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I hate the 4th of July.


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If you could see how ridiculous my neighborhood is right now, you might just agree.  Big, arial fireworks are legal in my state (city is going to start restricting them next year).  Right now, I can see fireworks going off at 6-8 locations in my neighborhood which is less than 100 houses. These are all big enough to be easily seen over the tops of 2 story tall houses.  Not just little 10-15 ft fireworks...we are talking 100+ft in the sky, full size, professional show,  fireworks.  It is obscene.  From 930 to midnight, my neighborhood is lit up so bright the street lights all turn off and you can't hear someone talking next to you  You have to scream to be heard.


One of my neighbor gets his fireworks delivered in a Uhaul and the come in on Pallets! Another neighbor, across the street (maybe 150ft),  has a pile big enough to fill the back of a pick up truck. 


One person is setting them off, 30 feet from my house and the debris is landing all over my cars, home and yard. There isn't anything I can do about it, it is legal. I have had my car dented, and a burn mark in my garage door from previous years. You can't prove how or when the damage happened or whose firework caused the damage, so you can't do anything but fix any problems yourself.  My neighbors have had lit fireworks land in their laps and a roof caught on fire.  That family wasn't home and pulled up to find us with a ladder and hoses, putting out the fire.  A few years ago, the week after the 4th, a house burnt down in my neighborhood when some kids found an un-burned firework and decided to light it in a shed. It went from the shed, to grass, to house. 


When it was one or two houses that did some big fireworks it was a bit fun. But when you cant even stand to be outside due to all the smoke and ash in the air, it is tooooooo much.  


I just saw something that was still lit, land in my yard.  I got up to make sure it went out and saw the neighbor boy, chasing his sister and her friend with a 2ft long sparkler. Parents are near by but not paying attention.  An hour ago, my 8yo special needs daughter came and asked if she could have a Roman Candle my other neighbor was handing out to the kids.  :cursing:


It has been going for an hour already, and we still have an hour to go.  Ugh.  Not soon enough in my book.  

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Oh that sounds awful!


I think fireworks are beautiful, and enjoy professional shows, especially those choreographed to music. But honestly, when I see things bigger than sparklers and a few bottle rockets in neighborhoods, all I can think of is how much $$$ folks are literally setting aflame.

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Eh, that's a nightly occurrence, here (and I wish I was exaggerating).  Napoli wins a soccer game?  Massive fireworks displays.  It's your "Name" Day? Fireworks.  Holiday? Fireworks.  Have a baby?  Fireworks.  We're throwing a party, and have a bunch of fireworks...so let's light them! Seriously, when newbies arrive and ask the "what's going on with all the fireworks last night," questions on the Living Abroad FB page, people respond with things like, "It was payday," "their root canal was successful," "their child got an "A" in school."  I've gotten used to everything but the 2am fireworks.  This past winter, you would have thought there was a massive bomb that went off by NATO HQ here (we don't live far), it was a Fireworks plant exploding. 


I truly feel your pain.  There are things I love about living here -- but I would be much happier if they could restrain their love of fireworks to a few times a year.  

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I hate it, too.  And my poor furbabies...I'm amazed the older one didn't have a heart attack.  This was the worst year, and I knew it would be.  Holiday falls on a Monday, so it was Friday, Saturday, Sunday, AND the big blowout last night of fireworks.  If history holds true, there will be a few leftovers that need to be used, but we are through the worst of it.  I pray for rain every Fourth...to keep more people inside and to reduce the risk of fires.

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That is funny about Italy and it's love for fireworks   We have a lady from the Ivory Coast staying with us.  She was excited to see fireworks because they've been outlawed in her country.  The reason is that they had a horrible civil war back in 2006 and there are so many people with PTSD that they banned fireworks.

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I'm not a big fan either, although my husband and of course my kids love them. Fortunately we live in an area not so densely populated so we don't have anything close to that going on here. Sun night we could see some in the distance but they stopped not too long after dark and were too far for any debris to make it here. 

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I hate them. Where we live, we can hear but not see the public displays, and at least four people in earshot added their own.


They're too loud.

They're a fire hazard.

They're an injury risk.

They're frivolous.

They're not even American--probably my least favorite thing from China.


We get to hear them on the 4th, subsequent days if people have them left over, New Year's Eve & leftovers, and all ten? nights of the state fair.

