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Found it! The tackiest house is for sale


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My first thought, "where are the stair rails? I'd need stair rails."


Just makes me nervous thinking about using those stairs! lol Then I find a set of rails and there's a random dresser there. What? It's like nothing is enclosed. Open floor plan overkill.


Yeah pic 33 stuck out like a sore thumb to me, too. That looked more calm to me than the other pics.

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I've seen uglier things from crazy rich people.


But! What even is the point of that single half bath lol. That's what made me laugh "7 full baths and 1 half bath"

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My first thought, "where are the stair rails? I'd need stair rails."


Just makes me nervous thinking about using those stairs! lol Then I find a set of rails and there's a random dresser there. What? It's like nothing is enclosed. Open floor plan overkill.


Yeah pic 33 stuck out like a sore thumb to me, too. That looked more calm to me than the other pics.


Hmm... photo 33 does look nearly normal... if you ignore the throne... 

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I see 2 things:


1. All of the places my children could fall off.


2. The rest of my life flashing before my eyes as I scrub tile on my hands and knees.


If you can afford that house, you can afford the team of housecleaners.

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Oh gosh! Maybe there's a pimp among the WTM boardies... alright, out yourself. Who is it? Who's the pimp?!? 😱🤣🤣🤣


Well...I wasn't thinking THAT. But I did have a moment where I thought it would be awful for us to be making fun of the photos only to find out later that a boardie owned the place and was trying to sell. I didn't see the post with the backstory until later.

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..... I liked the decor. I found the strange angles and surfaces oddly soothing and the colors were pretty. I like lions and rocks.


Fortunately for the rest of the world, my DH has more conventional tastes than I do.




The angles and surfaces are kind of cool and soothing. It would be kind of like living a fractured fairy castle.

Now why didn't they fix the crack in the walkway.

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The one thing I liked was the carved door. I always thought it would be great to have a beautiful, fairy tale, carved wooden door.


My OCD flared up when I got to the fireplace with 2 assymetrical lion shelves and one non-lion shelf. I also thought, "I have enough of an issue keeping bulbs burning in all the can lights at my house. Don't give me 4,768 of them in one room!"

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I would live in it.


It would be hilarious to see the reactions of friends and family when they visit. Goodness knows there are plenty of beds.


I think you could spend days figuring out all of the ¿fireplaces? Or whatever all those nooks and holes and tunnels are.


You'd have enough space for a HIVE reunion.

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I may have to duck and run for cover after saying this, but...I kind of like it. Not the furnishings or decor, but the house itself. To me, all the stone and curves have the charming geekiness of a ST-TNG set for an alien home. You know, the ones who are almost human except for a couple of latex ridges on their faces? 👽Aw, come one! Am I the only one who thinks it would be fun to live on a ST set? (Yeah, I know, Insert chirping crickets here, right?)

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My OCD flared up when I got to the fireplace with 2 assymetrical lion shelves and one non-lion shelf.


Me, too!!! I was like, "What happened here?!? Did something break? Please, someone fix it!" 


Out of everything going on in that house, that is one thing I would need to change pronto.  :)

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One of the cupboard doors above the stove (#25) is on crooked!!

I love love love the outside of the house, but the inside reminds me of the Winchester House in San Jose (the widow-owner had to keep building or a curse would come true and she would die).  Like the owners started with something good, but then just kept adding and adding and changing...

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Wow, that's beyond hideous. And it wasn't even cheap hideous or the kind of hideous you can paint over. Yikes. :eek:


The whole time I was thinking how much it would cost to fix the place.


And what is with those ceilings??

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It was owned by a former pimp who decided to get into construction after he left "the business". I'm not kidding!


I was about to post "this is what happens when people have money but no taste."

Dh stopped at picture # 7 and said: "Please, no more."


Edited by Liz CA
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I can imagine it as an awesome movie setting for something like the sound of music. Imagine how much fun a house like that would be with about 20 kids and a fun new nanny/governess.


There are individual features that are nice it's just so so much altogether!


The (ugly) staircase had no railings and everything was tile. God forbid a kid pitches off one of those...all kinds of thoughts ran through my head when I saw this monstrosity.


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I can imagine it as an awesome movie setting for something like the sound of music. Imagine how much fun a house like that would be with about 20 kids and a fun new nanny/governess.

There are individual features that are nice it's just so so much altogether!

As long as they weren't 20 tap dancing kids... :eek:

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DH sent me a link to this house last week. I've looked at the listing at least four times now, and each time, I see different stuff. The first time through, I didn't notice the weird office furniture everywhere. And today, I'm noticing things you all have pointed out, that I didn't see before. I'm disturbed.


I will admit that there are elements here and there that I like. But putting them all in one house? That's the stuff nightmares are made of!

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