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Starbucks cup rant


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I generally avoid religious discussions on this forum, but as a devout evangelical Christian I want to unequivically dispell the "Evangelicals are anti-Semitic" subtheme of this thread.


I have belonged to the Evangelical Free Curch in America (EFCA) denomination for nearly 15 years, and I can confidently say that I've NEVER experienced the anti-semitism claimed in this thread. Quite the opposite, actually. Our denomination is a huge supporter of Israel, we pray for the peace of Israel... heck, we've even had Jewish guest speakers and presenters at our church. Anti-Semitic???


I honestly have no idea where this absurd notion that evangelicals are anti-semitic has come from, but I feel compelled (against my common sense) to speak up in defense of persons of the evangelical faith.


ETA: And I couldn't care less about the Starbucks cup design, or about the religious background of the chain's owner. And in the four hours I spent at my large E-Free church yesterday, the topic never came up.

Kinsa, I'll join you as another Christian who is most definitely NOT anti-semitic. And all my Christian friends are very clearly not either.


And to whomever said above that conservatives assume everyone who drinks lattes is liberal? Huh!?!


And I think that the claim that Starbucks is being anti-Christian with these cups is ridiculous.


And now, I must go teach my dd something. :)

I'm not evangelical but I want to say how wrong I think it is to broadbrush an entire group as anti-Semitic. How is that ever OK?


And, given that it happens over and over and over...be prepared to be told how simply by saying you're not anti-Semitic, is proof that you are indeed anti-Semitic.

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I just read an article on CNN about this. It was started by a former pastor who now calls himself a "social media personality". We're supposed to punk Starbucks by giving our names as Merry Christmas so they will be forced to write Merry Christmas on the cups. Bwahahaha!! 


Because nothing shows Christian love like annoying people for no good reason.


ETA: And this guy should be rebuked by his church leadership for this nonsense. I'm serious.

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My daughter's father and stepmother attend an evangelical church.  The church marches in a parade in a local town with a very high Jewish population including a few Hasidic and Orthodox communities.   In their newsletter they spoke about marching to prove something to the people in the town even if they were unwelcome (they weren't, other churches march in these parades along with the local zoo, 4-H clubs, scouts, veterans, etc), to "show them the right way".  I'm sure they don't think of themselves as anti-Semitic but they often have things in their newsletters with an "us versus them" or "we'll show them" attitude toward local Jews.  Maybe it's more obvious because there is a lot of diversity around here?  Christians can't possibly convince themselves that they are the majority in many local towns.

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I have to say I didn't read this whole thread. I just have to say I have never seen, not once, an article complaining about these cups. I have seen post after post on facebook and now this thread complaining about people complaining about these cups. I'm actually tired of the complaining about the complaining and now I'm joining in complaining about the complaining about the complaining. Everyone has to have something to complain about right? 

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Where can you get a flat white? I have not had one in a long time.

I make them at home now, I think they're off the Starbucks menu.


And pssst... For anyone who cares, this year is the first year they are putting actual pumpkin in the PSL. It doesn't make much difference though, so if you didn't like them before - you still won't.

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I have to say I didn't read this whole thread. I just have to say I have never seen, not once, an article complaining about these cups. I have seen post after post on facebook and now this thread complaining about people complaining about these cups. I'm actually tired of the complaining about the complaining and now I'm joining in complaining about the complaining about the complaining. Maybe I'm just feeling out of the loop.

Your post wins the Inception award.



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And to whomever said above that conservatives assume everyone who drinks lattes is liberal? Huh!?!


You've never heard the phrase "latte liberal"?


Kinsa, I'll join you as another Christian who is most definitely NOT anti-semitic. And all my Christian friends are very clearly not either.


Most Christians aren't. However, I must point out, most Christians also aren't throwing a little hissy fit over the design of the Starbucks cup. Do you really think that those Christians accurately represent most Christians, or even most conservative Christians? I sure hope they don't!

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I have to say I didn't read this whole thread. I just have to say I have never seen, not once, an article complaining about these cups. I have seen post after post on facebook and now this thread complaining about people complaining about these cups. I'm actually tired of the complaining about the complaining and now I'm joining in complaining about the complaining about the complaining. Everyone has to have something to complain about right? 


The only complaint articles I've seen I found linked here.  No one on my fb feed is talking about it, not even to complain about the complainers.  :-)  No one I know IRL is talking about it. Astonishingly, I heard two sermons yesterday and the topic did not come up.  :lol: 


I do have to wonder sometimes how some of y'all here know so many Christians who complain about stuff like this.  


I'm sure Starbucks is enjoying it all though.

