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I think you did something I don't know how to do--can you somehow tell google to find a match for an image? 


I just searcher for "joan of arc praying" or something similar on the image search, but if you can get google to match for you that would be fun to play around with.


Yep. :) https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/1325808?hl=en

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I haven't ever attached anything but I scanned thru and found a few celeb pics to report.


Hopefully this is resolved quickly, but let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. Sorry this is happening! And as always, thanks for keeping this site running. The educational advice (not to mention moral support) I get is invaluable!

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I am sorry, Susan. I have been a prolific image poster. Am working on deleting....


Also, I have the same question that has been posted -- some things are showing up when I search for my posts, but then when I click the link, a message says the thread cannot be found. So are the images still there or not? (I can see them in my search window.)


I think there's a delay between deleting the thread and the actual photo being cleaned out of the archive. If the thread can't be found, we're safe. I'll run this by OtherJohn to check on the photo issue.



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Well, here's a news flash: I don't want to be doing this either. I hate it.


Nor is it at all fair that I'm having to deal with a current situation which is frightening, potentially very expensive, and not at all my fault. And it is ridiculous that I'm being threatened.


Guess what? I am. And the posters on this board won't be paying for it. I will.


So I respectfully disagree.


And I am extremely grateful to those of you who have taken the time, however "ridiculous" and "unfair," to report and help out.




There is no "like" button for your posts, but that would be inadequate anyway.


:001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:


And the tip jar/donation is a great idea.  There is one blog that I read regularly and I happily make a small monthly donation. 


I don't post a huge amount here, but I truly cannot imagine homeschooling without this resource. I would gratefully donate on a monthly basis to keep this site available.  Gratias tibi ago, SWB!!!


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We could have different levels of supporters


For 10$ you could be a 'cupcake'

For 15$ a 'shopping cart'

'hot guy in kilt' will cost you 25$

'Hey Girl' is 40$

'Benedict Cumberbatch expert' is 50

'David Tennant is my future second ex husband' is a 75$ level of support

Etc, etc

Fifty dollars to declare my BC Expert status to the world??? That's a bargain!!

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The painting is under coprright, but the photograph of the painting probably is.


...this is what grounded my poetry anthology - I made an anthology of poems to memorize and paired each poem with a work of art.


To publish that, I'd need to pay the rights holders for each image unless I had taken them myself.

Doesn't Bridgeman v Corel say copyright doesn't apply? IANAL....



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Is there a way to put a sticky that tells us exactly how to search our threads for photos?  IOW, surely there is a quicker way to do that than just clicking on every post we've ever made.  And the other question is how far back do we go?  Is this just the new board (the current one)?  Do we need to Google other posts we've made on the old forums?


I'm sure these have been answered, but since I don't have time right now to wade through 7 pages of responses, perhaps a sticky with instructions would be helpful.

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I'll be able to answer this question as soon as the current situation is resolved...don't worry, I will update as soon as I'm able.


And to those of you who've offered to donate: Thanks. If it comes to that, you may end up seeing an optional donation button just to help us meet the costs of this specific situation. Only if necessary.


Onward, forward...




I was only able to go back to November 2013, page 40 on My Content, member only. How do I access older posts?

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We could have different levels of supporters


For 10$ you could be a 'cupcake'

For 15$ a 'shopping cart'

'hot guy in kilt' will cost you 25$

'Hey Girl' is 40$

'Benedict Cumberbatch expert' is 50

'David Tennant is my future second ex husband' is a 75$ level of support

Etc, etc


Well, there goes the $$ for this year's Latin books! Sign me up for DT level! :D

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The site where I got my avatar specifically says they are allowed for use on message boards, so I think I'm okay, right? I posted the site on my profile. Also, it's not something I downloaded and re-uploaded; it's linked.


I don't believe I've ever posted any photos -- certainly none of celebrities.


A pox on those who are making SWB's life miserable! I, too, would be happy to contribute if it comes to that! Let's hope it doesn't!

