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When do you believe life begins?

When do you believe a human life begins?  

  1. 1. When do you believe a human life begins?

    • When sperm and egg meet.
    • When the blastocyst implants in the uterus.
    • Sometime later in pregnancy.
    • At birth.
    • I don't know.
    • Other.

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I asked my husband. He said life for him began when he was about 28 :)


I put I don't know, because I don't. But from another perspective, I think everything is alive anyway- the earth, the trees, even the rocks. There is a living force, that some call God, that permeates everything at all times, and we can never be separate from it, but neither can anything else. That's what the saints and masters became aware of, and why they can love unconditionally, rather than separate life and people into bits that are worthy and unworthy.

I think a better question than when does life begin, is when does consciousness begin? When is a baby aware of itself?

An omeoba responds to its environment. So does a plant cell. So the ability to respond to its environment doesn't really count as a criteria.

I can't remember when I became aware of myself. My memories stretch back to about age 3.

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I think viability is a big consideration. Viability without outside intervention. Viability without medical technology. However, if my child required medical intervention for some space of time to continue living I would certainly pursue it- even if it were for a pre-term birth. It's just a very complicated question.


My short answer is that I would not choose to have an abortion outside of being raped; and I would never force another woman to carry a pregnancy at gunpoint. That is what laws do, ultimately. If you disobey, your freedom is taken away, and if you resist, your physical safety is at risk.


All of this, of course, is my own (probably poorly stated) opinion.

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I think life begins when the egg is fertilized. That way I've covered all the bases, and if I'm wrong, I won't be for very long on a per fertilized egg basis.


My sons were born at 27 weeks, and they were definitely alive then, even though they required significant medical intervention to stay alive. Even though they were tiny (1 lb. 7 oz., 1 lb. 11 oz., 2 lbs.) they recognized my voice. We could tell by the way their heart rates stabilized when I was with them, every time.


My sons and I were talking about this yesterday. DS2 and DS3 think that life begins when the egg is fertilized and were quite vehement about it. DS1 thinks that life begins with the 3rd month of gestation. I don't know DS1's reasons for that because I had to intervene before DS3 pounded him for saying that it was okay for a woman to get an abortion during the first three months of pregnancy.



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I voted for conception. I base my opinion on Psalm 139:13-16


"For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

My frame was not hidden from You,

When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.

And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me,

when as yet there were none of them."

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I agree with Sen. Biden's response on Meet the Press yesterday (if anyone happened to see it).


He said that he believes that life begins at conception...however...what gives him the right to dictate morality? To dictate right and wrong? The decision is between the woman, her doctor, and her God, whoever she might believe that God to be. He has no right to push *his* personal religious beliefs on anyone else.

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I asked my husband. He said life for him began when he was about 28 :)


I put I don't know, because I don't. But from another perspective, I think everything is alive anyway- the earth, the trees, even the rocks. There is a living force, that some call God, that permeates everything at all times, and we can never be separate from it, but neither can anything else. That's what the saints and masters became aware of, and why they can love unconditionally, rather than separate life and people into bits that are worthy and unworthy.

I think a better question than when does life begin, is when does consciousness begin? When is a baby aware of itself?

An omeoba responds to its environment. So does a plant cell. So the ability to respond to its environment doesn't really count as a criteria.

I can't remember when I became aware of myself. My memories stretch back to about age 3.


Someone rep this womyn for me!


Yes! This is it for me.

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I think viability is a big consideration. Viability without outside intervention. Viability without medical technology. However, if my child required medical intervention for some space of time to continue living I would certainly pursue it- even if it were for a pre-term birth. It's just a very complicated question.


My short answer is that I would not choose to have an abortion outside of being raped; and I would never force another woman to carry a pregnancy at gunpoint. That is what laws do, ultimately. If you disobey, your freedom is taken away, and if you resist, your physical safety is at risk.


All of this, of course, is my own (probably poorly stated) opinion.


I think life begins at conception even though it's not viable. HOWEVER-- I completely disagree with legislating when life begins, for the reasons you stated. I don't think women should use abortion as birth control, but I do not want abortion to be illegal. There are legitimate reasons to have an abortion, and that decision should be left up to each woman and her doctor.

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At conception. This per my beliefs. I also don't dictate morality...Gd dictates morality.


