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Whiplash. Rear-ended. Cold rage towards texting idiot who hit me.

Harriet Vane

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Blatant request for sympathy here.


I was stopped at a red light with my teenage son in the seat next to me. Busy intersection with millions of cars all stopped at this light. Both of us belted properly. A car hit us at full speed. 


She says the light turned green and we were not moving. This is absolutely untrue.


We think she was texting or otherwise distracted, but we cannot prove anything because we didn't see her before impact. It was a big, forceful hit that caused our car to jump forward and completely crumpled the whole rear of the car. Even though we were both belted, we both ricocheted pretty badly.


Ds is due to go backpacking in just a few days. He says he is fine, but he had neck pain yesterday when it happened and I am worried/stressed for him. (Yes, we both went to the orthopedic urgent care.)


I definitely have whiplash. No question. Even though I was belted. My work is all at the computer, but I can only sit for short periods of time. I am in pain and I am really angry at the idiot, lying, texting (probably!) woman who hit us. 



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Blatant request for sympathy here.


I was stopped at a red light with my teenage son in the seat next to me. Busy intersection with millions of cars all stopped at this light. Both of us belted properly. A car hit us at full speed. 


She says the light turned green and we were not moving. This is absolutely untrue.


We think she was texting or otherwise distracted, but we cannot prove anything because we didn't see her before impact. It was a big, forceful hit that caused our car to jump forward and completely crumpled the whole rear of the car. Even though we were both belted, we both ricocheted pretty badly.


Ds is due to go backpacking in just a few days. He says he is fine, but he had neck pain yesterday when it happened and I am worried/stressed for him. (Yes, we both went to the orthopedic urgent care.)


I definitely have whiplash. No question. Even though I was belted. My work is all at the computer, but I can only sit for short periods of time. I am in pain and I am really angry at the idiot, lying, texting (probably!) woman who hit us. 




Yikes.  To the bolded, even if it was true, she is still 100% at fault.  And yes, clearly she wasn't watching.


I hope you feel better.  Whiplash is no fun.  Please do not let anyone (particularly her insurance company) try to diminish your injuries.

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She says the light turned green and we were not moving. This is absolutely untrue.


:grouphug:   This is one of my big fears--being rear-ended by a texter. And even if the light was green and you weren't moving she's still supposed to stop! What an idiot! Unfortunately, knowing you're right doesn't make your injuries go away.  :grouphug:

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If it makes you feel any better... it doesn't matter if the light was green, or anything she says to try to make herself less responsible. I'm not sure what state you're in, my in my area and in most States, in a rear-end accident the person who did the hitting from behind is automatically 100% at fault.

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I'm sorry. The same thing happened to me, except the idiot was also writing on a notepad while talking on the phone, and we were on the freeway but had stopped for traffic. 


I would suggest looking for a D.O. who does osteopathic manipulation in your area, even if it's out of pocket. It's a huge help and mitigates many long-term consequences. It's better to go with the injury is fresh, before you start compensating too much with your muscles due to the pain.

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Arnica can help with bruising and muscle relaxing.

So sorry. This is something out of your control. Were there witnesses who could at least testify to the fact that you were not sitting at a green light. Maybe someone saw her on the phone or otherwise distracted?

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If it makes you feel any better... it doesn't matter if the light was green, or anything she says to try to make herself less responsible. I'm not sure what state you're in, my in my area and in most States, in a rear-end accident the person who did the hitting from behind is automatically 100% at fault.

Yes, this. The only time this doesn't quite count is if the vehicle in front has performed an illegally maneuver, like pulling into traffic without the right of way, and the vehicle coming down the road cannot correct or brake sufficiently before collision. That's about it. Otherwise the rear driver is at fault automatically.

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That sucks.  And what kind of stupid excuse is that of the other driver?  Someone once hit the side of my husband's car.  She was coming from the side of the street into traffic.  Her excuse as to why this happened?  She signaled.  Oh ok...so that makes it all better. If you signal you can drive up and over someone's car if you want to because hey...you signaled!


