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Things you need (not at all), yet are indulging in anyway.


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OMG! What is UP with those cookies. I am a transplant so I think they are vile. How did they even get THAT much sugar in a cookie? My theory is they contain an addictive substance that only takes effect if you consume it during childhood. They probably also contain Old Bay since they put that $€!& on everything.


For me, it's knitting. I KNEW I shouldn't learn. I KNEW it was a time and money suck. I took the class anyway and have now knitted 3 scarves, 2 dishcloths, and one sock in four weeks. I'm officially 90.

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OMG! What is UP with those cookies. I am a transplant so I think they are vile. How did they even get THAT much sugar in a cookie? My theory is they contain an addictive substance that only takes effect if you consume it during childhood. They probably also contain Old Bay since they put that $€!& on everything.


For me, it's knitting. I KNEW I shouldn't learn. I KNEW it was a time and money suck. I took the class anyway and have now knitted 3 scarves, 2 dishcloths, and one sock in four weeks. I'm officially 90.

They are not vile! And yes, I think some was crunched up in my infant cereal when I started eating solids. :D

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I haven't indulged yet, but I'm looking forward to going to our local coffee place and getting my favorite seasonal variety of theirs...a brown sugar-rosemary latte. I know it sounds weird, but it's amazing! Plus, sometimes if you get a talented coffee artist, they'll draw a sprig of rosemary in the foam!

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Yellow legal pads for writing stories. Yeah, I could use white. But I indulge and buy the yellow kind.

(I know I'm weird, yes.)

I'm the same way about spiral comp books. I have zillions, clearly need no more, but they are so alluring...writing in a spiral book is 1,000x more satisfying than typing.

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Salted Caramel Mocha from Starbucks.  I stopped drinking the more exotic (and expensive) drinks from Starbucks a while ago- preferring plain/iced coffee or tea.  But when the Salted Caramel Mocha starts getting advertised I make all kinds of excuses for errands that take me past that drive thru.  This fetish only lasts until the Peppermint Mocha replaces the Salted Caramel on the menu board.  Then I have one peppermint mocha, enjoy it, and go back to the occasional coffee. 


Dropping the kids at dance in 2 hours and taking a little detour on my way back home. 

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Today I am ordering dd16 some Tombow pencils and Bruynzeel pencils for her to try out.  She has a few mid-quality ones right now, but has asked to try a few higher end ones as well.  Her birthday is this week, so I figured I would splurge and get her a set of each.  I will toss in a new sketch pad as well, in a different size than she already has. I am just trying to decide if I should run into the Dick Blick in town to pick them out myself, or order from Amazon and call it good.  :0)   Store is cheaper and less likely to damage pencils in the mail, but I don't really feel like driving into the city today. Amazon, may just have to suit the bill. 


For me....I bought a berry pie from New Seasons yesterday.  


For me....I am buying dd7 a new bike for her birthday later in the month.  I want to give her the 'picking out a bike' experience that both of my older kids remember.... but honestly, I am thinking about just ordering on Amazon instead. That is why this is a splurge for me, not her. LOL  Just let it be a surprise and not have to deal with her picking out one that is $300 or the wrong size. (she fixates, so sometimes redirecting her isn't easy or pleasant). 



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Ink pens. I am a pen snob and prefer certain kinds. So do others in my household. Despite my best attempts to hide my pen stash, they walk away. I am constantly replacing with more nice ones instead of moving to cheap stick pens that no one would bother taking.

You are singin' my song. I believe I will raid dd's backpack under cover of night, because my good pens are some bloody place and I'm close to getting mean about it!

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Salted Caramel Mocha from Starbucks.  I stopped drinking the more exotic (and expensive) drinks from Starbucks a while ago- preferring plain/iced coffee or tea.  But when the Salted Caramel Mocha starts getting advertised I make all kinds of excuses for errands that take me past that drive thru.  This fetish only lasts until the Peppermint Mocha replaces the Salted Caramel on the menu board.  Then I have one peppermint mocha, enjoy it, and go back to the occasional coffee. 


