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Why do homeschool bloggers always do this? Jawm.


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The Pioneer Woman's "mess" photos are always my favorite in this genre. She somehow always makes the pile of dishes look super artistic. And then whines, I'm so lazy and messy. Yeah, right. I like her recipes and all but I definitely roll my eyes at this sort of thing.

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I hate thinly veiled brags.  We have a HS mom locally who FBs often with this type of posting.  I called her out on something (not related to the brags) and she un-friended me......but her husband hasn't, so I still see a lot of the posts.


My eyes roll a lot when I read their blogs, their FB posts, their monthly letters, etc....

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Here's a summary of the mess to the right of me: On top of my end table there are stray pieces of yarn, a glass of water, a cable needle, a Christmas napkin, a few Christmas cards, a lottery ticket, a roll of tape, a pencil sharpener, a postcard reminder of a doctor's appointment, a lunch box size applesauce, an elastic bandage, a roll of stamps, a candy cane, a massage ball for feet and hands,a stylus, a magazine, and a thermometer. My mess is more real than the blog messes.




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Because there's a whole class of people that feel bad about themselves, and adamantly announce it, when they see nice-looking pictures on the internet. So the swing-back is to point out that hey look I am imperfect too.


Like duh. DUH. The web isn't run by AI Stepford bots, yet.


But it's so convoluted and dumb. I tawy.


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My oven is broken right now... half my pans are on my stovetop unwashed. My kitchen is far from designer... Maybe we should all snap real photos of kitchen messes...


replete with all the white stuff all over all our cabinets and appliances. I looks like someone spattered white chalk paint everywhere. It's from the super hard water + 4 ppl who just shake their hand around when they wash them.

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Oh I agree. I actually avoid "mom" blogs for this very reason. I don't think of it as a homeschool blog, but more general to moms. I imagine these people staging their whole lives. Must be exhausting. I also find the tone of many really annoying in general.

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Yes, I'm with you. My laminate countertops are chipped, my sink is stained, my cabinets need refacing, and my stove is a mess even when it's "clean."


I don't have a schoolroom either. Mine overrun the dining room. Today I made them thoroughly vacuum and dust, but there are stacks of stuff everywhere. It's not pretty at all. There's a Christmas centerpiece somewhere amid the books, computer boards, and art supplies, but I'm not sure.


I don't read homeschooling blogs, and mostly ignore Facebook. I gave up Pinterest completely just weeks after joining.


Mostly my house is a mess, the teens are surly, and DH snores on the couch a lot. That's it.

Edited by G5052
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This is why I can't have a blog. My house isn't nice enough. Ridiculous huh? :)


The few blogs I've actually enjoyed were written by normal people with a boring middle-class home that wasn't prepped and staged for hours beforehand. So don't let that be the only thing holding you back. We need more homeschool blogs that don't look like furniture catalogs.

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Oh I agree. I actually avoid "mom" blogs for this very reason. I don't think of it as a homeschool blog, but more general to moms. I imagine these people staging their whole lives. Must be exhausting. I also find the tone of many really annoying in general.


That's why my own blog didn't last very long. It was fun for a short time, but it got to the point where it felt like I was staging everything to get pictures for the blog. Like, "Dd, try to look more thoughtful as you draw your picture! No, turn your head to the left, the light will be better... No, use the green crayon, the blue one doesn't have a wrapper and it won't look good in the picture." It was ridiculous. I can't imagine doing that for years. Having one of the popular blogs that actually bring in a decent amount of money must be like a full-time job with your kids as employees.

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When they are monetized, tough, I don't mind. And I am actually kind of impressed. In that case, staged pics are just good branding.  Moms deserve internet bucks too.


I imagine these people staging their whole lives. Must be exhausting.



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Yeah so, this thread inspired me. This is a shot of my bedroom dresser. In my defense, we are six females (and two males) in a 2br, 1ba apartment during the holidays. It's a wonder we can even walk through it. Yes, that is a nicely wrapped bottle of bluing. No, I have no idea what it is doing there. 63fcb8c65cc2e627a1736cd5e3736aa4.jpg

Edited by Barb_
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Yes, I'm with you. My laminate countertops are chipped, my sink is stained, my cabinets need refacing, and my stove is a mess even when it's "clean."