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And the rubbish!!  Just took a walk and there are cardboard remnants everywhere.  I started trying to pick some stuff up, but my back can't take bending down that many times.  I need a stand-up dustpan or one of those sticks they use in the park.

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Same here.  I hate it.  And this crap went on until midnight.  I couldn't get to sleep until about 1. 


I hate fireworks.


And houses are so close here and nobody has yards.  So it's always too close for comfort.  They recently legalized fireworks (but only for specific times and days).  I suppose it was a why bother making them illegal because people did it anyway.  And although it is past the time they are allowed now, they'll continue like that nightly for awhile. 

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It was raining here last night so the noise was minimal this year.  But they will make up for it tonight, I'm sure.


I got over fireworks, except professional displays, when I was a teen living in California. We lived in the east foothills of San Jose - some of you don't need me to say that it is dry there in July.  We  lived on a hill with a nice view of the city, and people would park on the road above our house to watch the fireworks displays in the valley.  One 4th I woke up to a weird noise and light in the sky, and looked to see the hillside above our (wooden) house on fire.  Apparently some spectator had brought something of their own to set off and it caught the dry grass.  it was terrifying but the fire company came quickly and got it out before it got to our roof.  More worrisome were the eucalyptus trees that lined the border between our yard and the neighbor downhill from us, but it never came close to them.  So it was all OK.


I noticed in following years that the sheriff would come through and chase people off.  It wasn't a great road to park alongside anyway.  (Windy and narrow.)

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I am so glad I'm not the only person that hates fireworks!! While out here our houses aren't close together, the sound carries so well from the people who use them down the road, and I've gotten to deal with freaked out horses and dogs. My poor Dobie was on a ton of Xanax last night, and should have been the night before. It didn't stop her from being afraid, it just stopped the howl of fear. At least it isn't as dry as usual so we weren't as worried about fire. And my son learned to describe the neighbor's responsible as "The idiots with fireworks. Don't they think of all the livestock around here!!" I hope tonight is the last night and wow I could never live in Italy!!

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Yeah, it's like that here too for hours and hours. Massive displays in every direction. I have a total pendulum swing about it. Some years I think it's sort of... I dunno... cute? Neighborhood traditions. City life. But other years I'm like, shut up, people! You're going to blow your fingers off!

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I told my husband I must be getting old since I was all like, "I wish they'd stop shooting off those !#&! fireworks..." I like quiet. I like to sleep. I like my dog to be undisturbed.  :)


And don't get me started about the whole issue of celebrating an unbiblical rebellion that took the lives of over 40,000 people.  :leaving:

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I'll be the weird one. It's the only weekend of the year I know I'll sleep soundly with the fireworks in the background, and I live in one of those neighborhoods that has constant fireworks in all directions for hours and no laws. I'll take that over any gift-giving holiday!


I understand not everyone enjoys it though.

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We have a neighbor across the river who does a yearly display.  He's the only one who does it so it's actually kind of fun.  But the only thing I can think of every time one goes off is "There's $20.  There's $20.  There's $20."  I just don't understand wasting your money on pretty explosions. 



Was it Apu from the Simpsons who said "Celebrate the birth of your country by blowing up a tiny part of it!"

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Our fireworks laws are SO stupid.


It is illegal for PA residents to buy big fireworks.  It is legal to sell big fireworks in PA to out of state residents.  I live in a vacation area, so there are fireworks going off all over the place, all summer long.  On the plus side, it's rarely from my immediate neighbors, though sometimes they do have friends from out of state bring some over. @@

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I love fireworks. I dislike irresponsible people.


Honestly, it is just one night or at most one weekend. Can't you get your dog a vest or doggie headphones or something??

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You described my neighborhood, except that fireworks are illegal here. But the police officer and fireman that live in the neighborhood don't seem to care, so I don't think anyone else is going to.


Our neighbors are usually good about going through our yard and picking up the trash the following day, so there's that. And I have to admit to being impressed by their displays...but I just know that it's going to end badly one of these years.

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This year was better than most. It rained so people were less enthusiastic and I gave my dog Valerian so I'm pretty sure he was stoned. He didn't like it, but he wasn't shaking so hard you could hear his teeth chatter.


ETA My neighborhood has never been as enthusiastic as what the op describes.

