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Tossing all my old Christmas stuff after this season.


We are moving.  I am KonMari-ing, and with the exception of any sentimental pieces, I am thinking of just tossing all the JUNK that I have collected over the years to decorate.  I have a tree that has issues, ornaments from thrift stores and yard sales that I don't care about, and wall hangings that are just not that nice.


I will keep the soapstone nativity set given to me for my wedding by a dear friend in Kenya, and anything like that, but there isn't much like that.



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Every year I manage to get rid of a few things.  Every year I find something that I say "why are we hanging on to this?"   The only reason more isn't going is because the other 3 people living here like some of the stuff I don't.   But when the kids are up and out they can take theirs with them.  

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I have just enough to do my minimal decorating. I have a box of ornaments and we use just about all of them each year. I don't buy new stuff every year so we've made do with what we've had for years. I have 3 knick knacks for the mantel that have stayed up all year for several years because I never think to put them away when we clean up after Christmas. Besides my 7 foot tree, I have two Playmobil Advent sets that I put out each year. I will never part with them and my kids are 17 and 19. Each year they say they don't want to do them and each year they change their minds once I put them out. I tell them I'll open the boxes because I like seeing the scenes fill out, but they can't resist doing it themselves.

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Tossing all my old Christmas stuff after this season.


We are moving.  I am KonMari-ing, and with the exception of any sentimental pieces, I am thinking of just tossing all the JUNK that I have collected over the years to decorate.  I have a tree that has issues, ornaments from thrift stores and yard sales that I don't care about, and wall hangings that are just not that nice.


I will keep the soapstone nativity set given to me for my wedding by a dear friend in Kenya, and anything like that, but there isn't much like that.




Do it! Do it! Do it!

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I feel slightly hypocritical for saying this, because my plan is to buy a bunch of glittery dollar store ornaments this year. Junk. But, I don't have very much Christmas stuff. Just one small rubbermaid tub. We only brought irreplaceable items. 
We are trying to move in by Christmas. I want to swath the house is sparkle for my kids. Luna especially is enamored with the glittery junk. It's a very small investment for a lot of holiday. 
Because I don't have a ton, I don't have to sweat over which pieces to use or where to store everything. If this year's goodies don't hold up, I will toss them. 

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Do it!


I downsized from a 3 ft tree to a tiny 1 foot tree. I have only mini ornaments and a mini navitity set ( always been too cheap to buy a bigger one). So much less stuff (and i didn't have that much to begin with. Not if only i could actually tackle our problem areas lol)

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Another vote to do it!


I got rid of a ton a few years ago, and feel lighter and happier. Tons of handed down Xmas Spode china and glasses went out the door, along with handed down "snow babies" (the look of those things give me the willies). The china went because I am simply done with hand washing, due to health reasons. I freecycled it, and it gave me such joy to give it to someone who was practically dancing with excitement. :)


I got rid of a ton of other little stuff, too, and now we just have the decorations that make me (or the kids and DH) smile.


Love it.

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You know what my MIL did?  After my FIL died she mailed me all of her Christmas knickknacks.  I hate knickknacks.  And the worst thing is she was rather upset so she made no effort to wrap them properly.  So a good number of them were just broken. 



I have nowhere to put knickknacks either. 


Can't you tell her they all broke and you had to throw them away?   (Unless they are sentimental for your husband.)

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somehow all my mom's Christmas stuff got tossed when she was having her basement redone.  It was an accident.  There were a few very precious items in there, things from her own childhood etc, but most of it we didn't miss at all.


Keep the things that have meaning to you, regardless if others might classify it as 'junk', and toss the rest. 



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Get rid of everything you don't love. I had so much stuff that I didn't really care about. Now I try to pick one or two really special things to add every year, usually just small ornaments. But now I am much more excited about decorating and enjoy it more. I got a narrow artificial tree, the kind that usually goes outdoors, and it really shows off my small number of unique ornaments. I put it up on the sideboard with my large Santa riding a steam engine next to it. Then I can take the tree apart and put it in a bin with the ornaments and put it in the basement. I will slowly collect other things but now I have to absolutely love it for it to become a part of my Christmas collection.

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I am a ruthless declutterer and have a no-knick-knack policy.  Except Christmas stuff.  It is the only holiday we decorate for and the only time I allow knick-knacks.  Both dh and I have every single ornament anyone ever gave us plus a whole bunch we made as kids.  Not to mention dd's ever-growing collection.  We have a rule that every ornament goes on the tree no matter how full the tree is or how ugly the ornament.  For the last few years we have had to get the "sturdiest" tree in the lot to accommodate the sheer weight of it all.  It is quite the tacky show.  I even have mugs, placemats, ceramic trees with the little plastic lights, window clings, etc.....  It stays out for two weeks and all goes back in the boxes and into the attic the day after Christmas.  We have the space and it is out of sight so I don't mind keeping it all.  But I would get rid of most of it in a heartbeat if I had space issues.  If you are not feeling the love, get rid of it!

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Y'all have sucked me into this book and I have been LOOKING FORWARD to Kon-mariing my Christmas ornaments. Which is very unlike me. But think of the stuff I can get rid of! So exciting.


Only keep the joy.