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I have had periods when I didn't visit the forum for weeks or even months;



Whoa!  And you survived?  I had no idea that was possible.  I never get past the withdrawal symptoms when I try just a day away.  I've even gotten addicted enough that I hop on at school when I don't have a class with me (and even between classes sometimes).  I guess my addiction level is strong.  I don't fight it any longer.


Susan, if this does turn out to be very expensive for you, would you please post and allow the board members to help out? I'm sure many of us would make a donation.


Count me in - Hive Junkie here - even though my youngest started college this fall.


I'll be able to answer this question as soon as the current situation is resolved...don't worry, I will update as soon as I'm able.


And to those of you who've offered to donate: Thanks. If it comes to that, you may end up seeing an optional donation button just to help us meet the costs of this specific situation. Only if necessary.


Onward, forward...






We could have different levels of supporters


For 10$ you could be a 'cupcake'

For 15$ a 'shopping cart'

'hot guy in kilt' will cost you 25$

'Hey Girl' is 40$

'Benedict Cumberbatch expert' is 50

'David Tennant is my future second ex husband' is a 75$ level of support

Etc, etc


And junkie status will cost us???

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Susan, is there a way to delete all of a user's posts prior to a certain point? For example, could I request that you just delete all my posts from 2012 & previously? (I'd like to keep 2013 & 2014 & am in the process of cleaning them of any images.)

We've lost a lot of old and good threads; some were set aside by special request when the site was recently updated, but I've tried to access some old threads without success. I'd hate to have more lost. Because I really do go back and read old threads.


I am sorry, Susan. I have been a prolific image poster. Am working on deleting....


Also, I have the same question that has been posted -- some things are showing up when I search for my posts, but then when I click the link, a message says the thread cannot be found. So are the images still there or not? (I can see them in my search window.)

I had this happen but with someone else's post; the image was of a topless woman and it seemed to be adult themed spam. 

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This thread: Mom in High Heels favorite pictures of Johnny Depp and several of us changing our avatars to pix of him to celebrate his birthday. That was a steamy thread. I think it is deleted.

I found one photo I had copied/pasted from a university website of a moth. I deleted it.

My background photo and my avatar are my photos.

I went through more than 38 pages of my posts which was fun, and then also looked this morning at my attachments, that was empty.

If you think it is too hard for you to go through your own posts then maybe you won't mind if yours are deleted.

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I don't see a problem in reporting that. It's sad, but necessary. Not exactly equivalent to someone reporting a poster because they don't return their shopping cart. ;)

Okay; I've been reporting members with avatars that are clearly, obviously licensed characters from people and corporations that are serious about copyright infringement (Disney, Marvel, Pixar, etc.). Someone can PayPal me my thirty pieces of silver.

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Okay; I've been reporting members with avatars that are clearly, obviously licensed characters from people and corporations that are serious about copyright infringement (Disney, Marvel, Pixar, etc.). Someone can PayPal me my thirty pieces of silver.


Sorry, I'm clean out of silver :( I'll send you thirty virtual cupcakes instead.

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I am so terribly sorry to read this!  I looked through my attachments and the only thing that came up was a personal picture that we took of our dog.  If anyone finds the thread with all of the Russell Crowe pictures in it, please report it!  (I kinda love him, lol)  I have not really been around since 2008, I just came back to try to help.


Thank-you, Susan, for all that you do.

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After skimming 40 pages of my posts using the method I posted earlier, I didn't think I'd found all of my pics.

Sure enough, I found a much better method,

which helped me to find more pics in way, way less time.

Here is how I did it:


Click on the tool symbol - the gear picture to the right of the magnifying glass at the top right of every page. That gets you to the "Advanced Search" page.


Now fill in a few blanks (skip the ones not mentioned below):


In the "Find Words" box, put .jpg


(Or, presumably, any other picture file extension, like .gif)

Be sure to include the period in .jpg or .gif, as you need at least four characters.


