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Who's in planning mode yet for 2018-19? Want to share?

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12th grader:

We have been following our state requirements for graduation through high school. She will only need an English credit next year to have everything required by the state. She will hopefully start DE at the cc. She will take her English credit and not sure what else.

12th grader is now enrolled at the Community College. She will take ENC 1101 and Student Life Skills( required for DE). Taking one semester at a time so not sure what she will take second semester. She will take Dave Ramsey Financial Peace and finish Calculus.

9th grader

Algebra 2 with Mr. D

World History- Notgrass

Biology- not sure yet maybe DIVE

English 9- not sure yet We have not found a good fit yet. BraveWriter has been ok. He struggles with writing. IEW looks so intimidating and time consuming so not sure how that would work but I need to find something. He knows how to structure a paper but struggles to come up with what to write.

ASL- not sure yet maybe FLVS if they offer it

Health- not sure yet

PE- swimming

He also has 4H Robotics Club and 4H County Council and a General 4H club he attends

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I'll have two in high school and a K/1 next year.


DS 11th
Math: Jacob's Geometry (LMF)
MUS Stewardship/Personal Finance
Science: Discovering Design with Chemistry
English/History: IEW Advanced American History theme book  Continuation Course C and Beautiful Feet Modern US & World History
Korean & Fluenz Mandarin

DD 10th (future animator)
Math: VTI Algebra
Science: Discovering Design with Chemistry
English/History: IEW Advanced American History theme book IEW Continuation Course C, Beautiful Feet Modern US & World History
Japanese from Zero
ART: She lives and breathes art. If she finishes these classes early, we have other options waiting in the wings.
Artistic Pursuits High School Book 1
Character Art School: Complete Character Drawing (Udemy)
Character Art School: Complete Coloring & Painting (Udemy)

Edited by Mona
made some changes to the plan
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Yes, 2peanuts, it took DD12 (Powerful Paragraphs Class) roughly 30 minutes per day for her assignments.  Some weeks, the editing process took longer.  The assignment checklist for each assignment was very helpful in guiding our daughter through the editing process but it took time for us to go through everything.  Putting together the bibliography took up some extra time as well, but not much.   Ms Eva's writing schedule was well outlined and communicated, so we had a daily plan.  


DD14 (Lights Camera Action) does not enjoy the writing process....at all.  So it took her considerably longer - at least double the amount of time.  Her 5 paragraph essays took forever!  But with each paper, she's getting better. 

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I think I have decided for Dd14, too. I'm trying to nake things more fun and easier than they are this year.


Math: PreCalc (not that she will find this fun)

Science: Jay Wile's new Chem book

History: 1900's, my own course

Literature: 1900's, also my own but influenced by WTM

Latin: Lukeion Transition

Spanish III: Breaking the Barrier

Bible/Church History: 1/2 credit Explorer's Bible Study plus book list

Geography: 1/2 credit

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My son is going to be 11gr. I think this is the plan:

(likely w/myhomeschoolmathclass)

ENGLISH: British Lit.
(Likely,w/ Excelsior)

FOR. LANGUAGE: Latin 2 w/Big River Academy

U.S. HISTORY: either The Potter's School, CLRC, or Memoria Press Academy

SCIENCE: Chemistry @co-op

FINE ARTS: America's Artistic Legacy w/Professor Carol

LOGIC: Traditional Logic II w/Memoria Press Academy, fall or spring semester

RELIGIOUS STUDIES: other than studying traditional parsha schedule, TBD

Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View w/Open Tent Academy, fall semester - cancelled  :crying: 

Chess @co-op

Health @co-op, spring semester

PSAT prep @Memoria Press Academy
SAT Prep ?? TBD
Blendar class @co-op
Lit. Analysis 8 wk workshop w/Write @ Home, fall semester or we work through Windows to the World together.

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I mostly observe on these forums, but am anxious about G9 next year. We're in Canada, so dd won't start accumulating credits for graduation until G10. Still.


LA - NaNoWriMo, U of Iowa Young Writers (second of three)

MA - AoPS Alg I

SCI - Cornell Bird Academy, sci fair: prey-predator interactions at mineral lick

SS - no idea

EL - digital photography at local cc, Braille with CNIB, entrepreneurship with farmer's market, Duke of ED

Edited by Bonsai
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DS 11th grade:

English - TOG Y3

Math - AoPS Calculus, self-study for AP Calc BC

Science - PAH AP Physics C

History - TOG Y3 (I think I can call this US Hist I)

Latin IV study with tutor (considering AP Latin, but will likely leave that for the following year)

Elective ???


DD 10th grade:

English - TOG Y3

Math - Alg 2 likely DO

Science - Physics with DO or TPS

Hisotry - TOG Y3

Latin IV study with tutor

Elective ???

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I feel like an oddity since we don't do any online classes. I really overloaded Ds at the beginning of 9th, even though every advice said not to do it but I did it anyway. I am really trying not to do that this year. Let's see how that goes.


Ds 10th Grade Engineering Track


Math- he is doubling up so that he can see some Calculus in 12th

Geometry using Chakerian and Math without Borders videos

Algebra II using Foersters and Math without Borders videos


Science- He had a tough science year in 9th, and he doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t care for Bio so IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m looking for an easier science year for him.

Biology using the Kolbe syllabus, the Miller Levine text, videos from MrDsBio, and Labs from either Quality Science Labs or The Home Scientist


Engineering/Programming Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Learn to program C# so he can make mods for his STEAM game, and continue his electronics projects


History- Renaissance to Modern Day

Using?? Maybe a Teaching Company video? Pages from History? Critical Thinking Units from the Stanford website?


Spanish 2- Destinos and a local conversation club.


Writing/Literature- Working our way through WWS2, and maybe Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings. If it doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t go well I will either get an outside tutor or, gulp, try the Bravewriter online classes.


Band at the local high school


DD 9th Grade

She decided she doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t know IF she wants to be zoologist anymore- maybe a jazz pianist, or a potter   :001_rolleyes:  So I am trying to keep all avenues open for her.


Math Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Algebra with Jacobs?? She loves puzzles, but she is so.slow.


Science- Biology with Ds. She will probably be much more excited about it than he will!


Spanish 2 Ă¢â‚¬â€œ with Ds


Writing/Literature- with Ds


History Ă¢â‚¬â€œ with Ds


Piano- Continue with lessons, include more music theory. Breezing Through Theory?


