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Your teen crush?


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Did you have one? Who was it?  And where are they now?


I had eyes for only one...ever.... Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver).  Holy-extreme-teenage-crush, batman!  How I loved to stare at that man. LOL!  I think Joe Elliot (Def Leppard) might have been a close second.  Lately I googled Richard Dean Anderson and was SHOCKED at how he's let himself go.  When he was on Stargate, I thought...Oh he's aging well, with his distinguished gray hair and chiseled face .  Now, I didn't even recognize him if I hadn't double checked the caption.  Very disappointed and just wanna remember the gold old MacGyver days.  :001_wub:




 I saw one of your teen crushes at a Def Leppard concert this past weekend. He aged pretty well. :) And he can still rock!


My biggest teen crush was Bret Michaels (Poison.) He still sings and does some TV. He still looks GOOD!!

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Wow, this thread is bringing back the memories!


Pre-teen crushes -


Little Joe (but now that I'm an adult, Adam is the bomb) from Bonanza

Shaun Cassidy - da doo ron ron ron, da doo ron ron!

Leif Garrett - sigh


Teen years had me crushin' on  the bassist from Def Leppard, Rick Savage.


and I think almost everyone I knew had a thing for Chachi. Oh! and totally agreeing with an earlier poster who mentioned Kristy McNichol - she was so cool!

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Same here, except I was 14 when SeaQuest happened. Man, I loved that show. I so wanted to go live on a submarine and be JB's (geez, I can't even remember his character's name) girlfriend and work with dolphins. Even though it was about the cheesiest show in the universe. Hmm. I see it is up on youtube. Wonder if my kids would like it.


I was pretty upset when he killed himself.


Wil Wheaton was my first crush, when I was 7 and he was Wesley on Star Trek. I take it as proof that I'm inherently geek-oriented.

Wesley was cute, even with the perfectly smooth dome hair :D

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 I saw one of your teen crushes at a Def Leppard concert this past weekend. He aged pretty well. :) And he can still rock!


My biggest teen crush was Bret Michaels (Poison.) He still sings and does some TV. He still looks GOOD!!


Did you know he's a type 1 diabetic? I bet that partly why he still looks good - he has to take care of himself, healthwise!

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I don't even know who some of these people being mentioned are! :lol:


I had crushes on Joey Lawrence, Rider Strong (who, after watching all 8 seasons of Boy Meets World with me a few months ago, my daughter totally has a crush on, too), and, of course, Joey McIntyre. And then when Newsies came out Christian Bale.

How could I forget Christian Bale?! Oversight. Major oversight.

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Bo & Luke Duke from the Dukes of Hazzard in my elementary school years

Disclaimer:  Now that I'm older and wiser I don't appreciate/endorse in any way shape or form having the Confederate flag on the General Lee ... but dang, those boys were cute!!!


Kirk Cameron

Harrison Ford

Sean Connery


Griffin from Party of Five


Pacey from Dawson's Creek (definitely NOT Dawson *shudder*)


ETA: Dylan from 90210


In college even though he was a bit younger than me, I drooled over Prince William


My DD7 is currently crushing on Legolas (Orlando Bloom) and I have to say I don't mind watching The Hobbit with her one little bit ;)

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I was totally into Wil Wheaton in middle school. I was secretly obsessed with TNG and would stay up super late at night to watch it.


Dh has been watching every Star Trek ever while he's "at work" (aka, sitting on the sofa in the middle of the night... his job is weird). He's about to finish TNG and start DS9. Sometimes I join him and we've been laughing over the dopiness of Wesley Crusher. Last night was a Wesley episode. Someone asked Wesley what he was passionate about. Dh was talking over it and was like, "Well, I'm really into board games..." Lol.


All my other crushes were fictional. Like Garion from the Belgariad.

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My high school World Literature teacher. I still feel a bit swoony when I think about him. A few years after I graduated I ran into him at a concert. He was with his equally swoony boyfriend. I like to think that's why he wasn't in love with me. It probably wasn't because of my terrible essay on Zorba the Greek. 

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I was totally into Wil Wheaton in middle school. I was secretly obsessed with TNG and would stay up super late at night to watch it.


Dh has been watching every Star Trek ever while he's "at work" (aka, sitting on the sofa in the middle of the night... his job is weird). He's about to finish TNG and start DS9. Sometimes I join him and we've been laughing over the dopiness of Wesley Crusher. Last night was a Wesley episode. Someone asked Wesley what he was passionate about. Dh was talking over it and was like, "Well, I'm really into board games..." Lol.


All my other crushes were fictional. Like Garion from the Belgariad.

I had never seen more than a few episodes of DS9 and just watched it again, we are three from the end of the last season. It is, hands down, the best acted and plotted of the franchise. Moving in arcs instead of being episodal let them actually develop characters. And telling a war from a series of character vignettes? Awesome.


I'm going to be sad to be done this week.

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 I saw one of your teen crushes at a Def Leppard concert this past weekend. He aged pretty well. :) And he can still rock!


My biggest teen crush was Bret Michaels (Poison.) He still sings and does some TV. He still looks GOOD!!


I saw them in concert, too!   Called it a highlight of my LIFE. LOL  


Have you seen Bret Michaels w/o a scarf or hat on his head?  I thought he was cute as a teen, too.  But now..he's bald or thinning a ton under there from what I understand. :(

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I had never seen more than a few episodes of DS9 and just watched it again, we are three from the end of the last season. It is, hands down, the best acted and plotted of the franchise. Moving in arcs instead of being episodal let them actually develop characters. And telling a war from a series of character vignettes? Awesome.


I'm going to be sad to be done this week.


