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Let's play "Shortest Engagement!"

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Unsinkable, clearly it worked for the two of you!

Would you be concerned if your kids went that quickly? I'd love to know more about your experience and thoughts. Hubby and I had a much longer process. But sometimes I think it wouldn't have much mattered.


I'd be terrified!!!


But his parents seemed fine & mine were dead, so there wasn't much opposition. I think that if my mom (and dad) were alive & told me to slow down, I would have listened. We probably would have extended our engagement if anyone important would have spoke up. I think. :lol:

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We met August 20 for about an hour, lived halfway across the country from each other


December 23rd - met up for an hour during a layover


Late January - I spent 2 days visiting him


Feb - he came out to see me.


Feb 20th - he proposed.


We'd been together 10 days before he proposed. We didn't have email and I was too poor to call often. We wrote letters from Dec on. We still have all those letters!!


Nov. 5 - we got married.

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We met in late January '90. Started dating in February. In July, he moved across the country. This was before we had email or cell phones. We wrote a lot of letters! We saw each other for a couple of weeks at Christmas. In April, he visited for two days; we got engaged. We were reunited just a few weeks before the wedding in August.


So we had only dated in the same state a total of about 6 months before we were married.



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I guess I can also include my second marriage in the short time frame. It has worked out though - 7 years and going strong.


Met at work in Aug 2001, but did NOT date or even speak for almost a year.


May 2002, had to work together on a project


Aug 2002, started dating


Jan 2, 2003, he proposed


Jan 25, 2003, we ran off and got married...alone. :)

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I've known dh for over 25 yrs. We went to highschool together but didn't really know each other - our grad class was well over a 1000 people so not surprising. We did have some friends in common.


We started dating around the 2nd year of uni.

Eventually moved in together (ostensibly cause we could get nice family housing at the campus & save $ over doing it separately LOL) a few years later.


Then lived together off campus.....We got engaged sometime in mid-Aug, got married 6 weeks later. Had a reasonably big wedding (75 ppl, catering, the big dress etc) so we had to plan it fast. (No, I wasn't pregnant. I just didn't particularly want to delay) So our engagement was pretty short but the lead up was years :-)


We're coming up on our 18th anniversary at the end of the month.

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DH's grandparents got married on their first date. Really.


They were on a blind double-date. Living in a 2-state-border metropolis, they went some where across the state line during their date. They started to joke around about how they were all old enough to get married in that state, and the joking escalated into a dare. Both couples got hitched by the Justice of the Peace!


The other couple's parents had their marriage annulled immediately. But dh's folks stuck it out. There were many rough years in the beginning, but they were lovingly together for more than 50 years.

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We knew each other for 9 months before we got married. We're still married 17 years later. I was 18 when we met and 19 when we married. Our parents didn't say a word and I don't know why! I guess they were afraid of alienating us. If they had said, "You guys need to wait a little longer to be sure you know each other better," we'd have listened.


Well, at least it worked out for us. But I wouldn't recommend it. It's better to know more about the person you're marrying. 9 months isn't long enough! I teach my kids to wait longer to marry.

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I'll play.


Met online March 3rd 1997

Met in person (I stayed with him for 10 days) April 11-21 1997

Married June 13 1997


So it was was about 3.5 months from first meeting online to marriage date and we were only physically in the same state 10 days during that 3.5 months.


Oops, almost forgot to add that we've been married for 12.5 years and it's getting better every day.

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Well, though dh and I had been working at the same coffee shop and "hanging out" for almost a year, I wasn't sure he really liked me.


Then he proposed, on a Monday.

The wedding was planned for that coming Wednesday, but the license required a waiting period... so we settled for that Saturday afternoon! Our friends thought we were joking, but yeah, we got married! After all school started that next Monday, so why get it over with? Ha! I highly recommend the short engagement period, not to mention the very sweet, inexpensive wedding in the living room.


Now that we are joining the Orthodox church, we will have our wedding blessed by our priest (since we did not have a "church" wedding). I feel like a new bride! We get to buy rings (have never had one), I get to wear a pretty dress, and we are having a reception. Perhaps my mother in law will finally forgive us!

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Meet through a friend on Dec. 15, 1991, married Jan. 2 1992, so roughly 3 or 4 weeks. Will be 17 years this coming Jan. I just knew he was the one as soon as I saw him. :001_smile:


Well you have me beat.


