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Least favorite tv show


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There are a lot of shows I don't watch, but few I actively dislike.

I just ignore silly reality tv and needlessly gruesome procedurals. But visiting family I learned an aunt just loves a show about a brilliant man who uses clues from his schizophrenic delusions to solve crimes. What the heck ? How could anyone think that was a nifty idea for a show?


What is your least favorite?

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There are a lot of shows I don't watch, but few I actively dislike.



You must have a very high tolerance level or you are really good at watching images on the screen without paying attention.


My list of shows I like is pretty small. The list I dislike would be long. ;) 

IMO, most TV writers and producers stopped using their brains and just went with the cheapest, most silly "ideas" (to use the word "plot" would be a crime) a while ago.


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I am not a fan of the Big Bang Theory. I know. I am alone among the American population in this regard. Oh, even worse is Two and a Half Men.


I don't love the Big Bang Theory, either.  I think because it was so hyped before I attempted to watch it.


I loved Two and a Half Men when Charlie Sheen was still on it, but not anymore.

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There aren't many shows I like, which is why I haven't watched TV in years. I loved Seinfeld, Frasier, Cheers. I like to laugh. My daughter and I are currently watching The Office, which is a good one, imo.


I ditto whoever said they dislike reality shows. They have been done to death and are just so...unreal.

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I laugh myself silly at Big Bang Theory -- I have known too many people like that not to.


I loathe Barney the Dinosaur and SpongeBob.  Much too annoying.  I cannot stomach poor animation, either, so many of the stuff my kids find on Netflix is limited or banned outright.  Boobah is also a no-go here.


"Reality" TV is anything but.  I've watched some in stupefied fascination at what people would put up with.  However, I have found some redeeming value in Fashion Star, Ninja Warrior, and talent shows.  Hmm, I guess the ones I like really can be classified more as talent shows than "reality" TV.


I don't like most horror, gore for the sake of gore.  I do like Alfred Hitchcock, and cheesy old monster movies with guys in rubber suits, obvious puppets, and ketchup for blood.


I like detective shows more than cop shows -- yes, they are different.  There's stories about cops (cop shows), and there's stories about investigations and solving puzzles (detecting).  Though I do like Adam 12 and Dragnet.  I also like shows about emergency workers (like Emergency).


Mostly if it has a good story to it I will end up liking it.  If it doesn't, then it has to have other redeeming qualities, or I just won't sit through it at all.  Sitcoms can be real hit or miss in this regard.

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I'm not a big fan of reality TV either, except Deadliest Catch and even that has started to grate on me the last few seasons.


So much of TV just doesn't grab me. I've tried several and given up...


Tried watching Duck Dynasty once just to see what the appeal was...nope, couldn't even make it through one episode.


Tried Falling Skies and Walking Dead..ho hum.


Lately I've been wishing they'd start another Star Trek series.

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I actively dislike Big Bang Theory. I love nerds, and smart nerds especially, but that show just irritates me. 


Honestly, I don't watch a lot of broadcast TV. Most of my viewing happens with Netflix or when I search out something I want to watch online. So, my only exposure to shows I don't like is if my husband and son turn on something and I'm in the room long enough to decide. They watch several things I don't particularly enjoy, but the only thing I can think of that I've seen enough of to decide I actually dislike it is Big Bang Theory.

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But visiting family I learned an aunt just loves a show about a brilliant man who uses clues from his schizophrenic delusions to solve crimes. What the heck ? How could anyone think that was a nifty idea for a show?


What is your least favorite?


I've never heard of that show, but someone close to a family member suffers from schizophrenia. I can't imagine painting the delusions as a good thing. They're so not good.


Reality shows--Big Brother, Bachelor, all those sappy dancing or singing contest shows. They're all garbage, but one small step up from the crappy Swamp people, Duck Idiots, Alligator Wrestling Nitwit shows.


:iagree:  I hate reality shows, including the who sings/dances best type. 


I actively hate Two and a Half Men. I tried it both with and without Charlie Sheen and hated both. I also hate Glee. Tried it several times and couldn't get through it.

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But visiting family I learned an aunt just loves a show about a brilliant man who uses clues from his schizophrenic delusions to solve crimes. What the heck ? How could anyone think that was a nifty idea for a show?


You should try watching it. It's called Perception, and it's actually a very good show. :)


I thought it was going to be something along the lines of Monk, but with a different illness, but it's nothing like that at all.


Oh, I love Perception (when I remember it is on).

