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Curious about how the future looks for y'all.

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Bud is an independent manufacturer's rep. He sells the products of about a dozen companies. His earnings are 100% commission.


Because of the size of most of the purchases in his industry, the orders are placed far in advance (6 months, sometimes a year), so we have a good idea of where our income will be a year in advance. His business has steadily declined for the past three years, but has still done well. Next year was looking to be no different, but now we're hearing that the funding for many of the orders placed or soon to be placed is not there.


Time for some serious belt-tightening around here. We are prepared because of the nature of a 100% commission job (and we've been through a layoff, so we know even a regular paycheck isn't always reliable). I'm just surprised that it's so sudden!


Has anyone else seen it turn this week with your or your spouse's job?

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DH is a high school teacher, and I just heard on NPR that education, health care, and the government are the only sectors that aren't losing jobs. So I guess that's reason for optimism. He supplements his income with a lot of private tutoring, though, and I wonder how that will be affected. It hasn't been yet.

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Bud is an independent manufacturer's rep. He sells the products of about a dozen companies. His earnings are 100% commission.


Because of the size of most of the purchases in his industry, the orders are placed far in advance (6 months, sometimes a year), so we have a good idea of where our income will be a year in advance. His business has steadily declined for the past three years, but has still done well. Next year was looking to be no different, but now we're hearing that the funding for many of the orders placed or soon to be placed is not there.


Time for some serious belt-tightening around here. We are prepared because of the nature of a 100% commission job (and we've been through a layoff, so we know even a regular paycheck isn't always reliable). I'm just surprised that it's so sudden!


Has anyone else seen it turn this week with your or your spouse's job?


Job, what job? Dh has been out of work for over a year. I honestly do not know what the future holds. Only that God is in control. The only reason I still have high speed internet is because dh has a part time job from home that requires it.:D We are just :lurk5:.

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My dh is employed right now, however, we're fully expecting that their contract will not be renewed so we're looking at unemployment. We've been there before; it's just that job prospects around here are worse than bleak. We live tight and are debt free, for which I am so thankful. I've food on the shelves and the woodshed is full we we'll eat and stay warm.



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Dh works in game design right now. And his company is currently backed by investors who aren't likely to feel much of a pinch anytime soon, they're just that well-padded. It's strange, I've asked him a couple of times if he's worried at all, since it seems that playing online games would be the last thing people want to spend time or money on when they've lost their job or are struggling. But actually the reverse seems to be true, the entertainment industry seems to do fine in times like this, because people have more free time on their hands and are looking for a small escape. So I guess that we're fine for the foreseeable future, though the rising prices of food and gas pinch plenty.

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DH is a mechanical design engineer/ project manager for a small biotech company here in the silicon valley. Last week they went from 35 employees to 11! He is now the only engineer there. We were told the company can meet the payroll for the next 6 months and after that all bets are off. He was also told to take any & all PTO because there is no way the company can pay it out. The other mechanical engineer at the job had been there for 18 years (less than DH) and pffft...she is out. You could safely say we are concerned. Things could get interesting around here. I grew up pretty poor (government cheese, secondhand everything) and DH did not so I have a different perspective on things.


Amber in SJ

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DH is a high school teacher, and I just heard on NPR that education, health care, and the government are the only sectors that aren't losing jobs. So I guess that's reason for optimism. He supplements his income with a lot of private tutoring, though, and I wonder how that will be affected. It hasn't been yet.


20 years ago the mother of my husband's best friend convinced dh to quit his (lucrative at the time) job at a bank and take an accounting job at the home health care company where she worked. He's now a hospital CFO. I'm seriously going to send her a big bouquet of flowers if I can track down her whereabouts.



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Dh's job is in sales but it is a very stable market. They have seen a small difference but not a lot. I work in pharmacy and there is such a shortage of trained workers, my job is very secure.


It either of us lost our job, it wouldn't be because of the economy.

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Dh works in a service industry that relies more on natural disasters than economic stability. We tend to worry more when people aren't in crisis. :001_huh:


His company fixes water, fire and mold damage, and does humidity control, mostly in commercial buildings. Library floods, apartment fires, candy factories, things like that.


I'm a tiny bit worried, considering his company works for insurance companies... like AIG. I honestly haven't been able to wrap my mind around exactly how that might play out, but it still worries me.


