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WTM Quoted in NYMag Article on AntiVaxxers


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Now I'm wishing I had read that thread.  It's one I skipped due to lack of time and it's since been deleted.


But yes, a good reminder that our posts are public.


When I get bored at school and can't do much else I sometimes go to the Forums main page and click on the "see full list" at the bottom right next to the list of who's currently on.  There are many guests - and many of those are looking at older threads.  I amuse myself by seeing what is "triggering" search engines well after the thread is over.  (Note:  I never said my mind was normal.  It definitely can find weird ways to amuse itself when "stuck" with just a computer at hand!)

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DesertBloom and Elisabet1 can I have your autographs???


I really think it's smart to quote forums.  It's where much of these discussions flourishes (or festers, depending on your perspective) .

I just read an op-ed and thought "we covered that weeks ago online". "We" meaning just about everyone who is online.

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DesertBloom and Elisabet1 can I have your autographs???


I really think it's smart to quote forums.  It's where much of these discussions flourishes (or festers, depending on your perspective) .

I just read an op-ed and thought "we covered that weeks ago online". "We" meaning just about everyone who is online.


I think many op-ed folks get their inspiration from online groups.  It's a great source.

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DesertBloom and Elisabet1 can I have your autographs???


I really think it's smart to quote forums. It's where much of these discussions flourishes (or festers, depending on your perspective) .

I just read an op-ed and thought "we covered that weeks ago online". "We" meaning just about everyone who is online.

Me too! :)

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Uh this creeps me out. I changed my name. No one will recognize me now!!!




Or is that He-Man?


Great - now I won't remember who anyone is.  I think I'm headed out for a walk along the beach...


When I return, it'll be a whole new set of forum groupies, but I'll be less likely to care at not knowing who is who.  ;)


Too bad we who have been here for eons can't have some sort of cheat sheet to assist our older memories!

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Great - now I won't remember who anyone is.  I think I'm headed out for a walk along the beach...


When I return, it'll be a whole new set of forum groupies, but I'll be less likely to care at not knowing who is who.   ;)


Too bad we who have been here for eons can't have some sort of cheat sheet to assist our older memories!

Well, I was nice and didn't change my profile pic :) I'll probably leave it as is for a while, so I can at least get used to my OWN new name.

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One of these days I'm going to have to go back and edit all my posts.  All nearly 14,000 of them.  :P


Even though I am anonymous, I need to stop posting so many facts.  Especially the ones about extended family members who would recognize themselves.

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Funny thing is there were more pro-vax than anti-vax comments on that thread... but if they had quoted those they wouldn't be able to identify us as a community of anti-vaxers ;)


Instead of a community of, oh say, educators?


This kind of exposure will surely support the argument for regulating home education, and that might not be a bad thing.

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I feel old. An article on forum posts? Really? This is news?

I guess that is easier than actually talking to people.

I get ridiculously annoyed when I see news coverage of people's Tweets. Entire articles of almost nothing but screenshots of Twitter feeds. It is like the entire news media is now Buzzfeed. Don't get me wrong--I love Buzzfeed and attribute my current obsession with corgis entirely to Buzzfeed's article on the most important corgis of 2014, but what is fine for spreading corgi joy is not fine for hard news.

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I get ridiculously annoyed when I see news coverage of people's Tweets. Entire articles of almost nothing but screenshots of Twitter feeds. It is like the entire news media is now Buzzfeed. Don't get me wrong--I love Buzzfeed and attribute my current obsession with corgis entirely to Buzzfeed's article on the most important corgis of 2014, but what is fine for spreading corgi joy is not fine for hard news.

That's basically what I thought. It seemed...lazy on the part of the reporter.

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One of these days I'm going to have to go back and edit all my posts.  All nearly 14,000 of them.  :p


Even though I am anonymous, I need to stop posting so many facts.  Especially the ones about extended family members who would recognize themselves.


I keep thinking the same thing! Although as someone pointed out, there are cached versions. Those are harder to accidentally come across, of course.


I also had a previous user name here that I abandoned for privacy's sake. It was much more open, and my name could easily be determined. I wonder if it's too late to go edit those posts too?


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I keep thinking the same thing! Although as someone pointed out, there are cached versions. Those are harder to accidentally come across, of course.


I also had a previous user name here that I abandoned for privacy's sake. It was much more open, and my name could easily be determined. I wonder if it's too late to go edit those posts too?


Do what you need to as far as editing or changing your name. Just fyi...


You cannot edit anything that has been quoted, obviously. But more importantly, anytime you have been quoted, your user name at that time will show up in the quote box. It is then easy to connect the old name to the new one. I run across this fairly often when searching old threads. You would want a completely new account if you want to be anonymous (as far as that is possible).

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kind of disturbing. I guess I knew this could happen, but I put the thought out of my mind.


I guess I need to come up with a different user name. Maybe I should go back and start erasing old posts. I try to be careful about what info I put out, but this makes me want to reevaluate.


Perhaps, I should get off line and channel Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec with regard to privacy guarding. Maybe not that extreme.

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OMG I recognize some of those people from Mothering.com. Deborah is still there. Holy crap. She is like, an institution. So many babies not vaccinated because of that one woman and her shrill freaking out and rude attempts at silencing people who speak from a different point of view. Does she still think the Simpsonwood Transcript is anything but a record of a very boring meeting reporting on Why the Public Will Never Get Type I Errors So How Can We Explain This P Value?


