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Things you irrationally hate


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When people say or write "should of" instead of "should have"...


People smacking their food or chewing with their mouth open.

Ack! I do that. I should of known better.

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I feel that way about Sugarland. That twang in her voice just drives me bonkers. There are other twangy singers, but something about that particular one...

I actually like a lot of Sugarland songs, but the one where she starts rapping in the middle of it, I must turn off as soon as I realize it's that song. I hate it so much.

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People smoking at every parade in our little town. Seriously, every time my family sits down in a smoke-free zone, someone comes along and lights up within a few minutes.


When I arrive early at the swim meet to stake out a place and last minute peeps arrive and want to crowd in crazy tight (close enough that we are touching) because they want to sit in the area with the best view. Get there earlier, or sit in the less crowded crappy viewing area.


People who put on lipstick (at their table) in restaurants when they finish eating. I don't know why this bothers me. I don't care if they put on lipstick. I just don't want to see it while enjoying a nice meal.

Edited by Bensmom
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People who are slow. They walk slow, talk slow, they check out slow, etc. People who just meander through life...I remember going to the notary and watching her write everything out. It took her a solid minute to sign her own name. It was PAINFUL. I wanted to cry. And scream.


Obviously, this does not apply to certain groups like the elderly or disabled. I have all the patience in the world then. But slow for no reason. Grrrr.


I'm sure I could rationalize that with I'm busy but it's not really true. I just dont like slow.

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The sounds of other people chewing food whether they have their mouths open or not.  Really, doesn't matter.  Don't like any of it.


Nail filing or clipping.


The sound of feet rubbing together.  


The word "puke"  


Any sound made by chewing gum...the chewing, the wet noises some people make, the popping of the gum...dread!  


I have issues.  

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Anything coming out of mouths that shouldn't be, except for baby spit up. (DH and I have had a deal since day one of parenting -- I handle all the dirty diapers if I'm available, and he handles all puke. We've had six kids so a lot of dirty diapers but only a handful of puke incidents, and I still think it's a completely equitable deal.)

The group The Eagles


Emptying the dishwasher

Parking garages

Jar Jar Binks

The singing purple dinosaur who shall not be named and who is not allowed in my house, ever. None of my kids actually know who he is.


Maybe some of those aren't irrational.

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Where to start?


Misuse of the word "literally." i.e., He was literally driving me up a wall. 


Any sign, decoration, or social media post in command form that is supposed to be inspirational, like "Smile," "Laugh," "Go outside," "Hug your kids," "Vote," etc.


Going to the doctor and having to answer a bunch of questions about my personal habits and history.


Someone calling me on the phone. 


So many more :)



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Anything coming out of mouths that shouldn't be, except for baby spit up. (DH and I have had a deal since day one of parenting -- I handle all the dirty diapers if I'm available, and he handles all puke. We've had six kids so a lot of dirty diapers but only a handful of puke incidents, and I still think it's a completely equitable deal.)

The group The Eagles


Emptying the dishwasher

Parking garages

Jar Jar Binks

The singing purple dinosaur who shall not be named and who is not allowed in my house, ever. None of my kids actually know who he is.

Maybe some of those aren't irrational.

I'm with you on your first one... if I attempt to clean anything bigger than baby spit up I just end up adding to the mess in a catastrophic way.


And that dinosaur... banned from my house as well. DD22 is somewhat familiar because her toddler buddy was a HUGE fan. He had all three characters at his 3rd birthday party. I wanted to beat them with the piñata bat.

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Today I fully accepted the fact that I just hate going to the bank. It doesn't matter which bank or which branch, walking in the door makes me angry.


In fact, if I could choose, I'd rather go to the gynecologist than the bank.


As far as I can tell, there's not really a rational reason for this. Sure, it feels like a waste of my time, but there are plenty of required life things that fit that description. And no, the customer service often isn't great, but same as above.


Anyone else have something they irrationally hate? Or is it just me?

The word "veggies." Can we please just call them 'vegetables?'

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Some of the things I hate and thought were irrational really aren't irrational. The sound of chewing for example. I thought it was stupid for me to feel that way until I found out that 1. I'm not alone, and 2. It even has a name.


So I tried to think of something I hate that's truly irrational and found one.


Reality shows. I hate them. I think they're stupid. And yet, no one in my house watches them, few of my friends watch and/or discuss them when I'm around so why should it bother me? It's not like I have to deal with them being on tv in my house or listen to people talk about them. It's just irrational. I have no reason to hate them. They don't affect me at all. 


None of that matters. I hate reality shows anyway. :)

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The word "veggies." Can we please just call them 'vegetables?'


