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Anonymous letter in the mail

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Today I received an envelope addressed to me (woman's handwriting, I believe). From Santa Ana, CA and no sender address or name. (Signed "T" or "J")


It was a cut out from a newspapar about food crisis and buying seeds etc...


Was this from anyone on here??? If it was, why didn't you just sign your name?


Also, I'm not sure anyone on here has my address. ???:confused:


Just wondering....Thanks!

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I think it's some kind of advertising (legit or not, I don't know.) I got one like that several years ago, only it was some diet plan, and a handwritten note in the margin. Something like "Give it a try- it really works." After thinking, "how rude to suggest I need a diet" (I didn't at the time, anyway... :lol: ) I looked at it as a mystery. I did notice:


1) looked like a newspaper clipping but it went all the way to the margin and didn't have a page number or publication name in the corner as most papers do


2) was addressed to my full first name, which is a name I'm not usually called


3) was from California, where I know almost no one



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palnt a Full Acre Crisis Garden!" It was cut from USA This week, on Wed, April 15, 2009. It also had a post-it note saying "You've got to read this!". Also signed with a J or T. Also from Santa Ana, CA.


Maybe the folks at the Survival Seed bank are using this method of advertising?

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Guest Katia
Today I received an envelope addressed to me (woman's handwriting, I believe). From Santa Ana, CA and no sender address or name. (Signed "T" or "J")


It was a cut out from a newspapar about food crisis and buying seeds etc...


Was this from anyone on here??? If it was, why didn't you just sign your name?


Also, I'm not sure anyone on here has my address. ???:confused:


Just wondering....Thanks!


OMG! I just got the VERY SAME letter in the mail today. Hand addressed to me, with a hand-written sticky note attached......scary! I didn't even open it all the way to read it....just threw it in the trash.


How would someone get my address like that? I never get junk mail...just my dh.


I'm wondering with you: why would someone send this?

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I was born in Santa Ana, but it wasn't me either. :D On a similar note, my dil's instant messenger has a "Trojan" on it that sometimes sends me messages plugging weight loss programs. The messenger window pops open and the text says it is from her, but it isn't! Ds says that when you play online games these programs can sneak in. It is a bit creepy. We also get junk mail from people we don't know attempting to have a personal touch. Somehow, our ds, 23, is on a mailing list for cosmetic procedures that apply to women :lol: I think those people at SAT sold his name and address because he started getting junk mail at that time.

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I think it's some kind of advertising (legit or not, I don't know.) I got one like that several years ago, only it was some diet plan, and a handwritten note in the margin. Something like "Give it a try- it really works." After thinking, "how rude to suggest I need a diet" (I didn't at the time, anyway... :lol: ) I looked at it as a mystery. I did notice:


1) looked like a newspaper clipping but it went all the way to the margin and didn't have a page number or publication name in the corner as most papers do


2) was addressed to my full first name, which is a name I'm not usually called


3) was from California, where I know almost no one




Yep, I got one a few years ago just like this and felt paranoid. I think there was something on Snopes about this. It is just an advertising ploy, not an attack on your weight. (I had ordered a Richard Simmons product not too long before I got that in the mail, so I thought maybe there was a link).



Here's a link sort of explaining the advertising ploy.

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OMG, I got one, too! It's the handwritten note that freaked me out. None of my relatives in California would have sent this. I'm glad I don't have to worry about who I offend when I toss it in the garbage. Why would someone go through all the trouble of a handwritten envelope and note? Where did they get my address?


Probably from some mailing list. I found out that my gas company sells names to marketers :glare: And, reverse phone books are easy for marketers to come by. When I worked in market research, we had stacks of them.


They think that if YOU think the ad came from someone you know, you'll trust it more. After all, who doesn't know someone by the initial the note is signed with?

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palnt a Full Acre Crisis Garden!" It was cut from USA This week, on Wed, April 15, 2009. It also had a post-it note saying "You've got to read this!". Also signed with a J or T. Also from Santa Ana, CA.


Maybe the folks at the Survival Seed bank are using this method of advertising?


This is exactly what I received today.

