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When I look at my child...

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Explain one thing about your child's looks that you secretly love to stare at. What about this child you've created or have adopted into your heart makes you melt with affection? Don't feel badly if you don't have one for each of your children right off the bat. Just go with the first thing that pops into your head. I'll go first.


I love my daughter's hair. It's soft and silky and straight and always looks perfect even after a long day. I love the way it falls straight down her back and makes me want to pet it.


After 6 thin and wiry girls, I can't get enough of my son's stocky little boy body. He's heavy and squishy and fun to snuggle up when he'll let me.

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Christopher -- it's his usually caring "big-brother" ways.

Kathryn -- it's her smile and the way she "mothers" the babies.

Joshua -- Seeing him so excited about reading, he pulls out a stack of books a foot tall.

Lizzie -- How she grabs a towlette and says, "I cleaning mommy! I cleaning!" What mom wouldn't love that!


How not a one of them looks truly like the other, and it looks like we just walked through the baby store and said, I'll take that one... and that one... and that one... (seriously, we get these comments all the time from friends, co-workers and family). They are truly a unique bunch. Now, if Abby has red hair and green eyes, that will about seal the deal for me!

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The eleven-year-old looks a lot like his dad. How can you not adore a child who looks just like a miniature version of the man you love?


The eight-year-old has knock out freckles. I love them.


The five-year-old has strange eyes. They look like the inside of a geode. I melt for them.


And the baby... it's his hair. Everyone in my family has brown, curly hair. My first two kids had straight blond hair. It was so strange. So I love Jasper's curls.

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Explain one thing about your child's looks that you secretly love to stare at. What about this child you've created or have adopted into your heart makes you melt with affection? Don't feel badly if you don't have one for each of your children right off the bat. Just go with the first thing that pops into your head. I'll go first.


I love my daughter's hair. It's soft and silky and straight and always looks perfect even after a long day. I love the way it falls straight down her back and makes me want to pet it.


After 6 thin and wiry girls, I can't get enough of my son's stocky little boy body. He's heavy and squishy and fun to snuggle up when he'll let me.


My dd's chubby cheeks. They are just so rosy and plump, just ripe for pinching. Plus each cheek has a bunch of tiny dimples. My dd has a Pat Benetar rocker chick look as opposed to the porcelain doll look some girls have.


My oldest ds has hardest, rock hard little body. It's really funny because he's really small for his age but can open a can of whup @$$.


My tiniest has the cutest nostrils and quite surprisingly, a very sweet voice. :001_wub:

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My older son has the most perfect lips. Truly. He is going to make some lucky woman very happy when he gets married. :D


My youngest son is adopted from Korea and I love to stare at his beautiful Asian eyes...perfect almond shape with long, thick, dark lashes.


When they are sleeping, I could stare at them all night.

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When I look at my oldest ds, I love that I can see the "wheels of his brain" working, his imagination is out of this world.


With my dd, I love to watch her care for her animals, she has an unquenchible thirst for knowledge about animals.


With my youngest ds, I love the sparkle that's always in his eye. I also love that he is a spitting image (both looks and personality) of my brother. My brother is one of my best friends, and it's nice to have a daily reminder of him since we live 1000 miles away from each other.

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Well I'm adopted, so my children are the only blood relatives I have ever seen - I stare at their faces all the time wondering which part looks like me, which part looks like my dh, and which part maybe looks like my biological family. So that's sort of a general fascination with their looks. :)


I think my oldest has the perfect nose and profile - considering her mother and father I have NO idea where she got it, LOL.


My second dd has a great smile, and I love the way her eyes light crinkle up. I also love her skin tone (it's olive like my dh).


3rd dd has hair the color of a copper penny in the light - it's gorgeous and was especially so when she was younger. She also has a small sprinkling of freckles over her nose and cheeks. She's small, sweet, and thin and reminds me of a fairy. :)


4th dd has great hair. Thick, smooth, straight and easy to manage.