I met my dh at a gas station in May 1985, we exchanged phone numbers. We were engaged one month later and married in August 1985. So I only knew him for a month before we got engaged. We have been married for 24 years now.


Needless to say, the look on my parents faces in my wedding pictures are priceless...and scary. They did give us their blessing after we were married for a year and no babies showed up.;)

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Wow. Not me. Met dh senior year of high school and didn't even like him, lol. We eventually became friends, started dating 2 years later, got engaged senior year of college (he talked me into it, I wasn't planning on marrying ANYONE). Finally got married 2 years after that, although we started living together 6 months before we got married. It's funny, he says he knew I was the one right away, it just took me a LONG time to get it! We have now been married 7 years, and we're still going strong :)

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My hubby had seen each other briefly in passing but we didn't really get a chance to meet and talk until Sept. 23, 1990. We had moved in together within a month and married on Dec. 12, 1990. It will be 19 years this Dec and things are better than ever. I am one of those people that believes in love at first sight. I know that there was a very strong, viseral, chemical response to him the first time I laid eyes on him. He said the felt the same thing. It's like we were made for each other.

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This thread is making me feel so much better! Everyone gave dh and me grief about our brief engagement, but it is pretty long compared to some of you all! :tongue_smilie:


We started dating June 8, 2001 but had worked together for for 5 years previously. We did not know each other well, just to say hello and chat briefly about holidays, etc.


We got engaged on Thanksgiving, 2001 and married January 12, 2002, so we are approaching 8 years.

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Not shortest engagement, but.....I moved in with my dh after knowing him 2 weeks. The night I met him I told our mutual friend that he was the man I was going to marry. He felt the same way. Engaged in 6 months, married 11 months after that. He wanted to be 21 so that's why the engagement was so long. We'll be married 15 years in November. FWIW, I have apologized many times and emphatically to my mother and father for giving them the dang grey hairs. But I knew. And, it's really the only spontaneous thing I've done in my life. Ha! Nothing like making it a big one, right?!

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Ok, I must have one of the longest! Met Dh my fresman year of hs, his brother was in my class. Started dating him 1/2 way through my sophmore year. He graduated hs in 1993, I graduated 1994. Got engaged October 13, 1995, and married March of 1996 (I was 19). All added up, it is 4 years 3 months. We've been married for 13 1/2 years. We would have married earlier if we had any money. We still didn't have much, but I was working full time, and he was doing Contractor work. We made it, but I think we would have done it sooner if we could have. This December makes it 18 years we have been together.:001_smile:

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Unsinkable, clearly it worked for the two of you!

Would you be concerned if your kids went that quickly? I'd love to know more about your experience and thoughts. Hubby and I had a much longer process. But sometimes I think it wouldn't have much mattered.

When dh and I got engaged and set our wedding date (9 mo. later), I worried that that wasn't long enough. I asked my mom, and she said she and my dad's engagement was 3 mo., and her parents' engagement was 3 weeks (from meeting to wedding!). So then I wasn't worried anymore. :) Mine was a long engagement in comparison.

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He proposed on my 22nd birthday, October 31, 1980.


We were married on November 8, 1980


Do the math...we'll be married 29 years this November.


No, I wasn't pregnant. ;)


An elaborate wedding was never one of my dreams, the most common reason for a long engagement.

Once you've decided to marry...why wait?




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Dh and I dated 14 months before we were engaged- but 7 months of that was 300 miles apart and only seeing each other every 4-6 weeks... lots of phone calls and letters! We were engaged 4 months. I was 19 and my dh was 23. My dh actually took me to my senior prom :)

Anyway, we have been married 11 years. The way I look at it- engagement is solely for planning the wedding. We already knew we were to be together and marry so the engagement wasn't for getting to know eachother. I have no regrets in terms of short engagement or short dating... other than we dated TOO long. My dh almost proposed nearly 5 months before he did... and we should have been married 2 months before we were married. Oh well.

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Depends on how you define engagement for dh and I.


We dated for 3.5 years.


On Sunday we decided to get married, and started talking dates about 6mth out. We talked to very good friends/family and got a list of dates that wouldn't work for them, so when that was all combined we found out that the next weekend was the best.


On Monday we started making calls.


On Tuesday people called to started checking flights and making travel arrangements.


On Wednesday everyone confirmed that it was a good weekend, and travel plans were booked.


On Thursday, I shopped for attire, dh got the ring an proposed on one knee.


