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Are you happy?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

At this time in my life I am happy. But I feel like I've come out of a black hole from the last few years. I look around me and the world feels new and exciting. I like just being alive. I hope it lasts.

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I'm very happy in my life, despite the circumstances and worries that happen daily, I find joy in the little things. A beautiful evening sunset in all it's glory, the early morning sun rays on my living room floor as I open the shades, my four little ones climbing in bed with me in the morning for a quick snuggle, daily letters from my oldest daughter who is away at camp, picking fresh veggies and fruit from our gardens and orchards, cooking/baking new recipes, homeschooling lots of little ones. These are the daily moments in my life when I am just overcome with joy to The Lord for all the blessings I have in my life. I praise HIM and thank HIM constantly throughout my day, for all the wonderful things in my life !


Last year, was a very hard summer, this is my summer of immense joy ! We live on very modest income from just my husband's job, have a large family, lots of work on our farm and tons of bills. Last summer our water pipe broke causing us a $1,200 dollar water bill and another $ 2,000 in cost to fix it. Last summer our barn was damaged from storms and needed to be taken down and that was another $ 5,000 dollars plus long hours of labor by my husband. Last summer my sweet 19 year old daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, it hit us so hard ! One thing after another came at us like waves from the ocean hitting the shoreline, one thing after another trying to knock us down and destroy our willpower. Each time we were knocked down, we stood back up stronger, ready to fight again.


We learned so much from that time last summer, we huddled together and we worked as a team to overcome anything set against us. We hit our knees in prayer, in fact, I spent most of my summer last year on my knees. My daughter struggled through two long surgeries and lots of recovery time throughout the summer to fight the cancer, to save her reproduction system, to save her life, she made it through and is now much stronger for it. Even though she has years of constant check up's and medical interventions ahead of her, she is so full of joy ! She is a fighter, just like we raised her, she won't let anything get her down. She is now living at summer camp working as a camp counselor and conquering all her fears and inhibitions.


She was once terribly afraid of heights and very shy, but signed up to be the high ropes course instructor and rock climbing wall instructor. She did it to challenge herself, to knock out her fears, to overcome anything that stood in her way. Her motto "Mountain Get Out of My Way" is her rally call now. She writes me daily through emails telling me about each new challenge she conquered and crossed off her list. She loves the high ropes course and rock climbing wall now, she feels empowered teaching and training her young charges about the ropes course and climbing wall. She learned that she absoultely loves teaching and working with children and her shyness totally disappeared since she moved into a leadership position. She is rid of that fear of heights, she conquered that foe, destroyed those doubts and demons. Daily she makes new goals for herself, challenging herself further, pushing herself harder. She is living her dreams and achieving everything she always wanted to do. She will return to college in the fall stronger and better for it with even more determination to make all her dreams come true, no matter what future may lay ahead of her.


I am so very proud of her, each day she strives to be more, do better and challenge herself further. I live in her shadows, covering her in constant prayer, pressing her on, supporting her and always, always, there for her in case she falls. Where once again, I will help her get back up and back on that path again.


Happy ? You bet I am, I am on top of the world !



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I was once deliriously happy. Then, my daughter did not survive birth. It was long enough ago that I have a resigned acceptance that it happened, but I don't think it is possible for me to ever be as happy as I once was. I am aware of people who manage to find joy in all circumstances, but I am not one of them. I feel that this aspect of my life (bearing kids) has gone so far from what I naively imagined it would be. It feels like a cruel trick. I don't cope well with irreconcilable problems or puzzles with no solution. So, no, I'm not very happy on the whole.

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Right now I am frustrated.


I should be gloriously happy. I have a husband who loves me. Three healthy wonderful kids. No real money issues. All the things a person should want.


Except time. I would love to do something for me, but the reality is that I am interrupted on average every 15 minutes for something. Either the laundry needs to be moved or a project needs me to look at it or a meal needs to be made or someone is screaming or.... the list goes on and on.


I have been staying up too late in order to try to get some alone time, but then I am even more tired the next day. I want to learn new things. I want to read a book. I want something just for me. And I can't have it. Maybe in another ten years.