Me, too! :hurray:

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House hunters. I really actively dislike that show. It is mind-numbing. Pretty much everything else on HGTV, other reality shows and most contest-type shows. Dh loves several of them. Fortunately, we only have Netflix, so I am not subjected to HGTV except at other people's houses.

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I usually greatly dislike reality shows but I admit to getting sucked into one recently. I stayed home sick from a weekend cabin trip and spent ALL day watching junk! I got hooked on dance moms because the girls were cute and I love to watch good dancers. I can't stand the premise of the show, I can't stand the moms or the teacher. But I keep going back because I want to see how the girls do on their next dance :::hiding face in shame:::


I don't really have a least favorite because we don't have cable. I don't even know about most shows. I have to search out what I want on netflix or amazon. A general "dance" search is how I found dance moms. I'd never heard of it.

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My least favorite TV show is The Bachelor.  Or, maybe The Bachelorette. 


I've only seen either one maybe two times in all the years it's been on, but each time it just makes me want to throw things at TV.   I have no idea what the allure is.  

Ha! I could understand back when it seemed like it was glamorous -- but now, almost no one has gotten married so why bother?? Why not just make a show to introduce people to each other and pre-screen for diseases and criminal history. Wait, I guess that would be too useful.

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I usually greatly dislike reality shows but I admit to getting sucked into one recently. I stayed home sick from a weekend cabin trip and spent ALL day watching junk! I got hooked on dance moms because the girls were cute and I love to watch good dancers. I can't stand the premise of the show, I can't stand the moms or the teacher. But I keep going back because I want to see how the girls do on their next dance :::hiding face in shame:::


I don't really have a least favorite because we don't have cable. I don't even know about most shows. I have to search out what I want on netflix or amazon. A general "dance" search is how I found dance moms. I'd never heard of it.


I like Dance moms for the same reason. I love the creative dance routines. I get so irritated with the moms though and the whole candy apples thing. Dd likes to watch it too, and I find myself either muting during the rants or pointing out what is wrong with these people. :lol:  The only episodes we don't watch are the ones at the end where they gather talk show style and re-hash all the fights :rolleyes: . 

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Lots and lots of shows I don't like.  I just don't watch them.  I never watch live TV.  I either Tivo shows I like or watch things on Netflix or online.


This Fall looks like it has some pretty bad shows in its line up.  I can't imagine anyone watching those, but I couldn't imagine some of the other shows making it either.  Sigh.


I am a HUGE crime show junkie and most of them I like.  

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I don't like reality TV.


The only show that goes on in my vicinity that really bugs me is Burn Notice. My DH loves it, and I can't figure out why. He can't stand it when I talk too much while he's trying to watch TV (he does it too, lol!), but in this show, the main character never.shuts.up. (And you know it's extremely annoying to me because I.never.resort.to.this.kind.of.punctuation.) I don't need a man who is supposed to be some fantastic spy guy obsessing and nattering on and on about every thought that crosses his mind. I overanalyze enough of my own life, thank you very much. :-) The show is a spy equivalent of "I think I fed kids too many of x, and I was worried that they would get a rash. It was bedtime, and I was worried they'd have anaphylaxis in their sleep, so I googled symptoms of a food allergy rash. After that I installed a trail cam in their bedroom with infrared light to detect the least bit of rash that might appear overnight on their precious little bums..." Exhausting.

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Glee. Gosh, how I grew to truly hate Glee. I can not even count the ways.


I am on the fence about Big Bang Theory. It has its good moments still but I have issues with the way gender roles are portrayed and with the caricature of Sheldon and how they circle around autism or SPD, always there but never quite going there.

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We do not have satellite, digital or cable tv so we only see network tv shows. The only show I can say I "despise" is Two and a Half Men, and that's just from watching commercials and clicking by occasionally, and watching Charlie's Sheen's antics played out on Los Angeles' "what-passes-for-news" reports. Anything else we might not like we just don't bother watching.

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I think Two & a Half Men and Big Bang Theory are basically the exact same show. 


I don't want any singing show but I love So You Think You Can Dance.  Where else can you see people dance at a professional (or nearly professional) level in a variety of styles every week? It's art.  Just fast forward through the non dancing parts.

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You should try watching it. It's called Perception, and it's actually a very good show. :)


I thought it was going to be something along the lines of Monk, but with a different illness, but it's nothing like that at all.



