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I want a new hobby! Please, everyone, share!


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I'm getting tired of my current, sedate hobby.


I want to learn something new--wood working? Stained glass?  I don't know, but I would love to hear hobbies y'all have, or your friends have, or you've heard about, or imagined in your head. :)  Maybe something I've never even heard of!


I already cook and bake, knit, write, quilt, crochet, do yoga, swim. I've crafted and scrapbooked in the past.


Anyway, please, share! And maybe we can all be inspired to try something new.



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I already cook and bake, knit, write, quilt, crochet, do yoga, swim. I've crafted and scrapbooked in the past.



You knit and crochet.  Girl, the answer is obvious...you need to learn to SPIN now so that you can make your own yarn!  You will never look at a hairy creatures the same way again!

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I'm always up for a new challenge. Sounds like you've explored a lot of different activities. I guess it depends on what kind of time, space, money limitations you have. Personally, for health and energy levels, I would take up a new sport rather than a craft/product hobby. I'm still young enough to be mobile and relatively injury-free, so it's a perfect time to learn something new.  My dh and I just got back to playing tennis after a couple decades away from the sport. It's wonderful!  There are usually lots of public courts available in the US, and you can supplement with a few private or group lessons from a pro at a local club.


You may want to try running, as it's very independent training-wise, inexpensive and there are a lot of fun/theme racing opportunities or many different distances to look at.

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I've developed an interest in mosaics which is kind of overlapping into tiling and masonry, so it can be sedate (small mosaics) or physical (stone masonry, casting) depending on what my life can handle at the moment. 


Also landscaping, especially gardens. It has a lot of different elements; architecture, building, gardening, decorating. 

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Sewing? Tennis? Belly dancing? Clogging/step dancing? Digital scrapbooking? Choir?


Oh, and ITA about gardening. I started doing it out of necessity and I can't even say how much satisfaction I get from even my pitiful little pots of flowers. Portulacas are a very gratifying plant to grow. They have such happy, sunny little faces, and the plants expand rapidly to fill a pot with flowers. They need pretty much zero maintenance around here. 

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Hahah! This has been wonderful!

So many great ideas!


There's an antique store here that has tons of old chairs. I might look on Pinterest and see what I can do with one of them.


So many possibilities. Keep 'em coming.


Thanks, everyone!



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My neighbor used to have almost no hobbies. Then she took up gardening. And then soapmaking. Then raising rabbits for food. Then they moved out to the country so they wouldn't have to worry about the HOA saying "No livestock!" and so they could get chickens and more dogs and . . .


What I'm saying is: you could start a mini-farm. That would keep you *really* busy! :D

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Gosh, I feel so boring next to many of you!


I enjoy reading, playing the piano, and knitting (when I am making something practical).


Reading this thread makes me feel like I need to find something new to do! When do you guys do all this?!?

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DH has always wanted to do stained glass so I'm getting him a class to learn how for his birthday.  It looks like a lot of fun!




I'm just getting into it.  It's not sedate.


Or bag piping!  Your friends will all wear kilts ...

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I do martial arts and hobby farming, and used to make stained glass pieces. Before Babyman came along (you know, when I had time to do things other than chase a toddler) I would take continuing education classes at the local trade school. That's where I learned stained glass. I have welding on my list when I'm able to go again because I want to build a travel trailer/tiny house on wheels.

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Going to suggest spinning as well.  To which you can also add dyeing and weaving just to give you more things to do with your fiber.  Which could possibly lead to things like wanting your own sheep and/or alpacas or other wooly creatures. 


This could also lead to your dogs getting more frequent combings, in an attempt to supplement your fiber stash. :)

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Mine that I am working on now, or will start soon:


Crocheting beaded jewelry This will be my first project http://knot-cha-cha.blogspot.com/2010/06/tutorial-for-understatement-necklace.html


Kayaking and canoeing

Teaching myself violin


Watercolor- both western and Asian styles (not new, but coming back to it)


Cardio dancing (I think like Zumba, but I have Crunch videos and LOVE them)

Balance ball and medicine ball


Herbal glycerin soap pouring-much easier than traditional soap-making and gentler on the skin

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No one has mentioned QUILLING?!


Pros: can start off cheaply with cutting your own paper and using toothpicks.  Or you can buy paper and tools for probably under $10-$20.

You can be creative or not, whatever you want (you can follow other people's designs if you don't think you're creative or you don't want to be).

It doesn't take much space.

You can do it piecemeal.

It looks good!

If you get good at it you could probably give them away as gifts for weddings, new home gifts, baby gifts, etc in frames. 


Here is the website from one of the top quilling artists: Yulia Brodskaya: http://www.artyulia.com

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You know, 90% of the hobbies listed here require artistic ability. What about hobbies that one can pursue if a person doesn't have any artistic ability? Many of don't have artistic ability and actually aren't interested in pursuing something artistic. We appreciate people that are able to create beauty, and we are just smart enough to know that it's less frustrating to leave these areas to other people. :)  


So.....are there any hobbies that aren't artistic or sports related? Other than reading?


Hard question, but I know someone here is up to the challenge of answering!!

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When do you guys do all this?!?

A couple of years ago, I challenged myself to do something creative everyday for a year. It could be baking cute cupcakes, developing a new recipe, knitting a few rows, or coloring with my kids. But I had to create something new each day.


It changed my life. I stopped saying "I used to...", and started doing things that I love. I am more confident, more accepting of myself, and happier in my daily life. I know myself better and respect myself more. 


It didn't cost me anything, and only took a few minutes a day. I'm sure there are days that I missed, but it became, not a habit, but a redefinition of my life. 

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