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Very sad tonight...

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My dear friend is having surgery tomorrow. She has a 10% chance of living through the surgery. She has two boys -- a teenager and a toddler. She has chosen this surgery as her last, best option. She will die without the surgery, but it won't be for a while -- she'll be in a lot of pain though. So the surgery is the better option for her.


Things like this just put the rest of life into perspective, don't they? I mean, my problems just seem so incredibly small and insignificant in light of this.


If you pray, please pray for Becky tomorrow. Her surgery is at 9:00 A.M. Thank you.... :grouphug:

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Things like this just put the rest of life into perspective, don't they? I mean, my problems just seem so incredibly small and insignificant in light of this.


If you pray, please pray for Becky tomorrow. Her surgery is at 9:00 A.M. Thank you.... :grouphug:


Donna, you hit the nail on the head. Things like this sure are strong reminder of how precious life is.


I will pray for your courageous friend, Becky and for you as well. :grouphug:

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My dear friend is having surgery tomorrow. She has a 10% chance of living through the surgery. She has two boys -- a teenager and a toddler. She has chosen this surgery as her last, best option. She will die without the surgery, but it won't be for a while -- she'll be in a lot of pain though. So the surgery is the better option for her.


Things like this just put the rest of life into perspective, don't they? I mean, my problems just seem so incredibly small and insignificant in light of this.


If you pray, please pray for Becky tomorrow. Her surgery is at 9:00 A.M. Thank you.... :grouphug:



I typed out a bunch of stuff to say to you, but it all just sounded like jibberish. There are no words to adequately convey what my heart feels for Becky and all those who love her. It's so hard when it hits someone so close, isn't it?


There but for the grace of God go I.



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