I'm also against abortion in cases of rape, incest, developmental issues. If a child is conceived, it's still a child regardless of colour, situation, ability, or parentage. It is not for us to intentionally take a life either to make our own easier or because our morality is warped enough to make a wrong appear right or as a "kindness".



*This wasn't written to debate. It is instead MY belief and follows MY faith. I'm aware that many won't agree with my stand, just as they won't agree with my faith.


A good book that deals with all the "ifs" would be The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers ;)

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I believe life begins at conception. Question for those who believe in life beginning later, do you then not concider an early miscarriage the death of a baby? I have had 6 early miscarriages, so if you believe life doesn't begin until later in the pregnancy or even birth does it mean those 6 didn't mean anything? I'm not going to argue about abortion, but what about a embryo/fetus that dies inutero, how can you say life doesn't begin until viability or birth if the fact is that baby has just died? DOesn't it have to be alive to actually die? Those that believe that are you the type of person who expected a greiving mother to just suck it pu and move on because it wasn't a rel life anyway since it wasn't viable?

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Physical life begins at conception (Psalm 139) but a closer look at that Psalm shows us God has us planned well before the egg and sperm meet.


Because I believe the above, "viability" means the flip side of the argument to me. The individual in the womb who is not yet viable is the most helpless member of our society and deserves our strenuous (legislative) protection.

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I asked my husband. He said life for him began when he was about 28 :)


I put I don't know, because I don't. But from another perspective, I think everything is alive anyway- the earth, the trees, even the rocks. There is a living force, that some call God, that permeates everything at all times, and we can never be separate from it, but neither can anything else. That's what the saints and masters became aware of, and why they can love unconditionally, rather than separate life and people into bits that are worthy and unworthy.

I think a better question than when does life begin, is when does consciousness begin? When is a baby aware of itself?

An omeoba responds to its environment. So does a plant cell. So the ability to respond to its environment doesn't really count as a criteria.

I can't remember when I became aware of myself. My memories stretch back to about age 3.


I like the way you think.

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I believe life begins at conception. Question for those who believe in life beginning later, do you then not concider an early miscarriage the death of a baby?


No, I don't consider that the death of a baby.



I have had 6 early miscarriages, so if you believe life doesn't begin until later in the pregnancy or even birth does it mean those 6 didn't mean anything? I'm not going to argue about abortion, but what about a embryo/fetus that dies inutero, how can you say life doesn't begin until viability or birth if the fact is that baby has just died? DOesn't it have to be alive to actually die? Those that believe that are you the type of person who expected a greiving mother to just suck it pu and move on because it wasn't a rel life anyway since it wasn't viable?


I would never presume to know, suppose or judge what is meaningful to anyone else but myself. You are the only person who can decide what your six miscarriages meant to you and I would respond accordingly. If they meant nothing to you I would offer light sympathy, in accordance to your needs. If you were grieving I would offer sympathy on accordance with the death of a child.


Just because *I* don't believe a baby was miscarried, it doesn't mean that I would be heartless and ignore the pain of the family suffering.


Now, what is really weird is that I *know* our 3rd child was waiting for us to get pregnant with her. The other 3 were all "accidents". And the most weird about that is that she is the one I have the least amount of connection with. Wooo Wooo. :)

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I believe that life begins at conception as well. I'll tell you my body knew there was something else alive in it. The morning sickness started early and stayed for a long time, that proof enough of living for me. :tongue_smilie:


My body reacts that way when invaded by viruses, bacteria, and parasites--other life forms. Not to equate a blastocyst with a parasite on every level, but the latter doesn't really follow the former in the above argument.



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I think life begins when the egg is fertilized. That way I've covered all the bases, and if I'm wrong, I won't be for very long on a per fertilized egg basis.


My sons were born at 27 weeks, and they were definitely alive then, even though they required significant medical intervention to stay alive. Even though they were tiny (1 lb. 7 oz., 1 lb. 11 oz., 2 lbs.) they recognized my voice. We could tell by the way their heart rates stabilized when I was with them, every time.


My sons and I were talking about this yesterday. DS2 and DS3 think that life begins when the egg is fertilized and were quite vehement about it. DS1 thinks that life begins with the 3rd month of gestation. I don't know DS1's reasons for that because I had to intervene before DS3 pounded him for saying that it was okay for a woman to get an abortion during the first three months of pregnancy.