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They're illegal everywhere here too unless you're in an unicorporated region out the county. Doesn't seem to impact it in the slightest. I sometimes wonder whether the difference would be measurable if they were legal. I'm not sure. The cops can't do much unless you can see someone shooting them off, which I know you can in suburban neighborhoods or closer quarters, but you can't where we live so we didn't even bother reporting it.


And if ear muffs or a vest would help my dog I would be all in to use them, but they don't make a difference. They're so incredibly loud. Like hornblower said, it's one of the most dangerous nights of the year for pets- the shelters are chock full the next day because of dogs busting out in fear.

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That sounds awful.  

I am not a lover of fireworks shows as they scare the animals. My dog, who has never been bothered by the fireworks before, was quite freaked out this year and it wasn't any worse then usual.  They are not legal here but our town did their fireworks show on Friday .  We live down the block from it.  The town across the river did theirs last night.  A neighboring town the night before.  Plus, the random few morons who buy them for their personal use and set them off for their own amusement.  I figure we have a couple more nights of the leftover fire crackers and then all will go back to normal.



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I love fireworks. I dislike irresponsible people.


Honestly, it is just one night or at most one weekend. Can't you get your dog a vest or doggie headphones or something??


If it were just one night or one weekend, I would not mind so much. But I too live in a vacation spot where people feel compelled to shoot off illegal fireworks throughout the summer.  I dislike the noise and feel sorry for people like my husband, the working stiffs, who have their sleep disrupted all summer long.


What really bugs me though about illegal fireworks is that the fun lovers leave their trash behind for the residents to pick up.


I have no problem with the professional displays that are just once a year in most communities.


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I love fireworks. I dislike irresponsible people.


Honestly, it is just one night or at most one weekend. Can't you get your dog a vest or doggie headphones or something??


that doesn't protect your house from lit stuff landing on it.


I know two families that have lost their homes to July 4 fireworks in their neighborhood. (And that is not counting the other houses/fires I've heard about online. Plus the ones saved because the fire department got their in time).  No light display is worth costing other people their homes.


I'm a big fan of community fireworks shows -- they are often on lakes, big parks, etc. where they will not affect houses and barns and crops.


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I love fireworks. I dislike irresponsible people.


Honestly, it is just one night or at most one weekend. Can't you get your dog a vest or doggie headphones or something??


Don't you also get them on Halloween & New Year's? 


The vests help some dogs but not all. Headphones don't really work. Dogs have very sensitive hearing & it's not just that you really can't muffle it, it's that they can feel it in their bodies and it's terrifying. It doesn't just hurt, it frightens. 


It affects wildlife too. Mammals sometimes abandon their dens and nests or try to move them, get lost, lose their babies etc. 


I'm hoping the silent fireworks become a thing (link I posted above). 

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I could never live there.  I already have panic attacks in my area with the small amount of folks who set off fireworks.    This year was not bad at all, I think people were smart because it is so dry.  I love professional fireworks but neighborhood ones are just dangerous.  I actually had family members who died because smoldering fireworks on their roof (from other folks neighborhood fireworks) landed there and smoldered without anyone knowing.  Dh actually goes and does a check of the house before we go to bed so I can sleep.

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But at least one Italian town is trying to make a difference. 


This town passed a law for silent fireworks. All the dog people have been sharing versions of this story for months. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/01/science/july-4-fireworks-quiet.html?_r=0


Just for perspective's sake ;)


New Year's -- this is just one view of the Bay of Naples (doesn't include all of the surrounding towns -- which are also lit up).  This show goes on for 30 minutes solid, and there will be fireworks for an hour or two in every direction.


When Napoli wins a big soccer game, and Italian Independence Day -- it's not quite this big or long -- about 15 minutes of fireworks.  But, you have the whole Neighborhood shouting and honking their horns :p


Also, keep in mind, that this region of Italy is experiencing over 30% unemployment.  It is considered a fairly poor area.  

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I always think, "why waste hundreds of dollars and risk health and safety to set off your own when you can go twenty miles in any direction and see professional works for free?"

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I heard booms well into the night. They are banned in our city. I don't love the holiday either when people can't respect the law, or consider people have to work the next day!