By the way, he's preparing a bid to clean a very moldy, very large government building that I cannot name. Feel free to cross your fingers for us. ;)

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We have a mom and pop audio/video repair business. We've outlived the majority of repair shops in our town so far. I've only had a couple customers in the past few days declining to get work done due to the economy. It will be when they stop bringing equipment in because they can't afford the diagnostic fee, that it will hurt us.


At least we've established a good reputation with most of the music stores in the area. They are sending customers our way, plus we do a lot of warranty work. We've established a niche working on older equipment up to 30 years old so between the vintage equipment and the musicians, we are doing pretty good.


We didn't take out any lines of credit for the business and I've managed to pay off all debts so we're good there.


We track income/expenses weekly and compare to previous years, making sure we are track. We will be able to see a decrease right away and adjust as need be. Business comes in spurts some weeks, but most of the time we are two week behind. When we get caught up, then my techs start worrying. One of our techs is concerned and has gotten involved in his wife's side business so he will have extra income in case of a big down turn.


Both our techs have 30 years experience and I see them getting older and getting burned out quicker and that worries me. Finding experienced, reliable, intelligent and loyal help is really difficult these days. Eventually we will have to face them both leaving because they just can't do it anymore. So we do have to prepare for the future in which we will no longer have the business. Whether its due to economics or age, only time will tell.



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DH is a scientist at a govt. lab. You really never know. He works really hard to secure funding for his group (he is the head of his little group). He is trying to tap into an area with his research that is dealing with something current and marketable with his funding sources. So far, he is doing very well. I would tell you more, but I'd have to silence you all.;) He has clearance and I can't talk.

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Dh works for American Airlines and they are without a contract right now and it looks like it is going to federal mediation :glare: We have been through pay cuts but dh has well over 20 years with AA and if they lay him off that means the company is gone. We are hoping and praying from a raise and that there will be no more pay cuts.


I tho feel pretty positive about the future. The only debt is our mortgage and a few medical bills from when dh got hurt. After living through a year of dh not working or working very little due to his injury we have no savings but I still think we will be just fine.

Edited by RebeccaC
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Things may change, but as of now, dh's job situation is excellent. He's in the health care field, and his company is doing very well. He just got a good raise.


I'm still hoping to find something to do from home to supplement our income, so we can build up our emergency fund. But we're fine on dh's income alone.



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DH is in the septic business.... they have slowed down a lot. He's working around his bosses house when they don't have work. They still pay him for that - but it's driving him crazy.


Of course, we are barely getting by and the boss has had multiple vacations to the keys over the summer.....


Anyway, hopeful they stay steady enough to keep him employed.

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Not too bad but there are signs things aren't going well. Already this year the company my dh works for made all the workers take some of their PTO. Yesterday they were told it would happen again around thanksgiving and Christmas. Their stock price is very low. The original founders of the company retired earlier this year and that led to some big changes by the new managemant. So, though we're not directly affected yet, we still pray for job security daily!

I worry more for my parents in the UK. Things are just as bad there as here in the USA and my parents are already living on a very limited budget that doesn't fully stretch to all they need to cover each month. I just don't see how they're going to cope and I hate that I am a whole continent away right now.

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Well things are not looking so bad here in Australia as they are over there, but its only a matter of time. My husband works for himself as a therapist/spiritual teacher and I doubt that is very secure! we have briefly discussed it but he seems hell bent on spending money right now which i think is a bit of denial. However, I am drawing up plans for things I want to buy now- a good bicycle for example, and I am also building a good vegie garden which takes money- in case later, money is so tight that these things seem like excessive luxuries. I also went through my food cupboards yesterday and cleaned them out and made space for bulk foods.

I am prepared that I may have to go out and work, but the best way to earn money for us is to cut back on wasteful spending.

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Dh is a youth pastor. We're just doing what we've been doing, living on faith. I asked dh last night if the elders were starting to look at our church budget and reign it in. He said he doesn't know, but plans are bringing it up. Although the overall situation makes me a nervous for the country, I'm not really nervous for our family. God has always, always provided. I have a list a mile long of weird ways His provision has come through. So a storm may come, but I'm still standing on the Rock!

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Dh keeps telling me his job is very secure and almost recession-proof. I know that I am very thankful to have a paid off rv in our back yard just in case. If anything happens we can live in that. I'm not attached to material things so I think we'd be okay as long as there is food to eat, we're out of the cold, healthy, and together.

