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DH going through breakdown. Support only, please.


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Can anyone come? A strong male relative, or someone from church? Alternatively, if he did not sound himself, gather up the kids and go somewhere, before he gets home. Purse, phone, go. Leave a note about running errands. Get some backup before you come home.


I'm sorry if I'm scaring you but I do not like psychotic episodes that are relationship game changers, with women home alone with tiny children.

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I wish I had seen this earlier. Moonhawk, has he come home yet? I can't diagnose him but what you're describing reminds me of a psychotic episode. It would not be unreasonable to have someone with you when he comes, or even to call the police if you're afraid.


Please do update and let us know how you are, once you are calm and safe.


It's pretty typical behavior for someone having a bipolar manic episode. My dh threatened to divorce me so many times during the bad years it got to the point where I'd just roll my eyes and tell him to have his lawyer fax me the papers in the morning.


Of course, the OP should do whatever is necessary to feel safe. But this specific behavior isn't out of the realm of what someone does when they're manic.


ETA: My dh even stormed out on multiple occasions, saying he was done with me and never coming back, then slept in the car and came back in the next day. :001_rolleyes:  I'm not trying to minimize how stressful this is- at the time it happened, I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown- but knowing that it's actually fairly common during mania can help make it feel like the world isn't crashing down.

Edited by Mergath
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I'm so sorry.

I keep thinking that even if you try to calm him down and change his mind, he'll just decide to move out again in a few days and you'll be here again, and, eventually, he'll do it. Of course, no one can predict the future, but that's how my relative would behave when manic. He'd threaten, calm down, threaten, calm down, then do it anyway.


Whatever you do will be hard. Hugs and strength to you.

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Mergath, I know...I worried about posting but went ahead only bc it sounds like the op is entering new territory, more drastic and unpredictable than his past cycles. I'm not saying I know more than anyone, certainly not more than Moonhawk about her situation, but I know what it's like when assumed bipolar (un-dx'ed and untreated) gives way one night to a true psychotic episode, and that phone call as she reported it strongly triggered the memory.


Of course, Moonhawk, if you feel safe and like you can control what happens when he gets home, then fine, that is best. But if you are as alarmed as you sound to me, I'm just saying listen to it and act if that feels right. It's not unreasonable if this card feels really wild.


Edited - in our case, it was actually schizophrenia and the world did crash down. The limits that were placed on the misdiagnosed bipolar didn't hold. I'll quit now, I'm not trying to make the OP afraid or hysterical. I truly hope that it's still an entirely manageable situation although still really hard.

Edited by Tibbie Dunbar
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Thinking of you.


Agreeing with Mergath that this doesn't sound unusual for someone going through a phase like this, and also agreeing that it would be best for someone to be with you, or for youvto leave a note and take all the kids out for some errand or other - you ran out of milk? Diapers? Sometimes riding in the car can soothe kids to sleep? Invent something and go, if he sounds really unlike himself.

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Mergath, I know...I worried about posting but went ahead only bc it sounds like the op is entering new territory, more drastic and unpredictable than his past cycles. I'm not saying I know more than anyone, certainly not more than Moonhawk about her situation, but I know what it's like when assumed bipolar (un-dx'ed and untreated) gives way one night to a true psychotic episode, and that phone call as she reported it strongly triggered the memory.


Of course, Moonhawk, if you feel safe and like you can control what happens when he gets home, then fine, that is best. But if you are as alarmed as you sound to me, I'm just saying listen to it and act if that feels right. It's not unreasonable if this card feels really wild.


Edited - in our case, it was actually schizophrenia and the world did crash down. The limits that were placed on the misdiagnosed bipolar didn't hold. I'll quit now, I'm not trying to make the OP afraid or hysterical. I truly hope that it's still an entirely manageable situation although still really hard.


Yup. And if she feels even a hint that he might turn violent, she needs to call the police or get out immediately.


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Personally I'm of the mindset : you can be with me if you do these things (get psychiatric help, take meds, agree to never talk to other women inappropriately, etc). Otherwise I'd have him leave, with a way to resolve in the future if you desire. I'd also explain divorce as not a touchy-feely situation but a child care arrangement.


I'm sorry you're going through this.

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It's pretty typical behavior for someone having a bipolar manic episode. My dh threatened to divorce me so many times during the bad years it got to the point where I'd just roll my eyes and tell him to have his lawyer fax me the papers in the morning.


Of course, the OP should do whatever is necessary to feel safe. But this specific behavior isn't out of the realm of what someone does when they're manic.


ETA: My dh even stormed out on multiple occasions, saying he was done with me and never coming back, then slept in the car and came back in the next day. :001_rolleyes:  I'm not trying to minimize how stressful this is- at the time it happened, I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown- but knowing that it's actually fairly common during mania can help make it feel like the world isn't crashing down.



And I encourage Moonhawk to separate on whatever terms are easiest - he goes, or she and the kids do - to make sure that the kids aren't witnesses to anything damaging to them. 

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Praying. I wish I could do more but I think you as the person with boots on the ground are going to have to play things by ear and make the best decisions you can. I am afraid there are no good options, it is a matter of trying to determine the least bad option among several.