Art- Artistic Pursuits high school level and pottery classes






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This is my first year planning high school and I feel like IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve decided on very little. I still have time though. This thread is great for ideas. HereĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s what I have so far:


Math - Singapore Dimensions IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m hoping to get all the way through 8B which I understand will cover Algebra 1 but weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll see. Math has been going slowly lately.

History - US History. No idea what IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m using. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m looking at SL 100, Notgrass, putting together my own thing...

Science - probably Apologia Biology unless I can find something that will suit her better.

English - no idea again. WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve been doing IEW for writing and grammar. We like it but IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢mthinking of switching just for a different perspective. Literature will be through SL if I decide to go with that.

Foreign language - probably Spanish but I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t know what weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll use. WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve been doing La Clase Divertida elementary program and Duolingo.

Music - piano, violin, choir

Art - SCM artist study and art classes

PE - Tang So Do


Ugh...typing it out makes it obvious how much planning I have left to do. It would help if she had any interest in school or career goals to work towards but she doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t yet.

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Foreign language - probably Spanish but I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t know what weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll use. WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve been doing La Clase Divertida elementary program and Duolingo.

My dd#1 did La Clase Divertida's high school online program for Spanish 1-3. While he isn't the right teacher for everyone and the book+code is pricey for the first year, my DD loved the class & learned a ton. You only have to buy the book+code the first year & then use it for all three (Span 1-3), so it is only the online cost of his class after that. He's also one of the cheapest online classes still around, especially for how much time he spends with the kids.


However, he is a bit ADHDish in his lack of organizational skills. He also spends time each class period talking about administrative stuff (getting grades, explaining how the online book works, covering homework stuff). He also drove me as a pseudo-organized mom crazy because he didn't give out any sort of detailed syllabus with work & due dates listed. He really makes the kids take ownership - they have to write down what is due when, contacting the other kids in the class if they miss something. Some of the work is spread out over a month or more and the kids have to pace themselves or they end up doing a whole month's worth of work in one weekend before it is due. It taught my daughter a lot of time management & even though she's a huge procrastinator, she learned to start early and work a little each day. (She is a serious procrastinator, so she still ended up with 12-15 homework items due in the final couple days before the chapter test.) She'd take his negatives again if he taught Spanish 4; she misses him very much as a teacher.

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Looking for a possible 9th grader (can't believe he's that old!)


Problem is it may need to be a very light curriculum as we may be traveling back and forth abroad.  Nothing definite yet.


Need math....geometry

science...he'd like to do chemistry or physics, I'm thinking physics will be easier so Derek Owens

english....like Oak Meadow's The Hero's Journey

history... no idea yet

thinking about Oak Meadow's media studies/media literacy class

foreign language....continuing with Spanish through our free virtual school option

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I think we are pretty decided for 10th grade dd. She will be a full time PSEO student in 11th, so this will be her last year with me. :(


Precalculus using MUS

Biology using Holt/Oak Meadow

History of the Ancient World

Ancient Literature using TOG; she also needs writing component, but I haven't figured out that piece

Mythology using Great Courses (.5 credit)

Veterinary Science using Texas A&M materials

Creative Writing 2 - she will probably take 1-2 Bravewriter classes to make sure it is credit worthy, but this is how the majority of her free time is spent. I definitely want to give her credit for it.

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I say good for you! I never thought we would outsource but time & circumstances change, so it works for us. But it sure would be cheaper not! ;D So good for you!



Thanks for the kind words Mirabillis! Cost is an issue, but so far it has been working well. However, Ds and Dd are willing participants which makes the process much easier. 

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My dd#1 did La Clase Divertida's high school online program for Spanish 1-3. While he isn't the right teacher for everyone and the book+code is pricey for the first year, my DD loved the class & learned a ton. You only have to buy the book+code the first year & then use it for all three (Span 1-3), so it is only the online cost of his class after that. He's also one of the cheapest online classes still around, especially for how much time he spends with the kids.


However, he is a bit ADHDish in his lack of organizational skills. He also spends time each class period talking about administrative stuff (getting grades, explaining how the online book works, covering homework stuff). He also drove me as a pseudo-organized mom crazy because he didn't give out any sort of detailed syllabus with work & due dates listed. He really makes the kids take ownership - they have to write down what is due when, contacting the other kids in the class if they miss something. Some of the work is spread out over a month or more and the kids have to pace themselves or they end up doing a whole month's worth of work in one weekend before it is due. It taught my daughter a lot of time management & even though she's a huge procrastinator, she learned to start early and work a little each day. (She is a serious procrastinator, so she still ended up with 12-15 homework items due in the final couple days before the chapter test.) She'd take his negatives again if he taught Spanish 4; she misses him very much as a teacher.

Thank you for this review! HeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll be at our convention later this year so IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll be able to get more information. We havenĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t tried on-line classes yet but, if the budget allows, an on-line class for foreign language is at the top of the priority list.

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We are outsourcing everything which was never how I envisioned this going but here we are.


10th grade:

Geometry- MPOA


High School Writing 1- MPOA

The Novel- MPOA

Material Logic/Classical Rhetoric- MPOA

Govt/Econ- WTMA

History and Philosophy of Science- WTMA


The times are going to be less than ideal but ds really needs a live class (especially for the math/chem) so asynchronous options are out for the core courses. I gave him some choices though and he chose the challenging times (late afternoon) over delayed sections or asynchronous because he is mature enough to know what he needs. He has been with the WTM AOPS sequence from prealgebra through algebra 2 but we couldn't fit the geometry class in the schedule so he disappointed by that. He will likely move to mostly de next year so this should be his last year with the heavy online schedule.


While not ideal, it was actually surprising we were able to get the classes we did to all work out and still leave a free day to pick up some co-op classes if he chooses to. So all in all the schedules worked out pretty well.

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This is what we're planning for 11th grade:

  • Pre-Calculus - Derek Owens 
  • Chemistry - Excelsior Classes
  • German 2 - Frau Cruz at Big River Academy (she also teaches for HSLDA Academy on a different day)
  • Essay, Research Paper, and Lit Analysis 8-week writing workshops - WriteAtHome
  • Modern Great Books - WriteAtHome (aka Wasko Lit)
  • US History - with me, to complement the above Great Books class, using The Great Courses and probably A Patriot's History of the United States by Schweikart
  • Fine Arts Appreciation - with me, using The Great Courses 

Probably adding another science credit - TBD.


