sure that nail clippings are disposed of immediately!!:001_huh:

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We have a 2-story, so the unmade beds aren't an eyesore. We have comforters, so we straighten the sheets before we get into bed. The kids can do whatever they want with theirs. DD1 doens't care. DD2 makes hers every day. Makes it up like the cleaning lady does. :rolleyes:

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Yes. I dont care if the kids make theirs. I make mine and then sometimes I make theirs. Make is the wrong word. Pull up is more descriptive of what we do. lol We have down quilts, one top sheet and no frills. Pulling up the the quilt is a combined 5 minute job for all the beds. I notice the kids often just pull up their covers before they even pop out of bed. I love down quilts. lol

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Like Parrothead, I love the way made beds finish off a room, and I looooove crawling into a made bed! However, on the list of priorities, making the beds is at the very bottom simply because they'll just be messed up again soon when kids crawl in them to play or read or rest or jump on them. So if we get to them, then I'm happy, but if we don't, I don't mind at all.

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However, on the list of priorities, making the beds is at the very bottom simply because they'll just be messed up again soon when kids crawl in them to play or read or rest or jump on them.


Hey, good point! Our beds are used alot during the day when we're on our laptops or reading. And the kids played in their rooms when they were little and had toys. Beds are as important as our sofa and chairs! :D

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It takes 2 minutes or less. To me, in my home, it's a sign of sheer laziness and lack of concern for the state of the household to leave your bed unmade.


It comes in second on the lazy scale to coming downstairs in your jammies instead of getting dressed. The only time you're allowed to lounge in jammies is after bath time, and if you're sick.

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I said no because when I think of a "made" bed, I think of everything even and pillows nicely placed. We're not quite at that level of "made". LOL I don't require the kids to do anything but have their comforter/quilt on top of the bed.


I have never thought of that difference. I've never had a bed with decorative pillows. We each have a comforter and one pillow per person. My children don't even use top sheets. There really is nothing to 'make'!

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It comes in second on the lazy scale to coming downstairs in your jammies instead of getting dressed. The only time you're allowed to lounge in jammies is after bath time, and if you're sick.


Oh! Our homes are way different. My girls and I are in PJ pants all the time at home. I only get dressed when I'm going out or when someone is coming over. :)

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It takes 2 minutes or less. To me, in my home, it's a sign of sheer laziness and lack of concern for the state of the household to leave your bed unmade.


My bed is made for about 1 hour every day - from when I get out until my DH gets in. He SOMETIMES makes it when he gets out. I usually make it again before I get in. I soooo dislike messy bedcovers (and we all have down duvets). So there is no excuse to not being able to pull it up and straighten it!


When I went to college I got in the habit of making my bed every day. I so disliked having friends invite me to sit on their unmade bed. :ack2:

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It takes 2 minutes or less. To me, in my home, it's a sign of sheer laziness and lack of concern for the state of the household to leave your bed unmade.


It comes in second on the lazy scale to coming downstairs in your jammies instead of getting dressed. The only time you're allowed to lounge in jammies is after bath time, and if you're sick.


I think we just got the grand prize for laziness. :001_smile:

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It takes 2 minutes or less. To me, in my home, it's a sign of sheer laziness and lack of concern for the state of the household to leave your bed unmade.


It comes in second on the lazy scale to coming downstairs in your jammies instead of getting dressed. The only time you're allowed to lounge in jammies is after bath time, and if you're sick.

Lol! Sometimes my kids wear their jammies for days straight! I even let them go out in jammies! I consider jammies and unmade beds to be a good utilization of time...takes less not to make the bed or put regular clothes on!

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I make our bed. I hate the way the room looks when it's unmade. On Sundays, I usually make it "nap ready" which means I leave it neatly turned down without any decorator pillows. Then my dh or I can just slip in all comfy for a nap!:)


My dd makes hers most days. The boys don't bother.

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I'm a bit of a hypocrite in this area. I require the 3 older ones to make their beds every morning as part of their morning chores. In my house unmade bed=no breakfast until it is made.


On the other hand, I never make my bed. :001_huh: We co-sleep and the baby is often in and out of the bed all day long for naps, or just to nurse and cuddle, or to jump and play. :glare: The effort is just futile for the time being.:tongue_smilie:

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I make my bed as soon as my feet hit the floor each morning. An unmade bed just looks slothful, lol, and smooth sheets feel so much better at night when I stick my little toe-ies down there.:-)


When dc were home and little, yes, their beds were made each day, too, whether I did it or they did.

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I can not sleep in an unmade bed. The sheets and blankets are not distributed evenly if the bed is not made and the pillows have to be turned when I make the bed.


I also think it makes the whole bedroom look 100% better. It simply looks finished.


Me neither! I can not hop into an unmade bed.


I can't stand walking into any of the bedrooms if the beds aren't made.

Once made, the room feels a lot 'cleaner', even if it isn't.