She has flailed every "accusation" from mental illness (not an accusation but still) to being a shill at me. (I know, me! And I don't even get the flu shot!!!!)


Very eerie.


Hey media, how about the grassroots provax movement? These blogs and some under-the-radar message boards saved me when I thought I was the only sane person on the Internet:






sciencebasedparenting.com (defunct, bring it back boys, bring it back!)



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Well, I don't know that any one person can be "blamed" for another person making a parenting decision.


I think it's good that people at least recognize that it is in fact a parenting decision.


In the case of Deborah you really have to read the thousands of pages of that area of mothering.com to get a feeling for what is going on there. And since they are a top hit, that group of individuals who are bullying and stalking people (like going to their personal blogs and stalking them there) determining what content is posted there and how the debate goes, has the potential to have a big effect on an individual's decisions.


Deborah and a few other people would start swearing and using personal insults, like seriously offensive stuff, to get threads shut down every time it finally came down to a few clear scientifically valid points I know a woman who has an archive on her personal computer of all the arguments won by the pro-vaccine people from 2005 - 2007 or so.... and the subsequent "this thread has been removed" subs! They almost never remove threads no matter how offensive, if anti-vaccine. Yes. She was a computer programmer and stayed home for a few years, bored out of her mind with a toddler, lol!


It was and probably still is a totally toxic atmosphere. But for the vulnerable new mom it seems like this friendly place. It is like a cult. Ugh.


I take responsibility for my decisions but watching many people go down that freak-out spiral I just had to leave.

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I thought that this topic was about the WTM book quoted in NYM. I was so disappointed to find that their writers are trolling the WTM chat boards to come up with material and comments for current affairs.



One of these days I'm going to have to go back and edit all my posts.  All nearly 14,000 of them.  :p


Even though I am anonymous, I need to stop posting so many facts.  Especially the ones about extended family members who would recognize themselves.

SKL, just change your user name. That is far easier than changing your old posts.


For those that did not read that thread: google cache still has it stored. You can access it that way.

I can see why the reporter quoted WTM forums. It pops up on a simple google search on the vaccination topic for me. Lazy reporting at its best.


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I don't recall ever going to Mothering.com.  Thanks for the heads-up!  :p


I used to kick around on a popular parenting blog.  It was so dumb, I can't really tell you why I kept going back for so long.


And one day I got an email from a friend, saying this one mean blogger had done a post about me on her personal (and very popular) blog.  I responded and then she started posting my personal info (which she could see as the blog owner) for all to see.  She googled me and found my workplace and threatened to complain to my boss.  That was freaky.

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And now the thread has been deleted so we can't go back and read it.  I think I posted in it, but can't remember what I said.  I am sure it was something quite profound!  :lol:


I wonder if it was deleted because it was going to be quoted in this newspaper and she didn't want the news reading hordes coming in and adding their 2 cents?

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I thought that this topic was about the WTM book quoted in NYM. I was so disappointed to find that their writers are trolling the WTM chat boards to come up with material and comments for current affairs.



SKL, just change your user name. That is far easier than changing your old posts.


For those that did not read that thread: google cache still has it stored. You can access it that way.

I can see why the reporter quoted WTM forums. It pops up on a simple google search on the vaccination topic for me. Lazy reporting at its best.


Who says they're trolling? Lots of posters here are writers (or think they are!)

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In the case of Deborah you really have to read the thousands of pages of that area of mothering.com to get a feeling for what is going on there. And since they are a top hit, that group of individuals who are bullying and stalking people (like going to their personal blogs and stalking them there) determining what content is posted there and how the debate goes, has the potential to have a big effect on an individual's decisions.


Deborah and a few other people would start swearing and using personal insults, like seriously offensive stuff, to get threads shut down every time it finally came down to a few clear scientifically valid points I know a woman who has an archive on her personal computer of all the arguments won by the pro-vaccine people from 2005 - 2007 or so.... and the subsequent "this thread has been removed" subs! They almost never remove threads no matter how offensive, if anti-vaccine. Yes. She was a computer programmer and stayed home for a few years, bored out of her mind with a toddler, lol!


It was and probably still is a totally toxic atmosphere. But for the vulnerable new mom it seems like this friendly place. It is like a cult. Ugh.


I take responsibility for my decisions but watching many people go down that freak-out spiral I just had to leave.


I was on mothering.com for a while when I had my first, and didn't realize how "you're an idiot if you don't agree with me" it was until I left.  It's like a parody of a thoughtful discussion..... it looks like one, but it's actually the exact opposite.


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I don't recall ever going to Mothering.com.  Thanks for the heads-up!  :p


I used to kick around on a popular parenting blog.  It was so dumb, I can't really tell you why I kept going back for so long.


And one day I got an email from a friend, saying this one mean blogger had done a post about me on her personal (and very popular) blog.  I responded and then she started posting my personal info (which she could see as the blog owner) for all to see.  She googled me and found my workplace and threatened to complain to my boss.  That was freaky.


Can I ask which blog that was?!? That's pretty freaky. I imagine many of us frequent the same areas of the blogosphere....




I was so disappointed to find that their writers are trolling the WTM chat boards to come up with material and comments for current affairs.


Oh we just love doing their job for them though. Reddit is like one huge troll area for content generators. "Hey everybody I have acne how do you solve it top ten home solutions?" Next day on Buzzfeed: Top Ten Home Remedies for Acne.


Took me a while to figure that out... I felt pretty stupid when I did!

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