My fifth child was our first boy. I think my dh is just happy he has testosterone instead of estrogen! :tongue_smilie: I think he has the best dimples. When he's happy, we're all happy.

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15 y.o. dd: Adorable freckles, love the way she laughs


13 y.o. dd: The most amazing blue eyes rimmed with dark lashes


8 y.o. ds: The curl at the nape of his neck, reminds me of the curls he had when he was young


5 y.o. ds: He's just beautiful, such a sweet face, very photogenic


3 y.o. ds: The funniest quirkiest facial expressions that crack me up and melt my heart. He's very much his own little person.



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Both of my sons have the same adorable neck! They have this indentation right below their hair line and I love it! The girl who cuts our hair loves it, too. The first time she cut the baby's hair, she got all excited that he had the same neck as his brother.:)


My daughter? Her profile! She has the most beautiful profile ever. Her chin is perfect; her nose is perfect; her forehead is perfect!



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Oldest ds...muscular early teen with a sculpted looking face. Looks a lot like my Dad and my brother and I adore them both.


Middle ds...looks just like his father with the bluest eyes, the thickest hair, and a beautiful face.


Dd...she is just beautiful in a blond hair, blue eyed way with rosebud mouth and sweet cheeks. I love her little bob haircut, shorter in back than the front and the way her little neck looks in the back...I just want to kiss it up!

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From the youngest on up:


2dd has a dimple next to her right eye. We call it her "temple dimple" and it is just darling.


5 dd could be a spokeswoman for Welches Grape Juice. She has the best cheeks and is very photogenic.


6ds has the something (gleam/smile) that makes your heart melt. It has kept him alive all this time. (I always joke that he could sell you a car that doesn't run)


10dd has the honor(:confused:) of being the "beauty" of the extended family according to my mom. (Thankfully, she didn't say that in front of her other grandchildren, yet.) She is the perfect mix between my dh and me. She has poise that I never did at her age. She absolutely will be a beauty.

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My ds is my little cuddler. I could hug & kiss him all day long, he is so sweet. I love to feel his little face.


DD tears my hear out, because she tries to be so tough, but isn't. Anything to do with animals, and she melts, and if anyone was sad or hurt, she would be right there, trying to make them feel better. I love to look at her when she is laughing & crinkling her little nose.

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12 yos... I just love how he looks with his glasses on. When I was in junior high, I always thought boys with the glasses were the cutest. (My dh wears glasses so that worked out well.) But yeah, I think my son is so cute in his glasses.


8 yos and 6 yod-- both have wonderful curly hair that I could stare at and touch all day long. Ds's is brown, and dd's is blonde, and both seem so beautiful and extraordinary to me, with my stick-straight long hair.

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ds - his eyes (their shape - big and beautiful with great lashes - and color - a bright, shining hazel - and full of life); his smile (lights up a room - and he has very nice lips!); his hands (remind me of his dad's - very masculine); his sense of humor and fantastic wit (quick, funny); his upbeat, positive mindset (even through a difficult medical time); his incredibly beautiful and accurate whistling - it might be easier just to say there's a lot that I marvel at in this ds that God fashioned from his dad and me - I'd say God still does miracles! :)

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My oldest has the most graceful slender body. When she stands still she holds it so erect that the gracefulness of it nearly knocks me over. She is completely beautiful.


My son has a stocky little body with the most defined muscles I have seen on a 3yo. I love to watch them flex and move as he runs and jumps. His facial expressions melt my heart.


Littlest one, everything about this child melts my heart. Her skin is silky smooth, her smile quick and honest, and her eyes see everything.

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I have been told that Lex looks like my dad did as a child. I love his hair, he has so many curls. And the sweet 'I love you mommy' look he gives me.

Ivan has the biggest blue eyes I have ever seen. When he smiles and shows his dimples, his eyes just light up. I adore his hugs.