On Friday, dh had a bachelor party, I sat home, as none of my friends could do anything that night.


On Saturday, early afternoon, we were married.


I was officially engaged for 1 1/2 days. :D Even if you count the entire week, since that is the official time we actually decided to get married (it was quite a casual conversation), I was engaged less than a week.

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On Thursday, I shopped for attire, dh got the ring an proposed on one knee.



We had the very same thing... dh formally proposed the thursday before the wedding b/c I mentioned that he never "formally" proposed with ring on knee yet, and he said that wouldn't do... so we made it official 1.5 days before the wedding :)

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So my time between meeting/engagement/marriage is not THE shortest here... and I'm kind of surprised!


Met: March 12, 2000


Engaged: Uhhh... late April, 2000... it wasn't exactly a monumental moment since I knew the proposal was coming


Married: June 12, 2000 (or July 1, 2000, depending on whom you ask... it's a LONG story)


I was all of 18 years old at the time, and he was 21. My parents thought marriage would be a "good learning experience" for me. Nine years later... we're still hitched.

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Started talking on a telephone chat line/date line in late Sept/Oct? Something like that. I had just moved to the province, had no intention of actually MEETING anyone from the chatline, just was wanting to hear a voice that didn't belong to my children, my nutso roommate or tv.


We met Oct 26, 2002.

Engaged 6 wks and 5 days later. Dec 16 2002.

Married Apr 3rd, 2003. 5 mths and 6 days from the day we met.

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This thread makes me feel better, too.:)


Dh and I met on 12/15/85; engaged 1/2/86 (a little over two weeks later); married 6/21/86; first baby 3/15/87 (exactly 40 weeks after the wedding). We've been married 23 years.


Our first date was a double date with his parents - lunch right after church. We got married in the same room in which we met - the church sanctuary.


We were both 27 years old.

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I just wanted to add...


Before I moved to this province, I SWORE that I would never marry or have more children. I had totally given up on the whole dating crapola, and decided that IF I did date, it would be simply for fun, not potential mate stuff.


Then I met Wolf. :glare: He blew those plans to heck. We were talking marriage on our 2nd date. He insists it was our 3rd date, but it was our 2nd :tongue_smilie:


Like it really matters, 2nd or 3rd :lol:

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Oooh, I love this! We are coming up on 19 years since we met. My sister said "You have to meet this guy." He was friends with her boyfriend (now husband.) We met at the end of September. I said that night, "I'm going to marry him." We moved in together 2 weeks later. At some point he asked, "When are we getting married?" We were married in May, 181/2 years ago. He is still the love of my life and I've never known anything to be as right as being with him.

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My dh and I met in November of 1979 (I was 15). We were friends, but he was too old for me. He was already graduated from college. He asked my dad for permission to date me in January of 1981. I had turned 17 in December and he was 22. My dad reluctantly gave his permission, as long as I also dated other people my own age. Our first date was January 29, 1981. I never dated anyone else.


He asked me to marry him on June 19, 1981 and we married September 26th. I was 17 and he was 23.


He told me later that soon after he met me he told a friend of his that he was going to marry me. I guess he had to wait for me to get old enough.


Almost 28 years later, I'm very glad he waited for me. I can't imagine my life with anyone but him.

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DH & I met in the airport in Chicago on Jan. 3.


Got engaged March 6.


Got married August 8.


All in 1992 -- & still married!


Plus, he got sent to the Persian Gulf from March 'til July that year. So we were only together about 3 months. :lol:



Well, we met 2 years before we married, but we got engaged on a Wednesday and eloped that Friday --- the 13th of March. The next day, we packed up my apartment and drove 2000 miles to where we live now.

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Another thing that is common here is that many of us knew right away that this was the person we were going to marry. I never really wanted to get married, but after our first date, I called both of my best friends and said, "I'm pretty sure I'm going to marry him." Dh told me on our first date that he knew something was going to happen between us on the first day he met me at work- 5 years previously! I told him he could have saved me a lot of trouble if he had just brought that up sooner!:tongue_smilie:

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Well...we didn't have a short dating time...i met him when i was 16...BUT our engagement went something like this...


He asked me Sunday...we got our license Monday and Got married on Friday...I was 21. So, we knew eachother and dated a lot...but our actual...we are engaged and I have a ring to prove it....5 days.


We were married 24 years last Sunday.



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