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Links are fine.


Brief quotes from published articles are OK with links back to the original source, but keep the quotes short--WELL below 5% of the total article length.


Wikipedia is generally considered public domain.


Fair use/open use is OK, but be VERY sure that anything you post falls under this category. 


NEVER pull photos off magazine or news sites. 


Photos are really not OK unless you took them or unless you can prove that THEY are in the public domain. And yeah, that includes cupcakes and kilts. And probably Ryan Gosling too.


Photos in avatars are still photos, so unless you own the rights or the photo is in the public domain, then yeah, it should come down too.


I apologize for the trouble, but please try to do what you can.




Would it be correct that quotations from government websites are not copyrighted?  Or is it better to remove now and verify later?


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Wow, you guys are conscientious! Thanks.


RE going back years and years...I have asked for further guidance from a Power That Is, and here's the take: Don't worry so much about past quotes/text. But photos, ESPECIALLY CELEBRITY PHOTOS, need to come down. Even if you put your own caption on a photo of Ryan Gosling, the photo itself is owned by someone who may very well accuse you/us of copyright infringement.


Government websites are not a problem.

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RE going back years and years...I have asked for further guidance from a Power That Is, and here's the take: Don't worry so much about past quotes/text. But photos, ESPECIALLY CELEBRITY PHOTOS, need to come down. Even if you put your own caption on a photo of Ryan Gosling, the photo itself is owned by someone who may very well accuse you/us of copyright infringement.



Hm, a lot of these are going to be in locked threads. 


How do reported posts show up to you? Should we only report our own posts? Do you have to go through each report? For example, if 50 of us report the same Ryan Gosling photo, is that more work than if only 1 of us reported it? Sorry that it is an issue!!

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I just figured out a way to go back farther into the past than just a "My Content" search. Using the advanced search feature, you can search each of the individual boards for all posts from Jan. 1, 2008 through the oldest date you found when you used the "My Content" search. If that maxes out at 1000, you might need to adjust dates again.

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I saw some quotes without links.  They may have been fixed?


I think as long as they are short and within the context of an ongoing discussion about the same thing, then they should be fine. Many of the quotes without links still had the author and title listed. The latter is what is really required from a copywriter standpoint. They would be more problematic if there were big blocks of text.

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If you want to see what pics you've uploaded, go to My Settings / Manage Attachments.  Delete all that apply.


That's only if you've actually uploaded them. Are only uploaded photos a problem? If we click on the little photo icon, then paste in a link, we haven't uploaded it, we're basically just hot linking it. Hot linking is *definitely* more traceable than uploading.


eta: For example, the pineapple pic was hot linked, so it wasn't in my attachments. BUT, I did find a Ewan McGregor photo there to delete!

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The quotes are not really the big problem, so don't fret too much about them.


Go ahead and report celeb photos. Don't worry so much about photos taken from catalogs or online stores.


Actually, no, posting a comic or photo with attribution is STILL a problem. Much better to provide a link to the original source than to copy and paste.


Basically, any time you copy and paste an image...stop and think first.

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The quotes are not really the big problem, so don't fret too much about them.


Go ahead and report celeb photos. Don't worry so much about photos taken from catalogs or online stores.


Actually, no, posting a comic or photo with attribution is STILL a problem. Much better to provide a link to the original source than to copy and paste.


Basically, any time you copy and paste an image...stop and think first.


Susan, is posting photos via the little photo icon an issue? I *think* it works by the original photo being hosted on its original host and the photo image that appears in the post is just hot linked. It doesn't provide a link in the post, but nobody is actually copying and pasting the photo.


I think this is probably how most photos are shared in the forum because we are only given a very limited amount of storage space for uploading our own photos. I *know* that hot linking is more traceable than actually copying and pasting, but it also isn't stealing the photo.


I also know that some websites can get very mad about people hot linking to their sites because it affects their bandwidth. Do you know if this is an issue in this case?

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If there's a way for the mods to look back over a list of locked threads specifically, then I'm guessing that might be a good way to find many of the celebs in kilts photos and many of the cupcake photos.


I know I've done photos a few times over the years but I can only remember a photo of long division examples from last week... Off to remove...

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Susan, only 40 pages of content showed up. I have nearly 9700 posts. So, this got me back as far as the last week of April 2014. I probably need to go a lot further back. Is the rest of it archived? If so, how do we get access? If it is archived, would it be possible for one of your computer gurus to run a quick program that searches for and deletes all photos? I am sure the pictures are the number one issue, and past April, no one is really going to go look them up anyway nor are they going to be pivotal to some ongoing discussion where editing would be necessary in order to continue the thread.