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I only have one fb friend who has said anything negative about the cups.  He is a retiree with too much time on his hands, looking for something to be outraged about.  He frequently posts eye-rollers of all sorts.  I keep him as a friend because that is my only ongoing connection to one part of my family.  I really love his mom, but his mom isn't on fb.  :)


I still think the PC backlash these days is more about Muslims than Jews.  Not that that makes it any better.  But a lot of people who are pro-Jewish issues (or even Jewish themselves) are offended by some of the PC extremes we've seen lately that have nothing to do with Jews.  Basically a lot of people are sick of PC.  Only some of them are silly enough to twist things into a demand for PC re Christian sensitivities.

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I did see one fb post where it said if 1/3 of Christian churches each had 1 member foster a child, there wouldn't be any orphans left in the US - so what was that you said about a red cup?  In other words, don't we have any real issues to worry about?

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I make them at home now, I think they're off the Starbucks menu.


And pssst... For anyone who cares, this year is the first year they are putting actual pumpkin in the PSL. It doesn't make much difference though, so if you didn't like them before - you still won't.


How do you make them at home?  How do you froth the milk in a flat white way?

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PS if I quit getting my PSL at Starbucks, it's because Panera's is better.  I have no idea of the religious background of Panera owners (nor did I know Starbuck's until this thread).


Anyway, I can't afford the money or the calories for all that foo foo stuff.

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PS if I quit getting my PSL at Starbucks, it's because Panera's is better.  I have no idea of the religious background of Panera owners (nor did I know Starbuck's until this thread).


Anyway, I can't afford the money or the calories for all that foo foo stuff.


Ron Shaich.  No idea of the origin.   I am seeing Austria, Russia, France.

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All one has to do is watch the original Facebook rant to realize how miserable this person must be to go after Starbucks in this manner-over a cup.  He honestly brings his gun into it too.  I'm amazed that so many people would get behind this Wackadoo!   All the while, I realize that I shouldn't be amazed anymore.

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Ron Shaich.  No idea of the origin.   I am seeing Austria, Russia, France.


Now my curiosity is piqued. I finally googled. He is Jewish:


It turns out that Shaich has some experience with soup kitchens. The first came when he was 17 or 18 and his temple youth group – Shaich is Jewish – served in one.


Now, what do you want to bet that this useless piece of trivia is what sticks in my mind forever, unlike the things I actually would like to remember?

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All one has to do is watch the original Facebook rant to realize how miserable this person must be to go after Starbucks in this manner-over a cup. He honestly brings his gun into it too. I'm amazed that so many people would get behind this Wackadoo! All the while, I realize that I shouldn't be amazed anymore.

That is the really scary part. One guy with an idiot opinion, whatever. But over 100,000 have liked this guys nonsense. That is scary. Are our lives so luxurious that we have to search out things to be angry about (the answer is yes)??

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[blushing] ... It's all about the machine. We have one at home. Serious addict here.



I used to have a very nice machine.  It broke.  I haven't replaced it and have been using a stove top model while I decide on what next.


PM me what you have.  I am looking for a good replacement, although probably won't get one until we move to our new house.

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Where do all of you non-Christians find your wacky Christians "friends" who support this on FB??  LOL  I'm a Christian and all mine are boringly level-headed about this whole thing.   :lol:   

I'm Christian, but I got all of my friends from my strict fundy years. Most I have deleted, but a few I have kept around just because I enjoy the crazy sometimes. 

I'm still waiting on my crazy friend to start her self-righteous soapbox ranting. I'm kind of disappointed that she hasn't yet. :( 


The rest of mine are posting "There are x-number of children needing homes, but we're too worried about the color of a cup" type things. I can handle that. 

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It's a damn disposable cup!!!! If you don't like it don't buy it, end of story. Besides why does it seem like someone gets offended by something so stupid and then blasts it all over the internet so other people get offended??


It is the thing to do these days.  


There was a FB post on a site called "save SC summers" all about how school should start after labor day.  Someone started talking about year round schools and I put my .02 in as a former year round school teacher.


Some lady got so offended and went OFF on me about several things......but she managed to pull in topics like illegal immigration, racial issues about Latinos and African Americans, and then made a very rude comment using the R word.  So, she managed to tick off the mentally different community, the Latinos and AA, and then she made comments about how I must be a liberal who things common core is a good thing.


The more she ranted the more I wanted to comment that perhaps she was indeed a product of the public school system.  But I refrained.


Seriously, the discussion was about year round schools!  That is IT!

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I bought a latte maker for $29.99 on amazon and have it put away for the boys for Christmas. They love to make mochas, hot chocolate, chai tea, etc. It has the frothing unit on it, and came with a little recipe book.


The other thing I like about making them at home is no artificial sweeteners which are in a lot of the coffees purchased at Starbucks, Tim Hortons, and other coffee shops. We can use our own spices and chocolate to make these without buying expensive, HCFS laden syrups.



