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He's gone.

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Oh my dear Doran. I have followed your journey. I have prayed for you and him. His journey on earth is over, but you remain. I will continue to pray for your emotional healing. You are a very special woman and I am better for knowing you- or better that you have shared yourself with all of us.



with love,



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:grouphug: I am sorry you lost your father. I'm sure that even though it was expected, it doesn't make it any easier. :grouphug:



ah, Doran, hoping for peace and comfort to you and your whole family in the days ahead.


Thanks for letting us know, so we could send some love.



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You and yours will be in my thoughts and my prayers.


My father died a few years ago. He'd had a stroke and for 2 years afterwards was in and out of nursing homes (my mom kept thinking she could care for him at home, by herself). We all knew the end was coming, but even so I know I wasn't prepared for that 4am phone call saying he'd passed. I don't think anyone is ever ready for that.


Best wishes to you during what I'm sure will be emotional, trying times.



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Many of you have walked alongside me on this journey, so I wanted to let you know, collectively, that my father died around midnight last night. He was 84.


Despite the fact that I knew this day couldn't wait much longer, I was not fully prepared for the news of his passing. Somehow, I thought there would be more fanfare, urgent notice, some event to call us family all together so that we could hold each other and him in his last hours. But, it didn't happen that way. He went quietly. He was alone, in his room, in the nursing home. And no one knows exactly what time he finally, actually let go. A nurse spoke with him at 11:40. He was gone by 12:20.


I'm not here to be morose, or to say that I am struggling in bleak despair. Losing my father hurts more than any loss I have experienced to date. Yet, I have no doubt that this was what needed to happen. He was not well for much of the past three years. More importantly, he was not happy. So, now, I can see him released, on a new journey, whole, spirited, and finally free of the burdens he carried here. And, I am delighted for him!!


I am here to express my sincere gratitude for the support many of you have offered during the dark hours of his illness and decline. Some of you understood the situation intimately while others understood the idea of it. Regardless, I have appreciated the compassion and wisdom you've shared.


Tonight, if you have an opportunity, remind a special someone that she has touched your life, or that you love him deeply. Because, even when you know you may not have much longer to do that, the day has a way of being here before you're ready.


Peace and thanks,


So sorry! Wish there was something to say to comfort you.

Allow yourself and the rest of the family to grieve. Give it at least one year because during all the holidays, special days, birthdays, etc you will remember how it was when he was still with you during his last year.


I feel today we are often expected "to get it over with". Move on and pretend nothing much happened. But this seems disrespectful not only to the person / family who is bereaved but also to the one who passed on. He deserves to be remembered and wept over and missed.

Don't be afraid to take the time for this journey.



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My condolences.


I lost my Dad, 82, this past May. I am still deep in mourning.


The situation sounds the same, ill health, unhapy, and it was actually a blessing for my Dad to pass.


My heart goes out to you, because I know how you are hurting.





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I haven't been on much lately. I understand entirely. My dad died 7 years ago. He was 79 and had lung cancer. Even though I knew the inevitable, the news still was hard to take when he was actually gone. I was pregnant with my 3rd then- my sunshine girl he never met. And to think there are 4 more children he never knew, and my oldest two he only saw a few times. It is hard, so I am sending some super cyber hugs your way. May you find comfort in your memories of him. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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