Planning on dual enrollment, for the first time, in the spring semester for one class.

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DD 9th - now on the fence about starting public high school full time. If she decides to go part time and remain a homeschooler this will be her year (though school electives are best guesses.)

Great Books I - CLRC

Honors Biology - FLVS

Geometry - MUS   (plus no-credit Algebra review with MUS/LOF or anything else on the shelves at home)

Spanish I - public high school

Drawing I - public high school


HS swim team

HS water polo team

city water polo team

city running club


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all still very up in the air...but probably:



DS16 (11th grade)


German 3.5 & 4 @ OSU (he's doing 3 years of German in 2 years so he can take AP as a Sr).

PreCalc (AoPS, home-taught)

AP USH (PAH....still deciding on which teacher)

1-2 DE English courses at the local JC


and possibly:

AP Env Sci (PAH, if he does it)

AP US Gov (seems like this works well w/ APUSH?  He really likes social sciences)


DD14 (9th Grade)


German 2 @ OSU

PreCalc (AoPS, home-taught)

<something for English>

History (HotMW, home-taught)


and some subset of:


ASL, maybe w/ opentent?

AP CompSciA @ PAH

Biology, probably combo of home-taught and online enrichment classes?





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My youngest will be a rising 8th grader, but taking a full high school load.  I am not sure if he will follow my older son to private high school or whether he will continue on at home/DE after that.  These decisions are so hard.


Math:  Mr. D Math Algebra II (at co-op)

Science:  Apologia Bio (at co-op) - not thrilled, as I prefer secular science.  We may do WTMA Bio but do the labs at home ourselves, or something else

History:  Ancient History (through WTMA)

Literature:  Ancient Lit (through WTMA)

Writing:  WWS III (through WTMA)

Spanish:  signed up for "Intro to Spanish I" (at co-op, not enough for HS credit) but thinking about Spanish I (or another lang) through WTMA

Elective:  Personal Finance (at co-op)


DS13 really wants to be an aeronautical engineer.  I feel like I need to do some research about classes out there that would be a good fit for him - maybe even some computer classes or something like that.


Made some changes.  Dropped Apologia Biology at co-op and will do Honors Biology through FLVS.  Also signed up to do AP Computer Science Principles through PAH.  I think this is the final schedule....maybe.

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My DD will be in 10th next year.  Here are our plans so far:


Math: Jacob's Geometry

Science: Guest Hollow Kitchen Chemistry and Great Courses Chemistry

History/Lit: Notgrass Exploring America

Writing/Grammar: Power in Your Hands, Easy Grammar

Languages: Continue ASL on Currclick, She's taking the 1st semester of year 2 starting this month.  I don't know if semester 2 will be offered this summer or in the fall.  We'll just keep rolling along :)

                    Hopefully French 2 with Breaking the Barrier.  We are woefully behind schedule with French 1, so we'll see.  If the local community college offers french next year (I think they offer it every other year), I might sign her up there.  

Other Electives: Home Ec, and maybe half a credit of Physical Education.  She keeps adding more musical instruments to her repetoire, so I imagine she'll have another music credit next year too.  


Since Currclick is closing down, I signed her up for ASL 2.5 and ASL 3 at Open tent academy.  Definitely hadn't planned on spending that kind of money, but I've done it  :glare: .  I also added an Agriscience elective which we'll actually be starting soon, but will carry through at least part of next year.  

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On 1/17/2018 at 8:20 AM, perkybunch said:

Planning for 12th grade:

English: Homegrown.  Will definitely use Abeka Vocab.  Maybe Windows to the World.  Book suggestions from WTM.

Physics: Homegrown.  Still figuring this out.

Math:  Mathusee PreCalculus and Calculus (we tend to do two maths simultaneously)

Economics:  Dave Ramsey for High School

World Geography:  Ace Paces

US History since 1877:  Not sure.  Possibly Joy Hakim mixed with Human Odyssey Contemporary.  Or American Odyssey.


I'm probably forgetting something, but that's all I can think of at the moment.


English:  Abeka Vocab.  Windows to the World.  Big paper on Scarlet Letter.  Abeka Workbook on Grammar and Composition.  If time, selections from LLATL American Lit.

Physics:  Spines are Tiner's World of Physics and Power Basics Physics.  Supplemented by DK Science Explorer, Basher Physics, Usborne Science Encyclopedia, DK Time and Space,  How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog, Intro to Physics: Classical Mechanics Coloring Workbook.  Science kits on Optical Science and Circuits.

Anatomy and Physiology:  Apologia 

Math:  Mathusee PreCalc.  Intro to Statistics - homegrown.

US History since 1877:  Human Odyssey Volume 3: Contemporary, BJU United States History, some Joy Hakim, DK American History, and Horrible Histories when applicable.

World Geography: Some Ace Paces.  Usborne Geography and DK Geography.  Abeka Map Studies.

Economics: Dave Ramsey

Computer Literacy (if she does it in high school, she won't have to in college): Discovering Computers and Microsoft Office by Shelly Cashman

Edited by perkybunch
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My youngest will be a rising 8th grader, but taking a full high school load.  I am not sure if he will follow my older son to private high school or whether he will continue on at home/DE after that.  These decisions are so hard.


Math:  Mr. D Math Algebra II (at co-op)

Science:  Apologia Bio (at co-op) - not thrilled, as I prefer secular science.  We may do WTMA Bio but do the labs at home ourselves, or something else

History:  Ancient History (through WTMA)

Literature:  Ancient Lit (through WTMA)

Writing:  WWS III (through WTMA)

Spanish:  signed up for "Intro to Spanish I" (at co-op, not enough for HS credit) but thinking about Spanish I (or another lang) through WTMA

Elective:  Personal Finance (at co-op)


DS13 really wants to be an aeronautical engineer.  I feel like I need to do some research about classes out there that would be a good fit for him - maybe even some computer classes or something like that.


How much writing time are you blocking out for your child with 3 english/history WTMA classes? I am trying to think through how much is too much for mine :)

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How much writing time are you blocking out for your child with 3 english/history WTMA classes? I am trying to think through how much is too much for mine :)


Oh, are we supposed to think about that?   :lol:  


Short version:  ideally, about an hour of work per page of output?  He is a fast writer (my older son takes at least 4-5x that amount, which is one reason I stopped homeschooling him after 5th grade).


