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Did you ever regret a hair cut?

Night Elf

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I had really long hair and I wanted it short. I got to the salon and chickened out and ended up getting about 6 inches cut off and it's still below my shoulders. I usually wear my hair in a pony tail because I don't like hair on my neck or face. I've tried wearing it down since my hair cut because the cut looks good but I do it for a few hours and then put it back up. I really think I'll be happy with a really short hair cut, off my neck, but I'm just scared to do it. I have had a few super short cuts in my life so I remember what it's like. However I've never gone from long to super short in one fell swoop. I don't know what to do! I thought about going and getting it just cut a little more shortly but then it probably wouldn't fit in a pony tail anymore and I'd be stuck with having to wear it down and it would touch my neck and face.


My hair texture has changed with age. It's now really wavy and poofy. It bothers me. I don't know what kind of short hair cut I could get that wouldn't look like a helmet with this type of hair texture.


I'm so indecisive! I'm scared if I go do it, I'll regret it and it will take a while for it to grow back out.

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long hair here. I grew up with the hair yo-yo. I wanted it long - my mom wanted it short. . .   yes,  I've regretted hair cuts - same with dd who has super long hair.  (she'd cut her's when she was stressed - the more stressed she was, the shorter it got until it was a pixie.  now . . . it's past her hips and she complains it's too short.)


I reached the point I simply won't cut my hair - or at least it's has to be long enough to pull back/etc.   I hate it on my face, or my neck - to wear it down is simply too hot unless it's uber short.   what I learned ... uber short hair is a lot of work to keep looking good.   so I stopped cutting it about three years ago - and it's almost to my waist.


there are some great youtube channels for how to have fun with really long hair.

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Yes I have regretted hair cuts.  Usually that was because I went to a stylist I didn't know and who didn't know my hair.  There was a serious disconnect between what I wanted and what they did.  


Do you have a hairstylist that knows your hair well?  Did the person who cut your hair last time seem to know what they were doing and have a good idea of how to handle your hair?


If not, I would maybe try someone else out but only get a trim to start with.  Talk about your eventual intentions and see if they seem capable and understanding.  Have them brainstorm with you.  If they seem knowledgeable and patient and skilled then give it a go.


However, as mentioned above, keep in mind that with a short hair cut you will have to keep it cut a LOT more often or it will get to an in between, not as nice point fairly quickly but you can't default to your pony tail.  

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My youngest dd has a really short style and it's so cute on her. It's super short on the sides and back and longer on the top with bangs that swoop. She gets it cut every 5-6 weeks when the hair starts growing over her ears. She doesn't have to do anything particular to style it. She finds it very easy to take care of, just wet brush the back in the morning and go. I was thinking of something similar, above my ears like that.


Last year we had a stylist at an expensive salon we liked really well. We trusted her. She was the one who helped dd transition from below the shoulders to above the ears in gradual stages. If I decide to get a short cut, I'd go to her because I trust her.


My last couple of hair cuts were done at a quick cut place. They just wet the hair with a spray bottle. I was not really getting a style so I was okay with it. I don't think I'd like to go there for such a drastic change as I'm considering, but I could see me going back to them for trims. They can trim the style without changing it.

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When I was in third grade I asked for a long shag but ended up with a pixie. I was devastated by that. 11th grade I cut my hair in a Dorothy Hamel. And when I was about 30 I get my hair really short again. I have regretted it every time and I know I would never have shorthair again. However I am not against shorthair for other people. :-)


I do know that if I ever did the short would have to be off my neck because if I cannot put it in a ponytail I would not be able to deal with it

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I have regretted one hair cut.


My Mom was doing it, and she kept trying to get my bangs straight - she eventually succeed by cutting them totally off.

I did this to myself when I was six. Couldn't get them straight, so off they went.

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I have regretted one hair cut. 


My Mom was doing it, and she kept trying to get my bangs straight - she eventually succeed by cutting them totally off. 


I did this to myself when I was six. Couldn't get them straight, so off they went.



My brother did that when he was six.


My son did that when he was six.


Recently my nephew did that.  Six.


I consider it a familial form of male pattern baldness,  :lol: .

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My brother did that when he was six.


My son did that when he was six.


Recently my nephew did that. Six.


I consider it a familial form of male pattern baldness, :lol: .

My son did it when he was four. He's gifted :lol:

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Every time I convince myself I want short hair, I regret going through with it. I've always had long hair and really I love it. So whenever I have the thought I remind myself it doesn't turn out how I want it to be and it takes more work than my long hair does by far!

