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How long have you homeschooled?

How long have you homeschooled  

  1. 1. How long have you homeschooled

    • 0 - Haven't even started yet!
    • 1-2 years: Still brand new!
    • 3-4 years
    • 5-6 years
    • 7-8 years
    • 9-10 years
    • 11-15 years
    • 16-20 years
    • Retired!
    • 20+ years: Tell us about yourself!

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11 years down. 14 more to go!..... (does that mean I'm not halfway to the finish line yet?..Ah man!) ;)


Oldest dd went to ps for K - 2nd.


However, we had a brief bought with insanity (probably brought on by sleep deprivation) during the fall of 2001. Dh placed the older kids back into ps. Dh was afraid they were going to turn out stupid because we were NOT getting any schooling accomplished with 2 toddlers and a baby in the house. Thankfully, the Lord was gracious enough to show us, with his little 2x4, that we messed up. By Feb of 2002 they were all back home for good. Lesson learned. Albeit the hard way.:001_huh:

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We started hsing in 1982, when I took my older dd out of school during Easter break of first grade. She started taking classes at the community college when she was 14. Younger dd never went to school until she was 14, when I started a little school at my church and dd went along with me. She also began taking evening classes at the community college that year.


I don't know how many years of hsing that actually makes :-)


I started an umbrella school in 1988, and administered it until I moved to Texas in 2004, so even though eventually I wasn't actually hsing, I was still very involved in homeschooling.

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I think they keep calling all that stuff we did before they were 5 parenting. Hmmm...;)


Yes, this is going to mess with the tally if some people count the years before as "homeschooling" and if others start from 5.


From "school-age" we've been homeschooling, umm, 8 years.


If you're going to count from birth, then my oldest is 16.


And, if you really want to go there, we read to him en utero, and played classical music and all that mess, so I could say 17, right?


Or, we could stick with my original answer. . .

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I voted 9-10 years BUT that does not cover any one kid for that period of time, as each of my four has been home or school as appropriate to meet their (and my) needs on a yearly basis.


Since ds (non-autistic) was a third grader I have homeschooled him for 1/2 third grade through sixth, then also 8th. So he was home 4.5 years.


Autism Boy was home 1 year.


Oldest dd came last quarter of first grade and stayed for second, third, fourth...I gave her back to PS the first week of fifth grade. So she was a tad over 3 years.


Youngest dd has been home for K, first, second, fourth, 1/2 of fifth (which I bumped her up into sixth grade material when I brought her home), and now seventh. Total for her - 5.5 years. She WILL go back next year - she is champing at the bit.


With all the overlapping kids I have been home about 9 -10 years total.

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