Long version:  I can tell you how long it has taken him to complete WWS II assignments.  For his last two page paper (the length of the four "little exams" in history and the bare minimum for the four "response papers" in lit) he spent about 15 minutes thinking about it on Wednesday, an hour writing it on Thursday, and about 45 minutes editing, polishing, doing intro/conclusion on Friday.   For his 1000 word/4-5 page paper he spent anywhere from 30-60 minutes/day M-F (this includes time spent both researching and writing), so I'm hoping that is a rough estimate for the two "medium exams" (4 page papers) in history.   Midterm/finals weeks are going to be dreadful (hadn't thought of that before) and will require a lot of prioritizing, planning ahead, blowing off electives, kicking it up a notch, etc.  Hopefully history and lit follow the current sample syllabi and the papers aren't due the same week (other than midterm/final). 


WWS III has two 2-4 page papers (so 2-4 hours worth), a midterm and a final.  The rest of the weeks (if it is anything like WWS II) are much shorter (a 5 paragraph paper, very guided, takes about 15 minutes/day).  Also, at least in WWS II for the midterm, the paper was spread out over 2 weeks (one week was an idea map and half the paper, the next week was a conference with the teacher and the final paper).


As far as the weekly response-type assignments in history and lit, they seem to be more summary assignments, considering they are worth 5 percent of total grade in one class and 15 in the other.  I would asssume (yeah, I know) that these are not very involved.  Maybe I am delusional though.


I had been more concerned about the amount of reading as opposed to the amount writing, to be honest.  I have been thinking about having him read kid versions of the Iliad and Aenid over the summer (have already done Odyssey) so that he has an idea of where the stories are going beforehand.  

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I'm right there in planning-land with you! Next year I will have two homeschooling students: DD13 who will be a mature 8th grader or a very young 9th grader (I'll later decide whether this is a "high school" year, but will make sure everything is credit-worthy, just in case) and DD8 who will be in 4th.


DD13 is moving away from traditional homeschooling and towards what I've been calling 'home-based, a-la-carte private school'. I'm considering the following for her for 2018-19:


English - Lit and Comp 1 with Cindy Lange at Integritas Academy

Math - Geometry at WHA

Foreign Language - Latin 2 at WHA

Science - Physics or Honors Physics at WHA

History - Acellus* World History?

Fine Art - Acellus* Music Appreciation?


I like the balance of four rigorous, live online classes with two light-weight, get-er-done asynchronous classes. Honestly, I think I will have her do as much as possible of the history/music over the summer to lighten her load during the school year. She dances 18-20 hours per week in a pre-pro ballet school, so she needs to be very efficient.


I haven't really begun to think about DD8. She used to be a tricky little one to educate, but what we're using this year is working well. We may just continue on with the next level in each. CLE Language Arts 4, Reading 4, & Math 4; Evan-Moor Science 4 & Geography 4; AAS 4/5; Mystery Science.


I reserve the right to go back to the drawing board and change everything. :laugh:


*I posted a question to the Acellus thread on the General Education forum. If you know anything about it, would you mind visiting that thread and sharing what you know?

Quoting myself to update plans for DD13. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve ruled-out using Acellus.


Other changes include: Rather than separate classes for English/history, IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve enrolled her in CLRC Great Books 1. Rather than Physics with WHA, I opted for Clover Creek Physics. Rather than Latin 2, DD will repeat Latin 1 (at her request because Ă¢â‚¬Å“everyone else already knows this stuffĂ¢â‚¬ because theyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve taken previous Latin courses and sheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s a true beginner). IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve also decided to assign a PE credit and a fine arts credit to her pre-pro ballet training.


So, her line up will look like this:

CLRC GB 1 - 1 credit English, 1 credit History

WHA Latin 1 - 1 credit Foreign Lang

WHA Geometry - 1 credit Math

CC Physics - 1 credit Lab Science

Ballet - 1 credit PE, 1 credit Fine Arts

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My son is going to be 11gr. I think this is the plan:



(likely w/myhomeschoolmathclass)


ENGLISH: British Lit.

(Likely,w/ Excelsior)


FOR. LANGUAGE: Latin 2 w/Big River Academy


U.S. HISTORY: either The Potter's School, CLRC, or Memoria Press Academy


SCIENCE: Chemistry @co-op


FINE ARTS: America's Artistic Legacy w/Professor Carol


LOGIC: Traditional Logic II w/Memoria Press Academy, fall or spring semester


RELIGIOUS STUDIES: other than studying traditional parsha schedule, TBD



Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View w/Open Tent Academy, fall semester - cancelled :crying:


Chess @co-op


Health @co-op, spring semester



PSAT prep @Memoria Press Academy

SAT Prep ?? TBD

Blendar class @co-op

Lit. Analysis 8 wk workshop w/Write @ Home, fall semester or we work through Windows to the World together.

Ok, some confirmations, some alterations:

ALG II - myhomeschoolmathclass


BRITISH LIT. - Excelsior w/Mrs. Whitman




US HISTORY- Classical Learning Resource Center (he chose this; he liked the interface of their website. It was easy on the eyes. I liked it b/c of class description)




LOGIC - w/ me, w/DVDs.

Traditional Logic II - fall

Material Logic- spring





Chemistry (Wile, yeah! His new one)


3D Mod w/Blendar

Health, spring


PSAT/SAT PREP - Bright Ideas Press, fall



ACT prep - likely, ReasonPrep. :willy_nilly: :scared:

Edit: Or Amanda Fletcher. She used to provide a half-semester SAT/ACT Prep class w/Landry

Now, she's condensing it to 2 wks, daily. Offering multiple dates:




Or, if the PSAT Prep goes well and they'll offer a discount prior to spring semester: SAT/ACT Prep w/Bright Ideas Press:




Lit. Analysis 8- wk. w/Write @ Home or w/me and Windows to the World.

Edited by historymatters
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We are not completely finished planning for next school year but pretty close.

I will have a Senior and a Sophomore! 

Senior chick will take most, if not all, her classes at the community college next year. She plans to apply to the dental hygiene program after 1st Semester! They only enroll 14 students each year, but with having extra points, good grades, and experience (shadow in a dentist office), I'm crossing my fingers that she'll get in.  

