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Is anyone else trying to lose weight this summer?


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My out of state family left, and now I'm getting serious about losing the 19-24 pounds; 10 of that I never lost after baby #5,and the other 10 I gained over the winter and spring. Way too much sugar and McDonalds french fries. Ha! I'm feeling more and more uncomfortable in my clothes and don't want to go buy a few things in a bigger size. :/ I do tend to eat too much and have never really gained too much weight before, but things are changing at 39.


I went to Costco and bought some groceries (and a scale!) to start my low carb diet tonight. I'm not doing any nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, or carby veggies, so Atkins? Not sure. I feel better on low carb too, so that is partly why. Eventually I'll add some carbs once I've reached my goal weight and need more calories to maintain. I really don't have it all planned out but just grabbed somethings to get me through the next few days: salad stuff, easy Vitamix soup stuff, some olive, pickles, and lemon concentrate to make lemonade with ground, green stevia as the sweetener. I can't have eggs, or I would have bought those for easy breakfasts, so salad or soup it is and for lunch too. Dinner will be whatever I make for everyone minus carbs or, you guessed it, salad or soup. :) I'm also going to be counting calories and eating 5 small meals or 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. I'll probably try for 1200 calories each day too and see how I feel. Calorie counter says I need to stay at 1100 to lose a pound a week, but I'm not going lower than 1200. I also know I'll lose much faster than that, or at least, I'll be really surprised if I didn't. Wish me luck!


Anyone else?

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I'm trying to not gain like I did last summer. Gained 6 pounds just basically not paying attention to what I was eating. Worked hard losing it between January and May. So trying to do a better job just tracking what I eat this summer and not going crazy. I'm using My Fitness Pal and trying to hit my basic goals of a minimum of 25 gm fiber per day, minimum 5 servings of fruit and veggies, real food (so nuts, seeds, whole grains are all fine here, but trying to limit added sugar, white flour, etc.). I like to stay under 1600 calories a day but don't freak out when one day is over and Sundays I don't track and I have dessert. Also making sure I do my minimal strength training exercises in addition to the treadmill 5 days/week.

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Me! Every night I resolve to eat well the next day and give up about 10am. My baby is 7 months old and have another 20 pounds to lose before I feel comfortable. Usually when I am nursing I can eat anything and everything and not gain weight. Not so much this time around. I am going up and it's scaring me. My life is just stressful enough that I can't muster the self-control needed for weight loss.

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Me. I'm 3 months postpartum and I need to lose the baby weight plus the extra weight I gained when we moved to a new state last summer-too much eating out during the transition period. However, while I'm breastfeeding my body seems to refuse to lose weight. I'm super frustrated. I'm trying to eat lower carbs and get back into exercising. We'll see if it works. Sigh.

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I am doing almost the same diet + eggs and some nuts. I have also added in a lot of bike riding (15 miles on average a couple days a week), my fitbit to track my steps, and any extra activity I can muster up. I am planning on starting lifting weights on Monday as I am going camping this weekend and plan to VACATION. I have already lost 6 lbs of my 18 lb goal so I am on my way. I am over all the cravings at this point (2 weeks in). I love low carbing. It is the only thing that works for me anymore. Sometimes I have a hard time reaching my calorie goal of 1200 however on this plan and I worry I will slow my metabolism. OH and I am taking these multivitamins which are wonderful!! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000YFWZ36/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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Well, I just keyed in my breakfast and lunch into MFP and am already at 1285 calories already! :( I had no idea I was eating that much and that a soda and large fry at McDonald's was almost 900 calories. Sheesh. Good thing that is somewhat of a recent habit. Oh boy. Glad I figured that out.


I think I'm going to skip dinner tonight or have a light snack of veggies. Tomorrow should be better if I can learn to space those calories throughout the day.


I'm really serious this time and am feeling positive about sticking it out until I reach my weight loss goal, but... it's only day 1. Ha!

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I'd love to lose a few pounds, but I really struggle to just maintain.  It's just a battle every single day. I want to eat what I want and still fit in my clothes.  It seems so unfair sometimes.  I just hope I don't gain anything this summer.  I work out hard, but struggle with the food.  

