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DH going through breakdown. Support only, please.


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What a difficult road to travel. Once he is stabilized and you can breathe again, you may become angry or acknowledge the fear and pain he caused with this. You mentioned before you have nobody IRL to talk to because nobody knows. I hope you have found someone to confide in, a safe and supportive person. If not, I'd consider a few counseling sessions. Don't stuff it too deep. You have a right to your own emotions as well for your own mental health and in order to help the kids through this.


Glad to hear he did a 180 and things are looking better.

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Might it be a good time to get him to sign some documents, consent forms, or various things? (Such as something that will allow you to have access to more information on his health, or dividing up money access and limiting his scope for damage, or anything.)

This bears repeating.


You need to be able to:


Speak with his doctors including the local hospital

Interact with his psychiatrist and other specialists

Have your name on house and car titles

Have full access to bank accounts

Set up yourself as his Power of Attorney

Consider removing his name from anything fully paid off so that future debts (may) not endanger your vehicles etc.

Place important documents in a safe deposit box so that he won't have easy access to them and you can reach them even if things take another turn.

Make sure you have full access to insurance, utilities, passwords to online accounts, etc.

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Still praying for you Moonhawk, and glad to hear things are moving in a forward direction. You must be exhausted with the strain.


This link is about bipolar treatment contracts, written when a loved one is stable. It appears to be written by a women with bipolar and it sounds like these contracts are not uncommon. They have some samples. http://www.bipolar-lives.com/bipolar-treatment-contract.html

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Still praying for you Moonhawk, and glad to hear things are moving in a forward direction. You must be exhausted with the strain.


This link is about bipolar treatment contracts, written when a loved one is stable. It appears to be written by a women with bipolar and it sounds like these contracts are not uncommon. They have some samples. http://www.bipolar-lives.com/bipolar-treatment-contract.html

This sounds like a great resource for the OP. The sample contract seems overly detailed and surprising, but I know next to nothing about bipolar.

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You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers this morning!

Thank you, so so much.


The light switch has flipped again, texting has resumed.


We made some progress last night, in that it was the first time he acknowledged he's bipolar and actually needs medical help. But, still the texting. I caught him making plans for tonight, when confronted on it (iow, when I blew up, not usually my MO) he seemed to cow to me, but still hasn't officially cancelled. And even if he does, I don't want to monitor him every second and prevent him from going out later. It's hopeless, the change can't be from me. If anything, my catching him makes him more determined. 


He's going between super depressed and the manic giddy thing when texting (that's how I can tell literally within 15 minutes of him contacting someone).


Sometimes he wants to stop, but sometimes he doesn't again. We had a week without this part, it was so much easier to deal with the rest of the symptoms.  The 'relapse' or whatever you want to call it is much harder for me for some reason, even though I knew it was very much a possibility. 


He has a real psychologist appointment tomorrow, which obviously won't solve everything but hope it will start to right the ship; he doesn't want me to come, but I've already called ahead and gave my spiel.


Have continued to talk with Stephen Ministry and pastor. School with kids has slowed, I've told them we are focusing on home ec and just cleaning the house when they are here. It's been the crunch time for the end-of-year performances, etc., so we haven't been in the house as much anyway. Have spoken with 2 oldest about mental illness and their dad. 8yo seemed to get it, 6yo asked if I had ever seen a real velociraptor. lol


lol, I hope the next update has better news; if things stay much as they are, I probably won't update past a "no change" post. Thanks for sticking with me. 

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I am sorry  :grouphug:  :grouphug: .  


Please take care of yourself and your little ones.


Would he consider living with his parents while seeking help?  Removing yourself from the every day (every hour, every 4 minutes) ups and downs is important.  He may not love it, they may not love it, but until he has meaningful medical intervention, all you can do is protect yourself and your kids and stay out of the way of the train.





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 Have spoken with 2 oldest about mental illness and their dad. 8yo seemed to get it, 6yo asked if I had ever seen a real velociraptor. lol






You know in movies, at the most tense moments, they always write in a bit of "comic relief".  It sounds like your 6yo is a natural-born script writer.  :-)


My thoughts and prayers are with you.  


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Hey, just a reminder that Mr. Halmark had no idea that this would be your life today.


Don't let the sentimental claptrap about mothers' day get you down. You are taking care of life, marriage and parenting "like a boss" -- and you don't need anybody to spoil you or give you one random perfect day to prove it.

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