Me, too! :hurray:


I watched 30 minutes of it last night. I think it's more like House than Monk.... irascible, brilliant guy solves mysteries despite hardships.  But House is  a version of Sherlock Holmes, not  someone actually suffering from mentally illness.  And the problems he does have, like drug addiction, are not treated as a  joke. Having the guy's schizophrenic delusions  be the same actor in different costumes is so far from the reality that it really put me off.  They should have just make him psychic or something.

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I watched 30 minutes of it last night. I think it's more like House than Monk.... irascible, brilliant guy solves mysteries despite hardships. But House is a version of Sherlock Holmes, not someone actually suffering from mentally illness. And the problems he does have, like drug addiction, are not treated as a joke. Having the guy's schizophrenic delusions be the same actor in different costumes is so far from the reality that it really put me off. They should have just make him psychic or something.

I watch the show all the time and I'm pretty sure last night was the first time they did that. They usually use different people for his hallucinations. He's usually a very sympathetic character and they don't use his illness to go for laughs.


I got tired of House. It was the same thing over and over again. You could watch the first 5 minutes to see who was sick, and the last 7 or 8 minutes to watch him get cured (or occasionally die.) The rest of the show was just the doctors putting the poor patients through oodles of painful testing and useless treatments until House had a sudden revelation right near the end of the show.

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I got tired of House. It was the same thing over and over again. You could watch the first 5 minutes to see who was sick, and the last 7 or 8 minutes to watch him get cured (or occasionally die.) The rest of the show was just the doctors putting the poor patients through oodles of painful testing and useless treatments until House had a sudden revelation right near the end of the show.


That's why I stopped watching. I also don't like hearing Hugh Laurie with an American accent. It just sounds wrong.

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Anything with the word "Kardashian" in the title. Why don't we just take all the worst elements of Western culture, toss them together in one show, and glorify them as much as possible?

Although I suppose if seen from the right perspective rather than with the spin they put on it, there could be some absolutely brilliant lessons on consequences to be found in their shows and various specials.

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I got tired of House. It was the same thing over and over again. You could watch the first 5 minutes to see who was sick, and the last 7 or 8 minutes to watch him get cured (or occasionally die.) The rest of the show was just the doctors putting the poor patients through oodles of painful testing and useless treatments until House had a sudden revelation right near the end of the show.


I loved House at first, but quickly tired of it for the reasons you pointed out.

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I do not put Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men in the same category. Sitcoms? Yes. But that's about it. I have watched most of the BBT but I think I've only seen a handful of Two and a Half Men episodes. I think Two and a Half Men has more sex-related content and I don't particularly like any of the characters. I don't laugh out loud that much when I watch the BBT so I think that's where I understand the overrated thing. And the laugh track can be annoying.




There not that similar at all.  I've seen all the episodes of BBT (more than once for older episodes) and almost every episode of THM (more than once for quite a few).  Very different shows IMO - THM is way raunchier and not as funny unless you have the sense of humor of a 16 year old boy.  :001_rolleyes:

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I don't like reality TV.


The only show that goes on in my vicinity that really bugs me is Burn Notice. My DH loves it, and I can't figure out why. He can't stand it when I talk too much while he's trying to watch TV (he does it too, lol!), but in this show, the main character never.shuts.up. (And you know it's extremely annoying to me because I.never.resort.to.this.kind.of.punctuation.) I don't need a man who is supposed to be some fantastic spy guy obsessing and nattering on and on about every thought that crosses his mind. I overanalyze enough of my own life, thank you very much. :-) The show is a spy equivalent of "I think I fed kids too many of x, and I was worried that they would get a rash. It was bedtime, and I was worried they'd have anaphylaxis in their sleep, so I googled symptoms of a food allergy rash. After that I installed a trail cam in their bedroom with infrared light to detect the least bit of rash that might appear overnight on their precious little bums..." Exhausting.


:smilielol5: Clearly, you've been listening to my 15 year old talk.


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I watch the show all the time and I'm pretty sure last night was the first time they did that. They usually use different people for his hallucinations. He's usually a very sympathetic character and they don't use his illness to go for laughs.


I got tired of House. It was the same thing over and over again. You could watch the first 5 minutes to see who was sick, and the last 7 or 8 minutes to watch him get cured (or occasionally die.) The rest of the show was just the doctors putting the poor patients through oodles of painful testing and useless treatments until House had a sudden revelation right near the end of the show.


Yeah, House definitely got like that.  I started out really enjoying the show and the character, but eventually too much was too much.  I kept wondering how it was possible that people put up with him?  And really, it just wasn't.


And the hospital administrator walking around all the time like a high priced hooker?  No.  Just, no.


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