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The I'm Annoyed Thread


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I"m tired, achy and hormonal.


So everything annoys me.


Why is it that we go to the same place at the same time every week, and every time we have something planned my kids go "What time are we leaving again?"


Lessons are always at 2 on Tuesdays, we always leave at 1:30. Duh.


Why do so many summer shirts/dresses require stuff underneath? I hate that I have to find a coordinating cami to wear under my dress to cover up my cleavage. It gets hot and them bunches up.  I hate wearing a slip under cute dresses and skirts. Skirts could be so comfy in the summer, but then you have to find slips. Grr.


Why do I have to tell my kids every single day, "Pick up your shoes." "Where do dirty socks go?"


and no you can't play your iPad till 4 p.m. The same rule that we have every single day.




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Why do so many summer shirts/dresses require stuff underneath? I hate that I have to find a coordinating cami to wear under my dress to cover up my cleavage. It gets hot and them bunches up.  I hate wearing a slip under cute dresses and skirts. Skirts could be so comfy in the summer, but then you have to find slips. Grr.


Either that or the top is so paper thin it's indecent if worn alone. I don't want to have to buy another shirt in order to wear a top.

Edited by Word Nerd
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do they look at the clock and recognize the time you leave?  do you say "it's 1:30 -- time to go."  or "it's 1:15, we're leaving in 15 minutes".

do you ask them what time?   my friend felt like her kid who kept asking her was just being lazy and didn't want to have to think.

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I wanted to start this exact thread yesterday, except I didn't even know where to begin. 


To the males in my family:  put.your.dishes.and.cups.in.the.dishwasher 


To my oldest:  your mother asking "how was your day?" is not a federal offense so stop acting so offended.


To my youngest:  no, I don't want to see the 6,534th reiteration of the Lego thing you've built this week.  Or be told about it in painstaking detail for the 6,534th time. 

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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do they look at the clock and recognize the time you leave? do you say "it's 1:30 -- time to go." or "it's 1:15, we're leaving in 15 minutes".

do you ask them what time? my friend felt like her kid who kept asking her was just being lazy and didn't want to have to think.

Here's how the conversations go:

Me: what time are lessons?


Child: 2


Me: so we have to leave when?


Child: 1:30?


Me: bingo!


Every freaking week!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Here's how the conversations go:

Me: what time are lessons?


Child: 2


Me: so we have to leave when?


Child: 1:30?


Me: bingo!


Every freaking week!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


maybe it's just something in the teenage brain.


I don't know if my mother told my brother when my dr appointment was  - so that was when he picked me up.  every stinkin' time, so I was always late.  this was a recurring appointment.  I was in jr. high and I would call his school.  my mom was a single mom who worked.

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To my husband: I've told you where the laundry basket is.  Just because it's not where it's convenient for you to throw your socks in, does not mean you can just throw them on the floor where people walk.  If you want a clean house then you need to help keep it clean.  The same goes for your books.  Please actually put them back on the shelves.


Oldest son:  Yes, we have to do school today.  Yes, I know you hate math.  No, you are not going to get out of doing it if you drag your feet ALL DAY.


Toddler:  Your world is not ending,  Please stop crying about every little thing.


Newborn:  You just ate.  I'm not a pacifier.  I bought you a pacifier.  I'm sorry you don't like it.  I'll buy you another one.  Just please go to sleep!


Restaurant owner in CA that I left a 2 star review for:  Are you really trying to defend the fact that your waitress served my children warm water, with no ice?  Are you really trying to pull the "starving children in Africa" bit as though we aren't paying for service and expect to get good service when we go to a nice restaurant?  

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Why do so many summer shirts/dresses require stuff underneath? I hate that I have to find a coordinating cami to wear under my dress to cover up my cleavage. It gets hot and them bunches up.  I hate wearing a slip under cute dresses and skirts. Skirts could be so comfy in the summer, but then you have to find slips. Grr.



Have you tried slip shorts?  They are the best - so much more comfortable than a slip.

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maybe it's just something in the teenage brain.


I don't know if my mother told my brother when my dr appointment was - so that was when he picked me up. every stinkin' time, so I was always late. this was a recurring appointment. I was in jr. high and I would call his school. my mom was a single mom who worked.

Not necesarily. I have this conversation with DH week after week regarding church. We're going the same place, by the same route every week, but still he asks. "what time do we need to leave?" Same freakin' time as always, babe.


I chalk it up to my status as the resident Time Savant.

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I have found my people.  Sometimes minor things irritate me and I don't need a lecture on how fortunate I am. I just need someone to agree that it's irritating.