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We're actually in a great place for the next year. Dh is deployed, so his job is secure there. His job at his civilian company pays out the difference between basic pay and his civilian pay, and they would have a hard time firing him while he's gone. They went to bare bones staff about 7 years ago and never hired more people, so they'd have to really be hurting to start lay-offs again.

Guess there are silver linings to every cloud.

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My dh is constantly stressed about money. His work seems to be drying up. Or at least he expresses that. I have two part time jobs. This time last year I had 1 part time job. Since my oldest started high school this year, we only have dd at home. I've been thinking about whether we should investigate putting her in school too and getting more hours at the job which pays me more. I'm very sad about that thought. I like the job, but I want to have the time with dd. I worry that middle school is really the wrong time to start public school. We have some pressing medical issues now too. It's very complicated and I'm stressed.


I've started to be concerned about my parents. Their retirement is not pension based. It is completely their own investments. My dad was self employed and my mom never had a pension option are her places of employment. I haven't brought it up, but I know the last few weeks have dramatically changed things for them.

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There's no end to the belt-tightening here...


The Tall Bald Guy really hasn't worked a whole lot this year, mostly because the kid he works for can't step up and be a boss and when he doesn't feel like working he'll just call all the guys and tell them to stay home. Never mind that there's been people all year long waiting for someone to pour their garage floor or set up their basement walls...:rant:


He's just trying to hang in there until November when he will start working for a company that does security for Federal buildings in the southern half of Indiana. It's a lot of driving, especially at first, but the work is reliable and the pay is good.


I, on the other hand, have 2 more years of school. I won't be done until August of 2010, and I'm really going to have to tighten that belt even more until graduation. I'll have a job in the mental health field, which unfortunately will probably flourish given all that's happening lately, so I don't think I'll have any trouble finding a job--I just may have to settle for one in a place I'd rather not be...:001_smile:

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Giving has been below expenses for several months now, and we heard that the Trustess are going to give him a proposal next week: He will have the choice of taking a 50% cut in pay and taking on the Youth Pastor's ministry (and they will lay off the Youth Pastor) he can resign. We live in the state with the highest unemployment in the nation, so I don't know if secular employment for a while will be an option. Our expenses are low, but we have no savings at all and our current paycheck is almost all gone and our next one may be the only one left.


I may have to work either part time or full time, if I can find a job.


Dh may have a church in CA call him, but I would find the area so depressing I want to cry - all just brown hills for miles and miles! And the parsonage is horrible. And no kids my son's age.


But we'll do what we have to, I guess.



Sherri in MI

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Hard to say -


Dh is currently working in new job, in health insurance. I find it hard to express how thankful I am that he is employed. He makes a good salary, one we can live on if we are very, very careful. Truthfully, I'm not sure how secure his job is - but he hasn't shared that there are any issues on the horizon. They just got a major state contract, so they're pretty busy.


OTOH - our home is on the market. Dh works in another state M-F. We should have an interested buyer on a repeat visit next week. If not, we'll probably pull it off the market and hope for a sale in the spring.


On a side note - our church started a building campaign two weeks ago. For a youth addition. Sheesh. :mad:

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DH is a high school teacher, and I just heard on NPR that education, health care, and the government are the only sectors that aren't losing jobs. So I guess that's reason for optimism. He supplements his income with a lot of private tutoring, though, and I wonder how that will be affected. It hasn't been yet.


This is what my husband is counting on as well - that when the economy gets bad, people go back to school. He works in higher education (SunGard HE). The area he works in is online/distance education and they are planning on expanding in the near future. So we're definitely counting our blessings. We do have a bit of debt though and we're trying to get a handle on that...

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Dh's job is okay. He's in construction and he'll stay busy enough. The economy has put a huge kink in our plans. We wanted to sell our house next spring, buy an RV and work/travel for a few years. He has decided we should wait another year so we don't lose the equity we have in the house. :confused:


Not what I wanted to hear. The house tends to suck money every month. We've had our belts tightened for several years and I was looking forward to being able to travel next year. :glare:

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Bud is an independent manufacturer's rep. He sells the products of about a dozen companies. His earnings are 100% commission.


Because of the size of most of the purchases in his industry, the orders are placed far in advance (6 months, sometimes a year), so we have a good idea of where our income will be a year in advance. His business has steadily declined for the past three years, but has still done well. Next year was looking to be no different, but now we're hearing that the funding for many of the orders placed or soon to be placed is not there.


