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Please pray for my son


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He had a really rough day among rough days lately.  He has so little control over his body and his actions, and such deeply debilitating sensory issues.  Lately they have been so bad.  It’s so hard and often unsafe to go anywhere and it is so so hard to stay home and watch him.  It’s so hard for others to be around him so it is very isolating.   What is especially bad is the total lack of happiness, the agony and suffering in such a nice boy.  He feels very bad about his actions and the pain it causes everyone else.  It’s such a weird and difficult life I lead.  I tried to reach out to others IRL but it seems everyone has social plans which somehow makes me even more sad while I watched him scream for an hour and then watch him rip paper and chew it and I had to take it out of his mouth.  I wish he felt better and was free of such debilitating sensory issues and whatever is causing him such pain.  I wish the people who have pulled away from us all find the strength and will to love us again.  

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I’m so sorry. I’ve been there with a non verbal child in pain screaming all day long (for years). Are you able to give any meds that bring relief?- we had best luck with neurontin (best they could figure was nerve pain of some sort) and klonopin to sedate him when it was the worst.

thinking of you 

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9 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:

I’m so sorry. I’ve been there with a non verbal child in pain screaming all day long (for years). Are you able to give any meds that bring relief?- we had best luck with neurontin (best they could figure was nerve pain of some sort) and klonopin to sedate him when it was the worst.

thinking of you 

Did the Klonopin make him sleep? Did it have side effects? How long did it take to work and for howling was it effective?

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1 hour ago, Teaching3bears said:

Did the Klonopin make him sleep? Did it have side effects? How long did it take to work and for howling was it effective?

Yes it would put him to sleep. No other side effects I don’t think but he was very disabled so it was hard to tell. We used it as needed.

I know other families who used different sedatives.

The neurontin and something else I’m blanking on now were preventatives taken daily.

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I'm sorry, I have no advice.  dudeling is happy to be a hermit . . . I went through a time with him he couldn't be alone with other kids and I had to watch him like a hawk.   It's very isolating.

- when I saw he will rip/chew paper  - have you ever tried karate break boards?  (reusable. they're very easy to put back together) different colors are different levels of difficulty.   dudeling went through a period where he was using them all the time (they can be very loud, which I think was part of the appeal for him.).  But breaking them definitely helped with his anxiety.

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