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Walking in rain?


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Seeing as this past summer and now the autumn has been nothing but rain, I have learned to happily walk in it. I do not like to have wet hair, so a raincoat with hood is a must. I don't really mind a light drizzle, because I find a light rain refreshing and the air smells good. Hot weather and rain? Nope.

Edited by Idalou
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It rains a lot where I live. I’ve always been minimalist but I don’t know why it took me so long to buy a rain jacket and boots. Totally reasonable investment and once I sprung for them I felt like an idiot for not buying them sooner. 

I don’t like my feet to get wet but a pair of duck boots makes it all ok. 


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We have pretty good rain gear, so we’ll go out as long as there’s no lightning and the visibility is ok. If I can’t see something I know is about 1/2 mile away I won’t go out.  Our neighborhood doesn’t have sidewalks so I’m more worried about drivers than anything else.

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Yes yes yes!  I have walked probably 95% of days outdoors since covid started and I'm in the upper midwest.  Torrential downpour and lightening/thunder are a no but that never lasts super long.  I have an outdoor hat with a wide brim that works well for rainy conditions, but I do carry and umbrella or wear a poncho at times.  

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Just depends. Mostly our walks are for the dogs. Until very recently Avatar Dog could NOT poop w/o getting in a little vigorous movement. So we always walked unless it was heavy rain or storming. But here lately--I think due to age--he's more apt to "go" in the back yard sometimes. So now if it's much more than a mist we sometimes skip the walk and assume he can get things done in the yard if the need arises.

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I hate the rain. Dh and I have this discussion a lot. He says “Ah, listen to the sound of that beautiful rain”. I say, “ugh, another dreary day with no sunshine”. Will I walk in a drizzle? Maybe, on days I’m really committed to exercise. But I’d rather not. And generally avoid  it 

Edited by Amethyst
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Im less worried about getting wet on my torso, but hate wet feet. I can use a jacket for a brisk walk, or an umbrellas for a stroll, but most of my shoes are not water proof. My walking shoes are definitely not water proof. I am more likely to look at the ground than the sky to see if I can go for a walk or not. We don't get a lot of puddles unless the storm drains are blocked with leaves or there has been a deluge and the water hasn't drained yet.  LOL If it is puddly outside, then I tend to skip the walk. 

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Yes! I'll walk in the rain, though I will avoid rocky trails where wet surfaces are more dangerous for falls.

I will say that it's much more appealing to exercise in the rain/cold/dark if I have a buddy. I'm fortunate enough to have some homeschool moms who I exercise with once or twice a week. It's great to be physically active, be outdoors and have some great socializing all in one!! 

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I don't purposely go out to exercise in the rain, but I do live life in the rain and without an umbrella (also PNW here). During dd's soccer years I invested in good rain gear--rain pants, hooded jacket/coat, Muck boots, but for just being out during errands the hooded jacket and decent shoes are enough.

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4 minutes ago, Tap said:

Im less worried about getting wet on my torso, but hate wet feet. I can use a jacket for a brisk walk, or an umbrellas for a stroll, but most of my shoes are not water proof. My walking shoes are definitely not water proof. I am more likely to look at the ground than the sky to see if I can go for a walk or not. We don't get a lot of puddles unless the storm drains are blocked with leaves or there has been a deluge and the water hasn't drained yet.  LOL If it is puddly outside, then I tend to skip the walk. 

I invested in good water-proof walking/hiking shoes last year and it really paid off! It's way more fun to stay outdoors when my feet are dry. 😀 

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2 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Do you go out (meaning for a walk, on an outing, etc.) during rain? I understand wanting to hold off for a bit during heavy downpours, but I am thinking more of sprinkles and light showers. 


Yes! Absolutely love to do so!  Not heavy downpours but we've been caught in those on our way home.   But, a gentle, steady rain or sprinkle - FOR SURE!

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