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What date are you starting your new school year?

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August 24th, same as the local schools. My kids like to follow the ps schedule for the most part. We still do school through the summer, but it's very light. In the summer, my kids typically have to read anything they want that they haven't read before for one hour each day. They also have to do 30 minutes of math. Aside from that, they have to finish up anything that didn't get finished during the regular schoolyear. My youngest has to also do spelling every day (one of her weak areas).

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We started July 6th :) With me being due in September, I thought it would be best to get DD into a "school routine" (and me too!) so that we'll both be more comfortable with changing things around as needed once the baby arrives. It's great, because I can already see which items can be combined and which items will need to be picked up as close to daily as possible to stay on track without getting too overwhelmed. :)

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We started back on July 16th. Last week we were at about 50% of all our subjects, and I hope to be full throttle by the end of this week.


I didn't plan on starting back until today, but it made sense to start earlier because my parents will be visiting at the end of August. I'm still prepping for the year.

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We will be starting Sept. 14th. Hubby has vacation the first part of Sept., plus we are just getting done with last year now! (We school year round, light during the summer; however, this year we also had a baby...so we took some extra time off during the winter and were making up for lost yet meaningful time.)

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I am hoping around 8/5 for my ds and dd2 and 8/10 for my dd1. My dd1 is going to her grandma's for a couple of days so I thought I could start easy by only doing 2 for a few days and then adding another to the mix! First year for all 3!


The local schools don't start until 8/24 and most of the other homeschool moms start with them. My kids don't like to start before them but like to get out before them so it works!

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Note: we haven't actually finished our old school year yet, but I'm gearing up for a new one anyway. Aug. 31 and Sept. 2 are the dates our local schools start. I usually start at around the same time. When are you starting?


I usually aim for that time too. However, I am known to start a week early just because I'm ready for summer to be over.

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We started July 20th.


We started then also. I like to have extra days built in for taking off when we need a break or something comes up (like grandparents visiting). I also like to be out early to enjoy the pleasant spring weather. Last year we finished the last week of April.

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Right after Labor Day this year. Well I should rephrase that. TOday I am starting some new schoolwork with the younger. SHe will continue to do that. Both she and her older sister are still finishing parts of last year's work. They will continue doing that at a relaxed paces until after Labor Day. Then they will start 7th and 11th grades.

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Mmmm...probably the 2nd week of September. We are still finishing some stuff from last year, as we lost a whole 3 months really to moving overseas, a family death, a bunch of stuff. We are s-l-o-w-l-y working through the rest of the read alouds, etc for history, but have started new years math already (made no sense to keep doing school in summer and not have math, but that we actually finished despite the shortened year!)


I am even considering stretching the WWII years out even more and not starting "new" stuff until after Christmas- we'll see. But we'll have a "not back to school" field trip on the first day of everyone elses school year, regardless!

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School here in Fairfax County doesn't start until Sept 8th! Ds will be going to high school at a new school. Dd will be homeschooling--she has already asked for some lessons, so we've casually picked up a few school books. We have vacation at Granma's the second week of August, so we probably will just dabble in school until the first week of Sept, but we'll see. I have almost everything I need already.

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Local schools start August 24th, so my kids were protesting. I then pointed out that those kids would not get out until the beginning of June. We would be done mid-May. Which did they prefer? They are now okay with starting August 3rd. :)


We only start with a few subjects, then gradually build up to a full schedule, so it's not a huge hardship. They still have plenty of time for summer activities.

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We are still finishing a few subjects, doing school lite until the end of August. Then we're taking the entire month of September off. The boys will have a "reading month" while I acclimate to my new job. My oldest starts community college for his senior year of HS on September 28 and I'll start school with my youngest the next week. So I think we're the latest starters so far in this thread!

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Technically, we "started" May 15th, the day after DD turned 5 (because, you know, turning 5 means one is a kindergartener, at least in her mind :lol:). But really, all that meant is we opened up some new math manipulatives and kept plugging along with OPGTR.


At the beginning of July, we added science officially, and just this week we started our geography. My plan is to add art and music (more formally than what we already do) by mid-August so that we're in full swing by the time school starts here August 31. We plan to school year-round anyway, at least for now, so lining the years up with the girls' birthdays seems as logical as anything. :tongue_smilie: But both of us are pretty excited about the year, so maybe that's a factor, too.

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August 17th because I need a beach trip first. My oldest ds started Drivers Ed today and will finish next Thursday, the 6th. We are leaving for the beach that afternoon and coming back the following Friday.


Today the dc's are purging their desks, cleaning out pencil cases, etc. I plan to have all notebooks ready and all set before we go to the beach so we will be ready to actually start on the 17th.


My dc's wanted to start earlier but we had too many trips with 4-H, VBS planning and sports to start and stick with it. It's OK now because we are actually getting new supplies, setting up, etc. which is always fun!!

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July 1 was our first day.


Our school year runs July 1-June 30. The girls finish the majority of their curriculum between late August and early May, leaving the rest of May to late August with just a light schedule (mainly Math and maybe some history or science stuff).


Sheri :)

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We start our new school year around 4th of Feb 2010


Yeah ... we're getting back into the swing of our school schedule after some time off, but our new school year "officially" starts January 6. N-Boy turns 4 on January 5 and it doesn't make sense to me to start on the 4th to take the 5th off. We'll probably do some things (practice memory work, reading, & math) between Thanksgiving and 1/6/10, but not a full schedule.

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We decided to take our vacation AFTER everyone else goes back to school so we aren't starting school until September 14; at least that's the plan now.


Me too! We do this every year & this year will be no different.


I'm always surprised about school starting so early in so many regions - July & August are considered the 'summer months' here & public school ends around the 3rd week of June and starts right after Labour day.

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