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  1. Western Union :

  2. Hive Members, The member in question has been contacted via her private registration information. Please understand that we cannot share this information with those of you who have PM'd us. Thank you for your concerns and prayers. Administrator
  3. It would be hard to have male designations for bees, since male bees only have one designation. The men probably don't want a personalized "DRONE" label. Administrator
  4. We're happy to announce that Peace Hill Press now offers downloads of Jim Weiss's wonderful audio products. So if you were hoping to put Jim on your iPod, now you can; visit http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/greathall.html.
  5. We're happy to announce that Peace Hill Press now carries MP3 downloads of Jim Weiss's wonderful audio products. So if you were hoping to put Jim on your iPod, now you can; visit http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/greathall.html.
  6. This thread has immediately gone off topic and will now be closed. If you'd like to try again, you may. While we completely understand why other boards have different policies, discussion of specific curricula and programs is encouraged on our boards. That includes criticisms of SOTW, TWTM and other books written by Jessie and Susan. It is our policy that books offered for sale to the general public should be open to public critique. This only strengthens the offerings available to home educators. However, the discussion should center around the books, not around personalities or the intentions of those who use/offer them. Administrator
  7. This thread can continue as long as 1. specific reasons are cited for objections to books (no vague & general remarks) 2. there are no personal attacks. Administrator
  8. Personal attacks often result in a single-day ban. Administrator
  9. This thread can continue if you all stop reporting each other for expressing differing opinions. Adminstrator
  10. This discussion can now be taken to PMs.
  11. We would prefer not to assume that ALL contentious threads will immediately go downhill. We will give the board members the chance to respond in a mature and thoughtful manner. Those who don't will be banned without warning. Administrator
  12. There is no abridged version of the Story of the World (if you can post a link, we will help clear this up). Administrator
  13. Please take further discussion to email. These boards are not an appropriate place to air ongoing details of family disputes. They are public and can be read by anyone. Administrator
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