12th Grader

Summer 2018:  

SOC 210 (Sociology @ CC) online  1.0

PHI 240 (Ethics @ CC) online  1.0

MUS 110 (Music Appreciation @ CC) online  1.0

Outward Bound Kayaking Trip through the Outer Banks

Fall 2018: 

COM 231 (Public Speaking @ CC) 1.0

MAT 143 (Quantitative Literacy @ CC) 1.0

CHM 151 (General Chemistry @ CC) 1.0

ENG 232 (American Lit II @ CC) 1.0

(Apply in Dec/January to dental hygiene program)

Spring 2019: tentative 

POL 120 (Government @ CC) 1.0

BIO 163 (Anat & Physiology @ CC) 1.0

Economics (home or CC) 0.5

Personal Finance II & Life Skills 101 (home) "Life after High School" 0.5

I'm sure she will audition for another Musical/Play.....

Summer 2019: She plans on taking 2-3 classes at CC to fulfill her full Associates Degree. 

All Year:  Home/work/extra

She has a job!!

Elective:  Advanced Strings & Voice (home) 0.5

Shadow @ Dentist Office (Depending on hours, I may count this as credit)

This girl has been buying used clothes and sewing & making them her own, then selling them online! She is fabulous at this & hooked b/c she's actually making quite a bit of money doing it.  ?


10th Grader

Honors English I (Blue Tent) 1.0

Literature:  The Alchemist, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, The Hiding Place, Our Town, The Ransom of Red Chief, Rip Van Winkle, Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, Tuck Everlasting

Geometry (Co-op) (Alg.I Review @home) 1.0

Chemistry (Co-op)  1.0

Spanish I -- tutor fell through....now WHAT!!?? 1.0

Government/Economics (Notgrass OR FundaFunda OR GAvirtualschool.org OR Idiot's Guide & Dummies books?) 1.0

Fitness:  Yoga and possibly Cross Country or Kickboxing  0.5 

Art (1st Sem) Masterpiece Society  0.5

Foods & Nutrition (2nd Sem)... our own creation  0.5

Logic:  Art of Argument   1.0

Banjo I  0.5

Continue Volunteering at Therapeutic Horse Riding Center and possibly start at Elementary School

**Might have her take the ACT in the spring for practice.... it counts as our yearly testing, too.

**Maybe: Personal Finance II (home- last half of Dave Ramsey.... or I might wait closer to end of High School)


ETA:   ?  I'm already exhausted!!




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I can't believe this will be my last year. My youngest will be a senior! He goes part-time to the local public high school. Right now he has put in his requests for next year, but we don't know yet what classes will conflict. He really wants to be in the band. This year he had to choose between AP English and band - he chose the English, but really wants to be in band for his senior year.


At public school:

symphonic band

rock band

maybe AP human geography

AP-ish Spanish (school doesn't officially offer AP Spanish, but teacher has offered to work with ds and two other kids who are ready for this)


At home:

BC calculus - remote possibility that he'll do AP statistics at school instead, but I think BC is his better choice

AP physics C- electricity and magnetism

AP psychology - if he doesn't do human geography at school

Advanced English - Blue Tent




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The college schedule is out (although no one can register until the first week of April). It is so helpful to know something!


So, DD#1 & I sketched out ideas for classes - all depending on the local college schedule that won't come out until March or April. She'll be a senior:

Chem @ local state college

German 2 @ CLRC

Spanish 5 (unsure what this will be at this point)

Calc (outsourced, but unknown provider at this point)

English (state college fall semester or CLRC Brit Lit whole year)

Ancients World History (her preference, I'd like her to do Contemporary WH, this will be at home - probably only one semester, spring)

Programming - Java - probably fall semester through Excelsior if the time works

Norse Mythology - elective, fall semester through CLRC if the time works & they offer it

History of Country Music - fine arts elective designed by dd, spring semester


Assuming she gets the section of Chem that works best, I'm starting to cross off Calc providers whose class times don't work. So far, I know WHA is out, one of HSLDA's sections is out, and I'm not too excited with the math-arm of Excelsior making AP Calc take three different days out of the week although I do like that they have sections you can switch between. So, Kolbe still works (and then CLRC's Brit Lit would work) or Bright Idea Press's Calc would work (but not Brit Lit). Calc at the college won't work because it conflicts with Chem.


She wants to do Stats at the college, but that would conflict with ALL of the live Calc classes I've been able to find that I haven't already crossed off. However, I could sign her up for the English class that would be before that and she'd already be on campus. (However, she'd have to get out of bed REALLY early. She'd hate that.)


So, she's looking at English at the college in the Spring (or the really early classtime - teehee). And, we might have to do Derek Owens calc - even though we know his format (not live) doesn't work for this kid!

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The college schedule is out (although no one can register until the first week of April). It is so helpful to know something!



Assuming she gets the section of Chem that works best, I'm starting to cross off Calc providers whose class times don't work. So far, I know WHA is out, one of HSLDA's sections is out, and I'm not too excited with the math-arm of Excelsior making AP Calc take three different days out of the week although I do like that they have sections you can switch between. So, Kolbe still works (and then CLRC's Brit Lit would work) or Bright Idea Press's Calc would work (but not Brit Lit). Calc at the college won't work because it conflicts with Chem.


She wants to do Stats at the college, but that would conflict with ALL of the live Calc classes I've been able to find that I haven't already crossed off. However, I could sign her up for the English class that would be before that and she'd already be on campus. (However, she'd have to get out of bed REALLY early. She'd hate that.)


So, she's looking at English at the college in the Spring (or the really early classtime - teehee). And, we might have to do Derek Owens calc - even though we know his format (not live) doesn't work for this kid!

What kind of Calc are you looking for? Regular or AP?


Have you looked at My Fun Science? Beth Barnosky has been a very successful teacher for what I have seen on FB:




Have you compared CLRC's Brit Lit to Excelsior's? Just as an option so BIPA time slot would work.

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I'm looking for live Calc.  :lol:  She most likely won't take the AP test because it would be difficult logistics-wise, but who knows. I didn't know My Fun Science offered Calc. I'll look at that. She's considering a math major, so ...


We've talked it over in terms of a fall senior year schedule and have mostly convinced her that she doesn't want to load up too much. So, there are a couple of live options that work for Calc that work plus I'm going to email and see if WHA would let her do non-live Calc. (There's a kid in her Pre-Calc class that can't actually make the class session, ever, but her due dates are the same as the rest of the class. This might be doable because there would be firm due dates.