Time for some serious belt-tightening around here. We are prepared because of the nature of a 100% commission job (and we've been through a layoff, so we know even a regular paycheck isn't always reliable). I'm just surprised that it's so sudden!


Has anyone else seen it turn this week with your or your spouse's job?


I guess this is what my dh said when he promised me we'd always have enough to eat and a roof over our heads (which is frankly, just dandy enough for me!).


We own our farm free and clear. And, no matter how the economy goes -- everybody eats. So, we'll always have a market, some how, for what we produce.


Even if my part-time work fell through, we'd still have what we need. Food, shelter and each other.

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You know, I just have no idea. My company was just acquired, and I've been told that we'll be slightly overstaffed but there are no plans to let anyone go; they'd rather wait for attrition, and in the meantime they'll take on some responsibilities they hadn't had the staff to handle until now. I hope that remains the case, and am working my tail off to prove my value to the company. I'm lucky that my new boss was a working mom with an alternate work/childcare arrangement for many years (she and her DH ran a consulting biz out of their home and split childcare), so she's sympathetic to my situation and loves to give me advice about teenagers :lol: She doesn't know I'm HSing though--just knows I have young kids. It really could go either way there.


DH's job? Well, he sells new homes for a developer, and was called into the office today and told that they're moving him into the leadership track, that he's one of the most promising new hires they've had in awhile, and that they're moving him to an active adult community where business is brisk. That all sounds great, right? But we've had the rug pulled out from under us so many times now, I'm just completely cynical! I don't count any chickens anymore. Heck, I don't even look in the boxes until I hear peeping :lol:


The future looks bright for us, but with the economy the way it is, there's just no way to rely on anything. We're just paying off our debt, tightening our belts (I've taken on extra work through the end of the year that will put an extra $2K-$3K in the bank, which sounds crazy but is a real blessing) and we'll see what we see. I'd love to be able to cut back to 20 hours per week in January, but...who knows?

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Well, as I posted in another thread earlier on...... dh and I are casualties of all the turmoil in the economy. We bit off a big hunk 2 years ago when we bought a bigger ranch. It has always been our dream and our goal to ranch full-time. We have always ranched on a small scale, and finally made the jump to the bigger ranch. Although it's bigger than what we had been doing, it still isn't big enough to feed and clothe us, so dh continued working for a small manufacturing firm by tele-commuting and traveling often to another state. To make a long story not quite-so-long.... despite the best efforts of my dh and others, they will have to close down the manufacturing plant this week. Our ranch is too remote for either of us to make enough money to replace what has been lost. The dc and I have already moved to town, and we are now thinking that we will have to put the dc into school so that both dh and I can find jobs.


We never thought it would come to this. We've been working toward this ranch thing all our lives. Tonight dh called from the ranch and is thinking we'll need to sell the cow herd.


The whole mess disgusts me. In my former life (b4 kids), I was a commercial banker. I understand what all these knotheads did to get us into this mess. Good old unadulterated greed. There is truly nothing new under the sun. Now I get to pay for their completely ridiculous lending practices. I saved. I made significant down payments on real estate investments. I have never lusted after the big McMansion on the hill. It absolutely disgusts me.


OK, so I guess you could call this the anger phase of the grieving process.



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Well, as I posted in another thread earlier on...... dh and I are casualties of all the turmoil in the economy. We bit off a big hunk 2 years ago when we bought a bigger ranch. It has always been our dream and our goal to ranch full-time. We have always ranched on a small scale, and finally made the jump to the bigger ranch. Although it's bigger than what we had been doing, it still isn't big enough to feed and clothe us, so dh continued working for a small manufacturing firm by tele-commuting and traveling often to another state. To make a long story not quite-so-long.... despite the best efforts of my dh and others, they will have to close down the manufacturing plant this week. Our ranch is too remote for either of us to make enough money to replace what has been lost. The dc and I have already moved to town, and we are now thinking that we will have to put the dc into school so that both dh and I can find jobs.


We never thought it would come to this. We've been working toward this ranch thing all our lives. Tonight dh called from the ranch and is thinking we'll need to sell the cow herd.


The whole mess disgusts me. In my former life (b4 kids), I was a commercial banker. I understand what all these knotheads did to get us into this mess. Good old unadulterated greed. There is truly nothing new under the sun. Now I get to pay for their completely ridiculous lending practices. I saved. I made significant down payments on real estate investments. I have never lusted after the big McMansion on the hill. It absolutely disgusts me.