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Who hasn't regretted a haircut? I've had some pretty bad ones, but they always grow out. Have you had short hair before? Your feelings in the past about short hair are a good gauge of how you'll feel now. 


I tell myself all the time: You don't like short hair or bangs! Yet every few years I do one or both out of boredom or a belief that this time will be different.

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I have the same issue of not liking the feel of hair on my neck and face. Every time I grow my hair out it ends up in a pony tail every day. Which really doesn't look great.


I am sooo much happier when I just keep it short. It looks better, feels better, and is super easy to take care of.

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I've regretted almost every short haircut I've ever had.  My hair is very thick, somewhat wavy, tends to frizz and poofiness.  It needs to be long to help control the poof.  I can wash, brush, pull it into a ponytail, and I'm done.  Short hair I have to blow dry, straighten, and/or tons of product to control it.  


Used to be, every so often I would convince myself I would put the time in every day, and that I would get it trimmed regularly.  I never make it more than a week or two doing my hair every day.  That's not the kind of lifestyle I have.  


I keep my hair at least shoulder length now.  It's actually been at least mid-back for over 15 years.


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Sure I've had haircuts I regretted.


I've also spent months (several different times over the years) letting it grow and then got it cut and very much regretted all those "ugh" months I wasted letting it grow.


But it's hair. It will grow back. Or you can get it cut. Play with it and have fun. :)


If poofiness is your main issue -- have you tried any products to help with that?

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I tried one product that I got from the expensive salon I used to go to and it didn't help much. Right now with it being long, I wash it and let it air dry, then put it in a pony tail. It's just too long to blow dry. If I get a short cut, it will have to be short enough that it doesn't take long to fix in the mornings to look nice for the day. Also, when my hair was really long I only washed it every 5-6 days. Now that it's a little shorter I'm doing every 4-5 days. I think with super short hair I won't mind jumping in the shower each morning to wash it, but I prefer a style that I can air dry. I just really don't like to fuss with my hair.


I've only regretted one cut but it wasn't my fault. The stylist did a bad job. It was so bad I refused to go to my high school graduation. What I meant by asking if you regretted a cut was if you changed the look and regretted the change, not so much the stylist doing a bad job.

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I went super-short one time. I didn't tell my husband that I was going, and when I surprised him (he was at the computer), and then asked him what he thought, he said, 

"Hmmm. Looks like mine" and turned back around.     Not what I was going for. 


The only other haircut I regretted was when I cut my son's when he was about 5. I nicked the crap out of his ear. He's never let me forget it.  :laugh:

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I have wavy hair that is still pretty thin.


The one time I had it cut short, I hated it. It was so much higher maintenance, because the thinness started to dominate, since it wasn't long enough to wave anymore, so I looked like a wet cat if I didn't style the heck out of it every morning.  Since I was accustomed to low maintenance long hair, this drove me nuts.  Once I grew it out, I never had short hair again.


I don't blowdry my long hair.  I put short clips in to hold it back, over my ears, when it's wet, and fluff up the top, and let it airdry.  It does take a while, but when it's done it looks great, and I don't have do anything but finger comb it or use a wide toothed comb on it for about 3 days until I wash it again.  I do use conditioner in it, either a light leave in conditioner or a styling foam or both.  With the foam the curl sets in and I gain a little body, which can be nice.  I haven't had a haircut in over 20 years.  Natural hair shapes itself, for me, into a longer in the middle back appearance that is nice and doesn't have those thin ends that you get when you're overdue for a haircut.

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I've regretted almost every short haircut I've ever had.  My hair is very thick, somewhat wavy, tends to frizz and poofiness.  It needs to be long to help control the poof.  I can wash, brush, pull it into a ponytail, and I'm done.  Short hair I have to blow dry, straighten, and/or tons of product to control it.  


Used to be, every so often I would convince myself I would put the time in every day, and that I would get it trimmed regularly.  I never make it more than a week or two doing my hair every day.  That's not the kind of lifestyle I have.  


I keep my hair at least shoulder length now.  It's actually been at least mid-back for over 15 years.

 You see,  your description of your hair is exactly mine.  However, when I grow it, it's still poofy and frizzy.  I've recently cut it to a lob and embraced the wave.  It's only very frizzy when I try to brush or blowdry.  I use a curl enhancer and now it isn't as frizzy  has a slight wave.   