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Yes! I am the happiest I have been in a LONG time with my marriage, my place in life right now, my "job," and all else. It wasn't too long ago that I did not feel this way (the last year has really been a change for me/us).


Situationally, I am very sad right now, though. Two kids that went to ps with my son died in a tragic motor cycle accident last Sunday and I attended the funeral for one of them last night. This has been a really hard week in that respect.

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I haven't read any more than the original post as of yet... and I probably won't have time to read many as my computer time is quite limited.


However, YES, I am very content/happy/whatever adjective you want to use. I love my family and my life with all its ups and downs... Of course, everyone could use less downs... but they comes with living. No one I know of is immune to them. I see no reason to let them get to me.


I am very, very, VERY content with life.

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Yes, I am happy and content. Content being the key word for me. I was not always this way; I worried constantly about everything. After my mom's death, I started focusing more on what I can do right now, not worrying about the future, but not being irresponsible either. I do what I can now, then I let it go. I feel incredibly peaceful even though things are not perfect: dh unemployed, oldest dd making a huge mistake, etc. Those things are just part of life; every moment I spend worrying about one of them, I have lost those minutes. Do what I can, let go.


I am so thankful for all I have, my dh, my children, this world I live in, especially all the little things that I use to overlook while I was worrying about big matters that I couldn't control.



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I am reclaiming the old me. I am moving home to my family, my friends, and my beach. I am getting rid of stuff (even sentimental crap that I have held onto for years and years). I am going to work with old people (either for money or voluntarily) because they need me and love me and I need them. I need to hear their stories and look into their old wise faces.


That is just beautiful. I remember when my dad was a in a nursing facility for two months recovering from a botched bypass surgery. They were understaffed and dad needed someone to help him eat because his swallowing was so bad. I would go over there three times a day to help him, and I got to know so many of the people there. Sometimes I would help other people in the lunch room or just visit with them. I remember telling dh that I wanted to go back there and work with the elderly just because they made me so happy. I'd sort of forgotten about that as time has moved on and am just now reminded.


Wishing you well in reclaiming yourself.



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When I stop to think about it - I am overwhelmed with how happy (content) I am. Someone asked me if I enjoyed hsing the other day and was wondering how I manage with dh deployed, schooling 3 kids, keep the toddler in check, etc. I've been trying to get organized to start back up this next month and was a little overwhelmed with everything. But when she asked me that, all I could say was that I love it. I hate that DH is gone, but we have has so much fun this time that it seems like time has flown. I love my babies waking me up in the morning asking for chocolate milk. I love them packing their bags to go to granny's and finding magnets, a magnifying glass and bubbles - because what more do you really need? I love going to Barnes and Noble and letting the kids drink hot chocolate at starbucks while we all sit and read our new books. I love it when my oldest can't sleep and we get to sit and watch a completely inappropriate tv show together until midnight. I love it that my husband is coming home and I truly can't hardly stand myself because I'm so excited to see him.


Really thinking about it surely changes my perspective. Instead of overwhelmed and exhausted, I can't wait to see what will happen next!

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Yes, I am happy. I have come a long way. I feel that what I am doing is just what I am supposed to be doing. I love being at home with my kids and getting to know them. I think one of the reasons I am happy is that I work pretty hard to live a simple life. I don't always succeed, but I guess it is just a process and I'm doing really well right now!

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Even though I've just discoved my spouse of 26 years is not the man I thought he was, and even though I am in the middle of a divorce...I'm still happy.


I guess it could have something to do with that pill doctor gave me recently. :glare: Nah just kidding...I am short term taking something to get me through this incredible stress...but even before all the answers were revealed to me, and my marriage was a constant state of upheaval--I was still happy. I love life. I have faith, hope, joy. I have a beautiful loving son. I have a great congregation. I have a huge network of family and friends...so many that I felt like sending out mass email updates on my mess of a life, but felt that might not be prudent. :tongue_smilie:


I don't know where happiness comes from. Contentment? Something to do, something to hope for and someone to love. I have that and so much more.