Dropping the kids at dance in 2 hours and taking a little detour on my way back home. 



I second the Coke comment.  Recently switched from cans to 2-liter bottles and when I saw how much I was drinking out of the bottle per day, I was horrified.  I'm cutting back.  Starting tomorrow.



I love Salted Caramel Mochas from Starbucks.


It's really a bad sign that I can relate to both of these posts, right? Only it's not Coke, but Dr Pepper instead. Surely that makes it better.

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Fried green beans with wasabi sauce from TGIF's. they have this in the freezer section at Wal-Mart. Unfortunately, they don't seem to restock very often. The next time I can find them there I'm buying all that they have. I have also considered driving to a Wal-Mart in another town, but I haven't sunk that far yet. I LOVE to eat them after the kids go to bed and I can watch some adult TV like Sons of Anarchy or something on Netflix.

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The Dick Blick in Portland is not NEARLY as good as the catalog. The catalog is heaven, lol.

LOL I agree.  I used to love going in the Art Media in downtown, but there is just something so...blah about Dick Blick.  


It is like the convenience store of art supplies.  You go. You get what you need. You leave.  No desire to linger and get inspired. I don't think I have ever 'impulse shopped' at this Dick Blick store before.  The catalog on the other hand, has led me down dangerous roads.  LOL



If Dick Blick ever took on a Joann's or Michael's style interior format, I would be in deep, deep trouble. 





Here is a pix from Yelp.  Public site so I think it is okay to post, if anyone knows that it is not, please let me know and I will remove it.  The racks are high, piled with boxes on top, and the aisles narrow with poor lighting.  There are dusty racks and displays everywhere so you have to dart around displays constantly.  It is very claustrophobia inducing to me. The last time I was there, the staff ringing me out spoke Very broken English and couldn't answer a very simple 'do you stock this' art supply question. She just kept saying "don't know you want". 

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LOL I agree. I used to love going in the Art Media in downtown, but there is just something so...blah about Dick Blick.


It is like the convenience store of art supplies. You go. You get what you need. You leave. No desire to linger and get inspired. I don't think I have ever 'impulse shopped' at this Dick Blick store before. The catalog on the other hand, has led me down dangerous roads. LOL



If Dick Blick ever took on a Joann's or Michael's style interior format, I would be in deep, deep trouble.





Here is a pix from Yelp. Public site so I think it is okay to post, if anyone knows that it is not, please let me know and I will remove it. The racks are high, piled with boxes on top, and the aisles narrow with poor lighting. There are dusty racks and displays everywhere so you have to dart around displays constantly. It is very claustrophobia inducing to me. The last time I was there, the staff ringing me out spoke Very broken English and couldn't answer a very simple 'do you stock this' art supply question. She just kept saying "don't know you want".

Okay, you cured me now. In the years before there was internet, there was an art supply story in Baltimore city. It was like Artists' Mecca. (Wait - is that wrong to say? Apologizing in advance if that is in poor taste.) It was so dang difficult to get there, but I could have pitched a tent and stayed a week! Alas, it was like a week's pay to buy a Simmond's watercolor brush and a sheaf of Arches' paper.

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On Saturday I made a blueberry pie.  And it was yummy.  So on Sunday I made a peach pie.  It too was amazingly yummy.  I was pleased with my crust and wanted to test a slight modification idea I had so I made 4 more crusts.  On Monday night, I made another blueberry pie.  That crust was even more fabulous.


There is one slice of that sucker left. 


I really must stop making pies before all four of us are as round as pies but...


I still have 2 discs of dough chilling in the freezer and am seriously considering experimenting with a different approach to thickening my fruit pies. 


I guilt ate several cups of collards today to sort of try to balance out my diet a little. 



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