Oh, man, that is the most annoying thing. Okay, yes, so my stubbed toe isn't a big deal, but it hurts! I'm allowed to hop around and complain for a minute! I know there are people with phantom limb pain and I cried because I had no shoes, blah blah blah. Actually, you know what? If you don't have shoes, and you live in a place where it gets really cold, sooner or later you're not going to have feet either, so you're entitled to cry about it!

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Here's my annoyance of the day: BIL sends out a family email about our jointly-owned beach cottage. It is an email of details we need to address this summer, which I mostly agree with. He floats the idea that we should pay someone to come maintain the grass on a regular basis, instead of it being a job someone needs to do whenever they go there. On the surface, I don't totally disagree with him, but the part that annoyed me went something like this, "It would be nice to be able to just go down there without having to spend an hour mowing." Well, sure, it would be. Also, it would be nice if I didn't have to spend an hour cleaning every time we go down there. 😠When all the family goes down there, *everybody* is spending time (some more, some less) cleaning, washing linens, maintaining boats, making food, cleaning up from making food...


It just seemed myopic to me.

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I've thought about instituting a Plan of the Day board like we used in the Navy. The day's schedule would then be posted in whatever detail necessary and I could point instead of repeating myself 50 times.


The problem with that is, I don't always want to work on a fixed, detailed time scheduled. DD gets very annoyed when she asks, "when are we leaving?" and I say, "Oh, I don't know, when we're all dressed and ready to go."

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Soccer parents - Read your emails! Seriously. The pierced ears thing? I've told you every week since the beginning of the season in every game weekend email about the no jewelry rule. It sucks that your kid can't play but you've been told so maybe getting her ears pierced in the middle of the season is not the smartest choice?


And yes, when I'm trying to collect the tournament fees for the tournament you signed your child up for and agreed to bring your money with to the game, it is in fact going to be "all about the money" because you signed up and agreed and were told multiple times all season long. I don't keep that money myself. I'm just doing my job for the club.


You replied to my email regarding raffle tickets asking what to do when the email you replied to actually answered your question. Read your email?


Why is reading email so hard to do?

Edited by mamaraby
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Dd3: mom


Me: yes


Dd3: ummm....uhhhh....well...


I forgot.


This happens 6 times a day. My two youngest are the worst.


I need a nap.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Me too. I just sent myself to my room because I have nothing nice to say to anyone. Quiet time for all. My hormones are trying to run the show this week and it's taking every ounce of restraint I have not to snap the last two days. And of COURSE, this is the week where everyone wants to call, drop by, etc. AGGGHH!!!!! Thanks for the thread. Glad I'm not the only one!!! 

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I have told my son for his art projects 28 time this year: DO NOT draw/paint your picture so small that it's only a tiny speck in the middle of your paper. Make your drawing/painting FILL the paper.


We get to the 28th project and I outlined for him how big to chalk in the picture, (chalk on cloth project) showing him margins and sizes....and he made it a tiny speck. He said, "Is that too small," and I said pleasantly (because I don't want to scar him with angry art lessons), "Oops. Yup sweetie: that's too small. You need to fill the page. Let me get you another piece of cloth." And he burst into tears and refused to do any more art that day.


He had only drawn the slightest outline of the picture, so it's not like he'd poured his soul into it. He'd drawn the outline for literally less than 10 seconds. And there was plenty of cloth for him to redo it and honestly, it's not like you really "redo" 10 seconds of work.


I know I shouldn't care really, but please....just fill the paper. If the painting of your still life is so tiny that we can't make out the apple, then just paint it stinkin' bigger. I've said this over and over and over and demonstrated and.....and tears. I'm so tired of it. We're going to study miniatures next year, I swear. He will probably have a grand career as someone who paints mountain ranges on a single grain of rice. Sigh.

Edited by Garga
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Or there's the teenage brain that wants to run your life (because evidently after having 4 children you can't figure out how to run their lives).


2-3 times in one morning: "Mom, we have to leave at 1:45 to be at lesson, right? Don't you think we should get the boys up to be ready to go now?" Ad infinitum.


Idk if it's her anxiety, busy brain or what, but it's giving ME anxiety!!

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Here's my annoyance of the day: BIL sends out a family email about our jointly-owned beach cottage. It is an email of details we need to address this summer, which I mostly agree with. He floats the idea that we should pay someone to come maintain the grass on a regular basis, instead of it being a job someone needs to do whenever they go there. On the surface, I don't totally disagree with him, but the part that annoyed me went something like this, "It would be nice to be able to just go down there without having to spend an hour mowing." Well, sure, it would be. Also, it would be nice if I didn't have to spend an hour cleaning every time we go down there. 😠When all the family goes down there, *everybody* is spending time (some more, some less) cleaning, washing linens, maintaining boats, making food, cleaning up from making food...