Some people are ridiculous.


She and her insurance company challenged it and they lost. 

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If it makes you feel any better... it doesn't matter if the light was green, or anything she says to try to make herself less responsible. I'm not sure what state you're in, my in my area and in most States, in a rear-end accident the person who did the hitting from behind is automatically 100% at fault.


Which was why I freaked when the truck ahead of me at a red light started backing up. He backed up and backed up and I laid on my horn because I didn't think he was going to stop! Luckily he did. But I couldn't see his bumper anymore because he was so close.

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I'm sorry it happened. Please make sure you don't settle right away with her insurance company. My mother is still dealing with the after effects of whiplash for nearly a year. They are keeping track of all her expenses, not settling for the lump sum the other insurance company wanted to give them initially.

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Good grief, like I tell my kids, I can't go any faster than the car in front of me, no matter what color the light is! I'm sure you will have no trouble with the fault being properly assigned to her.


At a major intersection, there may have been traffic cameras mounted in the lights. I am thankful that you were not pushed out into the path of an oncoming vehicle and broadsided.

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I'm sorry it happened. Please make sure you don't settle right away with her insurance company. My mother is still dealing with the after effects of whiplash for nearly a year. They are keeping track of all her expenses, not settling for the lump sum the other insurance company wanted to give them initially.

Good advice.

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:grouphug:  I'm in agreement with all the others.  It doesn't matter what color the light was TBH.  If you're stopped, she needed to stop.  I stopped for a ton of green lights coming home from my in-laws on Wed.  Why?  Duh, the traffic in front of me had stopped and I couldn't go faster than they were going.  (I could complain about the level of traffic... but that's where it ended.)


I wish people would get as concerned about using their phones in the car (while driving) as they do about the dangers of flying or terrorism or chemicals on plants, etc.


Best wishes on your recovery - and make sure her insurance company pays.

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:grouphug:  I'm in agreement with all the others.  It doesn't matter what color the light was TBH.  If you're stopped, she needed to stop.  I stopped for a ton of green lights coming home from my in-laws on Wed.  Why?  Duh, the traffic in front of me had stopped and I couldn't go faster than they were going.  (I could complain about the level of traffic... but that's where it ended.)


I wish people would get as concerned about using their phones in the car (while driving) as they do about the dangers of flying or terrorism or chemicals on plants, etc.


Best wishes on your recovery - and make sure her insurance company pays.


I'm floored that people actually do this.  I won't even change the radio while driving.


People would think reading a book while driving is crazy.  Or lots and lots of other things and yet they think reading texts and texting is ok?!

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Have you gotten checked out? My mom and her husband were rear-ended at a high speed last year. She thought she just had whiplash, but it herniated two disks in her neck. Her husband tore his rotator cuff from the impact. I hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:


And yeah that to everyone who said it's still her fault!

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She says the light turned green and we were not moving. This is absolutely untrue.


What??? Really?? Lame. So lame!! I sure hope she uses this same line when she talks to the insurance. You know how many times this happens around here? I usually wait a bit, sometimes I have to honk to alert the other driver and let them know it's time to go. The fact that she said this makes me mad.


Probably texting, or picking up/grabbing something from the floor (last year I almost got rear ended like that, I could see the guy coming towards us, totally distracted grabbing something...I was stuck and had nowhere to go, he had to slam on his breaks).


So sorry you are dealing with this!! Hope ds and you recover soon from the achiness, and it doesn't affect backpacking trip.

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Which was why I freaked when the truck ahead of me at a red light started backing up. He backed up and backed up and I laid on my horn because I didn't think he was going to stop! Luckily he did. But I couldn't see his bumper anymore because he was so close.

