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27 minutes ago, Emba said:

Yes, I need that! Though my kids are pretty well trained. They spring into action flapping kitchen towels at it until the smoke disperse enough and the beeping stops.

Yes, thoroughly trained here, too. And they start yelling, “Dinner’s ready!” 

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On 10/5/2021 at 1:16 PM, kbutton said:

May be an image of text that says 'The worst part about parallel parking is the witnesses'

Parallel parking is no longer on the Florida driving test but back in the day it was, and it almost caused me to fail my test. The only reason I didn't fail is that I had good marks in everything else, because my parallel parking score was abysmal. I made the cut on that section by one point above failing.

The last time I had to parallel park - I didn't. I was visiting my cousin who lives about an hour away and we went out to lunch in the downtown area of the city where she works. There was some sort of weekend festival so the streets were crowded and there were few parking spots. We found one and I started to parallel park then gave up. We quickly ran around the car to switch drivers so she could park my car!. In my defense, where I've lived for most of my life there aren't many areas where you parallel park. Mostly there are pull in parking spaces. Where there is street parallel parking it's rarely crowded so you aren't having to actually park between other vehicles. You can start by pulling in, then straighten out. If I lived where it was a normal way to park I'd want one of the newer vehicles that parallel park for you. That would be my dream car lol. 

I'm not good at backing up a vehicle in general. Back up cameras have made it a bit easier but I'll never be one of those people who back into a parking space so that I can just pull out later (dh and ds do that often). I find it easier to back out of a parking spot that to back in one. No idea why.

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37 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

Parallel parking is no longer on the Florida driving test but back in the day it was, and it almost caused me to fail my test. The only reason I didn't fail is that I had good marks in everything else, because my parallel parking score was abysmal. I made the cut on that section by one point above failing.

The last time I had to parallel park - I didn't. I was visiting my cousin who lives about an hour away and we went out to lunch in the downtown area of the city where she works. There was some sort of weekend festival so the streets were crowded and there were few parking spots. We found one and I started to parallel park then gave up. We quickly ran around the car to switch drivers so she could park my car!. In my defense, where I've lived for most of my life there aren't many areas where you parallel park. Mostly there are pull in parking spaces. Where there is street parallel parking it's rarely crowded so you aren't having to actually park between other vehicles. You can start by pulling in, then straighten out. If I lived where it was a normal way to park I'd want one of the newer vehicles that parallel park for you. That would be my dream car lol. 

I'm not good at backing up a vehicle in general. Back up cameras have made it a bit easier but I'll never be one of those people who back into a parking space so that I can just pull out later (dh and ds do that often). I find it easier to back out of a parking spot that to back in one. No idea why.

Same.  I am terrible, and glad it isn't an issue most places! I'll walk farther, or pay for garage parking, rather than try to do it if it is crowded. 

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The water source in the Jack & Jill rhyme was most likely a "dew pond," which was usually dug at the top of a hill and mostly provided water for livestock. Being at a higher elevation, it supposedly captured water through dew/fog/mist as well as rain, and it didn't have an outlet so it tended to retain water longer than natural ponds at lower elevations. They were common in England when the nursery rhyme was written. I learned that when I did a nursery rhyme study with the kids many years ago!

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9 minutes ago, kbutton said:

May be an image of text

This is so dh. . . .

we were driving down a narrow road on heavily forested national park land.  we cross a NARROW creek - blink and you'll miss the wide spot - he slammed on the brakes and started backing up . . . . and pointing at the elk at least 40 yards downstream.  in the trees/bushes . . . . uh, no, I can't see them . . . . 

He even picked off a mountain goat on this one very high rocky cliff coming down from Hurricane Ridge . . . you're looking downhill only for a few seconds while you're driving towards it.

He's constantly doing that.  Still. . . . 


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Slightly off topic to @gardenmom5’s post above, but that post made me think of this. 

Dh and ds were walking with me on a beautiful greenway recently. Suddenly, ds points to the left. “Look at those beautiful wild orchids!” Just as I turned to look at the bright orange blooms, dh says, “Look at that (insert whatever the thing was…some large round, ugly concrete thing sticking out of the ground right next to the flowers). That’s for (insert explanation here of what it was, but I wasn’t paying attention because I was still looking at the flowers)”. The difference in what they pointed out and noticed made me laugh a bit and also appreciate how much knowledge ds has of nature. It made me laugh to myself a little and we walked on. 

Edited by Indigo Blue
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10 hours ago, kbutton said:

May be an image of text

My uncle was home alone one time, and he went to make a sandwich. He couldn't find the mayonnaise. Since my aunt was always harping on "It's right there. Gah! How can you not see it?", he took every item out of the fridge. He would hold it up, read the label out loud, "Mustard", say, "Nope. Not mayonnaise" and put it on the counter. He still couldn't find the mayonnaise after the fridge was empty. He repeated this process putting the items back into the fridge. 

When my aunt came home, she told him (after laughing hysterically) that they were out of mayo.

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