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So, what's your "party trick"?


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I know it's the wrong term, but we always said "double jointed" for the things I can do. Like bend my thumbs at 90 degree angles and bend my fingers to look creepy.

My friend in grade school could bend his thumbs at a right angle. He was quite a comedian. He used to hold his thumbs up to his face and blow gently on them and made them bend as if they were reeds blowing in the wind. It was so funny lookin!

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I can touch my nose with my tongue.

I can do this, too. I can also raise one eyebrow, but I think I have made my face asymetrical from doung this all these years. My "up" eyebrow is higher on my forhead and moves more readily when I am expressing. Doh!

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I can do this, too. I can also raise one eyebrow, but I think I have made my face asymetrical from doung this all these years. My "up" eyebrow is higher on my forhead and moves more readily when I am expressing. Doh!

:lol: There are more unfortunate things.

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I can do a one-handed clap. It's a very odd "skill." Something my girlfriends and I did in 8th grade. You make your wrist stiff, but your fingers loose; then clap your loose fingers against their own palm while moving your arms vigorously. One girl in my class did this all the time when she was excited or happy. Now it looks a little ASD, to be honest ;) , but we all thought it was great fun for reasons i can't now explain.

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I can do this, too. I can also raise one eyebrow, but I think I have made my face asymetrical from doung this all these years. My "up" eyebrow is higher on my forhead and moves more readily when I am expressing. Doh!


Oh yes, that is known as The Eyebrow around here. It's genetic. My crankiest kid was doing it hours old in the hospital.  :lol: I have to be very careful to control it in public. Though as I get older, I care less and less. 

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I can wriggle my nose like a bunny rabbit. 


If I stand very quietly in a corner of the room and wiggle my nose, soon every single child age 5 and under will stand before me, wide eyed and slack jawed, like I am their god. It also works with drunks


I can also do the eyebrow thing (known as 'mom eye' around here) and tie a cherry stem into a knot.  But it's the nose thing that gets them every time.

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I can wriggle my nose like a bunny rabbit.


If I stand very quietly in a corner of the room and wiggle my nose, soon every single child age 5 and under will stand before me, wide eyed and slack jawed, like I am their god. It also works with drunks


I can also do the eyebrow thing (known as 'mom eye' around here) and tie a cherry stem into a knot. But it's the nose thing that gets them every time.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I can do a one-handed clap. It's a very odd "skill." Something my girlfriends and I did in 8th grade. You make your wrist stiff, but your fingers loose; then clap your loose fingers against their own palm while moving your arms vigorously. One girl in my class did this all the time when she was excited or happy. Now it looks a little ASD, to be honest ;) , but we all thought it was great fun for reasons i can't now explain.

My dad taught me how to do this. He loves to find a way to weave the philosophical saying into a conversation, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" and then get gets all goofy and starts clapping his one hand. He thinks it's the funniest thing ever. :) He's a kid at heart.

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I can also sing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" beginning with the second word on the first note and continuing with every syllable shifted back a note.


My dd says she wants you to make a youtube video!  We are both trying to figure out what this would sound like.

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I am really good at parties. I can wiggle my ears, I can bend my fingers at any joints, I can write backwards and upside down with both hands or either hand*, and I can cross one eye at a time.


I am dying to hear Me out to the ball game take.


*Including in languages that write right to left, so for example, I can write Persian left-handed from left to right, and Russian left handed upside down. However, I was mixing up my numbers and letters until I was 7.5.

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OK I can do a lot of the things mentioned, but I don't do them at parties, LOL.

  • I can sing the entire US national anthem in 1 breath.  Also in 3 octaves.
  • I can wiggle my nose, ears, and scalp.
  • I can bend the tips of my fingers without bending the rest (using the muscles and tendons of those fingers, not pushing on them with other body parts.)  I can also bend them way back (pushing with the other hand), and squish them together so base of the pointer finger and the base of the pinky are touching.  (With age, arthritis has made these valuable skills less impressive.)
  • I can curl my tongue, turn it upside down, or form it into a "star shape."
  • I can stick my tongue up my nose from the inside.  I can also touch my nose with my tongue from the outside.
  • I can recite Hamlet's Soliloquy or the NIght Before Christmas or sing American Pie or Boy Named Sue.  (OK, Boy Named Sue is fading in my memory - I should brush up on it.)
  • I can get into the lotus position without using my hands.
  • I can whistle a tune breathing in or out.
  • I can scratch any part of my back with either hand.
  • I know at least a bit of 12? languages.
  • Oh, lots of other random things.

However, I cannot snap the fingers of my left hand.  Don't ask me why.

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I'm good to have on your team at trivia game time. My mind has retained scads of otherwise completely useless information.


Just don't ask me where I left the car keys.


ETA the rest of you are way funner at parties than I am.

Haha, me, too! DH calls me The Great Vessel of Useless Information.

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I can recite the alphabet backwards.  "Zed, why, eks, and double you, vee, ...."


(This was required of us before we were allowed to use the school library.  I lived in Australia at the time.)





Ha, this is one of the strangest school requirements I have heard!


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