Would someone backing up unto you be considered you rearending them?? I sure hope not! That'd be messed up :(
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Oh, I hired a lawyer two days ago because the other driver's insurance wants me to settle (for a ridiculously low amount). I have no idea what my medical expenses will be yet (two ER visits, a CT scan, and ongoing physical therapy). My lawyer will now get all the phone calls and mail and such. We won't settle until I'm done with treatment.

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In the days before texting, I was rear ended at a light. The light was green, but I stopped in the intersection because there was an 18 wheeler which would have turned into my path had I kept going. The other driver was charged. He said he was looking at the green light, not me.  He was quite angry with me at first, but apologized at the scene.  I still had the dealer tags on my first new vehicle!!  I became a believer in the safety of SUVs that day---I was driving a Toyota 4Runner, one of the older ones with a chrome bumper.  He was driving a small sedan.  I barely felt a bump and turned around because of the crunching noise I heard, which was the hood of his small car crumpling.   My car was pretty much okay although IIRC the bumper was replaced because it was brand new and now had some dings.  ETA Clarity and details.

Edited by MotherGoose
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So sorry :grouphug: I hope you recover quickly! And Veritaserum, same to you :grouphug:


We were rearended at a red light while on vacation in California last week. The other driver was going about 30mph. We had multiple witnesses, but that doesn't help with all the paperwork. Poor dd got to spend 6 hours in the pediatric ER, having her head/neck/back checked out. She's still sore but shouldn't have lasting effects <fingers crossed>

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Oh, I hired a lawyer two days ago because the other driver's insurance wants me to settle (for a ridiculously low amount). I have no idea what my medical expenses will be yet (two ER visits, a CT scan, and ongoing physical therapy). My lawyer will now get all the phone calls and mail and such. We won't settle until I'm done with treatment.


Golly, I hope that doesn't happen to me. There is no way I would settle for a lump sum. I am not out to fleece anyone (neither are you!)--I just want to be pain free.  :grouphug:

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Just from my experience of being rear ended (when I was 17 and DHs recent accident): follow up, follow up. Call the Dr, see him often till pain/issues resolve and keep all appts, documentation. Do not seek outside care (self-care, DO, chiro) unless referred on paper by dr or after settlement.

When I was rear ended (while stopped by a pizza delivery guy), My mom and I did not go to the ER, went to our DO and self treated at home for concussion (per EMTs) and multplie lacerations, bruises. The insurance didn't believe us because of "no documentation". Almost zero compensation (except for the totaled car).

Dh missed several appts and spaced them out and stopped PT too soon (did exercises at home, but he could have benefited from more and still has back issues 2 years later) due to work/timing issues and they offered to repay out OOP and an extra $500 towards future costs. That's it.

Document, document, document. Keep your appts. You may feel better one morning and worse 2 days later. 

I still have a pinched nerve in my upper back from that accident when I was 17 that results in intense pain some days (random really, for some reason better since I had kids), but my back will never be 100%. but if you had asked me 2 weeks after the accident, I would have said sore, but fine.

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Rear ended twice in the past and remembering living in my rearview mirror for weeks afterward so I could get out of the way in case someone was coming up behind me to "get me."


And yes, aftercare (with a good chiro) was very, very helpful for the one incident where I was stopped and run into at least 15-20mph...and this before texting and smartphones.

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Golly, I hope that doesn't happen to me. There is no way I would settle for a lump sum. I am not out to fleece anyone (neither are you!)--I just want to be pain free. :grouphug:

My lawyer said that it's common for insurance to try to just get things settled ASAP and that a lot of people end up accepting and settling. I told my physical therapist that the insurance company wanted me to settle and she said not to because I wasn't healed yet. Then she went on a rant about the way insurance companies prevent healing by making all of this so stressful when it's traumatic and painful to start with.

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I am so sorry. That is really awful. Maybe the driver was high, not texting? I suppose it's not better but I was hit by someone who wanted a small car accident to justify a new drug prescription. It was not good.


I am reasonably confident she was not high. I am all too familiar with what "being high" looks like, and this was not it. 

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