One of my dc is like this with the abbreviation for literature.  I have to write British Literature or Literature on the weekly assignment sheet.  Brit Lit just doesn't work for this child.  :)

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When people chew and swallow loudly. I also hate the sound of someone typing on the keyboard. I'm aware that these are absurd, but they still make me cringe. Lastly, I can't stand to have my left pinky touched. I dislocated it as a child and to this day I'm super careful when I hold my husband's hand or when my kids are snuggling me --keep my pinky safe.


ETA- on my phone - typos

Edited by mytwomonkeys
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One of my dc is like this with the abbreviation for literature. I have to write British Literature or Literature on the weekly assignment sheet. Brit Lit just doesn't work for this child. :)

I am soooo with him. Why say you are taking, "Poli Sci" when it takes maybe a 10th of a second to say, "Political Science?" But "veggies" is in a class of its own.

Edited by Danestress
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I hate it when people don't use the Oxford comma.  A lot.  Which means that every time I read a newspaper or magazine article there are little bursts of hate as my eyes linger on the places where commas should be and aren't.  Ugh.


I once quit a job in part over the oxford comma. I was the web designer for a startup. As we started growing, management thought they needed to hire a director for all the web content. The first thing this woman prioritized was going through the entire web site to remove the oxford comma (she came from a magazine background). I fought HARD against it. I found all kinds of articles to back me up, but in the end she said her decision and they were gone. It was just such a bad start to our relationship and I ended up quitting shortly after that (and then not long after that, they went out of business, ha!)

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When people chew and swallow loudly. I also hate the sound of someone typing on the keyboard. I'm aware that these are absurd, but they still make me cringe. Lastly, I can't stand to have my left pinky touched. I dislocated it as a child and to this day I'm super careful when I hold my husband's hand or when my kids are snuggling me --keep my pinky safe.


ETA- on my phone - typos

Oh my, yes, yes, yes. The chewing and swallowing - I die and have to either have music playing or leave the room. My husband's typing drives me INSANE. I can.not.handle it.


Thank you for this. I enjoyed it. Mine is probably very long. First thing that comes to mind is people who call instead of texting. I now despise talking on the phone. 5 years ago it was fine.

Who phones someone? I mean who does that?! LOL. I'm right there with you.



I have to say this is probably the very best thread I've ever seen. I get irritated at pretty much everything, so I could have multi-quoted everyone's post in agreement, but I thought well that's probably one of those things someone gets irrationally irritated over. :laugh:


People who spell lose as loose. No friend, you did not "loose" your phone.

Edited by tammyw
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Today I fully accepted the fact that I just hate going to the bank. It doesn't matter which bank or which branch, walking in the door makes me angry.
In fact, if I could choose, I'd rather go to the gynecologist than the bank.  
As far as I can tell, there's not really a rational reason for this. Sure, it feels like a waste of my time, but there are plenty of required life things that fit that description. And no, the customer service often isn't great, but same as above.
Anyone else have something they irrationally hate? Or is it just me?



Catfish. I cannot bring myself to eat catfish. Why? Because my mother couldn't eat it, because she saw a dead animal in a swamp being munched on by catfish, such that they looked like piranhas, and she could never bring herself to even try catfish after that. And so I cannot, either. Not the least bit rational. o_0

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Fingernails scratching fabric.

Watching people put lotion on their hands without removing their rings.

So much hate.


:lol:  You all are my people!! The fingernails scratching fabric - how can they stand it themselves?


Same with nose whistling. Or breathing loudly. Or breathing from your mouth. Just go ahead and kill me why don't you.


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Thank you for this. I enjoyed it. Mine is probably very long. First thing that comes to mind is people who call instead of texting. I now despise talking on the phone. 5 years ago it was fine.


I've always hated talking on the phone. While it was necessary 5 years ago it was never fine to me. I was so happy when texting became normal. 

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I'm a self-diagnosed aspie so my list is long and full of quirks.


I'm an undercover grammar police officer. Misuse of literally is a big crime. Dropping the ly on adverbs puts you squarely in the hillbilly category. I noticed at least one violation in this thread already. Your crime has been duly noted.


All things that should be symmetrical but aren't.


All odd numbers except prime numbers and those in Fibonacci's sequence.


Children that aren't mine that touch me.




People who kill insects for no reason


People who wreck plants for no reason, like smashing at them with a stick while walking past.


Chewing gum - this is so nasty to me


Ticking clocks


Any repetitive noise


Too many choices when shopping. This makes me insane. Do we really need 75 different types of shampoo to choose from?


This just scratches the surface for me.

Edited by Rose M
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Thought of another:


Spelling the word "scissors"


And another...


Plastic baggies that don't stay sealed.

The spelling,and the word scissors doesn't make any sense.


I have tried to master it's spelling, I think I once wrote out the word ten times a day for ten days.


