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I am so upset

Jean in Newcastle

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I've shared this on my tackle thread and a couple of private groups but I'm going to share this in general as well because somehow I'm just not coping with this very well.


The doctor put me on antibiotics again.  Except for 2 weeks respite I have been on antibiotics and/or prednisone since the middle of January.  He searched and found one that he's never put me on before (a hard task since last year I was on 8 different antibiotics and this year have been on 3 different ones).  It's a fussy one.  I have to time it around certain foods and other meds because there are bad reactions that can happen if I don't.  I think I'm going to have to write out a plan.  

Oh and he is now treating dh with antibiotics and told me to stay far away from him.  I cannot chance getting sick with what dh has on top of what I have going on.  I am wearing a mask around dh to protect myself from him.  (We will pretend to not notice that he should be the one with the mask.)
What totally tipped me over the edge though is that I shared that I'm on antibiotics again with my Sparkpeople peeps and someone had the unmitigated gall to suggest that I would be all better if I just turned to juicing (as in fruits and vegetables, not drugs).  I am so upset I am crying.  These drugs are so hard on my body.  My gut is so messed up.  I am working so hard to repair what I can with probiotics and prebiotics and good nutrition.  My throat has been swelling up almost daily for the last 4 months - which is the reason for the antibiotics.  And they have the gall to suggest some juice?  (I'm not against juice - I have a favorite green smoothie I make and drink).  At least no one has suggested essential oils yet.  
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:grouphug:. Ignore them, they are ignorant of your case. Not because they haven't been told, but because they are ignorant of everything.

Ignorance is worse than illness because they will never know that the need help.


I'm so sorry that you're upset. Please try and calm down, the idiots of the internet aren't worth your energy.

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Juice?  For what is going on with you?


I think you should tell them they are obviously in need of a kale juice high colonic. It will cure what ails them

I must be getting too tired, because that is hilarious!  And so, so true! 


:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  Jean  

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I've shared this on my tackle thread and a couple of private groups but I'm going to share this in general as well because somehow I'm just not coping with this very well.


The doctor put me on antibiotics again.  Except for 2 weeks respite I have been on antibiotics and/or prednisone since the middle of January.  He searched and found one that he's never put me on before (a hard task since last year I was on 8 different antibiotics and this year have been on 3 different ones).  It's a fussy one.  I have to time it around certain foods and other meds because there are bad reactions that can happen if I don't.  I think I'm going to have to write out a plan.  

Oh and he is now treating dh with antibiotics and told me to stay far away from him.  I cannot chance getting sick with what dh has on top of what I have going on.  I am wearing a mask around dh to protect myself from him.  (We will pretend to not notice that he should be the one with the mask.)
What totally tipped me over the edge though is that I shared that I'm on antibiotics again with my Sparkpeople peeps and someone had the unmitigated gall to suggest that I would be all better if I just turned to juicing (as in fruits and vegetables, not drugs).  I am so upset I am crying.  These drugs are so hard on my body.  My gut is so messed up.  I am working so hard to repair what I can with probiotics and prebiotics and good nutrition.  My throat has been swelling up almost daily for the last 4 months - which is the reason for the antibiotics.  And they have the gall to suggest some juice?  (I'm not against juice - I have a favorite green smoothie I make and drink).  At least no one has suggested essential oils yet.  



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I am so sorry. As I get older I understand more clearly how a person's health can take them hostage, and there is nothing they can do about it, they are just along for the ride. But you do a lot of things for your family, even with your health the way it is and you keep all those "Tackle" threads going. You are using your hard time to become a better person, and I am proud to know you, even if you are someone I only "know" on the internet.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  


I am so sorry.  I know how when the body has been so worn down, the emotional ability to deal with such stupidity is also seriously depleted.


and yes, if the stories I've heard of how people diagnosed with cancer would just do ___ diet were true, there would be people who would suggest juicing for a pernicious bacterial infection.


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This is very difficult. I am worried about your tummy. I know you know about Kefir and probiotics, etc., but still...maybe this other person was worried about your tummy too and phrased it ambiguously?


What is the diagnosis or is there one? Are doctors clueless and the only thing they can think of is abx? Is it actually helping you more than it's doing harm? I am not suggesting juicing, coconut oil or essential oils will solve what ails you but I am thinking there has to be one - just ONE doctor on God's green earth who can put his or her finger on this and find out what is causing it.


