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We almost lost out 17 yo last night ( some CC)

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He was involved in an accident where he was hit broad side by a dump truck that was going 45 mph. He is fine, thank God. A few scrapes, some nasty brusing from his seat belt and a very sore head from it smashing against his side window. The Dr. gave him some pain pills and he was able to sleep last night, but I don't think DH and I slept at all.


The dump truck driver told us my son is very very lucky to be alive. The poor man was shaking while talking to us. Had my son hit the brakes or been 1 second slower he wouldn't be here today. My son had only been able to drive by himself for 3 days and bought his truck less than 2 weeks ago.


I am still shaken up and am trying to process all this. I am very thankful that my son is alive and praising God for that, but am still trying to come to terms on why stuff like this happens. Kwim?


Hug your babies ladies, thats all I can say.

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He was involved in an accident where he was hit broad side by a dump truck that was going 45 mph. He is fine, thank God. A few scrapes, some nasty brusing from his seat belt and a very sore head from it smashing against his side window. The Dr. gave him some pain pills and he was able to sleep last night, but I don't think DH and I slept at all.


The dump truck driver told us my son is very very lucky to be alive. The poor man was shaking while talking to us. Had my son hit the brakes or been 1 second slower he wouldn't be here today. My son had only been able to drive by himself for 3 days and bought his truck less than 2 weeks ago.


I am still shaken up and am trying to process all this. I am very thankful that my son is alive and praising God for that, but am still trying to come to terms on why stuff like this happens. Kwim?


Hug your babies ladies, thats all I can say.



Jean, that is so scary! Thank God your son is okay! Life is so precious.

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:grouphug: It truly is amazing that he is fine. That is so rare with big truck accidents and this is an important post for that reason. Because of some nearby trucking companies, we hear of these accidents with teen drivers far too often. I'm thanking God with you and feeling your happiness and concern.

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Jean, I am soo sorry.. but can we learn something from this? Can you share with us 'how' the accident happened? Who was at fault?


My main reason for bringing this up is to help make parents aware of simple things our teens can do to make themselves safer....I was involved in a 5 car pile-up when I was 19...I was the third car in the pile-up...we were all on a two lane highway leaving college to go home for Thanksgiving...everyone was keeping a speed of about 60 in a 55mph zone..there were a series of 5 hills and coming over the top of one, a car stopped for no reason causing the crash and the rest of us just piled on top of each other..the first car left the scene...


But, ALL of that (my car was a V-it damaged my back for life) could have been prevented if I had been aware of the THREE second rule (some call it the 2 second rule, but I make sure I have that extra second in there)..following tooo closely...I would have had time to break if I had not been or the other 4 cars had not been following too closely....


I drove a company car in pharmaceutical sales for 7 years, I had to attend safe driving courses..the little things I learned in those evasive training camps have saved me many a time...do you have your mirrors adjusted quickly, are your tires inflated to the right amount (definitely affects your breaking/turning ability in an evasive maneuver)...are you driving with your cell phone in your hand?? I just don't want to read of another group of teens being killed because they were texting someone...please share with us how this accident could have been avoided...we need to copy/paste all these articles for our children when they begin driving, to never let them take it lightly...driver's ed didn't cover the stuff I learned in my training as a rep..hoping to open that up to more kids when my children are driving age.


Praying for a quick recovery and the confidence to get behind the wheel again a little wiser!



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Jean, I am soo sorry.. but can we learn something from this? Can you share with us 'how' the accident happened? Who was at fault?


Wow. Scary scary. Was the dump truck driver at fault? I hope your poor boy at least gets another rig to drive without too much hardship.


It was my 17yos fault. He was at the end of our road, heading to work. The road that leads to our development is extrememly busy. The stop is on a hill and is awkward to pull out on. The dump truck driver was telling us after that he has seen way too many accidents at the same spot.


So my son had stopped, looked and waited for two cars to go. He said he looked right, looked left and saw the truck but figured he had enough time. He said as soon as he started to go he knew it was a mistake and thank the Lord, he stepped on it and didn't brake. We have no doubt that had he braked, he would not be here. The dump truck ended up hitting the side panel of his truck and not at his door. It pushed his truck sideways up the road and then spun it around and he ended up down an embankment facing the road. It tore off the tire and axle and it ripped the fuel line off the dump truck. There was diesel fuel spilling all over the road. They ended up having to call a hazmat crew, fire trucks, ambulance etc.


