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Reading while listening to music


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No, but I have an app that's an ambient mood mixer where I can use background noises to get into a story: the sounds of the woods while reading LoTR, a fireplace/clanking/shuffling about while reading Harry Potter...

We've trained ourselves here to devote attention while listening to music and devote attention while reading, so it's difficult to pick one when both are going on.

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Yes.  Most of my lifelong reading had music in the background.

The bonus is that now, every time I hear the golden oldies, I remember what book I was reading when that was a hit.  😛

But on a possibly related note ... I think listening to music does have a negative impact when I do word games (wordle etc.).  I guess it's harder to think of words when you're hearing other words.

ETA:  ok wait.  I hadn't focused on the "with lyrics" part of the OP.  I think that does change with age.  In recent decades, when I have read and listened to music, it's usually been either instrumental or foreign-language music, so there aren't usually English words trying to mix in with my reading.  I do work better in general, now, without a variety of competing background sounds.  (Weirdly, my business partner, who is in her 60s, has the news on in the background all day long.  That would make me insane.  But that isn't what the OP was asking about.)

Edited by SKL
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I also prefer not to, but can tune out the tv, video game, music, whatever is going on in the background.  Except for my husband, when he's having one of those days where he needs to share all and coming out of his office to talk to me every five minutes. LOL!

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I do well with music or TV in the background - it helps me concentrate better than silence. When I was a kid, I'd always have to play music or have the TV on in the background to do homework. I think my brain is part toddler and needs to be occupied so the other part of my brain can work.

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Yes, but my preference is just instrumental music like Bach, Chopin, or Debussy playing in the background.

I successfully read a book one time while Mark's audio book played on his kindle during a road trip to Iowa. He couldn't believe I managed it. But, there are only so many times you can listen to "Hail Mary" by Andy Weir, husband's favorite book for long trips (which we take a lot of). "Mark my darling, please get another book!" 😂

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I can but but prefer not to, because if I have to focus hard (i can’t enjoy music and the book at the same time) to block out the music, I’ll be so into the book that I won’t hear anything, and that isn’t very compatible with family life and being a responsible mom and not burning the dinner.

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