I know you have been suffering endlessly last year and I remember that 8 abx odyssey.  :grouphug:


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The "like" is a sympathy like, Jean.  I think you know those people are unhelpful nitwits.  Ignore them.  You are doing what YOU need to do.  I'm amazed at your perseverance, to be honest. 


Now, point me to these people, please.  I have a bridge I want to sell.  ;)

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I have lingual tonsillitis that has become chronic.  It is fairly rare.  It is not the tonsils that we all know and love but another set of tonsils that are at the base of your tongue.  It is infected.  It started with a virus way back in January and has gone into infection.  There is a kind of surgery to correct it but the doctors are trying to do everything they can to avoid the surgery.  My very experienced doctor (surgeon) has never done the surgery.  He knows one doctor who has done the surgery - once.  It is also a surgery that often results in the tissue growing back because it cannot be totally isolated because of where it is.  Also- doing surgery when even prednisone has not been able to totally get rid of the constant swelling leaves everyone nervous including me.  Back in January I was so swollen that I could barely swallow my own spit.  Surgery could put me back in that state.  So we try again with the antibiotics.  


It may be complicated by allergies.  I'm giving myself weekly allergy shots (or dh is doing it) to try and lessen the allergic load on my body.  I'm also gluten free for the same reason even though tests don't show a problem with gluten.  My immune system is pretty shot.  We're trying to beef it up but I just haven't been able to get a break.  


I take probiotics two hours after every antibiotic dose.  I was starting to get C-diff with the last antibiotic prior to this one and I really don't want to go back there.  


I was upset before the stupid comment because I know first hand just how hard all these antibiotics are on my body.  I tried arguing the doctor out of giving them to me today!  He's not a antibiotic happy doctor at all but because this affects my airway we can't just ignore it.  

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Juice? Really? 


What you NEED is probiotic, essential oil-infused goji-berries and a few rounds of acupuncture. Oh, and a hand-held rocket-propelled grenade launcher for when you visit the IRS. Duh.  How easy is that?


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Honestly, Jean, people like that are so out of touch with reality you've just gotta laugh at them.  I hope you are on the road to recovery soon. 


I've shared this on my tackle thread and a couple of private groups but I'm going to share this in general as well because somehow I'm just not coping with this very well.


The doctor put me on antibiotics again.  Except for 2 weeks respite I have been on antibiotics and/or prednisone since the middle of January.  He searched and found one that he's never put me on before (a hard task since last year I was on 8 different antibiotics and this year have been on 3 different ones).  It's a fussy one.  I have to time it around certain foods and other meds because there are bad reactions that can happen if I don't.  I think I'm going to have to write out a plan.  

Oh and he is now treating dh with antibiotics and told me to stay far away from him.  I cannot chance getting sick with what dh has on top of what I have going on.  I am wearing a mask around dh to protect myself from him.  (We will pretend to not notice that he should be the one with the mask.)
What totally tipped me over the edge though is that I shared that I'm on antibiotics again with my Sparkpeople peeps and someone had the unmitigated gall to suggest that I would be all better if I just turned to juicing (as in fruits and vegetables, not drugs).  I am so upset I am crying.  These drugs are so hard on my body.  My gut is so messed up.  I am working so hard to repair what I can with probiotics and prebiotics and good nutrition.  My throat has been swelling up almost daily for the last 4 months - which is the reason for the antibiotics.  And they have the gall to suggest some juice?  (I'm not against juice - I have a favorite green smoothie I make and drink).  At least no one has suggested essential oils yet.  



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I have lingual tonsillitis that has become chronic. It is fairly rare. It is not the tonsils that we all know and love but another set of tonsils that are at the base of your tongue. It is infected. It started with a virus way back in January and has gone into infection. There is a kind of surgery to correct it but the doctors are trying to do everything they can to avoid the surgery. My very experienced doctor (surgeon) has never done the surgery. He knows one doctor who has done the surgery - once. It is also a surgery that often results in the tissue growing back because it cannot be totally isolated because of where it is. Also- doing surgery when even prednisone has not been able to totally get rid of the constant swelling leaves everyone nervous including me. Back in January I was so swollen that I could barely swallow my own spit. Surgery could put me back in that state. So we try again with the antibiotics.


It may be complicated by allergies. I'm giving myself weekly allergy shots (or dh is doing it) to try and lessen the allergic load on my body. I'm also gluten free for the same reason even though tests don't show a problem with gluten. My immune system is pretty shot. We're trying to beef it up but I just haven't been able to get a break.