What kind of Calc are you looking for? Regular or AP?

Have you looked at My Fun Science? Beth Barnosky has been a very successful teacher for what I have seen on FB:


Have you compared CLRC's Brit Lit to Excelsior's? Just as an option so BIPA time slot would work.


I did actually compare the two, however Excelsior's time doesn't work as it is at the same time as the live programming class that I really want her to take (and which is only offered in the fall, I think).

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I'm looking for live Calc. :lol: She most likely won't take the AP test because it would be difficult logistics-wise, but who knows. I didn't know My Fun Science offered Calc. I'll look at that. She's considering a math major, so ...


We've talked it over in terms of a fall senior year schedule and have mostly convinced her that she doesn't want to load up too much. So, there are a couple of live options that work for Calc that work plus I'm going to email and see if WHA would let her do non-live Calc. (There's a kid in her Pre-Calc class that can't actually make the class session, ever, but her due dates are the same as the rest of the class. This might be doable because there would be firm due dates.



I did actually compare the two, however Excelsior's time doesn't work as it is at the same time as the live programming class that I really want her to take (and which is only offered in the fall, I think).

Hope you find the best fit for her and your family.

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DS 12th grade:

AP European History (at home)

AP English Lit (at home)

AP Biology (GA virtual school...this will be our first time trying out classes on here; I had hoped to knock out biology DE, but it won't work as his school)

Spanish DE 

Math--he'll probably take 2 maths through DE; he's doing BC Calc at home this year, so we're waiting to see the schedule for his college--maybe stats, linear algebra, something else that sounds intriguing....

Econ--probably waiting until second semester--either DE or online with Georgia Virtual school




Wow--this changed a lot in just a few weeks. We decided there's not enough time for AP European history (he'll already have 5 social studies credits, so it was probably an overly ambitious plan from the start, but it sounded fun).


AP English Lit: at home


Biology: Georgia virtual school--I realized that regular bio is a prerequisite for AP, generally....he's not particularly interested in Bio, so we're just doing regular on level to get it done and adding in physics (which he's much more interested in) instead


Spanish: DE


Math: Differential Equations, DE and then probably another DE math (College Geometry?) second semester (assuming a 4 or 5 on BC calc. Otherwise stats or maybe linear algebra or calc 2)


Econ: spring semester, DE


Calculus based physics: DE


Electives: maybe an open courseware architecture class, maybe something with Crash Course's film class, maybe Great courses photography. There's not enough time! 

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our list is getting whittled down to a manageable level!


DD2 (senior year)


Derek Owens AP Calc AB

Derek Owens Physics (planning to do this over the summer into fall)

Blue Tent AP English Lit

PAH AP Music Theory

Spanish III

there will be 2-3 more classes that she'll take in short "bursts" throughout the summer/year to take some CLEP exams


DS1 (sophomore year)


Derek Owens AP Calc AB

PAH AP Chemistry

Blue Tent Honors English II

AP* Music Theory (private instruction - might take two years to cover the material... his teacher is planning that now)

Spanish III

US History (CLEP)

US Government (CLEP)



DD2 (senior year)


AP Calc AB (Derek Owens) OR AP Statistics (PAH)

AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (PAH?? Maybe? I need to look at options) OR AP Chemistry (PAH)

AP English Lit (Blue Tent) OR Blue Tent Senior English (depends on her narrowed-down university choices... if she might get additional credit for Lit, she'll take that... or CC Comp II)

AP Music Theory (PAH or private instruction)

Spanish III or CC Spanish

there will be 2-3 more classes that she'll take in short "bursts" throughout the summer/year to take some CLEP exams


DS1 (sophomore year)


AP Calc AB OR AP Statistics

AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism + Mechanics OR AP Chemistry

Blue Tent Honors English II

AP Music Theory (PAH or private instruction)

Spanish III

US History (CLEP)

US Government (CLEP)


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Rethinking this!  I had previewed it before and thought we could just edit out the Christian content like we did with Jump In.  However, just now as I was pre-reading and preparing for next year I ran across pro-gun and anti-abortion content that I hadn't seen before. I need to find something else, because while I'm fine with discussing how other people feel about these topics I am not ok with how they were presented in this instance.  I'm not even sure I want to read further to see if I can just delete that section. 


Don't bother. The content in Power in Your Hands is pretty political. We had to drop it. It was the final straw for almost all curriculum created for homeschooling for us. We're using almost none next year.

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The college schedule is out (although no one can register until the first week of April). It is so helpful to know something!



Assuming she gets the section of Chem that works best, I'm starting to cross off Calc providers whose class times don't work. So far, I know WHA is out, one of HSLDA's sections is out, and I'm not too excited with the math-arm of Excelsior making AP Calc take three different days out of the week although I do like that they have sections you can switch between. So, Kolbe still works (and then CLRC's Brit Lit would work) or Bright Idea Press's Calc would work (but not Brit Lit). Calc at the college won't work because it conflicts with Chem.


She wants to do Stats at the college, but that would conflict with ALL of the live Calc classes I've been able to find that I haven't already crossed off. However, I could sign her up for the English class that would be before that and she'd already be on campus. (However, she'd have to get out of bed REALLY early. She'd hate that.)


So, she's looking at English at the college in the Spring (or the really early classtime - teehee). And, we might have to do Derek Owens calc - even though we know his format (not live) doesn't work for this kid!


Another option. I have no experience, but the school has a good reputation. https://academy.bsu.edu/online/courses/

ETA: I can't guarantee they will work with homeschoolers, but they seemed open with I emailed them about a now discontinued physics class.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Our co-op has met and decided classes for next year. I will actually be teaching two of the courses. Usually I don't teach him there, but some years it just doesn't work out that way. 



Physics: Hewitt's Conceptual Physics; I'm teaching this one. 

Government/Economics: I will be setting up an online classroom and using the content here. Dh teaches these subjects and is going to help me with testing materials, classroom activities, etc. 