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Didn't read all the replies yet, I will a little later.


I'm happy to report that all the posts on my FB feed from my Christian friends on the red cup of controversy fall into 2 categories:


1) Starbucks can do whatever they want with their cups and are under no moral obligation to acknowledge Christmas at all or in any particular way, so we as Christians shouldn't concern ourselves with their cups. 


2) Even if you think there is a war on Christmas or Christians, this isn't a case of anyone attacking either, so let's focus on doing what Jesus told us to do-loving our neighbor (including any enemies, real or perceived) and loving God with all our hearts, minds and souls.  Throw in some self examination of any sin in our own hearts, and we'll be on the right track. Meanwhile Starbucks can do whatever they like with their cups.

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.... I have seen post after post on facebook and now this thread complaining about people complaining about these cups. I'm actually tired of the complaining about the complaining and now I'm joining in complaining about the complaining about the complaining. Everyone has to have something to complain about right? 


Ha! I was thinking the exact same thing!


So far I have not seen or heard a whisper of this except on this forum. ;)

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That is the really scary part. One guy with an idiot opinion, whatever. But over 100,000 have liked this guys nonsense. That is scary. Are our lives so luxurious that we have to search out things to be angry about (the answer is yes)??


As if it were not enough to boycott Starbucks merely because their $5 cups of coffee always tastes burnt.  They could write in glitter "Property of the most marvelous and attractive home ed parent in the world since time began" on their cup and I still wouldn't budge.


I wonder if Chick Fil A's year-round chicken swirl motif has some special boycottable meaning also?  Maybe they should sell Christmas Goggles which coat everything in green and red or whatever the non-war colors are.


Strangely enough though, I'm not scared of easily disruptible people like the war cuppers.  I think they are the first to go in a zombie apocalypse.


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Well, in a way, this is sort of good.  Things have gotten so ridiculous that 99.99% of people will agree that things have gotten ridiculous.  Time for the pendulum to start swinging back.


Now when you think about it, this is something that shouldn't be very hard to change in society.  We shouldn't have to borrow any billions from China to fix this particular problem.  All people need to do is collectively put a little more effort into rational thinking.  I think we can do this.

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You've never heard the phrase "latte liberal"?



Most Christians aren't. However, I must point out, most Christians also aren't throwing a little hissy fit over the design of the Starbucks cup. Do you really think that those Christians accurately represent most Christians, or even most conservative Christians? I sure hope they don't!

Never heard the phrase. But I did read the article and based on the things associated with liberals, I'm a liberal. Ha ha! But I'm not. I'm mostly conservative.


And I'm thankful that all of my Christian friends who posted on FB about this Starbucks nonsense thought it was ridiculous that people were opposed to the cups. I think they are pretty, but I sorta like minimalism. I hate Starbucks coffee though, and try to go to locally owned coffee shops if I'm going to buy coffee.

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How do these complainers explain the Starbucks Christmas Blend?



See, and there is another problem.  The Christmas blend is mostly Sumatran beans.  Sumatra is mostly Muslim.  


Jewish owner

Muslim beans


Really, these people need to know what they are really fighting.......it isn't a cup! 



(insert huge sarcastic eye rolling here in case it isn't clear!)

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My understanding is that in those cases, or with Muslim astronauts and the like, they either use the hours of the closest Muslim country, or they set their fasting hours according to what they're doing in Mecca. There may be other solutions in use in other communities with this problem. I believe, but don't quote me, that Jews use similar arrangements when it comes to Yom Kippur.


And that makes ME wonder what they would do if they were on the Moon or Mars. I'd assume daily prayers would be easy enough, find Earth in the sky and pray in that direction. But timing of holidays?


That one fatwah against space travel if it's a one way trip aside...

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And after writing my reply I switched over to fb and found that one of my friends had posted this https://nathanielscottlake.wordpress.com/2015/11/08/why-merrychristmasstarbucks-is-everything-wrong-with-american-christianity/


I was coming to post this, too. When I first started this thread, I'd had several people sharing the original FB post with the guy going on about Starbucks hating Christians. It was when it was first starting, so I'm happy that a lot more people have responded with indignation to his post and those who've shared it. 


I know that some people just shared without looking into the whole story. I hope they're sufficiently embarrassed now, so that they take time to think before sharing. (Not that I'm going to hold my breath.)

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BREAKING NEWS....  Just stopped by Target and got hot chocolates while we were there.  The sign on the menu board said "The red cups are just the beginning.  Check back with us on 11/10!" 


The plot thickens! 


You have GOT to go to Target tomorrow and report back.  It's for educational purposes after all.

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