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What is the weather like now where you live?


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It's 14 degrees and snowing right now. We've gotten lots of freezing rain over the past several days, which has made driving and walking outside treacherous. Last night, our driveway was a sheet of ice so I walked on the lawn instead, and even the grass was iced over and very slippery.

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Should I admit this?


Nearly 80, sunny, bright, and clear. I wore sandals today.


52F, and I don't own sandals, but I think there's a pretty good chance my wife will wear them bicycling to work.


We've got an areal flood warning because of the melting snow (well, realistically, there isn't any snow left here, other than some of the piled up stuff, but maybe other parts of the area) and the potential of ice breaking and damming up the rivers in some spots.


ETA: I should probably add that we get areal flood warnings every spring, and they're no big deal. My neighbor says our street flooded *once* in the 60+ years she's lived here, and then only the street - did not reach the houses.

Edited by luuknam
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You know all those headlines: so much snow that the ski area closed? Yeah, that's us. I spent 3.5 hours stranded on the top of Monarch Pass on Monday, between avalanches. They finally shot enough avalanches that they'd let us through, after they opened one car width. The pass was closed for 15 hours from then on. I spent 29.5 hours on the roads last week, trying to get over the passes. It's normally a 4 hour drive. We have 5 feet at the ranch, and the ski area has gotten 7 feet. We're supposed to have more every day for the next week. And then it will clear and go to -35 at least.Our small town has banned parking on most roads as they haven't been able to clear the windrows down the middle of each road. Our ps actually closed for the first time since 1970. Our college finally opened today--it was supposed to open on Monday. The swim team is supposed to go to Durango this weekend, but I think Red Mountain and Wolf Creek are currently closed. http://www.9news.com/weather/crested-butte-closes-because-of-too-much-snow/384599599 When you look at those photos, add another 29" on top. But, the skiing is great, if you can get up there! 


It looks absolutely beautiful, but I can't imagine...  I don't even know what shooting an avalanche means!  :)  Glad you're safe.

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52F, and I don't own sandals, but I think there's a pretty good chance my wife will wear them bicycling to work.




Most of my shoes are open toed shoes/sandals. Here we have everyday sandals, casual (appropriate for most jobs) sandals, and dress sandals. I own exactly two pairs of closed shoes - a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of black ballet flats.

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Most of my shoes are open toed shoes/sandals. Here we have everyday sandals, casual (appropriate for most jobs) sandals, and dress sandals. I own exactly two pairs of closed shoes - a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of black ballet flats.


But...but should you let your toes hang out in Florida? Gators... :laugh:

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It's been raining off & on the past couple days.

Two nights ago, it got so windy that the electricity went out for thousands of people.

A few days ago, it was extremely cold with a below-zero wind chill.  My face was chapped.

There was also snow in there somewhere.  I don't remember which day(s).

I have heard conflicting reports about whether it's going to be warm or arctic this weekend ....

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It's been raining off & on the past couple days.

Two nights ago, it got so windy that the electricity went out for thousands of people.


We had a power outage that night too, but it was only a few blocks. It was 42F though, so not a huge deal, and we got the power back on in less than 90 min (may have been only 30 min - not sure - we went to the store and did groceries). I blamed the generator thread, in which I said we'd only had 3-4 power outages since moving here, the longest of which was 25 min or so.

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We had a power outage that night too, but it was only a few blocks. It was 42F though, so not a huge deal, and we got the power back on in less than 90 min (may have been only 30 min - not sure - we went to the store and did groceries). I blamed the generator thread, in which I said we'd only had 3-4 power outages since moving here, the longest of which was 25 min or so.


Ours didn't go out until the next day, and it was out most of the business hours (which sucked because I work at home).  It did get cold, but yes, it could have been worse.  At least it didn't happen last weekend when the pipes would have frozen and the pets would have died.


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High 50s/ low 60s during the day down to high 30s at night.  We are having a break from the rain until Wednesday and I am thrilled to say that many parts of California are considered no longer under drought conditions.  Dh & the scouts are on a camp out at the Pinnacles.  I am concerned that ds will be cold & never want to go camping again.  Next month they are supposed to go snow camping.  Honestly, I don't understand snow camping at all.  What is the point of being out in the snow if you don't have to?


Amber in SJ

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The snow continues we are up to a record 2 ft and now had an ice storm that left a half inch layer over top of everything.     This is supposed to be a temperate desert with less than 8 inches of precipitation all year.  I want my sunshine back!!!!


Realistically, 2ft of snow is going to be less than 8 inches if you melt it. But yeah, I want sunshine back too (not that I live in anything remotely like a desert).

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Realistically, 2ft of snow is going to be less than 8 inches if you melt it. But yeah, I want sunshine back too (not that I live in anything remotely like a desert).

Well yes, but it would still be a good chunk of our typical year percentage wise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remember when I said on Jan 11th that when the snow quit, it was going to -35? Well, it did. We've been hovering between -25 and -35 every night for a week. It's a little warmer tonight, we should only see -20. We did get up to zero today!


btw, this is what it looks like when they shoot slides:  http://unofficialnetworks.com/2017/01/crowds-reaction-to-massive-avalanche-above-telluride-says-it-all


Oh my goodness, that is incredible!  You really are at the mercy of Mother Nature (and helicopters, I guess!) in that part of the world!

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Cali, Colombia at 1010 A.M.  AccuWeather on my phone shows 72F, with a range today from 67 to 82 and a 44% probability of rain.  Our daytime high temperatures are normally in the mid 80s.


The company my Stepson works for is having their big meeting in a Beach Resort on our Atlantic (Caribbean) Coast this weekend.  In the city of Santa Marta, which is the oldest city in Colombia. They will have one day off, to enjoy Santa Marta. I think that is the only place in the world, or one of the few places in the world, where one can go to the beach and see a snow capped Volcano from the beach.  Possibly Margaret in CO would prefer the weather here.  She and her family are of very rugged stock, with the temperatures she described in post # 94.

Edited by Lanny
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I am so over winter. The 7-day forecast is for highs around 28F, overnight lows around 15, and snow every day. We got a new puppy 10 days ago and it's tough taking her out in the snow and cold at 2 am. I love this sweet girl, but I will never get a puppy in the dead of winter ever again.

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