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No, I'm not.


I'm weary. Soul chilling, bone deep weary.


I'm exhausted. Every fiber of my being exhausted.


I'm scared. (Of certain specifics)


I'm resentful that when I should be reclaiming, rebuilding, recreating my life I have been further impoverished financially, emotionally, time-wise.


Nonetheless, I have wisdom and skills to mitigate the effects of the above and the ability to enjoy moments - or series of moments - in my life. In spite of my circumstances, in the last week, I have:


1) Taken my kids to 2 different pools.

2) Happily or at least contentedly worked 3 jobs.

3) Spent, um, time with my DH.

4) Checked in with my Pastor.

5) Tried to pray.

6) Checked in with AA people.

7) Talked to my extended family.

8) Hung out doing something seemingly mundane with each child.

9) Played catch with my oldest son to break in his new glove before the Fall baseball season.

10) Done some "school" with my kids and bonus students.

11) Signed my kids and bonus students up for next year's YMCA Homeschool Activities.

12) Helped a couple of new to recovery women.

13) Assisted a homeless friend in several ways.


I'm not unhappy because of my own thinking, because of a spiritual lacking, because of any *lack* or situation created by me. Feeling as I do is a natural and expected reality given my reality.


I'm hopeful that it will change but frankly doubtful it will do so for the next 4, 6 and 8 years or so.

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Yes. I am generally happy.


But, my hormones fight me on this constantly. So, though I am generally happy, I have frequent bouts of hormone-induced intrusive thoughts that invade my blue skies.



This is me too. Hormones can make me very blue/depressed at times.


I have a great dh and awesome kids. I think I struggle with my expectations of myself. I get overwhelmed easily, although not as much as I used to. If I'm unhappy, it's usually because I am dissatisfied with myself. Overall, I'm a pretty positive person (hee...I like that acronym...PPP). I try hard not to let my blue moods show through, and I try not to complain, except occasionally to dh. I will say I am really looking forward to having a transfigured body in heaven!

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I am happy.


I haven't always been.


I consciously strive to find joy in my daily life, in the beauty of the world, in the little routines and rituals, in my family and my home. I've also found that focusing on the gifts and blessings others bring to my life instead of their faults, and striving for kindness and truth in my interactions with others has helped immensely.



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yes, I'm a very happy person. My favorite thing in the world to do is laugh and I rarely have a day without laughter. Even in the midst of tragedy I usually will do something or say something stupid to get others to laugh, and to laugh myself. I like to focus on positive thoughts and not negative. I try not to dwell on negative thoughts ever and if I do, usually there's a situation that needs to be addressed. One of the first things my husband fell in love with about me was my zest for life.


I'm currently dealing with grief (lost my mother, whom I cared for in my home, 1.5 weeks ago) and burnout and I have some bad days but its a process I need to go through.

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Overall, are you happy? Do you find it difficult to find joy in your everyday life?


I think one can make a decision to be happy and find joy in everyday life. It's not always easy, and yes I've experienced a good share of tradgedy in my life. But, yes, I'm a happy, joyful person.

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This is an interesting question. I would say overall I am happy. Do I get crabby and fussy? Sure! The last 6 years have been the MOST STRESSFUL and HARDEST years of my life. There have been days when I felt like I just could not take one more stinking thing to happen. You know what? I got through that day and went on to the next. Somehow it has all worked out. I have posted about this many times because it impacts my life so much. My sil was killed nearly 6 years ago. She was my best friend and it shook my world. There were days that I just couldn't find joy. I couldn't see past my sadness. My dh offered to have a 3rd child because he knew it was something I wanted and hoped it would held me find joy. While that was sweet and we love our "bonus" child - it was still hard to find joy. One day, I started my blog and called it Crazy Everyday Blessings. I needed to find a way to focus on the everyday blessings in my life. It was a process. It didn't happen over night. So many other things have happened in the years since she passed away - that my head could literally swirl with the craziness of it all. In the end, though, I am happy. Worried, frazzled, tired, yes. yes. yes. Happy - yes. God has been faithful in all of the trials. I just try to remind myself.