True, but it was a lot better this year than in years past.  One night when the neighbor "frat boys" were all drunk and setting out fireworks that were literally zipping sideways down the road, our whole neighborhood took turns calling the police until they finally came out.  Then the officer wouldn't even get out of the car but just spoke to them from the window.  The frat boys moved their stuff twenty feet down the street and continued on setting them off.  In the morning a couple of us went out and filled garbage bags full of the trash (because they never would have picked it up on their own) and left it all on their doorstep.  I was so glad when they were finally evicted. 


Our dog was drugged (melatonin) and put in a thundershirt and she still was panting and pacing in fear.  Dd had to sleep with her.  Earmuffs would not have helped.  Our other dog is fine now that he's gone deaf with age. 

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that doesn't protect your house from lit stuff landing on it.


I know two families that have lost their homes to July 4 fireworks in their neighborhood. (And that is not counting the other houses/fires I've heard about online. Plus the ones saved because the fire department got their in time).  No light display is worth costing other people their homes.


I'm a big fan of community fireworks shows -- they are often on lakes, big parks, etc. where they will not affect houses and barns and crops.


Make that three families. I just learned a family at our church lost their home in a fire last night. Suspicions high that it was triggered by firecrackers.

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Just for perspective's sake ;)


-- this is just one view of the Bay of Naples (doesn't include all of the surrounding towns -- which are also lit up). This show goes on for 30 minutes solid, and there will be fireworks for an hour or two in every direction.


When Napoli wins a big soccer game, and Italian Independence Day -- it's not quite this big or long -- about 15 minutes of fireworks. But, you have the whole Neighborhood shouting and honking their horns :p


Also, keep in mind, that this region of Italy is experiencing over 30% unemployment. It is considered a fairly poor area.

I couldn't do it! I would have to move.

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Don't you also get them on Halloween & New Year's? 


The vests help some dogs but not all. Headphones don't really work. Dogs have very sensitive hearing & it's not just that you really can't muffle it, it's that they can feel it in their bodies and it's terrifying. It doesn't just hurt, it frightens. 


It affects wildlife too. Mammals sometimes abandon their dens and nests or try to move them, get lost, lose their babies etc. 


I'm hoping the silent fireworks become a thing (link I posted above). 




The Thundershirt helped our dog a little, but not enough.   I've never heard of doggie headphones but I can't imagine our dog tolerating them - I looked them up just now - no way.


He took daily prozac and took xanax for "special anxiety days."  He was still a cowering mess, trying to hide anywhere he could find a place.  If the kennel didn't make him almost as nervous, we'd have taken him there.  Instead, we just stayed close to him, held him and tried to reassure him as best we could.  Those were the nights I'd have to take all my shoes out of my closet and put a blanket in there for him to sleep.  He wouldn't get up on my bed but he'd sleep close to me.  Or, more likely, just lie down quietly.  He was always tired after a night of fireworks.


I wouldn't expect people not to shoot off fireworks because of my dog's anxiety, but, the solutions are not always as simple as people might think.


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Private fireworks are illegal here but people still do it.  On a local facebook group, some people complain (scares their animals, woke their babies,, people with PTSD, dangerous, too densely populated, it's ILLEGAL?!?!) and there are always some who are blasĂƒÂ© - it's only once a year, it's a celebration, blah blah blah. 


There are enough town sponsored fireworks displays around here to see two or three a night for the entire weekend of the holiday.  There's no reason to set off your own.  Those with dogs who hate it (which we JUST found out includes us <<sigh>>) or people with PTSD can look up when the town displays are and can prepare in whatever way works for them.  Idiots setting off illegal private displays make it impossible for people to prepare.  It's also unsafe in such a densely populated area.

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I kind of feel like visiting all those obnoxious neighbours with a marching band. Very early in the morning. 

One of those activist street bands & open air orchestra bands - the ones which are very loud & anyone can join in as they wander around the streets. 

Cause why not celebrate in the morning too? :D 

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Wow! We don't have that around here. Professional displays, yes. An occassional family far off on a farm, yes. But in developments? For hours? No, no, no!


Well, actually, on Friday night some neighbors nearby set off about 10 of them. It was surprising and we did not like it at all. All I could think of were fires on my roof. I wondered if what they did was legal in our part of town (we have lots of rules around here.).


I would NOT like living where you are. Sure, they're fun to look at, but I would fret about the dangers and would not like the noise one bit.