Edited by solascriptura
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I've regretted almost every short haircut I've ever had. My hair is very thick, somewhat wavy, tends to frizz and poofiness. It needs to be long to help control the poof. I can wash, brush, pull it into a ponytail, and I'm done. Short hair I have to blow dry, straighten, and/or tons of product to control it.


Used to be, every so often I would convince myself I would put the time in every day, and that I would get it trimmed regularly. I never make it more than a week or two doing my hair every day. That's not the kind of lifestyle I have.


I keep my hair at least shoulder length now. It's actually been at least mid-back for over 15 years.

Yup, all of this! I haven't ever had a bad haircut, per se, but my hair just doesn't work above collar bone length unless I'm wearing it really close to the scalp. It's too thick and wild. Longer is better, here, unless I spend a ton of time and product.

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You see, your description of your hair is exactly mine. However, when I grow it, it's still poofy and frizzy. I've recently cut it to a lob and embraced the wave. It's only very frizzy when I try to brush or blowdry. I use a curl enhancer and now it isn't as frizzy has a slight wave.

I have curly hair and it is currently past my bra strap. Well, I am getting my hair cut and colored as we speak and I think she cut off an inch or two. Mine is frizzy and can be poofy if I don't straighten it. If I take a shower at night and go to sleep with it wet it only takes me 11 min to straighten. Then the next day I only have to brush it. I only wash every other day...sometimes every 2 days.


I can wear it curly but it requires product and I hate using product.

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I have curly hair and usually hate my haircuts. It takes a couple of months to look good after cutting. A couple of times I've really hated the shape, but I've never thought, "oh, no! Should have left it long!" I usually cut it chin-short, let it grow past my shoulders, cut again, repeat. It takes about two years.


I would be very cautious about going short if your hair has more volume than you like already.

Edited by HTRMom
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I've had lots of regrettable hair cuts.  I have super curly hair that is very fine textured so wearing it long means big, big hair.  So, I have to keep it short.


When I was 5, my next door neighbor and I were playing beauty shop in her playhouse.  When you play with my hair, I get very sleepy.  I was so out of it that she cut my shoulder-length hair to about 2 inches long ... some spots were only 1/2 inch.  The beauty shop wouldn't touch it so my mom took me to a barber shop.  It took months before it was long enough to even it out.  My kindy picture looks like a little boy. 


I had longer hair until the Dorothy Hamill wedged bob became popular.  In 8th grade, I tried that cut.  Ummm ... I didn't look like Dorothy Hamill.  I don't know why I though my hair would be straight :glare: .  My hair stayed short until freshman year of college (when I didn't have money for hair cuts and just let it grow.) 

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When I was dating DH, I had long blonde hair. I wanted shorter curly red hair. So I had it done.


When I went to DH's place to show him, he laughed uncontrollably. He thought I was playing a joke on him by wearing a Ronald McDonald wig. In his favor, I was well-known for playing elaborate practical jokes.


Needless to say, we fixed it with some super heavy duty conditioner which took out the curl. Neither one of us remember what we did with the red color, but it got gone, for sure!

Edited by RoughCollie
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My hair texture is as you described and I have cut it short enough times to know I am never doing so again, until I am too old to possibly care. In your place, I would not cut it a little bit shorter because, as you say, you will not be able to ponytail it and that will only be more annoying. I flat-iron my hair when I wash it because otherwise, it's too frizzy and poufy.


There have been two major ocassions when I cut my hair very short from long; one time was intentional and the other time was not. (The hairdresser misunderstood me and it was chin-length.) In both cases I regretted it (the first time, after a ehile, the second time, I cried bitter tears in the parking lot.)


People think my current long hair must be a lot of work, but IME, it's SHORT hair that is way too much work on me. With my current hair, it is a lot of work the day I wash it, but then I'm in great shape for days. I put it in a pony tail when I need it out of my face and wear it down when I want it to be pretty. When it is short, I MUST start from scratch styling it every morning and even if I lay down for a half hour in the afternoon, it's all jeffed up.


YMMV, of course, but I always hear women urging other women to cut their hair short, but I urge the other way. I think longer hair is beautiful on many women.

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Well, after reading many of your posts, I've decided I shouldn't make a drastic change right now. Because of my hair's volume and texture, I'd probably have to cut it into a pixie, short all over my head for it to look good. I don't think I want to go that short right now. At least I can still wear it in a pony tail so I'll just be happy with that.


Thanks everyone!