Under "Search in Section", click on "Forums".


Under "Find author" type your username - in my case it would be justasque.


Under "Display Results" click "As a topic list"


(This will give you just the relevant posts, instead of the whole threads.)


Then hit "Search Now".  This should give you all of your posts with .jpg pictures in them.

You can then page through your posts and skim them to see if the pictures need to go due to copyright issues or if they can stay because they are your own pics.  


To edit a post (as there is no edit button in this view), click on the post number, which will show that post in context and with an edit button.


(In Chrome you can right-click, which will open a new tab, so you can work in the new tab then close it and continue reviewing your posts in the original tab.) 


(I haven't read this whole thread, so I don't know if anyone else has already suggested this method, or indeed a better one.

SWB - talk to your tech folks - chances are this method could be modified or automated or something to search all usernames for .jpg pictures.  It wouldn't let you know which ones are legit and which aren't, but so long as you're up on your celebs, it may help find them....)



This worked really well for me.  Just wanted to bump it up to the current end of the thread in case it got missed. 


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We could have different levels of supporters


For 10$ you could be a 'cupcake'

For 15$ a 'shopping cart'

'hot guy in kilt' will cost you 25$

'Hey Girl' is 40$

'Benedict Cumberbatch expert' is 50

'David Tennant is my future second ex husband' is a 75$ level of support

Etc, etc

For old-timers, we need a "booKs" level. (I was off the forums for awhile and don't know these newer references.) For those who even remember booKs, you get bonus points.

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If you think it is too hard for you to go through your own posts then maybe you won't mind if yours are deleted.

Some members may be on vacation or, alas, no longer alive. I wouldn't want every post of theirs to be deleted. I think Moira used to post kilt photos, and I remember Myrtle posting her own pictures of her kid's work, but those may be gone by now.


It is possible to "report" other people's posts, anyway. I have done this a few times in the interest of just getting this over with.

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I don't know how to post pictures, so that is a blessing. I have a lot of Kreeft and Lewis quotes. I can find them by searching specifically under those names. I am sure I have quoted others that I can't remember. Most of the time I know the quotes are short, but I know some are longer. I always give credit and cite the source. I hope it isn't a problem if I can't find them all.


(It break ds my heart to delete some of the Kreeft and Lewis quotes. They are sooooooo good and I always hope they prompt people to read more of their works.)

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Don't worry about the text right now...as I said (a few pages ago), celebrity photos are the primary target right now.


Hey, guys, it made me REALLY sad to delete all those kilt threads...because you were all having so much fun.


Ah, well. Perhaps we can all eat a lot of sugar tonight.



I was very sad to read that some of those threads were to be deleted too. It seems like a loss of character almost!


But! Your legal safety is more important.

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I don't know how to post pictures, so that is a blessing. I have a lot of Kreeft and Lewis quotes. I can find them by searching specifically under those names. I am sure I have quoted others that I can't remember. Most of the time I know the quotes are short, but I know some are longer. I always give credit and cite the source. I hope it isn't a problem if I can't find them all.


(It break ds my heart to delete some of the Kreeft and Lewis quotes. They are sooooooo good and I always hope they prompt people to read more of their works.)


SWB has said several times that quotes with attributions are not the problem (or something to the same effect), it is really celebrity photos that need to go.

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I was very sad to read that some of those threads were to be deleted too. It seems like a loss of character almost!


But! Your legal safety is more important.

I totally agree. Hey, at least I was able to relive some of those hilarious threads while reporting the posts. I think Gerard Butler in the pink shirt and kilt must be the hive's all time favorite outfit. Hopefully, he isn't the one threatening to sue you.
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I do hope you are able to rise up and prevail over the present travails. Especially with the upcoming mini conference.


I've been following the case of some patent trolls, including one who claims to own the rights to all podcasts through a poorly worded patent claim. If this is a similar situation it would at least represent an acknowledgement of how influential wtm boards have become.

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