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Yes and it is working!!! Yeah!! I've been saying for quite a while (as many of you know) that those last 10lbs were just too stubborn to move. So, I went Paleo not too long ago. I have more energy and I am losing weight.

Awesome! If you don't mind a few questions, are there different versions of paleo? If so, what specifically are you eating/avoiding?

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I gained 10 pounds my first year teaching and then another 10 pounds my second year teaching. Now I'm trying to lose those twenty pounds. I've managed to get 5 pounds off so far using Lose It, but I have to really watch to keep my calories down and my exercise up.  My metabolism is slow.


It's a little frustrating that my dh who eats a total garbage diet (typically goes through at least two 12-packs of Coke, 1 6-pack of gatorade, and often a 6-pack of Monster EVERY WEEK) including a ton of candy, has actually lost 8 pounds in the past month. He isn't even trying. And he has less to lose than I do. He does nothing but sit and eat candy and drink soft drinks. I'm on my feet all the time. I walk 1-3 miles every day. I swim laps for 45 minutes twice per week. I am recording everything I eat to keep my calories under 1450 + exercise calories.


It's very frustrating. Yes, I am much healthier than he is, but I actually work at it and he doesn't.


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I'm alive, right?


Sigh. Story of my life. Either actively on a diet, looking for a new diet, or beating myself up for not being on a diet. Blah!!


And this summer we find ourselves in a location hotter than the surface of the SUN so my physical activity is not much. Blah!!


I'm such a bitter Betty tonight. Sorry.

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I gained 10 pounds my first year teaching and then another 10 pounds my second year teaching.


Curious: do you have any idea why teaching made you gain weight?


(I gained some weight when I started homeschooling, because I no longer started my day with a 2 mile walk to take the kids to school.)

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Yes! I hurt my back a month ago and can't run. Five pounds have shown up. That added to the five that were already there equals tight clothes. I need to get strict about my No S. I've had lots of creep-popcorn at the park, festival food, cookouts, etc. I'm slowly adding working out again too. My 35th class reunion is August 27 so I have a goal. We shall see. There's a vacation in the middle of that.

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Yes. I need to get back on low carb. There is always some special ocassion coming up that makes it nearly impossible to stick to. I need to stop making excuses though. :)


I decided last week to go back to Low Carb.  I am now at my heaviest and i need to lose 20-30lbs.  Thank God for Pinterest. 

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Yes! I have lost more than 30 pounds since April 11.  I still have 13 to go before I hit my first goal. Then I'll re-evaluate. I may have an additional 5 or 10 to lose at that point or I may be ok.


I started using the Lose It app and in the beginning I just committed to logging all my food and staying within budget. They've got some really good info about not going below your BMR - so I calculated that and have stuck to it. Eventually I began eating more Paleo and now I'm fairly close to a ketogenic diet. Very low carb, high fat.


I eat eggs, meat, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, some other veggies, berries, plain Greek full fat yogurt, whipped cream, cheese, and nuts - mostly. 


I also do a bit of intermittent fasting - I don't eat breakfast. My first meal of the day is at about 11:30 and my second meal is dinner time. I generally consume my daily calorie allowance between those two meals.


I get 5000 steps in before I eat. I do a fairly intense strength training workout class at the gym three times a week. I am running three times a week with the couch to 10 K app (currently in week 7). And I walk a lot. 


I bought a size 8 dress last week - it fit really nicely. I wasn't squeezing in at all. That's the first time in I don't even know how many years that I've worn a size 8. 


I have more energy. My legs don't rub together anymore when I walk. I'm able to bend down easily. I have way more energy. I sleep better. I'm happier. I feel strong and fast and fit. 


The effort has been totally worth it. My main challenge is that I seem to only lose weight during two weeks of the month.  The other two weeks I fight the same 2 or 3 pounds. It doesn't matter what I do with food or exercise, this is the pattern. I'm thinking it must be hormonal. But, I'm losing enough in the other two weeks to not worry too much about the two hard weeks. It does make it harder motivation-wise - even if I know I'm in a bad week it's still hard to see the scale go up. 