Just a thought. I'm not took tech savvy and have no idea how to get back any further.

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OK, I've scrubbed anything that might be remotely an issue (ie *any* quoted text, didn't have any vids or photos), but was only able to get back through April of 2013---reckon I talk a lot? :)  If there's a way to go farther back, I'll be glad to do so. I don't post photos because I never figured out how. Sounds like that was a good thing!


Do social groups show up in the regular forum search for content? Is there a way to search those?

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Susan, is posting photos via the little photo icon an issue? I *think* it works by the original photo being hosted on its original host and the photo image that appears in the post is just hot linked. It doesn't provide a link in the post, but nobody is actually copying and pasting the photo.


When using that little icon, more often than using the photo's original link at the website where it was posted, I've saved the photo to my computer, uploaded it to my Photobucket account, and then used the link they give me for that photo. So it can be used in more than one way.  I see now this is a no-no.

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To review your posts, click on your name in the upper right of any page,

under By Content Type check Forums, under See This Member's check Only Posts.


You can then page through your posts and skim them to see if there are quotes or pictures included.


To edit a post (as there is no edit button in this view), click on the post number, which will show that post in context and with an edit button.


(In Chrome you can right-click, which will open a new tab, so you can work in the new tab then close it and continue reviewing your posts in the original tab.)



I did this.  It didn't take long, but it only went back so far...40 pages of my posts. 

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Susan, only 40 pages of content showed up. I have nearly 9700 posts. So, this got me back as far as the last week of April 2014. I probably need to go a lot further back. Is the rest of it archived? If so, how do we get access? If it is archived, would it be possible for one of your computer gurus to run a quick program that searches for and deletes all photos? I am sure the pictures are the number one issue, and past April, no one is really going to go look them up anyway nor are they going to be pivotal to some ongoing discussion where editing would be necessary in order to continue the thread.


Just a thought. I'm not took tech savvy and have no idea how to get back any further.

Use the advanced search feature (click the cog thing next to the search box) and input your name as the author and the dates you want to search. You can further refine it by choosing which boards to search, if that helps in any way. This type of search doesn't make your actual post fully visible, though; you have to click on the link and scroll to find what you posted. HTH.

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That's OK. I appreciate the help!


However...you only need to report each thread once--if there's one photo in it, I scan the thread to make sure it wasn't "quoted," so I'll see others.



Additional answers...


Don't worry about going back years and years when you search your own posts, but if anyone sees celebrity photos ANYWHERE, please report.


Hotlinking isn't an issue.


Some of the threads were so photo-laden that I took them down instead of editing. Sorry...but it's turning into a long day. :drool:

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If you want to see what pics you've uploaded, go to My Settings / Manage Attachments. Delete all that apply. They will disappear from any posts in which you used them.

Will this work for photos we posted into the body of a text?


I did not realize that photos published in the news media were problematic to post. I thought that since the pictures were already "out there" for everyone to view that they were fair game. Definitely did not intend to cause trouble for SWB.

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How do I change my avatar pic?


Go to your profile. Click on "edit profile". There's a rather ambiguous button that says "edit photo". Click on that and it will bring up a window where you can change or delete your avatar.


You can upload directly to the site if you shrink your pic down small enough. I use this:




and it's Image>Scale Image and from there you can see how many pixels and adjust accordingly.

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What is it with you guys and Benedict Cumberbatch?????


do you even need to ask?


Argh, I have no idea who anyone is anymore with these disappearing avatars!


I have checked but I think I'm ok.  Would love to know what's behind all this when the furore dies down. 

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That's OK. I appreciate the help!


However...you only need to report each thread once--if there's one photo in it, I scan the thread to make sure it wasn't "quoted," so I'll see others.



Additional answers...


Don't worry about going back years and years when you search your own posts, but if anyone sees celebrity photos ANYWHERE, please report.


Hotlinking isn't an issue.


Some of the threads were so photo-laden that I took them down instead of editing. Sorry...but it's turning into a long day. :drool:


I had pretty good results searching


:welltrainedmind.com [insert name of celebrity or kilts]


Then I clicked on images.  I can click on the images that look like a problem.  That gives me the name of the thread.  Right click to open in a new tab.  It's easy to see if it's a new (to me) thread or one that I've already reported.

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do you even need to ask?


Argh, I have no idea who anyone is anymore with these disappearing avatars!


I have checked but I think I'm ok.  Would love to know what's behind all this when the furore dies down. 


Likely paparazzi or a celebrity photographer or a site like TMZ.


They take the copyright issues very seriously, otherwise it kills the price of the image.  Most celebrities don't care one way or the other because any exposure = good.

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