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But they were different from each other. But exactly as you describe - a newspaper article that I "needed" to read. And the post mark was CA.


I know mine was generated from an online thing cause when I need to fill out my name and it's required, I just put C in for first name. I do write the whole last name. And that's how my envelope was addressed C K______ at my address.

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It is junk mail. They have printing programs that can make it look like real handwriting. The reason a J is used is because all of us can most likey think of someone we know with the letter J as the first letter of the first name. Some scam type letters are sent the same way - no return address, handwriting looking remarks and notes, and such. Just throw it away. They could have bought your name from anywhere. I still receive junky things with my maiden name on it at my parents home and I have not lived there in almost 20 years.

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Today I received an envelope addressed to me (woman's handwriting, I believe). From Santa Ana, CA and no sender address or name. (Signed "T" or "J")


It was a cut out from a newspapar about food crisis and buying seeds etc...


Was this from anyone on here??? If it was, why didn't you just sign your name?


Also, I'm not sure anyone on here has my address. ???:confused:


Just wondering....Thanks!


It's a scam or junk mail. I got that letter quite a while ago.

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I think it's some kind of advertising (legit or not, I don't know.) I got one like that several years ago, only it was some diet plan, and a handwritten note in the margin. Something like "Give it a try- it really works." After thinking, "how rude to suggest I need a diet" (I didn't at the time, anyway... :lol: ) I looked at it as a mystery. I did notice:


1) looked like a newspaper clipping but it went all the way to the margin and didn't have a page number or publication name in the corner as most papers do


2) was addressed to my full first name, which is a name I'm not usually called


3) was from California, where I know almost no one




My mom got this same thing a few years back, she's in S Cal.


Oh, and not me.

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This is about the only place I post, alot. Besides my blogs. I do not have my address on there. But as "kah" stated some things, it does sound quite similar. Maybe they pick names out of all the phone books. Who knows...a mystery indeed!


I too did receive something like this about weight loss - 1-2 years ago. Completely phony!

And as far as our addresses go, we'd be truly shocked if we knew exactly who has our complete address or how easy it is nowadays to obtain it.


Example: I received (for years) catalogs about girls' toys and dolls and never had a girl, never ordered anything for girls online. This catalog was all about girls and nothing else. It finally stopped.


If you still need fuel for heating, I bet it burns well...:D

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I got it here today too!


Dd9 went all Nancy Drew on it and started writing out all the facts, etc., in her little notebook, trying to figure out who it was from!


I have to say it really was effective-it had us wondering til we looked at it further and saw the back of the page had the same address, etc.

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This is about the only place I post, alot. Besides my blogs. I do not have my address on there. But as "kah" stated some things, it does sound quite similar. Maybe they pick names out of all the phone books. Who knows...a mystery indeed!


I got one in the mail today too...exactly as you described from Santa Ana California!! I do not think it is truly a newspaper cut out...I think it is a promotional stunt made to look like someone cut it out of the paper! Now that you write this, I wonder...do you sell and or buy on the boards here?? I do quite often and wonder if perhaps someone held onto my name... The post it note even had an nondescript 'signature'...just one initial actually but it is vague enough so you can't tell what letter it is...weird!!!

Glad to know it wasn't just sent to me :)

I'll be curious to see if any others respond.



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Oh my gosh, I got the same letter today! Postmarked Santa Ana, CA, no return address. There was a newspaper clipping inside with some nonsense about seeds and a yellow sticky post-it saying, "Michelle, you have got to see this!" Signed "J" in blue ink. Very weird. I do have relatives in CA, but none of them with the first initial of "J" and I doubt any of them would send me newspaper clippings.


Edited to add: I have never bought or sold anything on this messageboard. All the used curriculum I have bought over the years have been from Ebay or used book sites like Alibris or through Amazon.

Edited by Shelly in the Country
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Whoa, no way. I got one the other day. Same thing here. No name, nothing. Just a newspaper article about seeds that were not hybrid. There seemed to be an article on both sides of the paper on food stuff. I never read it but my dh did. No return addy, nothing and the signature looked like what you described on a sticky note. Too weird.:confused:

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