I take probiotics two hours after every antibiotic dose. I was starting to get C-diff with the last antibiotic prior to this one and I really don't want to go back there.


I was upset before the stupid comment because I know first hand just how hard all these antibiotics are on my body. I tried arguing the doctor out of giving them to me today! He's not a antibiotic happy doctor at all but because this affects my airway we can't just ignore it.

Oh oh Jean, this is awful. Praying for you!


I'm having my own health crisis and epic allergies and autoimmune issues. For me, fermenting looks to be a huge part of treatment because if I don't fix the colonization in my intestines via wiping it out with antibiotics and repopulating by either transplant or anaerobic fermentation, my hyperpermeable intestines and inflamed GI tract is just going to get worse. But that's not juicing woo, that's basic gut health. And it doesn't work for everyone, just people with my (known) set of issues. It doesn't solve the mystery problems or secondary syndromes, and it is SLOW. But we just do the best we can to help our bodies heal by whatever means necessary (allopathic, naturopathic, or both) and leave the rest to God. That's hard for me - I want to be better and in tired of getting worse and worse. But sometimes things get worse before they improve and you just do the best you can. It stinks sometimes. And makes me want to whine.

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Yeah, I know way more than I want to about guts and how to fix them.  I'm eating yogurt (the good kind with active cultures), kefir, kimchee, sauerkraut (which honestly is disgusting).  I think that's it.  


I take two different kinds of probiotics - one for the colon and one for the small intestine as well as Florastor.  


I'm not anti alternative med and nutrition esp. as way to build up the body.  And despite this particular doctor being an allopathic ENT, he isn't either.  He actually finally got a handle on my infection last year by having me do saline rinses with the addition of vinegar and baby shampoo (very very painful but effective where antibiotics weren't cutting it).  

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I'm so sorry you're going through this, Jean! This is the part that concerns me, the possibility of C,. Diff. Are you taking Florastor or a different probiotic? If you're not taking Florastor, I can't overemphasize how important I think that is. A positive is that antibiotics don't kill the yeast in Florastor, so you don't have to time it specially. This isn't woo, either. I hope this antibiotic is the one that does the trick once and for all.

Yes, I take Florastor - twice a day.  

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Yeah, I know way more than I want to about guts and how to fix them. I'm eating yogurt (the good kind with active cultures), kefir, kimchee, sauerkraut (which honestly is disgusting). I think that's it.


I take two different kinds of probiotics - one for the colon and one for the small intestine as well as Florastor.


I'm not anti alternative med and nutrition esp. as way to build up the body. And despite this particular doctor being an allopathic ENT, he isn't either. He actually finally got a handle on my infection last year by having me do saline rinses with the addition of vinegar and baby shampoo (very very painful but effective where antibiotics weren't cutting it).

Yup. My friend, who makes the Probiotic Jar, has had similar health challenges as me and was the one who got me started healing my gut (sloooowly) with anaerobic ferments. When you're taking so many antibiotics there isn't much for it but what you're already doing. I broke down sobbing with my allergist three times my last appointment, so I can imagine how the stupid juicing comment made you feel. Especially when someone delivers it flippantly. Someone who isnt living inside a chronically ill body. Health is truly one of the greatest riches one can have this side of heaven. It doesn't matter how materially wealthy you are, if you're so wracked with pain you can barely enjoy it. Blah.


Can you tell contentment with chronic pain, immense allergies, and fatigue is something I'm wrestling with God over right about now? And I'm so lucky it's only these issues, but Im not feeling very lucky right now :(

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I wouldn't have minded a "have you thought about juicing as a way to support your body while you go through all of this" kind of post.  Because, yes, I have!  But it was a "don't you know that antibiotics are evil?  If you only took care of yourself with juicing (and there of course was a link to a special juicing program that was the "best") then you wouldn't have any physical problems."  Normally I would have laughed at it.  I was feeling very fragile though and somehow it didn't roll off my back this time.  

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Jean,  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:   I wish I could fix this. I'm very sorry.



But, uh, quit dissin the sauerkraut.  And ditch that puny paper mask... what you need to wear is this (otherwise you're not really tryin) and at only 27.50 with prime shipping no less there really is no excuse....http://www.amazon.com/Israeli-Civilian-Protective-Adustable-Emergency/dp/B00DZ019NE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1430373711&sr=8-1&keywords=gas+mask



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