My son called me as soon as he got out of his truck so Dh and I got there before the EMS crews. My Dh near had a heart attack when he saw a dump truck sitting there.


I don't think any of us will soon forget last night.

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He was involved in an accident where he was hit broad side by a dump truck that was going 45 mph. He is fine, thank God. A few scrapes, some nasty brusing from his seat belt and a very sore head from it smashing against his side window. The Dr. gave him some pain pills and he was able to sleep last night, but I don't think DH and I slept at all.


The dump truck driver told us my son is very very lucky to be alive. The poor man was shaking while talking to us. Had my son hit the brakes or been 1 second slower he wouldn't be here today. My son had only been able to drive by himself for 3 days and bought his truck less than 2 weeks ago.


I am still shaken up and am trying to process all this. I am very thankful that my son is alive and praising God for that, but am still trying to come to terms on why stuff like this happens. Kwim?


Hug your babies ladies, thats all I can say.


Praise God he is ok. I am hugging mine.

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Oh my goodness. What a scare. My oldest two have had a couple fender benders, and even at that I worry myself sick. Thank the Lord he is safe.




My oldest son, our 18 yo, got in a wreck less than a month ago ( not his fault). I was shaken up, but it was nothing compared to this. Nothing.

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Oh Jean, how scary! :grouphug:


I managed to make it 16 years as a driver without being in any moving vehicle accidents (I did once let my car roll into a telephone poll...). But last Saturday I was hit crossing a busy road, and fortunately the other car was a smaller commuter car and both the driver and I were unhurt (other than a few aches and pains.) But it was SCARY! I was absolutely a shaking mess afterwards. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. My first thought was, I'm so glad the kids weren't in the car with me.


Glad your ds is okay.

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It was my 17yos fault...


I don't think any of us will soon forget last night.



I'm unable to imagine how shaken you all must have been. Wow.


Maybe the "reason" for things like this happening is buried in between these two parts of your post. Your son learned a life lesson last night which will help him in future judgment calls. I actually had to make a similar decision just yesterday. I was turning left out of the grocery store. I had several opportunities to turn, chances which may have been possible, but may also have been disastrous. I opted to wait. By the time I made the turn, there were three cars waiting behind me. But, within the last month a man was killed pulling out of that very parking lot. It doesn't pay to rush -- but my how I have to have harsh reminders of this over and over again. My mantra: When in doubt, just wait it out.


I'm so glad your boy is okay.

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He was involved in an accident where he was hit broad side by a dump truck that was going 45 mph. He is fine, thank God. A few scrapes, some nasty brusing from his seat belt and a very sore head from it smashing against his side window. The Dr. gave him some pain pills and he was able to sleep last night, but I don't think DH and I slept at all.


The dump truck driver told us my son is very very lucky to be alive. The poor man was shaking while talking to us. Had my son hit the brakes or been 1 second slower he wouldn't be here today. My son had only been able to drive by himself for 3 days and bought his truck less than 2 weeks ago.


I am still shaken up and am trying to process all this. I am very thankful that my son is alive and praising God for that, but am still trying to come to terms on why stuff like this happens. Kwim?


Hug your babies ladies, thats all I can say.




I am so thankful that he is okay.


When I was 16, as I sat completely still in traffic at a stop light in my Toyota Corolla, a dump truck hit me from behind going about 45-50. My car bounced across the other lane of traffic (thank God no car was coming the other way) and I landed in the ditch on the other side of the road. My car was totalled, I had a seat belt on and walked away - badly shaken, bruised. I had been driving on my own about 4 weeks. Over thirty years later I still remember every moment in slow-motion.


He will probably be more sore than he's ever been in his life. I remember feeling bruised from head to toe although the only visible bruise I had was a giant one on my thigh where I landed on my emergency brake. I was also extremely fearful of driving for a long time. My dad made me "get back on the horse" and start driving again but I didn't want to.




All I can say is that God must have a lot for him to do yet. Hugs to both of you!



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