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Happy? What is "happy"? Really... I've wondered this myself. I would say I'm content. I have a good life. But, I'm also a perfectionist, I have very unrealistic expectations for myself (not a good enough wife, mom, friend, housekeeper, etc.)( I realize that, but now how to get over that...:glare:) and so I am stressed a lot because of that. But, yes, I generally have an overall sense of well-being.

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I'm very happy in my life, despite the circumstances and worries that happen daily, I find joy in the little things. A beautiful evening sunset in all it's glory, the early morning sun rays on my living room floor as I open the shades, my four little ones climbing in bed with me in the morning for a quick snuggle, daily letters from my oldest daughter who is away at camp, picking fresh veggies and fruit from our gardens and orchards, cooking/baking new recipes, homeschooling lots of little ones. These are the daily moments in my life when I am just overcome with joy to The Lord for all the blessings I have in my life. I praise HIM and thank HIM constantly throughout my day, for all the wonderful things in my life !


Last year, was a very hard summer, this is my summer of immense joy ! We live on very modest income from just my husband's job, have a large family, lots of work on our farm and tons of bills. Last summer our water pipe broke causing us a $1,200 dollar water bill and another $ 2,000 in cost to fix it. Last summer our barn was damaged from storms and needed to be taken down and that was another $ 5,000 dollars plus long hours of labor by my husband. Last summer my sweet 19 year old daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, it hit us so hard ! One thing after another came at us like waves from the ocean hitting the shoreline, one thing after another trying to knock us down and destroy our willpower. Each time we were knocked down, we stood back up stronger, ready to fight again.


We learned so much from that time last summer, we huddled together and we worked as a team to overcome anything set against us. We hit our knees in prayer, in fact, I spent most of my summer last year on my knees. My daughter struggled through two long surgeries and lots of recovery time throughout the summer to fight the cancer, to save her reproduction system, to save her life, she made it through and is now much stronger for it. Even though she has years of constant check up's and medical interventions ahead of her, she is so full of joy ! She is a fighter, just like we raised her, she won't let anything get her down. She is now living at summer camp working as a camp counselor and conquering all her fears and inhibitions.


She was once terribly afraid of heights and very shy, but signed up to be the high ropes course instructor and rock climbing wall instructor. She did it to challenge herself, to knock out her fears, to overcome anything that stood in her way. Her motto "Mountain Get Out of My Way" is her rally call now. She writes me daily through emails telling me about each new challenge she conquered and crossed off her list. She loves the high ropes course and rock climbing wall now, she feels empowered teaching and training her young charges about the ropes course and climbing wall. She learned that she absoultely loves teaching and working with children and her shyness totally disappeared since she moved into a leadership position. She is rid of that fear of heights, she conquered that foe, destroyed those doubts and demons. Daily she makes new goals for herself, challenging herself further, pushing herself harder. She is living her dreams and achieving everything she always wanted to do. She will return to college in the fall stronger and better for it with even more determination to make all her dreams come true, no matter what future may lay ahead of her.


I am so very proud of her, each day she strives to be more, do better and challenge herself further. I live in her shadows, covering her in constant prayer, pressing her on, supporting her and always, always, there for her in case she falls. Where once again, I will help her get back up and back on that path again.


Happy ? You bet I am, I am on top of the world !

That is so beautiful. You have brought tears to my eyes.

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Interesting topic. :D I was just telling my kids today when we were leaving the store, "You can't control situations around you, but you can control your reactions to them. Happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy!" What does that mean in realistic terms? Looking for the silver lining, appreciating whatever blessings I do have, trying to not let life and all that it can/will hold get me down. I chose to be happy. And I kept reminding my morose 10 year old, if you keep telling yourself something (and acting as if) it will eventually become reality.


PS I am the mom of two, possibly three, special needs kids so please don't think life here is a bed of roses. hehehe

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I sat here trying to figure out how to respond to the question.


I am happy with the life I live with my husband and children, yes.


But,.....many days I wish I could just die.