I still can't spell scissors close enough to have spell check figure out the word I'm trying to spell.

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wind turbines



They are mean and terrifying and I hate them!

I am all for green energy but those turbines freak me out!


When we drive through a turbine hellscape I feel sick to my stomach and I shake and cry. I think I react that way when surrounded by pure evil.

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I knew someone for whom the word broach was the equivalent of saying moist. (I don't get it. I get it bothers a person but the why eludes me.)


I hate spiders. Had a run in with a tarantula in the wild when young. I can't be near any spider larger than the width of a fingernail.


My dad is a talker and loves to leave vm. He will only text me if something with my Parkinson's mom is serious. I learned that in the last 2 months. He's capable, just not willing for day to day conversations.


There's no N in vegetables. Why pronounce it?


There is only the Oxford comma. There should be 2 spaces after the end of the sentence but I reluctantly moved on. I will never give up my Oxford comma.

Edited by Elfknitter.#
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Radio stations who play siren sounds or songs with sirens in them.


DH coughing on me, my face, or my food, especially when he's been eating foods I'm allergic to.


Tornado sirens for "severe thunderstorms" that are only moving at 30 miles per hour, and are absolutely no danger unless you're outside and can see them coming anyway.

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The spelling,and the word scissors doesn't make any sense.


I have tried to master it's spelling, I think I once wrote out the word ten times a day for ten days.


I still can't spell scissors close enough to have spell check figure out the word I'm trying to spell.


The spelling drove me crazy as a child. 


I irrationally hate how a friend of mine uses it singular. She says 'hand me a scissor.' Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be but it always sounds weird to me and annoys me.  I tried to counter that you don't say 'hand me a pant' but it wasn't enough to cause her to abandon her use of scissor. 

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Probably people like me who have NO cell service at their house?

Yes! I call people using my landline! No cell service here.

I only get texts come through if I drive up the road a few miles into another part of town.

I try not to give out my cell or people text me & I don't respond, cuz I never got it.


But I do hate talking on the phone, I wish I could text from home, I promise!!!

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There is only the Oxford comma. There should be 2 spaces after the end of the sentence but I reluctantly moved on. I will never give up my Oxford comma.

There SHOULD be 2 spaces after the end of a sentence! When did that change anyways? I taught my oldest that & he was like "what?!?" When he started taking outside English classes & getting that markers wrong on papers.

Who knew?!?


And the Oxford comma lives on. Please

Edited by Hilltopmom
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Loud chewing.

Moist bread (gag)

People who make shuffle noises because they don't pick their feet up when they walk.

Being told information/facts that I already know by someone who assumes I don't know what they are telling me.




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The word moist ~shudder~


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

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Making appointments. I've finally figured out I need to go ahead and schedule appointments while I'm at the office already. I just hate calling to make appointments. I will put it off forever. I don't mind talking on the phone to friends, in fact, I LOVE it but anybody else forget it.




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Anyone who refers to their male spouse and Hubbie, Hubs, or Hubster. For a brief second the horrible person in me wishes divorce upon them so I'll never have to hear them utter that word again. Seeing it written down, like in a blog or Facebook post, is almost always instant cause to block or unfollow.


I also get so angry at the phrase "easy peasey." I think it is the stupidest sounding phrase ever. Probably because I almost always hear it said by someone explaining some overly complicated Pinterest nightmare way to do something that actually ISN'T so simple.

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Anyone who refers to their male spouse and Hubbie, Hubs, or Hubster. For a brief second the horrible person in me wishes divorce upon them so I'll never have to hear them utter that word again. Seeing it written down, like in a blog or Facebook post, is almost always instant cause to block or unfollow.


I also get so angry at the phrase "easy peasey." I think it is the stupidest sounding phrase ever. Probably because I almost always hear it said by someone explaining some overly complicated Pinterest nightmare way to do something that actually ISN'T so simple.


Yes to the bolded. I actually use the offending phrase sarcastically, when describing something that is obviously not uncomplicated, like the process of getting the 3-year old to do anything he doesn't want to.

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the color orange.


I feel it is a huge step for me to admit it has it's place . . . .in small increments.



I am so glad to read this because my first thought was: the color purple. (Not The Color Purple, in either form.)


Keeping w/ the color theme, and I might step on toes here, but white rocks and red mulch.


This would be amusing to those who know me IRL b/c 1) I have at least one purple shirt and wear it often (and even bought it, but at a thrift store b/c it is great quality), and 2) I really have no fashion sense in apparel or landscaping, so there ya go. 


Newscasters' saying "This smorning" instead of "This morning" bothers me too. 


ETA: I don't think it's irrational to dislike snakes! Or poisonous spiders!

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