OK, so I guess you could call this the anger phase of the grieving process.




Jackie, that really stinks. I'm so sorry :(

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Dh is an RN and there is a shortage of RNs so that gives him job security. But he really wants to be a pastor. And there is no job security in that! But he won't jeopardize being able to provide for his family. In the meantime he does his job (which he loves) and pastors for free on the side (which he also loves) but which is very tiring!

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Bud is an independent manufacturer's rep. He sells the products of about a dozen companies. His earnings are 100% commission.


Because of the size of most of the purchases in his industry, the orders are placed far in advance (6 months, sometimes a year), so we have a good idea of where our income will be a year in advance. His business has steadily declined for the past three years, but has still done well. Next year was looking to be no different, but now we're hearing that the funding for many of the orders placed or soon to be placed is not there.


Time for some serious belt-tightening around here. We are prepared because of the nature of a 100% commission job (and we've been through a layoff, so we know even a regular paycheck isn't always reliable). I'm just surprised that it's so sudden!


Has anyone else seen it turn this week with your or your spouse's job?


Well I am trying to sell our Disney week so that should give an indication here! Actually we are fine for now we just are cutting out any extras.

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Guest janainaz

My dh is a marketing director for a steel building company. The company is doing terrible, they are laying off a ton of people. The owner flew out by surprise today and let go of two people in his office. He reassured my dh about his job and commended him for his work, but I take it with a grain of salt. If things don't turn around, he could be out of a job, too. We are not immune from any of it. I'm not sitting here stressing, but very aware of the situation. Who knows! We just bought a house, finally, but I've got plan B in the back of my mind if we need to say goodbye to it. That is a very real possibility based on what I'm seeing around me.

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My dh is the office manager for a company that provides care to people with several disabilities so that they can stay in their homes. They do a fabulous job too. However, since our state is having so much budget trouble, that makes getting reimbursed for the care they provide tricky. Dh is worried about his job security and about the whole company going under. And he is worried about what will happen to these people - who need social workers to help them shop, pay their bills, take their meds correctly - if the state decides they don't care enough to help them. These people have the potential to be dangerous to society if not taken care of properly, so we will all pay the price if that happens.


We were just finally at the point where, with the guaranteed OT dh is getting for delivering meds on the weekends for the company, his salary would actually cover all our bills and we could possibly begin to make some headway on our debt. Dh was out of work 3 times in the last 4 years, for 3 months each time. He really likes this job too. I taught last year PT but cannot this year because of the new baby and other family situations. Just when I thought we were getting some stability, everything goes to he** in a handbasket!

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My dh just accepted a new job last week and gave notice to his current company. Dh actually had 2 job offers at the same time. He works in the IT field as a project manager. I'm very concerned about him making a change right now. We can survive a layoff with our savings and no debt if it comes to that though.

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Well, I worked for a large insurance company for years. It's a shame I left too, because I could have had such a lovely resort vacation recently! :lol: Betch can't guess who I worked for. ;)


Dh works for the government and is secure there. Howver, he's about to make a change to a small company and I'm a bit nervous about it. I trust him when he says it's a good move, and I support his career decisions. But I pray too!


Like most, we're tightening the belt when possible. It helps that we're in an area that really isn't experiencing the downturns that other areas of the country seem to be.

Edited by Stacie
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We own a small business. Dh's pay is not substantial by any means, in fact, many of our employees make more than he does. We have alot of seasonal employees, and in a small town good work is hard to find. I'm worried about this election. Not to get political, but when you own a small business you see things differently. Tax increases on businesses of any kind, but most definitely small business, inevitably equate to layoffs. Believe it or not, it's the truth. I'm not worried for us, but for alot of other families I'm very worried.

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Dh sells RVs, definitely a luxury item for most people. He went a month and a half without selling anything and got no paycheck. Very depressing for him! The company he worked for back in Oregon a year and a half ago went under and several RV dealers here in the Phoenix area have gone bankrupt. God has been good to us. Back in June we were offered the position as managers of an RV park. Part of our salary is a free place to live and free utilities. Business here is starting to pick up again. Maybe it's the weather here or the drop in gas prices, I don't know. 19 months ago we made the decision to come here and leave Oregon. From what dh has heard RVs are only selling here and in the Las Vegas area. I don't know what the future holds!

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