I had reached the point where I didn't think it would be possible to lose weight, but it's happening :)

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Thank you all for sharing about what you're doing for weight loss. I feel for the struggles. The success stories are encouraging.




Yes! I have lost more than 30 pounds since April 11. I still have 13 to go before I hit my first goal. Then I'll re-evaluate. I may have an additional 5 or 10 to lose at that point or I may be ok.


I started using the Lose It app and in the beginning I just committed to logging all my food and staying within budget. They've got some really good info about not going below your BMR - so I calculated that and have stuck to it. Eventually I began eating more Paleo and now I'm fairly close to a ketogenic diet. Very low carb, high fat.


I eat eggs, meat, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, some other veggies, berries, plain Greek full fat yogurt, whipped cream, cheese, and nuts - mostly.


I also do a bit of intermittent fasting - I don't eat breakfast. My first meal of the day is at about 11:30 and my second meal is dinner time. I generally consume my daily calorie allowance between those two meals.


I get 5000 steps in before I eat. I do a fairly intense strength training workout class at the gym three times a week. I am running three times a week with the couch to 10 K app (currently in week 7). And I walk a lot.


I bought a size 8 dress last week - it fit really nicely. I wasn't squeezing in at all. That's the first time in I don't even know how many years that I've worn a size 8.


I have more energy. My legs don't rub together anymore when I walk. I'm able to bend down easily. I have way more energy. I sleep better. I'm happier. I feel strong and fast and fit.


The effort has been totally worth it. My main challenge is that I seem to only lose weight during two weeks of the month. The other two weeks I fight the same 2 or 3 pounds. It doesn't matter what I do with food or exercise, this is the pattern. I'm thinking it must be hormonal. But, I'm losing enough in the other two weeks to not worry too much about the two hard weeks. It does make it harder motivation-wise - even if I know I'm in a bad week it's still hard to see the scale go up.


I had reached the point where I didn't think it would be possible to lose weight, but it's happening :)

Thank you for sharing! I'm doing high fat and low carb too. I was and am still so full after my 400 calorie breakfast salad because I loaded it with olive oil and protein. I had to force myself to eat the last few bites. Very filling.


Eta: I bagged up in 4oz portions a Costco rotisserie chicken, took ground beef out of the freezer to cook Mexican style and freeze, and have canned salmon in the house from my shopping trip yesterday. I hate cooking, especially extra on top of feeding my family, so salads work for me .


Also I need to find a bunch of soup recipes that can be made in the Vitamix. I have a bunch of chicken stock in the freezer but need to get avocados and a few things for a couple soup recipes I know I like.

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I need to lose 8 pounds. My clothes, especially my bras and t-shirts are too tight now.

Yes! I did have to finally buy new but inexpensive bras and undies a bit ago, which will not fit if (when!) I lose weight. My jeans are so uncomfortable though. My dress clothes don't fit either.

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I'm in!  Let's do it!  I need to lose 15, maybe 20.  I will feel SO much better when I lose this weight!  Last time I lost weight, it was by eating Primal (paleo, but with some full-fat dairy).  I think that's what I need to do again.


A friend summarized a diet that has been very successful for her, and while I don't want to spend the money to join the online group for it right now, I'm going to do something like it on my own: lots of protein, LOTS of green and cruciferous veggies (think 12 oz. to a pound per meal), no grains/flour/beans, and no sugar.  I love frozen stuff late at night, so I bought frozen cherries; they hit the sweet-button for me. 


She said the key was to eat enough of the veggies and protein to be full, instead of eating too little and crashing from lack of calories. 


I don't do well with diet soda, because it makes me ragin' hungry, so I'll have to stick to water and coffee. 

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I am trying, too.


I am going for tea and water.


I have an attractive bowl of carrots and celery in the refrigerator.


I do better with beans and with (some) grains, I am looking to add beans and make improved choices with grains (serving size).


I made a lentil soup today and had it for lunch, it was okay. I might be able to find a better recipe.

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A friend summarized a diet that has been very successful for her, and while I don't want to spend the money to join the online group for it right now, I'm going to do something like it on my own: lots of protein, LOTS of green and cruciferous veggies (think 12 oz. to a pound per meal), no grains/flour/beans, and no sugar.  