We have life insurance policies on dh, me, etc. We have planned and planned and planned about what the other spouse should do if we were ever widowed.


I never ever in a million years thought about losing a sibling,though, someone I had known for my entire life.


Watching him die, holding his hand as he took his last breath, and then dealing with the emotional aftermath has proven to be more profoundly difficult than I had ever imagined.


And some days it just hurts more than others. (yesterday was his birthday)


I'm not suicidal. But, if a car were coming at me I'm not so sure I would get out of the way.

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I don't mean right at this very second, situationally happy or not . . . the water heater just exploded or something and you are not happy OR you just won the lottery and you can't help but be happy. I mean, in general, are you happy? Whether or not this is where you *thought* you'd be, do you find satisfaction in your situation (Catholics: read vocation).


Overall, are you happy? Do you find it difficult to find joy in your everyday life?


Just curious/;)



Yes, I really am. I have not always been this way. A long time ago, I pulled myself out of a very dark place and learned to see the good around me. That is not to say that I don't have my moments! But in general, I am a happy person.

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Interesting post, as I've just been contemplating this same thought. I have everything that matters most--wonderful husband, four terrific kids, a faith in God, freedom, a comfortable house, car & good enough 'fixins'...yet I am not as happy as I ought to be! I find myself down or grumpy way too often--and I want to be more joyful and happy. That's the kind of person I WANT to be...but I'm just too tired & worn out to be her!




:iagree: and this really drives me crazy. Anybody got a cure, Ihate to rely on drugs for my happiness, but this is just not right.



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I never ever in a million years thought about losing a sibling,though, someone I had known for my entire life.


Watching him die, holding his hand as he took his last breath, and then dealing with the emotional aftermath has proven to be more profoundly difficult than I had ever imagined.


And some days it just hurts more than others. (yesterday was his birthday)


I'm not suicidal. But, if a car were coming at me I'm not so sure I would get out of the way.


I'm so sorry. I lost my dsis in 2005 after a four and a half year battle with breast cancer. She was just 10 1/2 mos. younger than me. I feel I lost part of myself and half of my childhood. I miss her everyday. I know it is hard. Sorry for your loss.

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Yes. I am happy, even with all of the bad stuff we have had shoveled on us the past few years. My DH had a car wreck in 2008 and now is on disability, we have lost about half our income, we have downsized, and had a small fire in our house on Sunday night. All the little things aside, yes I am happy. I love my husband, kids, and what I do.

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Yes, I truly am which some find very strange considering our circumstances. I have a great marriage, 3 wonderful kids, and we have more than I ever dreamed of in terms of a house, vacations, vehicles and so on. I get to roll out of bed every morning and spend the day playing with my kids.


We do have a child with cancer which is why people cannot understand why I am happy, but he is doing well (we think) and we get to enjoy everyday we have with the kids that much more.

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I am content. Happiness is fleeting - it's something that comes when a baby is born or you get a really good deal on something you've been wanting. It's not to be our everyday desire for life.


The Word says to be content in ALL things. That doesn't mean we aren't sad at times, but we can always have the Joy of the Lord.


I am content. Somedays I'm deliriously happy. But I am very rarely sad - my uncle died two weeks ago and that made me sad, but I could still find joy in knowing that his suffering in this life is over and that he is in a much better place.


I always say that I'm living my dream and I am. I couldn't wish or want for anything more than what God's blessed me with. We want more children and if God sees fit to give them to us we'll be content and happy in that situation, but if he chooses not to, then we will be content there.


It's a choice, I believe. My life is everything I've ever wanted - according to me, it's perfect. My husband feels the same. You can ask any of our kids and they will tell you that their life is wonderful. So, I guess my answer would be yes, I'm happy, but more than that I'm content.

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I'm very happy, I tend to be an optimistic person. I can't wait to wake up, can't wait to do stuff throughout the day (except laundry and some other domestic stuff), can't wait to hang with my family at the end of the day, can't wait to read with my daughter at bedtime, can't wait to read for 2-3 hours by myself in bed...