:iagree: And this is what's in my Childcraft books too, "When the sperm and egg unite, a new life begins!"

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I answered at birth, but really I'm just not quite sure. I like what Peela said here:

"I think a better question than when does life begin, is when does consciousness begin? When is a baby aware of itself?

An omeoba responds to its environment. So does a plant cell. So the ability to respond to its environment doesn't really count as a criteria."


I think once born a baby is pretty much aware of itself and its surroundings. I think viability without major intervention is also a large part of it. (And exactly where do you draw the line on what constitutes major intervention?)


Dh and I do not see completely eye to eye on this. He says that life begins at the first breath, period. He believes this is what Scripture indicates. (Don't ask me to explain as I don't fully understand it enough myself, though I can kinda see what he's saying.) He says if you waver on that point then you begin to confuse soul and spirit or something like that. I don't understand why that changes things, but I do not talk to him about it much because I feel it frustrates him and that it is really a moot point for us. Our feelings about abortion are pretty much the same. Both of us believe that it is not something which should be done except for in very special cases, but that it is important to retain that right because of those special cases. I would guess that his definition of special circumstances is perhaps just a bit broader than mine though.


BTW, I really like what Barack Obama said about this question being "above his pay grade". I think it's a question a lot of people struggle with.

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I'll say it again, though.


We'll never get *anywhere* on this issue until:


1) The pro-reproductive rights folks understand those who believe abortion = murder.


2) The anti-abortion rights people understand those who believe that women need to have a protected legal right over their bodies and reproductive issues.


3) We all realize and admit that the issue isn't "when does life begin" or whether a woman, after pregnancy, should abort. The issues relating to abortion start months, and even years before conception or sex. ( for both genders)

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Just a vote for how things can change throughout your own life. When I was a feisty 20 something I was quite a bit different in my opinions (before motherhood). Anyway, before I didn't really think about it (when life begins), so I used to think it was when a baby was quite older, like 6 months.


Now, after having an early miscarriage and seeing a tiny actual formed baby less than 2 months old I think differently. It's something to witness and it has definitely changed my perspective forever. Just another way of growing up I guess (I hope).


Alison in KY

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We belive that life is breathed into the womb 40 days after fertilization which is between 5 and 6 weeks. This is also hen you start to figure out your pregnant and around the same time the heart starts to beat.


That's an interesting perspective. Is this a belief that stems from your religious beliefs? I'm genuinely curious--not wanting to debate or argue it--how you came to this belief. :)


To answer the OP, I believe human life begins at conception.

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Mrs. Mungo - I knew the numbers would be high for sperm meets egg, but I'm a little surprised at how high. Is this where you thought the numbers would lean?


On this board? Yes, I thought so. The numbers are flipped on the liberal board I frequent. I'm in the middle on this issue.


As far as Bible verses go, I can give as many verses that say life begins with breath.

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I voted when sperm and egg meet.


Hmm..interesting thoughts about verses that refer to the first breathe. I LOVE a nb baby's breathe btw:001_smile:


Unborn babies have blood, and blood is refered to regarding life too.....not debating, just pondering outloud...

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That's an interesting perspective. Is this a belief that stems from your religious beliefs? I'm genuinely curious--not wanting to debate or argue it--how you came to this belief. :)


To answer the OP, I believe human life begins at conception.


Yes, its a religious perspective. I'm Muslim BTW.

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This is a complex issue for me. I guess I theoretically believe life begins at conception (I was raised Catholic, after all!), but in practice, I have used various forms of birth control that the "life begins at conception" crowd frowns upon....and I have no regrets about that. I have also suffered through IUFD and even though I never *felt* like I had a "life within me", I certainly *felt* the loss of a potential life.

From a medical perspective cellular reproduction is an amazing thing, as is reproduction in general. I like to say we truly are "fearfully and wonderfuly made" but (and its a big but) I do not believe the Bible is, was meant to be, or should be treated as a science text.

So, I clicked the "when sperm and egg meet" but my personal belief, based upon upbringing, feeling, and religious text, is not necessarily scientifically accurate.

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From a scientific pov, a completely new DNA is formed at conception. While the new one is completely dependent upon mom, it is an individual being. :)


(I wish I could remember where I read that and provide a link. I'll look for it....)



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