Yeah, dh never watched it when it was on and I admit I don't feel like I appreciated it when I was watching. I'm sort of looking forward to getting to it with him. I didn't sit in for many of TOS episodes, but the last few months with TNG have been fun.

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I am here with you, Laura. I remember him. And earlier than that, there was a young singer from a Scottish (?) band called the "Bay City Rollers." I cannot recall his name...Leslie something. Wonder if anyone on this board has even heard of them.


I remember them - not a crush but I saw them on telly.  Bad tartan costumes.

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Christian Bale (After Newsies)

Tom Cruise (sadly :glare: )

Jonathan Crombie (Gilbert Blythe)

Cary Grant (even though I was a teen in the 90s, I had posters of him hanging in my room)

I can't believe I forgot Gilbert! Jonathan Crombie was so perfect in that role. Of course, my crush was a combination of the actor and the character.

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Crushes past and present:


Davy Jones 

Donny Osmond 

Barry Manilow - OMG I will never live that one down!

Simon Le Bon (Duran Duran)

George Clooney

Brendan Coyle (Mr. Bates on Downton)


If I had to have a girl crush it would be Audrey Hepburn.  Love her!



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Parker Stevenson was so the better looking hardy boy.

David Cassidy

Cary Grant (I watched a lot of old movies with my mom)

Loverboy (which was totally killed after I saw him as a middle aged man still wearing those red leather pants)

Jon Bon Jovi

Davey Jones

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I married my teen crush. I met my husband for the first time when I was in 8th grade. I thought he was the most beautiful guy I'd ever seen. We became friends but didn't date seriously until he had graduated and I was a senior in high school.


My famous crush…Rob Lowe, C. Thomas Howell, and Patrick Swayze (I was a huge Outsiders fan.)

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I had quite a few over the years... I was boy crazy.   :D


Jonathan Brandis (I even met him and got his autograph)

Taylor Hanson

Leonardo DiCaprio

Mark Wahlberg

Matt Damon

Kevin Bacon


How funny! I was watching old Hanson videos on youtube last night. I had a major crush on Taylor, but Zach was closer to my age AND a drummer. So I thought he was adorable. I also LOVED Jonathan Brandis. 

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I am here with you, Laura. I remember him. And earlier than that, there was a young singer from a Scottish (?) band called the "Bay City Rollers." I cannot recall his name...Leslie something. Wonder if anyone on this board has even heard of them.


Oh boy, I didn't want to be the one to bring up the Rollers.


They were my first "rock concert." I wore tartan and everything. I used to make my parents drive me into L.A. to the import record stores (yes, record stores) so I could buy the versions of their albums that had songs that hadn't been released in the U.S.


For me, it was all about Derek, though. I've always had a thing for drummers.


In my pre-teen years, I was maybe just a little obsessed with Jack Wild. (Brownie points to the first person who can tell me who he was.) 


And a little later, after watching Harold and Maude more times than I care to admit, I transferred my affections to Bud Cort.


Yep, I had somewhat odd taste.

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Joshua Jackson. From the Mighty Ducks movies to being the initial reason I watched Dawson's Creek to....heh,now(well Fringe). It's a crush that's followed me.


The guy who played Bennie from Sandlot, I think he must have only ever done the Mighty Ducks sequels.


Jonathan Brandis, Rider Strong. That gave way to Anthiny Kiedis, Dave Navarro,and Trent Reznor by about 14-15 though.

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I am here with you, Laura. I remember him. And earlier than that, there was a young singer from a Scottish (?) band called the "Bay City Rollers." I cannot recall his name...Leslie something. Wonder if anyone on this board has even heard of them.


Oooh, Bay City Rollers.  First cassette tape I ever bought. :)

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When I was a pre-teen it I am embarrassed to say I had a thing for Corey Hart (Canadian pop star)...



"I wear my sunglasses at night..." :D


I am here with you, Laura. I remember him. And earlier than that, there was a young singer from a Scottish (?) band called the "Bay City Rollers." I cannot recall his name...Leslie something. Wonder if anyone on this board has even heard of them.


Listened to the Bay City Rollers on an 8-track.  Yup.  You heard me.  8-track.




My teen crush was Michael J. Fox.  It was even cooler that he was Canadian.  Loved him on "Family Ties". :)

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Christopher Reeve

Cary Elwes

Sean Astin

Michael J. Fox

Michael Dudikoff

Tom Cruise


Keanu Reeves

Wesley Snipes

Jet Li

Perry Farrell

David Gahan

(Not in that order)


Editing to add: Eric Stoltz and Rob Lowe, duh.


The only ones I'd take off the list now are Tom Cruise and Morrissey.

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Oh boy, I didn't want to be the one to bring up the Rollers.


They were my first "rock concert." I wore tartan and everything. I used to make my parents drive me into L.A. to the import record stores (yes, record stores) so I could buy the versions of their albums that had songs that hadn't been released in the U.S.


For me, it was all about Derek, though. I've always had a thing for drummers.


In my pre-teen years, I was maybe just a little obsessed with Jack Wild. (Brownie points to the first person who can tell me who he was.)


And a little later, after watching Harold and Maude more times than I care to admit, I transferred my affections to Bud Cort.


Yep, I had somewhat odd taste.

Jimmy from h.r.puffnstuff (but that show was not about drug use).

He also had the role of the artful dodger in the movie oliver. But I didn't know that until last year when I watched oliver with the kids.

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You are all terribly young.  Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky from Starsky and Hutch).


SWOON. My other crush was David Cassidy. I was SHOCKED to see how poorly he has aged. My dh is SO MUCH BETTER LOOKING :lol:  I teased dh that I was the luckiest woman in the world to marry someone who is SO MUCH cuter than their crush. Dh's crush was Marsha Brady (how PREDICTABLE!!!). Marsha, Marsha, Marsha...

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