Without cutting out the beans (I ate plenty of lentils), this is very close to what I did to lose weight; it worked beautifully and I was rarely hungry. 

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Awesome! If you don't mind a few questions, are there different versions of paleo? If so, what specifically are you eating/avoiding?


I think there are different versions out there.  I'm avoiding cereal grains (oat, wheat, spelt, etc), dairy, and legumes.  I do admit to making baked beans for 4th of July though.  :)

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Yes! I have lost more than 30 pounds since April 11. I still have 13 to go before I hit my first goal. Then I'll re-evaluate. I may have an additional 5 or 10 to lose at that point or I may be ok.


I started using the Lose It app and in the beginning I just committed to logging all my food and staying within budget. They've got some really good info about not going below your BMR - so I calculated that and have stuck to it. Eventually I began eating more Paleo and now I'm fairly close to a ketogenic diet. Very low carb, high fat.


I eat eggs, meat, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, some other veggies, berries, plain Greek full fat yogurt, whipped cream, cheese, and nuts - mostly.


I also do a bit of intermittent fasting - I don't eat breakfast. My first meal of the day is at about 11:30 and my second meal is dinner time. I generally consume my daily calorie allowance between those two meals.


I get 5000 steps in before I eat. I do a fairly intense strength training workout class at the gym three times a week. I am running three times a week with the couch to 10 K app (currently in week 7). And I walk a lot.


I bought a size 8 dress last week - it fit really nicely. I wasn't squeezing in at all. That's the first time in I don't even know how many years that I've worn a size 8.


I have more energy. My legs don't rub together anymore when I walk. I'm able to bend down easily. I have way more energy. I sleep better. I'm happier. I feel strong and fast and fit.


The effort has been totally worth it. My main challenge is that I seem to only lose weight during two weeks of the month. The other two weeks I fight the same 2 or 3 pounds. It doesn't matter what I do with food or exercise, this is the pattern. I'm thinking it must be hormonal. But, I'm losing enough in the other two weeks to not worry too much about the two hard weeks. It does make it harder motivation-wise - even if I know I'm in a bad week it's still hard to see the scale go up.


I had reached the point where I didn't think it would be possible to lose weight, but it's happening :)

Would you be willing to post a sample menu for a typical day?

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I am, but I need to figure some things out. I am starting a sugar detox soon. Maybe Monday. And I understand that carbs are basically sugar once they are broken down. But I dont understand why some avoid beans. I do not enjoy a lot of meat, but I like eggs and beans. I have a hard time getting the protein and avoiding beans seems impissible. Is it because they are starchy? And I thought that because they have fiber that makes them low on glycemic index. I guess Ill keep reading. Now to find a good pair of walking shoes, any suggestions? Should I care whether they are a true walking shoe by design or will any running shoe fit the bill.

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I am, but I need to figure some things out. I am starting a sugar detox soon. Maybe Monday. And I understand that carbs are basically sugar once they are broken down. But I dont understand why some avoid beans. I do not enjoy a lot of meat, but I like eggs and beans. I have a hard time getting the protein and avoiding beans seems impissible. Is it because they are starchy? And I thought that because they have fiber that makes them low on glycemic index. I guess Ill keep reading. Now to find a good pair of walking shoes, any suggestions? Should I care whether they are a true walking shoe by design or will any running shoe fit the bill.


I think a lot of times the people who write diets are making blanket rules. For example, I see carrots excluded frequently due to the sugar content, but I have a terribly hard time imagining most people gaining weight from eating too many carrots. I used them as snacks while driving, because the crunch helped substitute for my preferred snacking foods (potato chips and peanuts). Beans do have a fair amount of starch, but for most people they will be self-limiting as the after-effects of eating too many are rather unpleasant. 


I think that you should be guided by how your body responds in general. If a food makes you hungry soon after eating it, leads you to consume large quantities, or has very little nutrient content, it is probably something you should limit. If it is something where you can eat a nutritious meal in reasonable portions and not be hungry for hours, it probably doesn't need to be limited. I like to make stew with chicken broth, lentils, tomatoes, spinach, and loads of spices. I find it's a great lunch or supper, especially since I make multiple portions at once and then don't have to think about what I'm going to eat on the next day. 