Literature and Composition: Characters in Crisis by Sharon Watson



Finish Geometry: Holt Geometry 2007

Start Algebra 2: Still debating which publisher to use on this one

Vocabulary and Writing: Homeschool Connections Online

Bible: Continue I Dare You from Hewitt Homeschooling (may not finish until fall); Life of Christ 

Elective: still contemplating this

Swims year round, Drama ministry team






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9th grade:

Algebra 1 (either MUS or with Jann in TX)

Preparation for Rhetoric (WTMA) or The One Year Adventure Novel

Biology of some kind, maybe. Maybe joining another homeschooler's science class (I think they're doing chemistry next year), or the local co-op

World Geography (FundaFunda) or something else if the schedule doesn't work, but I have no idea what

maybe local co-op for ASL and art

gymnastics and tumbling


I don't know whether this will be 8th or 9th grade, so I'm trying to set it up so that it could be either. She really wants to start DE at the local CC soon to graduate faster, so we're planning to really focus on math and English to help her with the placement test.




Algebra I (Math Relief)

Integrated Math I (Acellus)

General or Honors Chemistry (Acellus)

Barbarian Diagrammarian (spring, Lukeion)

ASL 1 (local co-op)


Still trying to decide what to do for composition (So Verbose, Write at Home, and CLRC are my short list, but I'm still researching) and literature. I want to do composition for the full year, focusing on essays, and a formal literature course for fall. 



She'll already have half credits in World Geography and Health from this year.

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DD will be in 11th grade next year.


Math -- probably trig/precalculus with Lial.  I feel pretty confident in my ability to teach it, and if we get stuck, my dad (retired AP Calc teacher) has a cell phone.


Spanish 3 with Homeschool Spanish Academy


Science -- not sure yet.  We're looking at a homeschool drop-off a la carte place where students can take one class or six, once a week, and I don't have to teach or help.  I'd love for her to be able to pick a lab science from there, but it'll depend on what they offer.

ETA: Just waiting to see what fits, schedule-wise, at the drop-off place.  Pretty much anything other than introductory biology or chem will work.  This year they did an anatomy and forensics class, and she’d really like if they repeated that.

English -- I'd really like her to take American literature.  If the drop-off place offers it, that will be ideal, I think.  Otherwise, possibly something I put together myself, partially using Excellence in Literature modules and suggestions from History Odyssey's American.

ETA: Wahoo!  The drop-off place is doing American literature, especially focusing on banned books.  DD is really excited about that so we are going to give it a shot and see how it goes.  It’s a two semester class, but you sign up for one semester at a time so that’s fantastic.  If it fits in the schedule, she may also do a one semester novel writing class with them.

History -- I'm tentatively planning on American with History Odyssey, but if American literature doesn't work out, we might save American history for senior year in hopes that we can do it alongside American lit, in which case we'll pick something else for history next year.  She expressed some possible interest in African or Asian history, but there's also government.

ETA: She and I looked at History Odyssey’s plans, and we both like the looks of them.  I will need to tweak things a bit so she doesn’t do all of their suggested literature because that’ll be way too much.  Plus I have a few things I want her to read as well.

Electives -- maybe Creative Writing, maybe an elective at the drop-off place, maybe drama with our small co-op.


I offered her DE, but she's not interested in that, and honestly, it's a logistical nightmare for me to have to drive her or have her use my van once she gets her license.

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DD is officially 9th grade and does most of her classes at the CC. What we have been doing is to put half of the year in most subjects at home, and half at the CC, so hereĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s what weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re looking at for next year. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m not sure which will be fall and which will be Spring.


English Comp 2 (CC)/ literature at home or online (G3?)

US History I (CC)/additional readings at home (Lies my History Teacher taught me, An Indigenous PersonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s History of the US)

Spanish 3/4 at CC or Spanish 3 somewhere.

Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry (CC)/AoPS Pre-Calculus (review) LoF Calculus

Anatomy and Physiology (CC)/fieldwork/labwork or AP Environmental Science with local lab group/Fieldwprk/Labwork)

Other interesting CC classes (Anthropology, Sociology, psychology...)

Teach Herpetology I and II at AthenaĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Academy, lead local wildlife Bio club


Cheer team

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I'm still in the early planning stages for my very out-of-the-box student. So far we have decided on:


ASL 1 at OpenTent Academy

Lights! Cameras! Action! An Alternative Course for High School English: Movies as Literature at Open Tent Academy

Music Theory 2 at WTM academy

Private Voice, Piano, Guitar, and Composition Lessons
Math, history, and science are unknowns at this point. We are working with a fairly substantial learning disability and are trying to figure out the best path forward. 


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We will be graduating our first. I'm doing a little happy dance about this. 




Dual Enrollment. She needs 2 college level math classes and 4 electives to graduate with her AA degree. I'm not sure if she plans on finishing or will hold off on math till later. So honestly, no planning on my part needed. DD will need to start her college applications and possibly another try at the SAT (waiting on scores). 



MATH:  Saxon 8/7, Singapore Math Word Problems Lvl 5. 

LA:  EIW / EIL 7, Spelling Made Easy. (Last year of formal spelling) 

Science: Holt Life Science & Technology, QSL experiment kit

History: Holt McDougal World Geography /CIVICS

Electives: Typing, Getting Start With Spanish, Notetaking/Study Skills


Nephews will continue public school for 4th & 5th


Myself: Summer: Composition I, Dev Math 2 & General Biology FALL: A & P I, Intermediate Alg, Intro to Healthcare, Medical Terminology, TEAS 6 review.





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I'm tackling 9th grade next year for the first time.  Aaaaaaack!  I thought dd was set on attending public high school, but now she's changed her mind. I'm both ecstatic and terrified.  What is it about this that brings out all my insecurities!


I'd love for someone to critique my still-in-the-works plan for holes and weak spots.  I would love to be able to afford to put dd in at least one live online class, but sheesh!--are they expensive!  As it is, here's what we have planned.  


Math--Derek Owens geometry

Literature/language arts--Excellence in Literature with me at home, plus Daily Grammar Practice 

History--ancient world using History of the Ancient World by SWB plus resource book

Science--Miller-Levine text using the Kolbe honors (?) syllabus


We'll round out her credits with co-op stuff.  She's active on our co-op's robotics team and it's SUPER busy in the fall.  Surely I can count that as a half-credit?  She's also taking a couple of art classes.  Mostly it's fluffy stuff, but she is signed up for one digital photography class that we might be able to get a half credit out of.  She's also doing a year-long Bible study class at co-op.  Could I count that?   I honestly feel a little lost about electives because I was hoping/expecting that she might be able to take an elective at a local high school and play tennis.  However, the school district we're zoned for doesn't have a girls tennis team and our state governing agency for high school athletics won't allow her to play out of district.  Other than those sketchy ideas, I'm just about as lost as a golf ball in high grass.  LOL  I suppose Spanish or some other language is a possibility, but in my mind I always thought that would be a great introductory DE class and was planning to save it for later.  