It just seemed myopic to me.

Myopic. Isn't that basically a one-word summary of your BIL?


Tell him you're in if it's a package deal with a housekeeper.

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So my poor DH is the president of little league.  Oh, the humanity.  In the past week or so, he has had to deal with:  two coaches being thrown out of games, two players being thrown out of games (including one who has been thrown out twice), an assistant coach and a parent who were thisclose to punching each other, an 8 year old hitting children with his bat, parents complaining that their kid's losing team didn't get a trophy, and then the piece-de-resistance:  a 6 year old dropping numerous F bombs in the dugout.


Why am I annoyed?  Because my DH has to spend more hours dealing with these jerks than he does his job and us put together.  I feel like I need a nametag that says "Hello!  My name is . . . " because he spends so little time with us.

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I am really irritated and it is made worse by the fact that my great-grandmother is probably passing away today. I just can't cope and these things put me over the edge.


#1- I am doing soil testing for our garden and landscaping. I had DS get the samples and my husband was to label them while I ran errands. The kids and I went to do the testing today and DH did not properly label them. Now I have to wait for him to get home and hope he can remember what sample came from where. I am especially annoyed because this was part of science for DS and it is teaching him very poor procedures.


#2- Someone from our church got us a gift card to a local teacher's store last fall. I had already bought our materials for the year, so I held onto it to use for this coming school year. I went to spend it today and the store went out of business. It was still open when I drove by a couple of weeks ago, but is permanently closed now!

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For Person A- Stop calling me every few days to ask the same dang questions that were answered the last phone call. And drop the attitude with me. I don't know how that stick got wedge up there but after dealing with you I can only imagine. And why is it I am having to tell you to go look in the dang chart for the correct information every phone call. Only a few more weeks of dealing with you.


It is kinda funny that when dealing with this person, my teen mimickes the bell for boxing and says" round one".

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can I have a turn?


If I send you back paperwork that you requested, clearly referencing the application number IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND BODY OF the email, and you go ahead and charge me ANOTHER $500+ as if it was a new application, when I call to VERY POLITELY ask for it to be fixed, the correct response is 'sorry, I will fix that asap' NOT 'here's all the reasons why it's your own fault and poor me my job is so hard'


ffs, the more I deal with government departments, the more utter disdain and contempt wells up within me. How hard is it to be competent?

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can I have a turn?


If I send you back paperwork that you requested, clearly referencing the application number IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND BODY OF the email, and you go ahead and charge me ANOTHER $500+ as if it was a new application, when I call to VERY POLITELY ask for it to be fixed, the correct response is 'sorry, I will fix that asap' NOT 'here's all the reasons why it's your own fault and poor me my job is so hard'


ffs, the more I deal with government departments, the more utter disdain and contempt wells up within me. How hard is it to be competent?[/quote


Very hard based on my last week and this week.

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and #2, now I need to triple check another document because another government department - completely unrelated to department #1 - has been so thoroughly incompetent that a privacy breach wasn't enough, they had to add 'surreptitiously delete key information from people's submissions and hope they don't notice'

and we're supposed to trust these people with our children? **aaaaaargh**

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Dear 14-year-old son,


Both of your parents are attorneys. So when you tell us a big story that doesn't seem to match up, we will ask about enough details to catch you in your lie. Every. Single. Time. Just tell the truth to begin with. I will be much less angry when you tell the truth than when I catch you in your lie.

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Dear 14-year-old son,


Both of your parents are attorneys. So when you tell us a big story that doesn't seem to match up, we will ask about enough details to catch you in your lie. Every. Single. Time. Just tell the truth to begin with. I will be much less angry when you tell the truth than when I catch you in your lie.


Or at least get better at lying. As I tell the girls, it's not the lie that gets me, it's the insult. If you're going to lie, put in some effort!

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Ditto your first line; hormones stink. And yesterday was ditto your second line; everything annoyed me and I was not very quiet about it 🙄


So it's manual labor week. 16 bags of leaves and counting by my sweet D.C.. And half the garage cleaned out. The work is doing them good, and me. I enjoyed my day. 😀

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Oldest DS carried in my pocket planner that I keep in my purse and gave to toddler DS to hold to distract him in the car. Oldest has no idea where he set it down when we got home, and doesn't think it's fair that I'm asking him to help look for it.

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My next door neighbors are about to have a concert in their backyard. They will have lots of people, including several who will park on my front lawn. They will not care about how loud it will be, or how late they will continue playing. This is not an acoustic set. The guitars are warming up as I sit here with a stomach bug.