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With both of my boys, it is their eyes. My older son has incredible lashes - actually all my kids do, thanks to their dear old dad - but my oldest son's are just gorgeous with his eyes. My younger son just got contacts this year, after wearing glasses since he was six months old. So I am really enjoying really seeing his face after such a long time.


As for my daughter, it is definitely her smile. It is beautiful, just like her dad's.


Can you tell how cute I think my dh is? My kids remind me so much of him.

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Luke - it's the freckles. I adore them. Also his ears.


Peyton - she's this skinny, lanky thing. I love to watch the way she moves when she is not aware of herself. And her laugh. It's delightful.


Romy - her curls. I've only dreamed of curls myself, and the older two have hair every bit as straight as mine. And of course that 1 year old belly. It makes me swoon.

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My oldest has a great laugh and mischievous smile.


ds 8 is the only one in the family that doesn't have brown eyes. His are hazel/gray/blue/green, depending on what he's wearing. Along with super long eyelashes.


ds6 is the clown, with the funniest expressions. He's very physical and can do all sorts of "cool moves". He impresses me on a regular basis.


dd4 has raven dark hair and eyes to match. Huge eyes, so dark that you can hardly tell where her iris starts. She's gorgeous.

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What a sweet thread!


DS8 has these beautiful round brown eyes with the longest lashes I've ever seen, they just melt my heart! He will be a heartbreaker someday! He looks a lot like DH but with my brown hair and eyes.


DD 6 looks a lot like me when I was younger, except she has blue eyes and blond hair from DH's family. I love the way her face lights up when she smiles. I also love to watch her make up ballet dancing moves to music when she doesn't know anyone is watching!


DS 2 is just adorable and reminds me of both of the other two kids, he is such a mixture of them. His little blond curls in the back of his head are so sweet just after his hair is washed, before they have a chance to frizz up! He brings a smile to all of our faces when his laughter fills the room.

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I love this thread.

My oldest has my eyes, it's like looking into a mirror. But her face is so different than mine. She is an elf-woman.

My 18 yo has the most beautiful hair. It is a beautiful blond and THICK. It is gorgeous short and stunning long.

My 14 yo has hands and arms like his dad's, strong and wirey.

My 8yo has a heart shaped face like my dh's aunt and strong white teeth. He has a killer smile. All of our kids have blue eyes but Cub's left eye is 1/4 brown, like both grand daddies.

My 5 yo dd has round eyes like daddy. Blue, bright and innocent - and her deep belly giggle makes everyone :lol:

Sigh. I love my kids.

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DS13 - his blue eyes and his coloring. Coming from a family of all brown-eyed people, I love having a blue-eyed child!


DS11 - his green eyes and his freckles. Adorable.


DD8 - her long eyelashes and her pretty dark brown eyes with the light ring, and the fact that she looks *exactly* like my aunt whose name she has as her middle name.


DD6 - her cute dimples and her pretty lips. Plus she is a very snuggly girl.

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Both of them: the hair. One has silky smooth thick hair that could be in a commercial. The other has hair just like mine--wavy and fuzzy and tangly, only hers is a gorgeous light red color.


Also cheeks and legs.


My oldest has this serious expression that I just love. The younger one has a hilarious grin.

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Our son has the hugest eyes and, buried under his fringe (bangs) he has the most gorgeously shaped forehead.

Our daughter has fair eyebrows but long dark eye lashes. She also has the freckles (none of my side of the family have freckles and we all wanted some!). She looks just like my husband at the same age, which I love!

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My youngest daughter looks just like I dreamed her to be. It sounds silly but I had an intense dream about having a girl named Noelle with long brown hair and gigantic blue eyes. She is the sweetest thing in the world.


My middle child can light up a room in under a minute. She is almost contagious when she is in a good mood.


My son is incredibly bright and never stops asking questions. You can look at him and see the wheels turning.


