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My vacation plans got changed a bit....


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I had tomorrow (Friday) off of work due to a schedule conflict.  Dh is out of town for a conference and won't be back till Saturday.  I was scheduled to work on Saturday and then take  a week off for vacation.  I wasn't going anywhere, just taking the time to list a few home school books on Craigslist for last minute shoppers and do some organizing. I wanted to do some hiking and take the kids to dd15s favorite lake, which will require 4 hours of driving, each way.  Just a nice relaxing,  but productive week.



Last night I  was dealing with a tantrum from dd7.  Right after, my stomach started hurting and  I figured that I was getting ulcers due to the stress.  The pain progressed, I ended up in the ER, found out that my appendix ruptured and had surgery at 9 this morning.  


It was 12 hours from first pain to surgery. They bumped me ahead of 6 other patients who were there when I walked in, so I figure I must have looked pretty bad.  LOL  


Now I guess I get a weeks worth of recovery, instead of vacation. Poor dh is in Colorado,We live in Washington and he feels terrible he is not here to help out. I talked him into staying at work instead of coming home early. I really don't need the extra help because our teens have been amazing. I conceded, to him,  that he can try to get an earlier flight on a different airline to come early, bu\t to finish his part of the conference (his work will pay for his flight change). Otherwise, I would prefer for him to just stay until his work is done.  Ds19 has stepped up and taken care of dd7, and has been driving dd15 around.  DD15 spent the day with me, even though I was sleeping most of it, to take care of me in the hospital.  She has spoiled me with walking a half mile to Starbucks when an Orange Refresher was all that sounded good to drink.  She has set me up with tech for the night (laptops, chargers, ear buds), a book to read, and snacks for when I can eat again.  


My kids didn't have to be asked to help out, they just jumped into their roles and have been wonderful.  Even the nurses have commented how 'sweet' they are.  Makes my mama heart proud how they accepted the responsibilities seriously and willingly, with huge kindness and love.  Gotta love my teens!  I am hugely blessed to have them in my life.  



I am off to visit my drug induced sleepy land (meds are already onboard,  so I hope this post makes sense at al LOL)....but If you wouldn't mind, a few positive thoughts and prayers for speedy healing  would be appreciated. 



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I forgot to mention that I'll be praying for you! :grouphug:


Update us when you can, but more importantly, get some rest and take good care of yourself! :)


PS. You might want to change your thread title to let people know what happened -- I thought the thread was actually about your vacation plans. I had no suspicion that I was going to read that your appendix had ruptured! That's very scary!!! :eek:


I'm sure many people here would want to know that you could use some prayers, and would want to send you some hugs, too. :)

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Leave it to a mom to schedule her recovery time during her vacation instead of when she's supposed to be working!


More realistically, I'm VERY glad things have turned out well and your kids are stepping into their new roles so easily.  (This latter part means you've done a terrific job raising them...)


I hope recovery goes well.  "Enjoy" your down time.  AND, insist upon getting your vacation in afterward!  :cheers2:

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I 'liked' your post, not because of your unexpected surgery, but because your kids are stepping up so lovingly. And because I am glad you got to the hospital when you did! Try to just relax and let yourself be taken care of. And maybe you can get a better 'vacation' when you are recovered!

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Oh my gosh, Tap! Well, thank goodness the surgery went well and you're kids have totally stepped up. Will be thinking of you and hoping you get well soon.

Isn't it great to see how much our teens can step up and take over when need be! Hope your recovery is speedy and painless. Let those kids pamper you for a spell!

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I so dislike sudden surprises like that. I have had 3 similar surprises in five years and was told I am very healthy. HA!

Your kids are doing a great job, I know how comforting that must be. I hope you're not in any more pain or that it is well managed.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

A slow start to the school year then and get plenty of rest.

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Yikes! Hope you feel better. I know FOUR people who have had theirs removed in the last 8 weeks, including two teens. What is up with that? The most recent one happened during the family's out-of-state vacation.


So... are you implying that being associated with YOU is the problem we should all beware of?   :lol:   I've heard of carriers for contagious diseases after all...

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So... are you implying that being associated with YOU is the problem we should all beware of?   :lol:   I've heard of carriers for contagious diseases after all...

Nope. I'm implying that I'm the first to notice this Big Appendix Conspiracy and they're gonna start blowing left and right. Be ready!

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:grouphug:  Best wishes for a speedy recovery. And yes, it is great to have wonderful kids. Mine have taken good care of me when I needed it.


When you aren't loopy from pain meds, it might be worth a check at work to see if your vacation can turn to sick leave (if you have that) so a vacation later on can happen. But as a mom, I'll say most of my "vacations" have been because I was ill, I call it a "forced vacation" which is sometimes the only way a mom can get a vacation.


Maybe if you are feeling up to it near the end of the week, your kids can take you to lunch, or on a picnic nearby. Be sure to watch movies you all love together as well and get all your favorite take out foods!

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