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JAWM Doctor's Offices, Messages, and Bad News


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So, my OB's office called on Saturday and left a message about an abnormal mammogram.  Please call us back.


Unfortunately, the office was closed all day Saturday, so I couldn't call back…it went straight to the answering service.


I called this morning at 9 a.m. and was given to my OB's nurse's voicemail.  She's the one who called on Saturday, and her message says that she usually can return calls within 24-48 hours.


I know how busy nurses and other medical staff are.  I get that.  I'm married to one.  Still, DH would never call a patient with potentially bad test results and have them wait three days before talking to somebody about it.  






Next time, I don't care about HIPPA, just send me an email…tell me what you want me to do…etc….or don't call on Saturday morning when the office will be closed the next few days….and then be impossible to reach.  



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I'll add that I know she's probably so busy that calling people on Saturday is the only time she can.  


I also know that she'll probably just tell me to get a diagnostic mammogram or an ultrasound or whatever.  I'm OK with that…but I just want to get the ball rolling.


I was talking to my best friend…and her Mom ended up getting basically a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery the same day.  They used the skin/fat from her abdomen, so she ended up with a tummy tuck.  She said… Mom couldn't be happier.  The girls are nice and perky and her stomach is flat. 


So..I tell myself…if it's nothing, it's a reminder to be nicer to myself…to get that facial…buy a nice bra from time to time.


If not, maybe I too can have perky girls and a flat tummy.  After breastfeeding four kids for two years each, that would be nice. LOL :)

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That's terrible. I'd call back this morning and demand to talk to someone. If you get the voicemail again, call back and say you need to talk to a real live nurse or doctor.

I would do this. I'd tell them I didn't care which nurse/doctor called back. I'd tell them about the message on the machine and how cruel that was to leave you dangling and you're not waiting another moment to find out what's going on.


Or go there in person.

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That is stressful and frustrating. Hopefully you'll get some news really soon. From my own experience, I've found that those weekend messages are not the ones with the bad news - the ones from your doctor or the nurse on a weekday are the ones. If it's really important and timely, they want a better chance of reaching you quickly.

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I had this happen when I was in my 20's, only it was a tumor.  Benign, but that wasn't in the message.  :(


I got so upset as Friday wore on and on that I finally just got in my car and drove over to the medical center and sat there until the doctor would talk to me personally. Otherwise I would have gone crazy over the weekend.  

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Inevitably I get calls on Friday afternoons when I am out and by the time I get the message, I can't call back until Monday.  


I too had a tumor in my 20s, well, an adenoma.  It turned out to be harmless, but the message I got from the doctor on the phone (not a message) was, "You have a tumor in your brain."   Um, no, I had an adenoma in my pituitary gland......very different.  


Sometimes medical personnel have poor timing and wording.

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:grouphug:   That's really ridiculous!!  Can you go into the office and request a copy of the results?


I think that's what I'll do tomorrow if I don't hear anything.  I may time it to be at the office when they open.


The main office is about a 40 minute drive from me.  I went to one of their satellite locations, but they're only at that office a few days per month.

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At least you got a call....my grandma has heart trouble and had some tests done a couple weeks ago.  They texted my mom (she's the one listed for them to call) to tell her grandma had a worse issue and needed more testing.  Mom was a bit baffled at the fact that they texted.


Hope that it turns out to be nothing for you. 

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I hope it turns out to be nothing.  But I would still be ticked that they handled it this way. Sure, to them this is no big deal. They see test results that indicate 'further testing needed' all the time. But you don't. 


I know nurses and doctors are busy. But still...

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I cannot stand when medical office's do this! I usually see the NP at my OB's office. If she has concerning news she has given me her home phone number to call her on the weekend. She's awesome.


I hope you find out the information soon and that it's not serious!


Elise in NC

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I am sorry you have to have more images done. It's really nerve wracking the first time around. Please, please consider getting an appointmennt with a breast specialist and a dedicated breast radiologist for the additional screening. I think you will find they are much more prompt in getting your results, and you will be dealing with experts in their field.

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I am sorry you have to have more images done. It's really nerve wracking the first time around. Please, please consider getting an appointmennt with a breast specialist and a dedicated breast radiologist for the additional screening. I think you will find they are much more prompt in getting your results, and you will be dealing with experts in their field.


That's who i'll be seeing hopefully in about a week.  They just focus on breast imaging, supposedly.  You also speak with the radiologist before you leave regarding the results…so there's no waiting.

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That's who i'll be seeing hopefully in about a week. They just focus on breast imaging, supposedly. You also speak with the radiologist before you leave regarding the results…so there's no waiting.[/quote


Great! Just try to hang in there until the appointment. I just went through this process with my ovaries, so I understand how frightening it can be. :grouphug:

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Thanks everybody.  It actually makes me appreciate how my OB in Jacksonville handled things when my pap came back abnormal.  She called me herself.  No message…not sure how many times she tried until she got me, but there was no "call the office" type messages.  She  spoke with me for a good 10 minutes on what our next steps were (colposcopy…and then LEEP), etc.  People said she is not a touchy-feely type of doctor, but IMHO, she handled it really well.


I think that if my CNM hadn't left this practice, she probably would have called me herself and handled things better.  Just a guess, though.

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Hugs.  I hope it's all turns out okay.


I keep wishing to find a doctor's office that isn't complete jerks, but they all seem to engage in this sort of behavior.  A couple of years ago, after a physical, ours robocalled dh to come in to discuss "abnormal results."  They wouldn't tell him more.  He had to wait more than two weeks.  Turned out his vit. D levels were slightly low.  That was it.  I'm still angry about that.

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