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Thank you all for sharing about what you're doing for weight loss. I feel for the struggles. The success stories are encouraging.




Thank you for sharing! I'm doing high fat and low carb too. I was and am still so full after my 400 calorie breakfast salad because I loaded it with olive oil and protein. I had to force myself to eat the last few bites. Very filling.


Eta: I bagged up in 4oz portions a Costco rotisserie chicken, took ground beef out of the freezer to cook Mexican style and freeze, and have canned salmon in the house from my shopping trip yesterday. I hate cooking, especially extra on top of feeding my family, so salads work for me .


Also I need to find a bunch of soup recipes that can be made in the Vitamix. I have a bunch of chicken stock in the freezer but need to get avocados and a few things for a couple soup recipes I know I like.


Great idea for the Costco chicken - I'm going to try that. 

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Would you be willing to post a sample menu for a typical day?


No problem.  I log all my food so it's pretty easy to pull up a menu.


Yesterday I had three slices of bacon, one egg, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup strawberries, and 1/3 cup of Greek yogurt at 11:30.


For dinner I had 5 ounces of pork tenderloin and a spinach salad (3 cups spinach, 1/8 cup sliced strawberries, 50 calories worth of cheese, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, 2 tbsp chopped walnuts).


I had 1/4 cup of cashews just as I was starting to cook dinner.


Later, I had 8 ounces of red wine.


I'll post Friday's menu:


11:30 I had miracle noodles (no calories, no carbs) with 2tbsp of basil pesto, 4 ounces of chicken breast and 2 tbsp parmesan.


For dinner I had crack slaw (http://www.food.com/recipe/crack-slaw-low-carb-434863) which I modified by adding extra veggies. I had a cup of berries, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt with 1/2 tbsp of shredded coconut and 1 tbsp of sliced almonds for dessert.


I also had a glass of red wine.

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I'm not sure if anyone wants a support thread, but I would love that.


I measured myself (neck, waist, hips) this morning and put them in MFP for comparison later and have that checked off the list. I picked Mondays to officially weigh myself but might weigh more often out of curiosity. This morning I checked in and lost a pound. Ha! I'm not sure if that was fat or not though? I've been drinking way more water than normal like a couple cups versuses a couple quarts and going from several cups to just one cup a coffee a day, but I'm not really sure how the whole water weight thing works. It was really great and motivating to stay with it to see the scale to down anyways!


I need to figure out how many carbs to limit per meal and not just per day. I'm thinking of doing a little higher carb and lower protein breakfast in the morning but am not sure if that's okay? I just don't want meat in the morning. :/ I would love eggs if I could have them though. Not sure what to do about that? Coffee and some shredded coconut, coconut oil, stevia, and cocoa treats sound like the perfect breakfast. Ha! Besides not having much protein, there aren't a lot of nutrients in that breakfast though. Hmm.


I am loving my morning coffee with a quarter cup of full fat canned coconut milk in it. Wow! I do not like coffee without sugar, but this is sooo good. If only I could do a quarter cup of cream (dairy allergy). That would be amazing. ;)

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Okay, unless anyone chimes in about wanting weight loss support thread, last thing: I have low carb bread in the oven! The dough tasted wonderful. Now I just need it to bake properly. 45 minutes left until it's hopefully done.


Sheryl's been starting healthy eating/exercise threads the last couple of days, that might work?

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Sheryl's been starting healthy eating/exercise threads the last couple of days, that might work?


I saw that. I am eating healthier, but I'm mostly focused on losing weight right now. I wasn't sure it was the thread for weight loss support, you know? Maybe I'll have to find another online forum. I'd much rather have one place to be visiting online though!

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Okay, unless anyone chimes in about wanting weight loss support thread, last thing: I have low carb bread in the oven! The dough tasted wonderful. Now I just need it to bake properly. 45 minutes left until it's hopefully done.


I am trying to lose. Again. Ă°Å¸Ëœâ€™


My insulin was too high at my last dr appointment and he said I had to quit eating sugar. It's really really hard but I know I don't have any other choice.