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I make my bed as soon as my feet hit the floor each morning. An unmade bed just looks slothful, lol, and smooth sheets feel so much better at night when I stick my little toe-ies down there.:-)




I can't imagine walking into my bedroom during the day and looking at the mess of an unmade bed. :001_huh:

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My bed is visible from the living room, so I pull up the covers. I always buy sheets that match my bedding, so even when it's not made, it still looks coordinated.


My dd sleeps in a lower bunk, and it's almost impossible to make her bed. She doesn't.


My ds and younger dd both sleep in sleeping bags, on their beds. They don't like sheets. The don't make their beds.

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Absolutely not. It takes too much time and effort to make something that I'm going to crawl back in later. Plus, it just does not bother me that the bed is not made. Clutter bothers me, an unmade bed does not.



I tried the Flylady system once. It didn't work at all, and one of the reasons is that a clean sink does not motivate me to do dishes to keep it clean, and a made-up bed does not make me happy. It doesn't make me unhappy either, but it does seem like a total waste of time.

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Bed making is optional around here. The kids only do theirs once in a blue moon, so generally their beds are only made when I or dh change their bedding. Our bed is made most days because I like to do it when I tidy our room, although it doesn't stay made all day because Ms 1 has her afternoon nap in it.


I would hate to make it as soon as I get up, because then how does it get aired out properly? My procedure is turn it down, open the window and leave for at least an hour before making.

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It takes 2 minutes or less. To me, in my home, it's a sign of sheer laziness and lack of concern for the state of the household to leave your bed unmade.


It comes in second on the lazy scale to coming downstairs in your jammies instead of getting dressed. The only time you're allowed to lounge in jammies is after bath time, and if you're sick.


Um, exactly what dire thing will happen to the State of the Household if the bed remains unmade? Would your bed explode? Would you be assimilated by the Borg?

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We usually always make our beds. I also like us dressed and ready to go in the morning. I believe we are routine junkies. Dd also works better, due to the fact that it has more of a serious touch to it. I found that in my first year of hs, I felt like yuck walking around all day not dressed. For us dressed is usually jeans, t-shirts, and sneaks. I also like to look half-way decent when dh comes home. I just feel better about me. Dh says he could care less, however, I don't believe it. I sound so much like my mother! Although, Dh cooks the dinner most every night, mom didn't approve of that one! LOL.


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We make our beds when we get ready for the day: Get dressed, brush teeth, make bed. Although I'm not sure some would consider the kids' beds "made." They just pull up the covers as best they can.


The teens can do whatever they want to their beds.


But we do come downstairs in our pajamas. Sometimes we wear them all day. :leaving:



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My kids and I share a bed. It's a cotton and wool futon, not a chemically-treated polyester mattress, so leaving it unmade allows it to air out during the day. Every morning we strip the bedding, shake the comforters and stow them. This leaves our bed completely bare until the next bedtime, at which point we remake the bed for that night's sleep. It takes about 3-5 minutes both morning and evening. I don't agree that an unmade bed speaks to one's laziness; in fact, it almost seems more efficient in some regards!

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We only use duvets in duvet covers - no messing with top sheets, blankets etc etc (btw, I can barely sleep in beds with top sheets and blankets. SO uncomfortable....) so all it really needs is a good shake to lay out smooth on the bed. And fluffing up the down pillows.


But still it often doesn't get done until I'm ready to get BACK into bed. :)


Oh & I lounge around in my jammies too.


~going for the household laziness gold

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I doubt the laziness remark was meant to apply to other people in their homes - it's just a feeling that some of us have in our own homes (probably instilled by our mothers). I've been in many homes where beds are unmade and I hardly even notice it. But in my own home it bugs me no end!


I did specifically say "to me, in my home..." and that's how I meant it. How other people wish to run their homes is their business. We just won't tolerate that in ours.

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Ever since my mother bought them for my brother and I when we were teens, I have only used doonas on our beds. So, we have a bottom sheet, and a doona in a doona cover. It's pretty easy to make the bed. I make mine almost all the time- although sometimes I will fold the doona neatly back instead of pulling it up, to let the bottom sheet air. The kids make their beds sometimes. Takes all of 5 seconds, but still, if I dont say something, ds wont. Dd will on a day where she is enjoying making her room all pretty, which is just sometimes.

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I personally can't stand the sight of an unmade bed.it makes me think that my whole house is messy.

we have a top sheet, a woolen blanket and a homemade quilt on the beds. the oldest 3 make their own beds every day. dd10 does half of the time, and I make it the other half, and I make the bed for ds6.

the bed is such a big item in the room, it looks so much better made!

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I must have my bed made. I can't stand to leave it undone, but my kids are another story. The problem is that 4 of them have loft beds and they can be harder to make.plus you can't see it. My dh had that growing up and he sympathizes that it is a pain to make. So we've let it slide. It does bother me, but I've learn to let it go.

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