Edited by maize
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He's staying, at least for now. No physical threats or concerns, I see that some are worried, just want to reassure you guys. He is delusional, but more emotionally distraught right now than anything. He's living in a horrible echo chamber, just continually taking in negative thoughts, unfortunately many about our marriage. Still doesn't see that separation means things would change in our relationship (which ironically he doesn't want to change despite the whole negativity towards marriage). Right now he is calmer and joking around, so I'm just trying to get us to bed now. Jumped on to update so you didn't have to worry. will give a better account when I can tomorrow. 

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I'm way too familiar with that rumination echo chamber, seems to me dh has wasted entire years of his life trapped in it. The prison inside his own head.


Medication helps him immensely, but he is just starting to crack the surface of the cognitive thought process work that is the other critical part of fighting his illness. It's a long road.

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I'm way too familiar with that rumination echo chamber, seems to me dh has wasted entire years of his life trapped in it. The prison inside his own head.


Medication helps him immensely, but he is just starting to crack the surface of the cognitive thought process work that is the other critical part of fighting his illness. It's a long road.


Yes. I used to say there was a bubble of warped space around my DH, so that things came through to him much different than actual reality,a nd then got trapped there. I'd say one thing and he'd hear a whole other thing. 

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Yes. I used to say there was a bubble of warped space around my DH, so that things came through to him much different than actual reality,a nd then got trapped there. I'd say one thing and he'd hear a whole other thing. 


This is so true. While in the depths of his depression, DH received a birthday card that basically wished him joy every day of his life.


His interpretation? "She hopes I'll die soon."



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This is so true. While in the depths of his depression, DH received a birthday card that basically wished him joy every day of his life.


His interpretation? "She hopes I'll die soon."



I've run into people like that in the past. I thougth they were being melodramatic or something. Now I feel a little sorry for them and wonder if something more serious was going on.


OP, today is the psych visit--I hope he went. Were you part of that visit?

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Hi, thanks everyone for prayers and hugs. Got me through the night and this morning.


So, he stayed. Seems he doesn't want to leave, he's still undecided, or if he wants to leave, he wants to figure out where he will stay and finances before moving. He is simply too confused. He got really irritated when I said I wouldn't do the business and our relationship would change if he left. He said he didn't know why I wanted to be enemies and that everything we've done together is fake if I punish him by changing our relationship, that I obviously don't really love him since I won't treat him the same. ??? So, not quite seeing reality the same as me.


He did admit he doesn't feel like he's thinking clearly and that his emotions are all over the place, he is really confused.  He said it was better when he was able to step back and just try to observe it, not feel it. He can see that something is wrong with the situation, and his actions aren't making it better. He says logically his course should be a,b,c, but he doesn't believe it would make him feel better than what he's currently doing.


He's gone again, supposedly to work on a research project for business. Also, today he started an enzyme regimen that is supposed to help certain things, including stress and thought processing. Not that I'm holding my breath for a miracle cure, but if it calms him down even a little, that's a win. Even a placebo is a win at this point.


Yesterday was the psychologist appt, BUT it ended up just being another intake appt, not him actually seeing someone.  :cursing:  It made him upset that he wasn't getting help when he thought he was, and apparently the woman he talked to "treated [him] like he was crazy and a horrible person." From what he understands, they will schedule him with an actual psychologist/therapist within the next 2 weeks. 


Okay, I think that's all I got. 

eta: trimmed and succinct'd
Edited by Moonhawk
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Can you call the intake person and let them know what's going on? It might get him bumped up.



Have you tried to contact the psychologist yet? That is critically important, they really need your input.



Did call Tuesday to talk to the psychologist. They could neither confirm nor deny he was a patient, etc., but could take notes in case he was. Gave them my spiel. Now that I found out it was not the actual appointment and just an intake, I'm wondering if I talked to the psychologist or just someone else. They did say "Dr" when they answered the phone, but maybe I spoke to a different person. Didn't seem to change their mind on how to handle him, regardless. Will call again to see if I speak to the same person or what. 


Today is discussion with a lawyer. 

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Good luck with the lawyer discussion, I hope you find it helpful.


Your dh badly needs medical care in addition to a psychologist or therapist. A good therapist will tell him this.


Who was it who gave him the bipolar diagnosis two year ago, can you contact that person?


Once when my husband had tried to wean off medication and consequently became profoundly irrational I had to basically trick him into going to the doctor. I think I took him with me to an appointment he thought was just for one of the children.

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Yes. I used to say there was a bubble of warped space around my DH, so that things came through to him much different than actual reality,a nd then got trapped there. I'd say one thing and he'd hear a whole other thing.

Yes. After a while, it becomes hard to know what's real yourself.

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So, not quite seeing reality the same as me.



Not quite seeing reality the same as, uh, pretty much anyone. Of course it'd affect your relationship if he left to hook up with someone or someones else - it's not like you suggested this to him!

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Thinking of you in this awful situation. Especially when you should be blissfully enjoying your baby without this stress. I can't imagine how you are coping. My daughter has a baby about the age of yours and...well.. I just can't imagine! You are amazing. I really hope everything will work out as you hope sooner rather than later. Many hugs to you. Please look after yourself too. Xx


Eta correcting phone typos.

Edited by Isabella
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I won't even pretend to imagine the emotions you must be going through at the moment. Only reading along I feel relief and sadness for you simultaneously. I will be praying for you and your whole family, for continued strength (you've already shown so much) and hopefully some type of peaceful resolution. Hugs to you.

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