I don't have a schoolroom either. Mine overrun the dining room. Today I made them thoroughly vacuum and dust, but there are stacks of stuff everywhere. It's not pretty at all. There's a Christmas centerpiece somewhere amid the books, computer boards, and art supplies, but I'm not sure.


I don't read homeschooling blogs, and mostly ignore Facebook. I gave up Pinterest completely just weeks after joining.


Mostly my house is a mess, the teens are surly, and DH snores on the couch a lot. That's it.


My kitchen table looks like someone used it for nuclear testing, the paint is peeling off my cabinets because whoever painted them white used the wrong kind of paint, and my living room has the ugliest carpet on the planet. And I don't have a dishwasher, so my sink is always buried under a mountain of dirty dishes. Plus I have a super old and ugly electric stove. At the moment I have a litter box actually in the kitchen because our temporary kitten horde kept peeing on the floor in there, so no matter how often I sweep there's a layer of that ground up corn cat litter and bits of kitty food in there. 


My dh also snores on the couch a lot. ;)


So yeah, I feel you. :P

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Hey, if I'm going to blog about a messy house, then it's going to be messy! I haven't blogged in a while, but here were my posts about my messy house and at least they actually show some mess. Feel free to have a looksee at my tiny little cottage. We rarely get sick and there isn't mold or rotten food or things like that about (and I now clean up cat puke within minutes of finding it...not like when I first got married and left it there to dry out so it would be easier to clean). So, we have a bit of mess. Big whoop. I hate posts that don't have any mess and pretend they do. You don't have to read the blog, just scroll to pictures.


Here's cleaning up from Christmas last year. What you can't see is that the rug was pretty gross with bits of lint EVERYWHERE on it and that I hadn't dusted in a month. That sort of stuff doesn't show in the picture. My house is pretty tiny, so you're seeing the entire living room and 80% of the dining room.


And here's a picture of my mostly clean kitchen. It pretty much always looks like this, except that in this picture the dishes are actually done, so it's cleaner than usual. That was the point of the blog--that the dishes were actually clean. I usually have a minimum of 6 dishes in the sink at any time. I am envious of people who keep up with dishes. I do them every day, yet there are always 6 more in the sink. It's almost like the fairy tale "Diamonds and Toads" except that instead of diamonds and toad magically popping out of someone's mouth, dishes just magically form in my sink. It almost never get tidier than you see it here, except that the table gets cleared off every couple of days. The house is small, so this is pretty much the whole kitchen. There's a fridge and china closet that you can't quite see to the left.


This one has a very clean looking kitchen in it. This is just for fun if you like looking at house picture. But what you don't know is that I can't quite figure out how to clean that pot rack and so it's always greasy and there is dust fuzz balled up on the top of the curtains but I just really, really don't want to take them down to wash them because the nail holding up the curtain rack will fall out and never go back in if you even breathe on them wrong. Note the china cupboard to the right in this picture--you can almost see how there's a ton of stuff on it. Usually piles of papers and junk.


Here's my scary basement with the holey rags hanging from a clothesline. We keep holey towels because we feel that even if towels have holes, they're still absorbent so why buy new ones?


Here's the floor of the basement. The people who lived there before us painted it, but the paint came up in big strips and it's just a mess, but it's so gross down there that we just leave it at is it. Plus...spiders.


ETA: I don't get any money from this blog. I don't even know how that works. I was simply doing a 365 picture of the day thing and then captions under the pictures got totally out of control.

Edited by Garga
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That's why my own blog didn't last very long. It was fun for a short time, but it got to the point where it felt like I was staging everything to get pictures for the blog. Like, "Dd, try to look more thoughtful as you draw your picture! No, turn your head to the left, the light will be better... No, use the green crayon, the blue one doesn't have a wrapper and it won't look good in the picture." It was ridiculous. I can't imagine doing that for years. Having one of the popular blogs that actually bring in a decent amount of money must be like a full-time job with your kids as employees.