Thanks for thinking of this one - it is nice to reflect on the goodness of your children.

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so it's a bit different with them:


ds19 -- there is a good deal of friction between us (we're very alike), but he still "needs" his mom and is affectionate with random, unexpected hugs, squeezes across the shoulders, and shoulder rubs. That's pretty amazing for a 19 yo. He's also very forgiving and does not hold grudges.


dd16 -- has a neck like a gazelle; she's just so pretty and feminine


ds13 -- still smells like a boy; that yummy "warm kid" smell that the older guys lose as they grow up :( He is trying his best to grow up fast...sigh!

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What I love about my ds is he has an adorable facial structure. He looks a lot like his dad, but he has smiling eyes like me and my mom. I see a good mixture and dh and myself in his face alone. Okay, that sounds vain, but I don't mean it that way. I haven't used his pic as an avatar, so I'm posting it here.


Aside from that I'm jealous of his great abs. He sits on an exercise ball for school and has the best abs, not quite a six pack, but great definition.

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My oldest's face looks exactly, I mean exactly like me. I have shown her and others pictures of me as a child and they assume it is her every time. However she has beautifully thick straight hair that curls up on the ends just right. It's cool to see what I would look like without my curls. It also helps me realize how cute I really must be :001_smile:.


My middle one has my curls, but not my face at all. She has these beyond cute dimples. Her smile can get her just about anything she wants from others, thankfully I have learned better.


My baby the boy has looooong eye lashes that cause him to have to look up to see things very well. Absolutely adorable!

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My oldest, his BIG blue eyes and the way the he looks and acts so much like his dad when he hasn't really even been around him that much.


My youngest, the fact that he still looks like he is 2 - with his round little head, his baby-ish voice, and his small stature - that people still just want to eat him up! :) He is such a precious and caring child (most of the time). He developed the soft heart that my husband has (i.e. at the end of ET, he looked at me with tears welling up in his eyes. I said, "what is wrong sweetie?" He looked at me heartbroken and sobbed, "The alwien (his voice here) had to go...HOOOMMMMEEEE." Sob Sob Sob. What a precious soul he is.)

Edited by Tree House Academy
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My new baby - his eyes. They are the darkest blue marbled with a lighter blue. They are so deep and always smiling.

My daughter - her hair. It's honey colored. Light brown with blond streaks. And her eyes are deep green some days and blue on others.


Both of my kids are healthy, strong, and absolutely beautiful.

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1st ds...he's so dark...very Italian looking..almost mafia type...

2nd ds...blonde ... could/should be a model .. very handsome

3rd ds...muscular, shy and handsome

4th ds...he always has a twinkle in his eye with everything he says and does

5th dd...beautiful and loving

6ht ds...kind of a combination of all but I always look at his eyes which are large and his nose and chin are different than the others...does that make sense?

7th dd...absolutely beautiful..can take a picture while she's a mess but it comes out beautiful

8th dd...her very round face and the way she puts her hand on her hip and stands like she's about to give orders

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My 4 y.o.'s cheeks bounce when he runs. Oooh I just love watching him run :001_smile:

My 10 y.o. ALWAYS smiles. She can't not smile. Amazing.

My 15 y.o. has the thickest darkest eyelashes I have ever seen on anyone.

My 13 y.o. is truly sweet. Always has been.

My 6 y.o. has an infectious laugh.

My 2 y.o. has been blessed with an adventurous spirit. I love watching him be daring even as I'm praying he doesn't get hurt :eek:


Great thread!

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I love to watch my 9 year old son's eyes sparkle when he is explaining one of his computer games in incredible detail and depth. I have no idea what he is talking about most of the time when it comes to those games, but his eyes sparkle and twinkle when he figures out a new level or item.


When we watch one of our favorite programs we cuddle on the couch and analyze it in detail. I love his observations. Our current favorite is Jon and Kate plus 8. He loves listening to the 4 year olds talk.

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