For Desert Strawberry: my house is currently decorated with paper snowflakes, paper chains, and pipe cleaner ornaments. Ds was sick last week and spent the entire week spreading Christmas cheer all over the windows. Rather than resort to dollar store ornaments that you know you won't want to put out again next year, get the kids some construction paper and glitter glue. They will have a ton of fun and your ornaments will be special and made with love and joy.

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we dumped our 10 year old tree when we moved.  Bought a newer tree and love it.  Much nicer.  I haven't replaced the many lights we used to have/decorations for the yard.  We have some basics we like.  I have some color coordinated ornaments, and all the kid ornaments.  We rotate which style we do each year.  but yes, I agree about dumping older decorations before moving. I wish I had dumped more!

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I think it is a superb idea! Much of my Christmas stuff was just what we could afford, but I prefer a more uniform look anyway. If you don't love it, purge it. A friend of mine did just that and let her family keep their favorite ornaments and make a smaller tree for themselves, but she had the beautiful designer one that made her happy up in the living room! She couldn't have done it without tossing the previous items and cleaning most of it out.

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I don't know if boys are very sentimental about such things, but my girls have been upset with me for tossing things I didn't care about. They were items that held special meaning for them from their childhood. If I were to do it again, I would ask them to choose what they want first. My older two are married and own houses so they could take it with them; for my younger ones, I would store a box for them.


Other than that, I say toys it. I love tossing.


Eta boys not boyd. I can't type on this tablet.

Edited by Ishki
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A few years back, I put up  all the decorations I wanted to keep and Goodwilled the rest.  It was very nice to rid my self of all that stuff!  


I have bought more over the past 2 years, but only have things I really like now.  It is wonderful!

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I would check with your kids first. They might have a sentimental attachment to a junky ornament :). Otherwise, great plan!


Yeah, I don't get rid of anything unless everyone else agrees.  Do people really get rid of this sort of thing without checking with the rest of the family?  Even my husband, who doesn't care much for home decor stuff, has some sentimental items in the Christmas boxes.

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I have maybe 3 or 4 things that are sentimental. I kept those. I got rid of the rest. For the past 3 years I've bought brand new ornaments and had trees where everything matched. One year, everything was cream and brown. Another year it was all red and blue. And another year it was gold and silver. I love it. Not everyone would, but I do. It was incredibly freeing to get rid of the old stuff and the tree has looked just lovely for the past 3 years vs the hideous mess for the previous 19. I honestly think I had the ugliest Christmas tree ever with all that mishmash of ugly ornaments. I was happy to get rid of it all and start fresh. I did wait to buy the day after Christmas when everything was 50% off. It was a blast.

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Yeah, I don't get rid of anything unless everyone else agrees.  Do people really get rid of this sort of thing without checking with the rest of the family?  Even my husband, who doesn't care much for home decor stuff, has some sentimental items in the Christmas boxes.


90% of what we have are from yard sales or thrift stores.  My kids don 't care, in fact, last year my two older ones said, "Why are we keeping this stuff?"


But yes, I check with them.

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90% of what we have are from yard sales or thrift stores.  My kids don 't care, in fact, last year my two older ones said, "Why are we keeping this stuff?"


But yes, I check with them.


Oh in that case... yeah, toss away!


Most of our stuff was collected over the years. There are still some losers - things we thought were cute 20 years ago but aren't cute anymore (or maybe we just aren't into cute anymore) - or things people have given us that don't really have any meaning for us, or are just plain ugly to us. 


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I agree with checking, but then, go for it and toss anything you don't love.


This is the first year I have a married child--I was going to give him all the ornaments that are his (not the ones he gave us, but the ones we bought for him, and maybe a few of his childhood ones), but they are coming for Christmas, so we get to keep them one more year, at least. That's been the plan all along--as a grown child sets up his own household, he gets the ornaments. Hard to part with some, though!


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  • 2 weeks later...

"I got rid of a ton a few years ago, and feel lighter and happier. Tons of handed down Xmas Spode china and glasses went out the door, along with handed down "snow babies" (the look of those things give me the willies). The china went because I am simply done with hand washing, due to health reasons. I freecycled it, and it gave me such joy to give it to someone who was practically dancing with excitement.  :)"



I would have loved to be the recipient of this!  Trying like mad to collect pieces - I've been working on actually having enough to use for...idk..10 years! 

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"I got rid of a ton a few years ago, and feel lighter and happier. Tons of handed down Xmas Spode china and glasses went out the door, along with handed down "snow babies" (the look of those things give me the willies). The china went because I am simply done with hand washing, due to health reasons. I freecycled it, and it gave me such joy to give it to someone who was practically dancing with excitement. :)"



I would have loved to be the recipient of this! Trying like mad to collect pieces - I've been working on actually having enough to use for...idk..10 years!

It was really fun to share it, and see the excitement when the recipient picked it up. :)

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I would in a heart beat.


I'm like an anti-hoarder. If I'm not regularly using it or it has a very strong sentimental value, I don't want it and it sorta stresses me to have it about and have to deal with it.


I rarely regret it.


But I'm also not a huge fan of Christmas. If I could skip it and move straight to spring, I totally would.


Christmas. The season where everyone wastes money to purposely buy junk no one needs so they can get together to foist it onto other people at events like "white elephant" exchanges and "ugly" sweaters contests. I just do not "get" it and think it's very stressful.


Give me Easter. I LOVE Easter!

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