This is one huge reason that my blog has few pictures. I try to make up for it with excellent writing. But writing is definitely my fort over my pictures.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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Ha! DH and I spent the day switching Meg's room (smaller) with her classroom/playroom (bigger). We did get all major furniture moved (bed/dresser/nightstand/bookshelves=desk/glider rocker with ottoman/ new shelves that DH has to build, etc). However, all her textbooks/supplies/crafts/games both board and card/multiple miscellaneous stuff/toys, etc is covering my large sectional which includes a chaise lounge and in front of the dining room windows. Not to mention we still have all our Christmas stuff including our Christmas tree put up but still in our living room and our wrapping paper containers are still not put in our storage shed yet. Then there is the stuff that needs to go to the thrift store and stuff that needs to be thrown away. I would show you but I don't know how to take photos for this siteor add links or anything like that.


That is not messy, THIS is messy! (Crocodile Dundee imitation):p



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I have been blogging for 10 years this month (gulp) and I have YET to clean my kitchen just to show it on my blog. 


I started blogging 10 years ago this month as well and I also have yet to clean my kitchen to show it on my blog.  I can't tell you how many times I've downloaded my pictures off my camera to put them up and been like, "Oh, those are kind of blurry" or "Oops, look at that mess behind them" and then put them up anyway lol  Sometimes I have to creatively crop because I don't want to have a picture showing my 9 year old's underwear on-line.  Nothing's staged in our house.  I quit reading the "perfect" blogs a while ago.  I like reading blogs of people who blog for reasons like I do: To share what they do with friends and family.

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The thing is there was a group of people who complaied about perfect blogs and said they wanted to see more realistic stuff, or went on rants about how messy their houses are and stuff, so bloggers started trying to prove they were messy too so people don't see them as perfect. But when their messy is the same as my clean, it backfires, and makes the people who felt bad feel even worse.


The pile of stuff on my desk right now is 2 feet high and liable to topple if I type too hard. The kitchen does not even have enough counter space to cut an apple on. If you're going to show a messy house, show one that's ACTUALLY messy

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Wasn't a blog but I was watching House Hunters one time.  The people looking at the house got to the kitchen and said "Oh these cabinets and counters have GOT to go. They are hideous". I turned off the TV.  The hideous cabinets and counters were exactly like the ones in my kitchen.  :glare:. Yes I still have those cabinets and counters. 

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This cracks me up. I totally agree.  On my blog?  It's all about the up close and personal pictures...I keep the mess out of the frame.  But it's there!!!


I guess I also don't fall into the 'house tour' genre anyhow, and I don't like it much.  I prefer little vignettes of corners of rooms, not comprehensive tours of a house.  I find the little bites much more inspiring!!


ETA: I will also say this is why 'house' blogs annoy me sometimes. Because there are women for whom nothing is quite good enough....and it becomes about the thing/decor/whatever instead of about Life. Always apologies for the perfectly-decorated room because "that mirror is just not right" or whatever.  Give me a break! :)  I'm a big believer that we live our lives in our spaces whether they are 'perfect' or not.  And frankly, I love looking at marble kitchen countertops, but I LOVE my laminate countertops.  They are indestructible and perfectly neutral and paid-for.  I un-apologetically adore them. They're not cool.  I'm cool with that.  (I also love my cultured marble bathroom countertop.  There, I said it!  The design police will arrest me, but it's true! It cost a fraction of real stone and it looks pretty to my eye, and that's all that matters.  Paid-for is a good thing....:)) 

Edited by pehp
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I mostly post blog photos that are outside or that are in our dining room where the backdrop is the bookshelves. Because they make us look smart and brainy - especially when I somehow catch dh's fancy presidential books in the background. But I'll admit that sometimes I don't use a photo because I realize it's so messy in the background. Oops.


Twice we've been featured as the "homeschool poster people" in newspaper articles and had photographers come out. Both times I will readily admit that I spent a bunch of time beforehand cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. The house looks okay in all the photos. Whew.

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I'd post pictures of what my kitchen looks like when I'm in the middle of dyeing 36 yards of 120 inch wide muslin various shades of green using my kitchen sink. But I'm too busy dyeing fabric. Picture newspapers and trash bags taped all over everything to keep the dye off ... all week long. Charming, yes? My sink is very shiny, though, since I scrub it out after each batch.


(Yes, I've been harping on this online all week. Because it's taken all week. People keep wandering into the kitchen expecting to be able to fix food, plus there was a day we couldn't use the water due to sewer backup in the Great Flood. I'm poised to start the final batch, though, so will soon start complaining about something new.)

