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Election Day


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If I'm totally honest, this thread is a reminder for me to get out and vote this afternoon.   :D


Polls here don't open until I'm in school, then right after school I have a place I NEED to be until early evening.  When I get home from there voting is not likely to be first and foremost on my mind (dinner might be)... but I do tend to check the Hive to see what's new... so I'm sort of counting on this thread to remind me - hopefully before polls close at 8pm.


I guess I can let you know later today or tomorrow if it worked!  Right now it's the best potential reminder I can think of.  Hubby is just as likely to forget as I am.

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Do you check your email regularly? When I need a reminder, I send myself an email. I check email compulsively, and I leave emails that have outstanding action items as unread, so they draw my attention in my inbox. Whenever I do whatever the email was reminding me to do, I delete it.

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I miss voting in Oregon. It's very civilized.  Ballot comes in the mail, you fill it out in the comfort of your own home and either mail it back or drop it in a locked box in safe public places.  We always took ours to the library.  My kids got a big kick out of putting our ballots (my husband's and mine, they didn't vote) in the box.  No lines, no hassles with machines.  

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Do you check your email regularly? When I need a reminder, I send myself an email. I check email compulsively, and I leave emails that have outstanding action items as unread, so they draw my attention in my inbox. Whenever I do whatever the email was reminding me to do, I delete it.


That's an idea I think I'll use too.  One of the two should catch my attention in time!


They open at 6 am here.  I went at about 6:45.  Nobody was there.  Turnout in my district is usually very low though.  At least I didn't have to wait.


I wish ours opened at 6am as then it would be easy to vote before school.  Ours open at 7 and school starts at 7:30.  I have to be here no later than 7:15, but I'm usually here by 7am.  There's no way the timing can work.


Normally I can have a note with my things to go home and just vote on the way home (it's not on the way, but close enough).  Today, however, I have to be in a totally different town for some time first.


I'm not worried about lines.  Our township is too small to ever have lines.  Well, once or twice we had to wait for perhaps 3 people in front of us, but the line takes less than a minute or two, so hardly counts.  We spend more time there chatting with the folks we meet (we tend to already know them).

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Up until this morning I didn't know if I could because I have no form of ID that is acceptable. Lost my DL, passport has my maiden name, and all bills are in dh's name. But my 4 year old declared "mom you have to vote for someone!" Prompting me to look up my states voter ID laws. Apparently I just need to sign an affidavit saying I'm me.


So I'll go vote on my way to taking the kids to kung fu

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You could put a reminder alert on your cell phone. Even if you don't have a smartphone, you should have a calendar function.


If I had a cell phone.  I lost mine back in July and never got around to replacing it.  (I'm not still paying for it.)  Sooner or later that will be on my "to do" list - or my boys can get together to get me a nice present for Christmas!  In general, I'm still old fogey enough to not care about using them though.  When I need one, I snag hubby's if he isn't using it.

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Pouring rain here when I went to the polls this morning. I snagged a great parking place so I didn't get too drenched on the way in.


I still wish every ballot had a 'none of the above' option....

Ours has a write-in line where you can put an alternative if you don't like who's running.  I've never known a write in candidate to actually win, though.  (I take that back - I just googled and I guess two write-ins have won congressional seats.)

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Voted this morning.  I have always brought the kids with me to vote.  This time I did not because my two teens who are bigger then me crowding in the booth with me is not as fun as when they were little.  I think they got the message that voting is important.

I do miss the old voting booths where I grew up.  All those levers.  You felt like you voted.  We have the electronic booths where we live now and it just not the same feeling of satisfaction pushing  button vs. pulling that lever.

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I'm glad I live in an area that is not crowded, at least at certain times of the day. We voted at 11:00am and I was in and out in less than 10 minutes. I printed out a sample ballot beforehand though, so I knew what all the races were for. I hate the races that have only one party running and a section for a write-in. I just left those blank. They'll win, but not by my vote.

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Blessed to live in Oregon--voted a couple of weeks ago (as soon as the ballot arrived in the mail) and dropped it off in a street-side ballot drop box. I enjoyed telling every election-related caller after that (even the recorded messages), "I've already voted!" before hanging up.

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Voted this morning. I have always brought the kids with me to vote. This time I did not because my two teens who are bigger then me crowding in the booth with me is not as fun as when they were little. I think they got the message that voting is important.

I do miss the old voting booths where I grew up. All those levers. You felt like you voted. We have the electronic booths where we live now and it just not the same feeling of satisfaction pushing button vs. pulling that lever.

We have the paper ballots where you fill in the bubbles. I like them because during our inevitable recounts, we don't have to worry about machine error or any of that.

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Please vote. Even if the outcome is not what you want, it is a great privilege to be able to participate in the democratic process and to voice your opinion without fear of repercussions. As somebody who grew up without this right, I very much appreciate being able to weigh in - without fearing to lose my job, have my child kicked out of school, or worse. As we prepare to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, I am especially mindful of this privilege.

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I'm going in a few minutes with only two of my four children -- this is the first time I won't be taking them all into the booth with me. The other two are still involved in the process as they are working at other polling sites. My eldest son is a precinct clerk and my second-eldest is a voting judge. Proud of them!


They were on the road by 4:45 am to help get everything set up and ready for the 6 am voters, and they won't get home until 8:00 tonight.


