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Call me needy...my family could use prayer

Halftime Hope

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My dad is on hospice, and my brother and SIL are doing a fabulous job taking care of him in VA.  Hospice thought he had no more than 30 days, give or take, when they visited in early January, but he is still with us, and I'm able to speak with him by phone for a few minutes each day before he tires.   They have him at their home and he is so, so well-loved!  Prayers for my bro, SIL, and their two teens, in their caregiving role, please.  This is their second death in as many years, as my mom passed two years ago tomorrow.  


On our home front (my nuclear family), we've known since late Dec that dh would need open heart surgery.  Friday early morning is his day.  Would you please pray for skill, good judgment and steady hands for the surgeons, and for a great recovery for dh.  And for peace, calm, rest, and the ability to slow down for me.  They expect him to be in CICU for two days, and all things going well, to come home after about a week. I'll need to be home with him for another couple of weeks after that.  Although I'm in a relatively new job--no accrued vacation yet--I'm able to take unpaid time off work, which is wonderful.


Thank you so much for the prayers!



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Whew, a bit of an update. We got rescheduled, due to a lung transplant. I would be very grateful for any prayers you'd send up for the two families involved. Monday is *our* new day.

Have been thinking of you and checked in to see how things went. Will be praying for you on Monday.


How stressful to have the time moved when you were prepared for it today.

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Thank you all!  We spent the day today working on cleaning up our new little bit of country.  ;-)  We had the demolition done and had it mowed, and we've been trying to figure out where exactly to situate our little house.  (Remember dh wanted to move into an RV right away?  I dissuaded him by reminding him that there would not be a blessed thing for him to do in an RV--he's normally a busy, handy guy--and the years would be *very long* we could hit the road.)


So we have indeed been keeping busy, and the place is starting to shape up into something fairly pretty. 


Thank you all for your encouragement and support.  The surgery will be early Monday morning, and since it was moved, dd is flying in to spend three days with us.  Yippee!  I told her she could start her chaplaincy internship early by hanging out with us.  :smilielol5: (She's starting a one year residency internship with a west coast hospital in September and is very excited about it.)

Edited by Halftime Hope
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Whew, a bit of an update.  We got rescheduled, due to a lung transplant.  I would be very grateful for any prayers you'd send up for the two families involved.  Monday is *our* new day.


Thinking of you and your family today and praying all goes well.  When you get a chance... would love an update.   :grouphug:

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Update:  there was no schedule change today, so he's in surgery.  They call and tell me everything is fine about every 90 minutes.   When the surgeon came in, he said they almost had another transplant call.  I'm glad it was diverted, but I sure hope that doesn't mean someone's hopes were dashed!  Sigh, This is a hard balancing act. 

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