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I actually have nothing against neat people or people who want to be neat or appear neat.  That's ok!  I do think, like our images of our bodies, our culture is unduly influenced by media.  All those super neat sets on sit-coms; all those house beautiful photos, HGTV, etc.  It's just like air-brushing models on magazine covers.  It's a trap.  BUT there really are very neat people!  I know some of them and they completely amaze me.  I am in awe because I just didn't get that gene at all.  But yeah I do get disgusted when they try to apologize for their messiness when you know it isn't really an issue at all for them.  Sheesh. That part sticks in my craw.  But if you have a beautiful, neat home and you aren't all about being disingenuous about it, then I admire you!  And there's nothing wrong with wanting to take a pretty picture of your house when you make it public.  That doesn't bother me either.  I mean we often take family group photos in front of the pretty Japanese Maple tree out front as opposed to,you know, where we keep the garbage cans!  Nothing wrong with that!  It's just the little mind game of false humility, like the OP pointed out, that truly irks me.

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I'm another who can't stand the humblebrag vibe on many blogs. If someone has to state that they're "keepin' it real" then I know they probably aren't. Many blogs have become so commercialized that they are essentially one giant advertisement. I especially despise this in the homeschool community, where I feel open discourse about education and ideas often gets drowned out by dollar signs.

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 Maybe we should all snap real photos of kitchen messes...



For me it would be my bedroom.  That's where I stash anything when I want to clean up the rest of the house, and then, somehow, I never get around to cleaning up this one particular mess that would give me the most peace to clean up.  Sigh.  I told myself when we moved into this new house that I was never doing that again, but yep, I fell into the same old trap.  My kitchen looks moderately nice, though, especially until we start up school again next week.  

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I finally excavated my kitchen. I've been running the dishwasher and keeping the dishwasher-sink-stove wall respectable, but if you turned around there was a peninsula counter and table (and some chairs) that've been gradually piled upon since Christmas. I've been ignoring it that long, but cleaned right down to the inferior Formica countertops today.


My Dance Room, which is an empty family room with mirrors, holds the Christmas tree and a room full of STUFF. A table, four chairs, and numerous Christmas boxes have walked themselves in and taken over. That space HAS to be empty by Monday night so I can teach a class in there!


We'll not speak of my bedroom today, and nevermind that both kids need a complete closet overhaul.


I want more vacation time!

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My kitchen's a wreck. 


I cooked a week's worth of meals for my two remaining dudes who stayed home while I was gone from the 25th to the 31st.  Dh and ds cleaned up all the cooking dishes and kept everything clean that they used, but they didn't deep clean the countertops, oven and stovetop which were wrecked. 


Youngest ds headed out for college this morning, so yesterday (my one day home with him) I made him main dish food for about a month's worth of meals, since he is newly in an apartment and no longer eating cafeteria food.  I haven't excavated all the dishes from that yet.  I'm reasonably sure they won't go anywhere overnight.

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Every homeschool blog I've read recently seems to have, on a regular basis, the "I'm so imperfect, look at my imperfect kitchen" post. Which is a series of forty-seven pictures of a very high-end kitchen with, like, a loaf of bread on the (gleaming granite) counter, two crayons on the table, and a lone toy off in the artistically hazy distance. And the blogger is like, "Look at this mess. Woe is me. I'm just like all of you. #thestruggleisreal."


No. Just no. Don't do that. I refuse to continue reading blogs with home tours thinly disguised as complaining. If you want to show off your nice kitchen (or your living room, or your schoolroom, or whatever) then do it and be up front about it. I love looking at the home tours people post on their blogs. I don't love compliment-begging disguised as whining, especially when it is SO obvious that you cleaned for three hours straight and then strategically strewed four things before taking the pictures.


I know that blogs have always showed the upbeat, happy side of people's lives, but lately they're so fake it's sickening. I miss blogs that were inspiring and somewhat real and didn't make me want to throw my laptop out the window.




(And this isn't directed to anyone here, btw. Just random blogs I've been browsing that I found via Google. I'm using the general "you.")


I think posts like that are passive agrressive insults designed to belittle readership and momentarily create a false sense of superiority for the poster when said readers reply fawningly in ad nauseum.


Anthropologically speaking, it's an interesting social dance.  Personally speaking, I'd tap my little butt right on over to the "unfollow" button.

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