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busymama7, I'm sorry. That's so tough. Do you have a plan to approach lowering your insulin and losing weight?

I searched for an egg free low carb and keto bread recipe and tried this one: http://patriciadaly.com/egg-free-low-carb-bread/ I mashed up her recipe with the source for her inspiration's recipe she sited. It mostly made from almond flour, ground flax seed, and coconut oil or butter. It was delicious and high in fat and only 6 carbs for 1/8 of the recipe. It didn't rise as much as it should have because I added too much water by accident and over mixed, I think. I had a ham sandwich for dinner, which was so good. I took pics because I love food pics. Ha!

I left the sandwich open face with tons of dijon mustard on a bed of a tablespoon of olive oil and some seasoning and soaked each bite with it. Yum and so filling.


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I saw that. I am eating healthier, but I'm mostly focused on losing weight right now. I wasn't sure it was the thread for weight loss support, you know? Maybe I'll have to find another online forum. I'd much rather have one place to be visiting online though!


Why don't you ask her? It seems to me there's not a lot of difference in weight loss support and in trying to eat/exercise for health and maintenance. And it might keep things more active for everybody to have it all in one thread?

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I have about 15 I'd like to lose. I usually do the Tracy Anderson 30 Day Reset and I'm done, but I'm foregoing speed for ease this time around. I've been reading a lot of books on health (The End of Overeating, A Bone to Pick) and I'm getting certified for holistic nutrition, and I think all that is really helping to keep me motivated to eat well. I eat pretty clean most of the time, but I'm eating a lot better now. In fact I'm currently on vacation and have been SO good yet I do not feel deprived. There's no scale here, but I can't wait to get home and see if I've lost any weight. I'm pretty sure I have, based on how my clothes are fitting. I know it may take longer, but my mindset now is to do it for the health reasons, not specifically weight loss. But I know the weight loss will come if I continue on this track.



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busymama7, I'm sorry. That's so tough. Do you have a plan to approach lowering your insulin and losing weight?


I searched for an egg free low carb and keto bread recipe and tried this one: http://patriciadaly.com/egg-free-low-carb-bread/ I mashed up her recipe with the source for her inspiration's recipe she sited. It mostly made from almond flour, ground flax seed, and coconut oil or butter. It was delicious and high in fat and only 6 carbs for 1/8 of the recipe. It didn't rise as much as it should have because I added too much water by accident and over mixed, I think. I had a ham sandwich for dinner, which was so good. I took pics because I love food pics. Ha!


I left the sandwich open face with tons of dijon mustard on a bed of a tablespoon of olive oil and some seasoning and soaked each bite with it. Yum and so filling.




I am more or less following trim healthy mama. I think I've found out though that I do slightly better with mostly low carb but having a bit of healthy carbs thrown in. So I'm trying that this week. From my highest I've lost about 18-19 pounds but most of that was slowly over the last year since beginning thyroid and hormone treatment with my doctor. I am also on metformin but it is temporary untill I lose the weight. I still have at least 80 to go Ă°Å¸ËœÂ¢


We have 8 kids still at home and I struggle with making food I can't eat. Trying to transition the whole family over to healthier, but not low carb, is pretty hard. I thought we are really healthy before but it was too many carbs for me I have finally learned. All my kids are normal to low weight except my almost 18 year old daughter and she foliows thm with me and has lost well on it. She also was diagnosed as hypothyroid last year.

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I have about 15 I'd like to lose. I usually do the Tracy Anderson 30 Day Reset and I'm done, but I'm foregoing speed for ease this time around. I've been reading a lot of books on health (The End of Overeating, A Bone to Pick) and I'm getting certified for holistic nutrition, and I think all that is really helping to keep me motivated to eat well. I eat pretty clean most of the time, but I'm eating a lot better now. In fact I'm currently on vacation and have been SO good yet I do not feel deprived. There's no scale here, but I can't wait to get home and see if I've lost any weight. I'm pretty sure I have, based on how my clothes are fitting. I know it may take longer, but my mindset now is to do it for the health reasons, not specifically weight loss. But I know the weight loss will come if I continue on this track.

Nice being good on vacation. Let us know how the weigh in goes!

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