I hope everyone reading this thread will do their part and vote. We retain rights by exercising them.

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Please vote. Even if the outcome is not what you want, it is a great privilege to be able to participate in the democratic process and to voice your opinion without fear of repercussions. As somebody who grew up without this right, I very much appreciate being able to weigh in - without fearing to lose my job, have my child kicked out of school, or worse. As we prepare to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, I am especially mindful of this privilege.


I like your post, but I've also come to the stage where I no longer tell people to "just vote."  


Quite honestly, too many people don't even know what the issues are.  They'll literally tell me they vote because they like how a politician looks or their smile or their name/gender/race or based upon a TV commercial (often these distort the truth - either side).


I WANT people to vote, but I want them to do so when they understand the issues at hand.  I really don't want the most handsome (or pretty) poster child to win.


I work hard to try to get kids at school to understand issues at hand - both sides.  There are way, way too many who don't care.  It's sad, but I prefer those not vote honestly.


On this board I'm less worried about that happening - so yes - I do like your post - esp those who are working hard to teach their kids about how it all works!

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I like your post, but I've also come to the stage where I no longer tell people to "just vote."  


Quite honestly, too many people don't even know what the issues are.  They'll literally tell me they vote because they like how a politician looks or their smile or their name/gender/race or based upon a TV commercial (often these distort the truth - either side).


I WANT people to vote, but I want them to do so when they understand the issues at hand.  I really don't want the most handsome (or pretty) poster child to win.


I work hard to try to get kids at school to understand issues at hand - both sides.  There are way, way too many who don't care.  It's sad, but I prefer those not vote honestly.


On this board I'm less worried about that happening - so yes - I do like your post - esp those who are working hard to teach their kids about how it all works!

 I understand what you are saying in terms of not wanting certain people to vote but they should still vote.  My initial voting experiences were uneducated just voting the way my parents did deals.  But somewhere along the line I woke up and started paying more attention.  I don't know that I would have if I had never gone out and voted in the first place. I have always told my apathetic friends to start small.  Pick an issue that is important to them and find out which candidate supports their position.

As for the popularity contest that has been ongoing since the first elections.  Historically, Americans vote for tall presidents over short.  Doesn't make it right but it has always been there.   

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I like your post, but I've also come to the stage where I no longer tell people to "just vote."  


Quite honestly, too many people don't even know what the issues are.  They'll literally tell me they vote because they like how a politician looks or their smile or their name/gender/race or based upon a TV commercial (often these distort the truth - either side).


I WANT people to vote, but I want them to do so when they understand the issues at hand.  I really don't want the most handsome (or pretty) poster child to win.


I work hard to try to get kids at school to understand issues at hand - both sides.  There are way, way too many who don't care.  It's sad, but I prefer those not vote honestly.


On this board I'm less worried about that happening - so yes - I do like your post - esp those who are working hard to teach their kids about how it all works!

Oh, absolutely - FIRST you need to form an informed opinion on the issues. It's not the act of casting the ballot alone that constitutes voting, it also encompasses thinking about the issues and making up one's mind.


In our state, a stupid constitutional amendment is on the ballot to limit teacher tenure and tie teacher tenure and salary solely to students academic performance measured by standardized tests. I gave my DS an essay assignment to argue his opinion on that measure. His response easily identified several things that are wrong with it. It angers me that the people who suggest such nonsense can not see what is obvious to a 15 y/o.

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So, I have voted. I made my son read my ballot and "help" me decide. There was really not much in play on my ballot besides 2 gun control initiatives.


There's a congressional race here where one of the canidate's yard signs and buttons said VOTE FOR PEDRO. :P Unfortunately, his cool signs couldn't merit him my vote because I'm a Democrat and voted for the incumbent Democrat. Whose signs just weren't as cool. Now if he showed up at my door and did THE dance, I just might have changed my mind. Take notes for 2016, Mr. Hopeful Congressman. I'm easy.

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I pulled my allergy-suffering butt (and the butts of 4 kids) out to vote finally.

I was worried there might be an after work/after school rush, but there wasn't.  Unfortunately, our polling place's parking lot is absolutely awful, so that was still a pain even with just 3 or 4 other voters in the building. @@

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I took all three kids with me this afternoon. The lady jokingly asked DS6 if he was voting today. He looked at her like she was nuts and said, "I'm not 18 yet! I'm only 6!"


Then DS5 read aloud my ballot while I was filling it in. "Mommy, why did you vote no? Just tell me why!"


DS1 got heavy so I put him down for a second. He took off, but I managed to catch him before he knocked over a row of booth things.


And as we were leaving, they were all offered I Voted stickers. Dude, the kids get stickers at the doctor, the dentist, gym class, the grocery store, and Target. It's the one occasion that I get a sticker for me, and they start handing them out like candy. Fraud, I tell you.

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I voted.  It took me almost 2 hours!  It was a pretty massive complaint-fest, of course.  I actually thought it was kind of fun.  I saw tons of people neighbors - the ones who are neighbors but not right near me, so I don't see them a lot but was happy to chat and catch up.  I always vote on the actual election day, because I sort of just like the whole process of voting in the community on the "big day" then going home and watching the results come in.   But I have never ever had a wait even close to 2 hours before, even for presidential elections. 

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