My aspiration has always been to give my children a really great education, and right now it's feeling pretty mediocre.  My limitations are that I have three younger students with whom I need ample time to work, too.  I'd really appreciate feedback on what I'm planning.  

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/1/2018 at 11:20 PM, Lisa in the UP of MI said:

We'll have our first high schooler next year!  DH wants dd to have several classes online to free up my time for everyone else.  I used to have everything for the next year picked out way before February, but it's been getting harder each year.  This is tentative.


Math: Honors Geometry at Kolbe Academy (or maybe AOPS Geometry at home; dd wants to use it as a supplement if she does the online class at Kolbe)

Science: Biology with lab at Kolbe Academy or home or Conceptual Physics at home

English: Honors Greek Literature at Kolbe Academy

                Something else for writing??

History: ??  DD would prefer not to study Greek or Roman history and does not want a textbook.

Spanish: Level 1 at Kolbe Academy

Religion: ??  

Maybe an elective??

We've made several changes already, but still not done planning yet.

Math: Honors Algebra 2 and Trigonometry online at Kolbe Academy

Science: Biology with lab online at Kolbe Academy

English 9: No idea!

World Geography: Maybe OM World Geography

Spanish: Level 1 online at Kolbe Academy

Religion: Bible, Catechism, Fire Within, and a few more books TBD

Maybe an elective or two, or at least a few other books to read that don't quite fit anywhere else??

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Next year will be the only year of my homeschooling career in which I have 3 high schoolers.





Math: Geometry Jurgenson and continue Art of problem Solving Introductory Algebra a few days a week. She doesn’t want to do Geometry every day and usually learns math concepts really quickly with minimal practice needed so I think this will work.

Science: Science Shepherd Biology

Latin 1 or 2 (not sure how I will transcript this. She is already half way through Henle 1 so she will finish that.

History Ancient (not sure of materials yet, I’m not 100% thrilled with ancient resources)

Literature Ancient (pulling from the list I’ve used before)

English Finish WWS 2, Rhetorical Grammar, maybe start Writing With a Thesis

Elective: Code for Kids by Moritz


Math: Precalculus - I’ve used Foerster in the past, but I am looking at other texts

Science: Physics by Knight (algebra based using regentrude’s materials)

American Sign Language (not sure how I will transcript it because she is beyond 1

History Ancient (same as 9th grader)

Literature Ancient (same as 9th grader)

English : I’m not sure, She is nearing the end of Writing With a Thesis.

Elective: Drawing


Math: precalculus

Science:  Conceptual Physics

American Sign Language 3

History: Maybe some reading in preparation for a CLEP test in Western Civilization

Literature: Books we couldn’t fit in the other years

English: Writing and reading difficult texts and summarizing them.

Elective: Maybe Code for Teens

I’m really up in the air about the first semester for the 12th grader. The 2nd half of the year is an extra half year and she will take 12 hours at a semi local community college. The first half I need to use to shore up skills.





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10th grade

  • Math: Jacob's Algebra & Geometry--I think we'll be doing these side-by-side.  Math is not her best subject, but I'm hoping we can get through Algebra II before graduation. 
  • English: WWS 2, GftWTM, assigned books for literature, Harp & Laurel Wreath for poetry, we also do 3 Shakespeare plays and 2 Plutarch Lives as a family each year.
  • History: Biblioplan Year 4
  • Science: Pacworks Biology with Biology 101 DVDs and various science experiments
  • The Art of Argument
  • Power Basics American Government
  • MP's Book of the Ancient Greeks/Iliad/Odyssey
  • Artistic Pursuits Book 1 and hopefully some local art classes, she does lots of digital art, painting, and sketching on her own.
  • First Form Latin or Henle--I keep going back and forth on this.  FFL would be easier for me to keep up with since my younger ones are doing it, but she's only got a few years left. 
  • Rosetta Stone Spanish
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DD#1 (Senior year) [updated]
Chem @ local state college (fall semester, assuming it doesn't fill by the time they let her register *GrrrR*
German 2 @ CLRC
Spanish 5 (?)
Calc (outsourced, leaning toward WHA but not attending live)
English (state college summer online class - Dystopian lit!)
Ancients World History (her preference, I'd like her to do Contemporary WH, this will be at home - probably only one semester, spring)
Programming - Java - Excelsior, fall semester
Norse Mythology - elective, fall semester through CLRC if the time works & they offer it
History of Country Music - fine arts elective designed by dd, spring semester

The local college is offering a dystopian lit class this summer, so she's planning on doing that for her senior year English credit. They are also not allowing DD to register for fall chem until the freshmen orientations are done - by which time the class will likely be full. DD is going to contact the professor and see if there is anything he can do. We're still up in the air about Spanish, leaning toward WHA (watching recordings if necessary) for Calc, and waiting to see if CLRC offers Norse Mythology. If not, DD might try Russian with CLRC because the time works and she loves languages . . . We've jettisoned History completely. She might take Statistics spring semester at the college . . . or not.

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1 hour ago, Holly said:

10th grade

  • Math: Jacob's Algebra & Geometry--I think we'll be doing these side-by-side.  Math is not her best subject, but I'm hoping we can get through Algebra II before graduation. 
  • English: WWS 2, GftWTM, assigned books for literature, Harp & Laurel Wreath for poetry, we also do 3 Shakespeare plays and 2 Plutarch Lives as a family each year.
  • History: Biblioplan Year 4
  • Science: Pacworks Biology with Biology 101 DVDs and various science experiments
  • The Art of Argument
  • Power Basics American Government
  • MP's Book of the Ancient Greeks/Iliad/Odyssey
  • Artistic Pursuits Book 1 and hopefully some local art classes, she does lots of digital art, painting, and sketching on her own.
  • First Form Latin or Henle--I keep going back and forth on this.  FFL would be easier for me to keep up with since my younger ones are doing it, but she's only got a few years left. 
  • Rosetta Stone Spanish


I'm not familiar with Jacob's courses, but Geometry usually relies on quite a bit of algebra. Sometimes people do Geometry and Algebra 2 concurrently. One thing that might help is if you start Algebra first and get quite a bit done and add Geometry later in the year.

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