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Make that three families. I just learned a family at our church lost their home in a fire last night. Suspicions high that it was triggered by firecrackers.

Really?? I know literally no one that has ever had a fire because of fireworks.

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I always think, "why waste hundreds of dollars and risk health and safety to set off your own when you can go twenty miles in any direction and see professional works for free?"


Where I live it takes HOURS of dealing with traffic, round trip, to go see the fire works. Parking and traffic are a nightmare. I hate that. 


When I lived further south it was different...you could park at the beach, or just in a parking lot somewhere and still see them safely. Smaller towns. Heck, from my neighbor's roof you could see three different municipalities put on their shows, lol. 


Not so where I live now. Our neighbors had some big ones, but were pretty safe about it, and the weather has been rainy thankfully. I drugged the dog, and just hoped for a short night. I'd be fine if it was for a specific amount of time. But of course, it goes on and on and on. That I don't like. 

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I LOVE fireworks! We must be Italian because we've been know to set off fireworks for funerals. (We have a family plot in the country, so it's easier.) and weddings, birthdays, etc...


I live in a neighborhood in an unincorporated area. Fireworks are legal and are one of the best parts of living here. My night sky is filled with color and sound. It's lovely to float in the pool and watch the sky explode.


When we had a fireworks skittish dog, we kept her crated in the house with a fan and a fairly loud radio playing every evening. If we didn't she would run and end up in the next county.


Our current dog barks at them--I do love having a feisty fella these days. Fireworks never bothered my horse. I keep the cat inside.


No fires, no homes burned down, and that I know of, no major injuries. If you follow a few basic safety rules, it's fun. I'm grateful fireworks are legal here.

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I kind of feel like visiting all those obnoxious neighbours with a marching band. Very early in the morning.


One of those activist street bands & open air orchestra bands - the ones which are very loud & anyone can join in as they wander around the streets.


Cause why not celebrate in the morning too? :D

"Let's celebrate the morning" is the motto that my roosters live by. I really like your idea. Perhaps I can drop them off in the trust fund brigade's pasture that was responsible for last night' excitement. At 4 am. :)

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That sounds horrible. I'm glad it's not like that here. I used to love fireworks and I still enjoy the professional shows. But now having a sensory avoider, I'm not so fond of it anymore. It's hard lying in bed holding a 3 year old wearing her industrial earmuffs and asking if it's over yet because she just wants to sleep but she's too scared of the noises. She doesn't even want to see or hear the little poppers and fountains, so the big stuff is a giant NOPE. 

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We have a party in a neighborhood like that every year and it is amazing.   I am super sad that our friends are moving and no one else lives in the boundaries of where it is legal.   We live in a desert and the houses their are close together and their have been no fires for several years everyone is very responsible maybe because its the last town that it is legal and no one wants to be the one to ruin it. 

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Of late, I am trying not to hate holidays in general. Too many expectations. Bah Humbug lol.


I'm with you. Do you ever feel like life is this endless hamster wheel of holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, where you are just spending money on gifts and cards and blah blah?  And for us there is nothing much more to it than that.  Just sending gifts and cards.  It starts to feel pretty dull and impersonal.

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I LOVE fireworks! We must be Italian because we've been know to set off fireworks for funerals. (We have a family plot in the country, so it's easier.) and weddings, birthdays, etc...


I live in a neighborhood in an unincorporated area. Fireworks are legal and are one of the best parts of living here. My night sky is filled with color and sound. It's lovely to float in the pool and watch the sky explode.


When we had a fireworks skittish dog, we kept her crated in the house with a fan and a fairly loud radio playing every evening. If we didn't she would run and end up in the next county.


Our current dog barks at them--I do love having a feisty fella these days. Fireworks never bothered my horse. I keep the cat inside.


No fires, no homes burned down, and that I know of, no major injuries. If you follow a few basic safety rules, it's fun. I'm grateful fireworks are legal here.


Oh see I would get a kick out of fireworks for a funeral because that would be so unexpected!

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Those were legalized here within the past few years. The field next door to our house caught fire last year after a firework landed in it. We had mud sliding down our street after the fire trucks dumped water to put out the fire. Thankfully, we had no damage to our property. I'm still not a fan of the big ones being set off by neighbors. There are many professional shows to be enjoyed locally.

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