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Who hasn't regretted a haircut? I've had some pretty bad ones, but they always grow out. Have you had short hair before? Your feelings in the past about short hair are a good gauge of how you'll feel now.


I tell myself all the time: You don't like short hair or bangs! Yet every few years I do one or both out of boredom or a belief that this time will be different.

I actually wrote this in capital letters in my journal one time. I wrote, "YOU DO NOT LIKE SHORT LAYERS,!!" Just in case I forget. Now, I'm 46 and I have to figure that if I ever cut it short again at this point, it's unlikely I would grow it out again, which takes two years of "UGH," so I reason that I'm keeping it at least shoulder length until I am totally silver and could not possible care who thinks my hair is pretty. Maybe never.

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My brother did that when he was six.


My son did that when he was six.


Recently my nephew did that.  Six.


I consider it a familial form of male pattern baldness,  :lol: .


My son did it when he was four. He's gifted :lol:

Oh, man!!! You ladies made my day! 😂😂😂

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Yes, I've regretted several hair cuts, but the worst is that one of them happened right before I got my driver's license photo. Now I see it over and over for years to come.  :cursing:


Come to think of it, I did the "cut off the bangs" act right before a family Christmas photo. I get to re-live the moment every time I look at my old photo album and my kids even get to point and laugh at me.  :laugh:

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Yes, I've regretted several hair cuts, but the worst is that one of them happened right before I got my driver's license photo. Now I see it over and over for years to come. :cursing:

The one perk of when my purse was stolen was that I could get a new photo on my DL and a new photo on my Costco card, both of which had that dang short hair I hated so much. Plus the DL photo had an overly ambitious amount of blonde highlights. Cringe.

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I've gone from long to short many, many times.


I've never regretted a cut that was between the jaw and chin (bob). Above the jaw is a little tougher, some I've loved and some are tougher to pull off if they're not cut perfectly.


I do know that in EVERY picture I've ever liked of myself I've had hair that was between my jaw and chin. My hair is almost to my shoulders right now and I'm over it. Blech.

I'm getting it cut Monday.

Plan to get it like this.

Well, I saved them on pinterest and don't know how to post it here. It's a chin length layered bob with bangs.

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I love short hair.  Dominique Sasche is my favorite short hair celebhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJsLC6KWmBI&t=28s


I'd love hair like that! That would never work on me with my poofy wavy hair though. I'd probably have to flat iron it a great deal to get it to look straight like that. My hair used to be straight like that. Honestly. I'm just wondering since middle age made my hair poofy and wavy, what on earth will I look like as a senior citizen? I may have to go to the salon once a week like my grandmother and get my hair coiffed. I would sure hate that.

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I spend years growing my hair long but eventually give in and cut it. My hair looks better short. It is thick and curly and with a good cut looks great short. But when it's long I can keep it in a ponytail under a hat and it's better for food service. When it's short the short hairs escape and can end up in food without super diligence and a lot of hairspray. I will probably get my hair cut short by August this year because it is cooler and looks better, but right now It is much easier to just put in a ponytail, and it does look nice when I have time to fix it. 

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I can do a full on Twister Sister puffy waves if I finger comb my hair when it's wet, don't brush it, and the weather is right.


If I brush and pull back my hair into a low ponytail (but with the top brushed back from the top not pulled in from the sides) until it's dry, I get soft waves with very little frizz once it's dry.   As long as it dries somewhat controlled, it's great.  And super easy.


Here's a picture.



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Always regret getting my hair cut. It has waves and no matter which length I go to if I cut it above my shoulders, one side flips under and the other out and even the curling iron can't seem to fix it for more than a couple of hours. I keep it very long now and put it up when I'm doing things that it gets in the way of but mostly wear it down.

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No. I had hair cuts I did not like, but I did not actually regret them - because it's just hair, it will grow back.



Put me in this category.  When I got a pixie cut at 17, I think it was just something I needed it to do.  I loved it, even though it didn't look great on me.  Hated spending most of college growing it out though!  LOL

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The shortest I've gone is I said cut it as short as you can get it where I can still put it in a pony tail (even if a tiny one).  They did that.  I was happy with it . But I did still always have it in a pony tail.  I hate hair in my face SO SO much.  But, ya know, I don't want a hair style that requires me to do much more than brush it.   I imagine a short cut, unless very very short, as requiring me to do something to make it not look stupid.  I have very thick hair so I have to do a lot to get it to cooperate. 



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