Sure I've been through tough times, but I always know they will pass. I wish we had the salary we had a few years ago (it plummeted to 1/4), but I am grateful for what we have, especially a happy, healthy family.


I've got a creative, spontaneous, and ambitious personality, so I never know what I'm going to be obsessed with next. (Currently it is building a home library.)


Sorry I haven't had time to read everyone's responses yet, this thread got large fast!

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Yes, I am happy most of the time. I get grumpy and sometimes I get a bit depressed with PMS, but overall, there is a lot of love and joy in my life.

In my late teens and early twenties I was a psychological mess, and not happy, although people on the outside might not have realised it. I also wallowed in self pity. Having kids in my late twenties pulled me out of self obsession and directed my energy outwards which was what I needed.

My dh is an exceedingly upbeat and happy person. Its really annoying sometimes :)

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I find I am happy when I choose to be. Sometimes I am too co-dependent on the state of my marriage or the cleanliness of my house and I allow the blues to creep in. It seems, when I'm down, I tend to drag others with me and I focus on others shortcomings. Very. Very counter-productive.


When I choose to be the best I can be at my "jobs" I am happier b/c I am confident I can stand blameless (as blameless as a person can be) and then I feel better.


When I view my life...I find I have NO reason to be unhappy or lack contentness.


So, overall, yes I am happy, and full of hope that a few areas of my life are improving and will lead to greater happiness overall.

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No. It is something I am working on at this point in my life. I have never been a happy person. Optomist yes, happy no but that comes from relying on outside sources to provide that happiness and when I am let down again and again it of course has the opposite effect, mixed in with heavy stress and outside influences always attacking and there is no joy/happiness left. I am currently working on finding inner peace with myself, to be followed by contentment and then joy. We will call it my 5 yr plan :p , hopefully by then I will not be the miserable person I have been for so long.

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I am content. Happiness is fleeting - it's something that comes when a baby is born or you get a really good deal on something you've been wanting. It's not to be our everyday desire for life.


The Word says to be content in ALL things. That doesn't mean we aren't sad at times, but we can always have the Joy of the Lord.


I am content. Somedays I'm deliriously happy. But I am very rarely sad....


:iagree: Yup. That's me to a T. I find I'm always full of Joy, I can always see the silver lining... and if I can't, then I know that one day I will.

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In general, yes, I'm happy, content as another poster stated. There are ups and downs, aggravations and pleasures, joys and concerns. Life can be very hard sometimes but there are so many things to enjoy and appreciate that supersede the sad and unfortunate. I love learning about the world, doing things with my kids and husband (boy have I been blessed!), enjoying the progression of the seasons. Many of the things Ray Bradbury has noticed and written about in his books and short stories (like Dandelion Wine) portray some of the very things I love about life.


I haven't had a chance to read all the posts yet, so perhaps someone has already read this interesting book on happiness:


Happiness is a Serious Problem by Dennis Prager. Every Friday on his radio show he also discusses topics associated with happiness. I think these are better than the book, personally.


Cicero, too, has written on happiness, in On Friendship, I believe--a better read than Prager's book even.

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I find I am happy when I choose to be. Sometimes I am too co-dependent on the state of my marriage or the cleanliness of my house and I allow the blues to creep in. It seems, when I'm down, I tend to drag others with me and I focus on others shortcomings. Very. Very counter-productive.


When I choose to be the best I can be at my "jobs" I am happier b/c I am confident I can stand blameless (as blameless as a person can be) and then I feel better.


When I view my life...I find I have NO reason to be unhappy or lack contentness.


So, overall, yes I am happy, and full of hope that a few areas of my life are improving and will lead to greater happiness overall.


Tina, this is so me! Especially the part...well actually ALL the parts :D Thank you for writing exactly what I am feeling so eloquently!



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No. Not really.


I know I should be. I can count all day the things I am thankful for, but still something's missing. Zest. Smiling. Real relationships. Passion.


It just seems like duty, responsibility, nagging, etc. ugh


:grouphug: Dawn, I have been there too, and still can feel this way on occasion, I hope that it will get better for you.



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