They haven't done this in awhile, but it used to be a weekly adventure. They seem like really nice people. She is a Christian singer that seems to do well. Their kids seem very nice, but they are so loud. I can't figure out if they don't know, (we have told them a few times when it was past midnight) or if they are just the most entitled people I've ever met. At least the late night partying teens hit the neighbor's trees instead of mine. They have at least taught me to open my eyes and be very careful about what my dc's friend's parents will allow at their homes.

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My next door neighbors are about to have a concert in their backyard. They will have lots of people, including several who will park on my front lawn. They will not care about how loud it will be, or how late they will continue playing. This is not an acoustic set. The guitars are warming up as I sit here with a stomach bug.


They haven't done this in awhile, but it used to be a weekly adventure. They seem like really nice people. She is a Christian singer that seems to do well. Their kids seem very nice, but they are so loud. I can't figure out if they don't know, (we have told them a few times when it was past midnight) or if they are just the most entitled people I've ever met. At least the late night partying teens hit the neighbor's trees instead of mine. They have at least taught me to open my eyes and be very careful about what my dc's friend's parents will allow at their homes.


I'd call tow trucks for anyone parked on my lawn. (WHAT THE?!?!) and the non emergency police line once they were past the noise ordinance. That's ridiculous behavior!


Everyone is annoying me today. If I could tow away my family, I might. ;)

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Well, I just spent the last half hour going through my pantry and squishing every black ant I could find.


That in itself is annoying, but I started seeing them in the house two weeks ago.  Just one here and there, so I squished them and let DH know he needed to spray outside.


He has the bottle of spray.  He's had the time to do it.  Has he sprayed? Nope.  :cursing:   I found at least 20 ants exploring every bit of sweet in the pantry they could find- sugar, vinegar, dried fruit, syrups, etc.  No clear trail yet, they're still exploring.


He's out of town for work this week, so I have to wait until he gets home to have the outside sprayed.  In the meantime I put some Terro out, but now I'm just plain annoyed about the whole thing. 

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I've thought about instituting a Plan of the Day board like we used in the Navy. The day's schedule would then be posted in whatever detail necessary and I could point instead of repeating myself 50 times.


The problem with that is, I don't always want to work on a fixed, detailed time scheduled. DD gets very annoyed when she asks, "when are we leaving?" and I say, "Oh, I don't know, when we're all dressed and ready to go."


Our out of the house schedules have always been very predictable. For a time, when the kids were younger they often referred to the days of the week in this fashion: 










I have all out of the house activities written on the calendar. In the past when the kids would ask,  calendar questions I would take them over to the calendar. Sit at the table with them, and explain everything on it for the next two to three weeks. 

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Why do so many summer shirts/dresses require stuff underneath? I hate that I have to find a coordinating cami to wear under my dress to cover up my cleavage. It gets hot and them bunches up.  I hate wearing a slip under cute dresses and skirts. Skirts could be so comfy in the summer, but then you have to find slips. Grr.





Preach it!  

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Dear Driver of the White Sedan,


When there are two right-turn lanes and you are in the left right-turn lane you need to turn into the left lane of the road onto which you are turning. You do not get to turn into the right lane of that road because the cars in the right right-turn lane are trying to turn into that lane at the same time.



Annoyed Driver (who is also thankful that she managed not to get hit today)

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Dear Driver of the White Sedan,


When there are two right-turn lanes and you are in the left right-turn lane you need to turn into the left lane of the road onto which you are turning. You do not get to turn into the right lane of that road because the cars in the right right-turn lane are trying to turn into that lane at the same time.



Annoyed Driver (who is also thankful that she managed not to get hit today)

I hate that! I've had people in the right left turn lane who turn into the left left turn lane and then have the audacity to honk at me! Where else exactly would I be going?!!

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No, a birthday in the family does not automatically mean we are skipping schoolwork today.

No, not even if you whine and complain at me over it.

Yes, you do have to clean this up.

Yes, I know you were making it for me.  That is great, now clean it up.

I understand you were doing a nice thing.  Now pick up the scraps and craft supplies covering the living room and kitchen floor!

No, I am not being unfair.

How about next time it's your birthday, I refuse to do my normal daily tasks, make extra work that I want you to do for me, and spend the whole day whining at you?


Happy Birthday, Mommy.

Edited by La Condessa
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Every afternoon my DH calls me to ask what we are doing that night.  The same thing we have done every Monday night since August.  Tuesday night hasn't changed either.  I get tired of being the only person in the house that can keep up with anything (schedule and items). No I don't know where your goggles are ds.  I did not wear them.

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Every afternoon my DH calls me to ask what we are doing that night.  The same thing we have done every Monday night since August.  Tuesday night hasn't changed either.  I get tired of being the only person in the house that can keep up with anything (schedule and items). No I don't know where your goggles are ds.  I did not wear them.




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