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UPDATE post 118 Help me make hospital and NICU as good as possible


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Mama, I'm so sorry. I am praying for your little boy too. This thread is one I never expected to start, but I'm surely glad I did. I had no idea I'd truly need the NICU right away, but this thread has made things so much easier for me.

I never thought I'd be here either - bless the hive for the communal knowledge though! It's taken a lot of the mysticism and fear out of the process for me.

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I never thought I'd be here either - bless the hive for the communal knowledge though! It's taken a lot of the mysticism and fear out of the process for me.

Yes indeed! I'm sorry you didn't get the advance warning; that makes it so much harder. But yes, the Hive really helped me not be so freaked out.

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Praying for continued strength for you both. Things do change a lot all the time in the NICU. I'm glad you've been able to be involved and your boys met him.


There's a today show clip about NICU babies dressed as presents for Christmas. It's pretty cute but may not be what you need right now.


Have the tube feeds started? Since they get so little, you will be oversuppling for a while. Always give fresh milk, and consider a deep freezer for extra milk.

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Praying for continued strength for you both. Things do change a lot all the time in the NICU. I'm glad you've been able to be involved and your boys met him.


There's a today show clip about NICU babies dressed as presents for Christmas. It's pretty cute but may not be what you need right now.


Have the tube feeds started? Since they get so little, you will be oversuppling for a while. Always give fresh milk, and consider a deep freezer for extra milk.

Yes, tube feedings started today. He got donor milk for the first two, but I managed to get enough and had someone run it up there for his 12:00 feeding. I just got back from saying goodnight to him, and I was able to take him 10mL of milk, which should be enough for all of tomorrow's feeds. That's a miracle!!


I do have a chest freezer. I need to check with them about how all of that works.

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Keep praying. It's day three. Day three is hard on everyone. His honeymoon time is over, and they telling me he has challenges. Yeah, I know. My hormones are crashing. The cure for day three is to go to bed with a snuggly newborn, and I don't have that. Mine is fighting for his life in a plastic box.

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Day three is hard with a healthy newborn.   :grouphug: 


Have you started a NICU journal?  A journal can be a place for your thoughts and feelings, as well as a place to write down your little one's progress, forward and backward, as they seem to springboard back and forth in a heartbeat.  It can also be a place for you to document the medical teams discussions as well as clinical information.  It's reassuring when your baby seems to have taken two steps back, to go back and reread where you were then, knowing you got through that moment.  It also allows you to focus on the baby when your there, knowing you've written things down and can review them later.  It's therapeutic to vent and write about anything you need to write about.


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I second the journal. My sister isn't a writer but when my nephew spent a summer in ICU, she started a Caring Journal page and a personal journal. It was very therapeutic and helped her keep track of what all was going on. When I later had a friend with a child in ICU, a journal was one of my sister's big recommendations.

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His lungs are in such bad shape. Just too small and immature. Theyew doing what they can, but it may not be enough.


I have cried some but am probably just too tired to cry how I really need. I'm trying to sleep a little but it's so very hard.


Oh momma, I am so very sorry you are going through this.  Do let yourself cry, and do try to get any sleep you can.  It is so emotionally overwhelming to see that fragile beautiful child struggle so and be unable to really do much but pump milk.  Praying for you.  

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His lungs are in such bad shape. Just too small and immature. Theyew doing what they can, but it may not be enough.


I have cried some but am probably just too tired to cry how I really need. I'm trying to sleep a little but it's so very hard.

I'm sorry. Praying.
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